Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi all it's me the authoress. Sorry for not updating in awhile I had so much homework to do I nearly screamed, but now I'm back. ^^
Thanks for the reviews they're really great now where we left off Kouji's sweet Sakuya was kidnapped by Ranamon's goons, while Kouji watch helplessly. What will happen next?
“blah” talking
/blah / thoughts
Now let's begin ^^
Kouji has a crush chapter 11
Lobomon and the others watched as they could do nothing as Divemon took Kasumimon away. Lobomon de-digivolved to Kouji and fell to his knees. He let them nab Sakuya his love, his goddess, his…friend gone. Everyone de-digivolved and looked at the scene in shock. Takuya sat down a blank look on his face. Tomoki started to cry, Junpei kept looking up at the sky, Izumi sat down and looked at the ground crying, and Kouji kept punching the ground until his emotions broke. He couldn't keep them in any longer, he started crying.
He hadn't cried in a long time and now he'd broke. He had kept his emotions inside for years and now…
“S…S…Sakuya.” He sniffed, “no” and cried.
“Where are you taking me?” Kasumimon asked.
“Shut up, we're taking you to Ranamon's palace.” One of the Divemon said.
“Ranamon? Who's Ranamon?”
“The best and prettiest water queen in whole digital world.” Another one said.
/Yeah, right. / Kasumimon thought.
“Now shut up!” Divemon C said. It felt like they were walking for hours until they came to a lake.
“What's this…AHH!” Kasumimon said as Divemon B pulled her hair.
“This is Ranamon's palace, now be quiet!” Divemon A said, holding the spear closer to her neck.
When they approached the edge of the lake a long bridge appeared in front of them, leading them to Ranamon's castle. It was big and blue. The Divemon took her inside the castle where they lead her to Ranamon's throne.
“Here she is Ranamon.” Divemon A said pushing her in front of Ranamon.
Ranamon studied her she gasped in horror, /Oh no she is prettier than me. Well, no one will see her beauty no more. /
“So you're Kasumimon, the one that saved the Rosemon and the Biyomon village. Huh, suga?”
“Yes, I am. Why have you captured me?”
“Because it's goody two shoes girls like you that ruin my plans to take over the digital world. And because you're PRETTIER THAN ME! I'M THE GODDESS OF THE DEEP NOT YOU!” Ranamon yelled pointing an accusing finger at Kasumimon. Kasumimon looked at her.
“You've got to be kidding me.” Kasumimon said.
“Yes, Ranamon. Let's go!” Divemon A said as they took Kasumimon to the dungeon.
DON'T WORRY I'LL GET YOUR FRIENDS TOO! HA! HA! HA! HA!” Ranamon said laughing evilly. Kasumimon started fighting until a spear was held to her neck so she had to leave quietly.
“Ha, Ha, one down five to go. I'll get all those children soon. Ha! Ha!” Ranamon said admiring herself in a mirror, but unknown to her Duskmon saw the whole thing.
/She didn't deserve that. No matter what Ranamon thinks. / Duskmon thought as he disappeared into the darkness. The Divemon threw Kasumimon into a dungeon cell. When she was thrown in she de-digivolved into Sakuya and her d-tector flew. Divemon A grabbed it.
“I'll just keep this. Now there'll be no way you can escape. HA! HA! HA!” Divemon A said laughing with the other Divemon A said laughing with the other Divemon as they walked away. Sakuya looked down sadly. She was captured, and there was no way she could leave. Or get in contact with Izumi in the others. She could do nothing.
“Kuso, Kuso I can't believe…” she said as she beat the ground with her fist. She stopped as the realization licked in she couldn't see Kouji anymore. Hot tears came to her eyes as she realized this. She tried to stop them, but they came anyway.
“K…K…Kouji.” She said crying.
Kouji and the gang stopped crying and started to think of a way to save Sakuya.
“Okay that's enough. Crying isn't going to bring Sakuya back.” Kouji said drying his eyes. Tomoki and Izumi did the same.
“You're right. We have to find a way to save her.” Izumi said drying her eyes.
“Yeah.” Tomoki said wiping his nose.
“We have to develop a plan to get her back.” Takuya said and Kouji nodded. Then Kouji spotted something. He walked over and picked it up. Everyone looked and Izumi gasped. It was Sakuya's jacket in the same spot Tomoki had slept at. Where she last left it. Kouji looked at it, /Sakuya's jacket. / he thought holding the jacket close to him. /It's smells like her. (sigh) Sakuya. / He hasn't felt this way since his dad got remarried.
“So, what are we going to do? How are we going to get her back? We don't even know where she is.” Junpei said.
“We'll find a way. If there's a will there's a way.” Takuya said.
“Takuya's right. There has to be a way to get her back and we will.” Izumi said.
“But how?” J.P. said.
“We can and we will. I saw them take Sakuya that way.” Kouji said pointing east.
“Oh, good directions Sherlock we're sure to find her.” J.P. said sarcastically.
Kouji's eyes narrowed angrily making them look very dangerous.
“Well, I don't see you with any brilliant plan.” Kouji said coldly.
“I mean come on that way that's real specific.”
“Okay, then where did they take her?”
“Well…um they took her east over there by the lake.” J.P. said pointing the same direction that Kouji did.
“Isn't that the same place I pointed to?” Kouji said icily moving closer to J.P. moving closer to J.P. as J.P. backed away.
“Hey, Kouji, calm down man.” Takuya said.
“Yeah, Kouji we don't want to do anything rash now.” Izumi said.
“Yeah.” Tomoki said.
“So you say that my plan is bad, but yours isn't better. Who the hell do you think you are? I've had it with your negative energy. Now either you help us get Sakuya back or else.” Kouji said icily gripping his shirt. Junpei was scared, but he wouldn't show it. He smacked Kouji's hand away.
“Oh yeah or else what?” J.P. said not helping the situation.
“OR ELSE THIS!” Kouji said as he raised his hand to punch him, but Takuya grabbed his arm.
“Kouji man STOP! Let it go!” Takuya said holding his friend's arm back.
“J.P. you're not really helping.” Izumi said holding J.P. back while Tomoki helped Takuya hold Kouji back.
“Hey it's not my fault that he's losing his temper.” J.P. said angrily.
“It's not my fault that you're fat now is it?” Kouji said coldly.
“NOW STOP IT!” Tomoki yelled making Kouji stop and J.P. stop. “None of this is helping. Is Sakuya back? No. Right now she's probably scared and sad and wondering where we're at. And we should be helping her instead of sitting there arguing.” Tomoki finished tears rolling down his already tear stained face. Everyone looked down in shame.
“Tomoki's right we should be saving her not sitting here arguing with each other.” Izumi said looking down.
“Yeah, we should who knows what they're doing to her.” Takuya said. Kouji stopped fighting and Takuya let him go. He stood there clenching his fist.
“You're right. We should be trying to save her. Not sitting here arguing.” Kouji said looking at the ground. J.P. just stood there remembering the fight him and Kouji had. He knew he crossed the line, but Kouji should've never said those things to him, but they still needed to rescue Sakuya.
“We do need to get her back, but how?” J.P. asked again. Kouji just glared at him. Takuya sensed that and was ready to grab him if he charged again.
“Yeah, but before we do we have to work together, and I mean all of us.” Izumi said looking at Kouji and J.P.
“Humpf. I wouldn't work with him even if you paid me.” Kouji said angrily.
“Same here.” J.P. said angrily.
“Guys.” Izumi and Tomoki whined.
“Come on guys if we're going to get Sakuya back we all have to work together.” Takuya said standing between them. They just glared at each other.
“Come on guys.” Takuya said Izumi and Tomoki were holding their breaths. Kouji took a deep breath and held his hand out.
“I'm willing to forget everything you said if you agree to work together to get Sakuya back.” Kouji said holding his hand out for J.P. to shake. J.P. looked at his hand then at him. Kouji was serious.
/Man Kouji is serious. He must really love Sakuya. / he thought.
“Sure, I'll work together sorry for what I said.” J.P. said shaking hands with Kouji who said “Whatever. (sigh) sorry too.” Takuya, Izumi, and Tomoki smiled.
“Okay that's a step in the right direction. Now Kouji you said that you saw them take her over there. Right?” Takuya said Kouji nodded.
“Okay, if they took her over there someone had to have seen her.”
“Takuya's right someone should have seen her.” Izumi said. Kouji thought for a minute then nodded.
“Right, let's go.” Kouji said as they started their own mission: Rescue Sakuya.
Yay! The rescue is underway. Boy there was some thick tension coming from Kouji and J.P. wasn't it. Now that they have their own mission will their mission be successful and what will happen to poor Sakuya? You'll have to read the next chapter to find out. ^^