Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi guys. I'm so glad that you like the 11 chapter. ^^ Now when we left off Kouji and J.P. were about to fight, but thanks to Tomoki that all got adverted. And what's the deal with Ranamon? Will Duskmon help Sakuya out? What about poor Kouji?
“Blah” talking
/blah/ thoughts
Blah dream sequence and flashbacks
Now let's begin ^^
Kouji has a crush chapter 12
After Sakuya stopped crying she sat up against the wall with her knees up to her. She still couldn't believe that she had gotten caught. But she wouldn't cry anymore. She had to find a way out of here. But how?
/How do I get out of here? I wish I knew. / she thought resting her head on her arms.
“Excuse me. But are you alright? “she turned her head up. That voice was familiar.
“Wait a minute are you Ophanimon?” she asked. In the cell across from her was Ophanimon. She smiled sadly. “Yes, I am. I also got captured and I have been here for awhile. When I saw you get captured, and saw you crying I was wondering if they hurt you and if you were okay.” She said. Sakuya nodded, “Yes, I'm okay.” She said as she walked towards the bars to get a good look at Ophanimon.
She was a very pretty Digimon. She was very elegant, and her staff had been taken away. (A/N: Sorry for the lame description. I forgot how she looks. ^^ (sweat drop) )
“So, you're the one who called us to the digital world. It's nice to meet you.” Sakuya said bowing and smiling.
“Nice to meet you too, Sakuya.” Ophanimon said smiling.
“What are they going to do? Why have they captured us?” Sakuya asked.
“They've done it because it's part of Churbimon's plan.” A voice said. Sakuya looked around there was a voice she didn't recognize. She looked across form Ophanimon and saw another celestial Digimon. It was Seraphimon (A/N: I don't know if that's the right spelling or not. ^^ (sweat drop) )
“Hello I'm Seraphimon and I'm one of the celestial Digimon. See Churbimon's plan is to capture the celestial Digimon so the rest of the digital world is unbalanced.” Seraphimon said.
“But why and why did they capture me and not everyone else.” Sakuya said.
“Because you were trying to stop them, look Sakuya many Digimon have been captured and force to work for Churbimon's men. They show no mercy. They go around taking the data of anything and anyone around them. Then they take them and force them to become their servants. Sometimes to spare a village they take a certain individual or they sometimes take a whole village. They don't care. They probably took you because you saved a village. If you do something good they get you.” Seraphimon said.
“They captured Seraphimon and myself because we could put a stop to them. With us out of the way they're free to reign their terror on the Digital world.” Ophanimon said.
“Oh, but it seemed like Ranamon had a grudge against me. I understand everything else, but that.” Sakuya said.
“The reason why she hates you so is because you're her rival.” Ophanimon said.
“Yes, see Kasumimon was always known as the true water queen. She was prettier, nicer, and was better than Ranamon. So, Ranamon has always been jealous of you, and you abilities. That's why when she saw you she had you lock up because she hates you.” Seraphimon finished getting an understanding look from Sakuya.
“That's why. /She did it because she hates me well I hate her too. I'll show her I'll get out of here…somehow. / Sakuya thought. Then Ranamon and a few of her servants came in.
“Well suga I've seen that you met the two other prisoners there are many as you can see. Now I know that you were with those other pesky children now suga tell me where are they.” Ranamon said.
“Yes, no I won't tell you.” Sakuya said glaring at her.
“Fine, guess I got to do it the hard way DRAINING RAIN!” Ranamon said as a cloud appear over her head.
“Wha…AHHHHH!” Sakuya screamed. Afterwards she held on the bars to steady herself.
“Now tell me.”
“Fine! DRAINING RAIN!” Ranamon yelled as Sakuya screamed out in pain again. Ranamon did it a few more times before she stop. Sakuya held the bars to steady herself she was tried and breathing heavily.
“My aren't you stubborn. (sigh) I guess I'll try tomorrow I don't want to get rid of you…yet.” Ranamon said coldly as she walked away. When she was gone Sakuya collapsed against the bars. She was exhausted and her clothes were torn.
She slid down to the floor breathing hard. Ophanimon and Seraphimon were shaking their heads. They knew how it felt to get hit by draining rain. Sakuya has never felt so tired and…alone.
/If I only had my d-tector then I'll show her…if my friends were here we would show her. (sigh) I wish they were here…I wish Kouji was here. / she thought sadly as she curled into a ball and fell into an uneasy sleep.
Kouji and the others started their search by going in the direction that Kouji told them. When they arrived they asked questions to anyone they could find. A lot of Digimon said they didn't see them, but one did. Fridgemon said that he saw them take Sakuya farther north and that's where they went. They continued until nightfall when they had to set up camp.
Dinner that night was tense. Kouji and J.P. wouldn't talk to each other, Takuya tried to think of something to lighten the mood, Izumi kept thinking how quiet it was without Sakuya, Tomoki kept seeing Sakuya taken away and how helpless he was feeling, and Bokomon and Nehmon couldn't think of anything to say. Takuya tried to cheer everyone a little bit.
“Well…at least we now know where is.” Takuya said.
“Yeah, that's true, but we don't know where she's being held at.” Kouji said biting into an apple. Takuya try to say something, but couldn't think of anything.
“Well, all hope isn't lost all we got to do is find where she's being held at.” Izumi said.
“Yeah, but how are we going to do that.” Kouji said.
“Like we did today we found a lot of stuff today so I'm sure that we can find her. Don't worry Kouji.” Takuya said. Kouji sighed, “I know. You guys are worried too. It's just… I've never felt so helpless before. I couldn't do anything to stop them from…taking her.” Kouji said staring at his apple.
“I know what you mean.” Takuya said.
“Yeah.” Izumi said. Tomoki agreed J.P. just nodded his head.
“I…hope she's okay. If they do anything to her I'll…” Kouji said clenching his fist.
“I know man don't worry we're going to get her back.” Takuya said putting a hand on his shoulder Kouji smirked, “T…Thanks.” He said as Takuya smiled. Izumi smiled at the little scene and looked up at the sky.
/Sakuya where are you? I hope you're okay. / Izumi thought sadly staring at the sky. That night everyone fell in an uneasy sleep. Kouji fell asleep clutching Sakuya's jacket. Kouji's face scrunched up in pain, he was jerking back and forth turning left and right. He was having a really bad nightmare.
*Dream Time*
Kouji was running through a castle. For some reason he couldn't digivolve. They were at the place that Sakuya was being held at. Takuya and the others were fighting MetalSeadramon and told Kouji to go ahead and save Sakuya. They would catch up with him when they were done. That's when Kouji started running looking for Sakuya in different rooms when a spear missed him by a few inches. He looked and saw the Divemon from before who took Sakuya.
/Kuso! It's the Digimon who took Sakuya before. / Kouji thought angrily. The Divemon laughed evilly.
“Looking for your girlfriend? She's right over there.” Divemon A said pointing behind Kouji and he was right. Sakuya was across form him crying. Her clothes were torn, there were different bruises on her body, and there was a big bruise under her eye. She said something, but Kouji couldn't hear it. Kouji went mad. He's never had such rage pump through him like it did now.
/Please work d-tector. Please work so I can save Sakuya. / Kouji thought squeezing his d-tector.
Lobomon ran to her, but was knocked back. He looked to see who did it. It wasn't the Divemon, but a Digimon he didn't know.
“Who are you?” he asked. The Digimon smirked, “I'm Ranamon, the prettiest water Digimon ever and your time and that girl's is up!” Ranamon said as she made a wave appear and shove him against the wall.
“You're not getting near her.” She said coldly.
“We'll see about that.” He said as he charged again and the Divemon hit him.
“Auggh! Nani!” Kouji said then he saw the Divemon.
“If Ranamon told you to stay away form her then do as she says.” Divemon B said.
“Yeah, right like I would do what you tell me LOBO KENDO!” he said as he went right through them, but the more he destroyed more of them reappeared.
“Aren't Divemon great suga, the more you kill the more of them reappear. Now let me help out my followers. GUSTING GALE!” she yelled as she hit Lobomon sending him flying towards a wall, when he hit the wall he de-digivolved into Kouji.
He slid down slowly, once he was on the ground he started towards Sakuya.
“Heh, you don't learn do you fine DRAINING RAIN!” Ranamon yelled as she hit Kouji. He cried out in pain, but still continued to walk. Ranamon thought he was crazy and decided to cure him the hard way. She did continuous attacks each more powerful than the last, until he started limping.
He made it to Sakuya and tried to go to her, but bump against something. It was a wall.
Sakuya got closer to it until it was only the wall separating her and Kouji. They pressed against it trying to reach each other. Their hands scratching against the wall Sakuya was crying mouthing “Kouji.” Kouji didn't know it, but he was crying too. Tears rolled slowly down his cheeks as he mouthed “Sakuya.”
He wanted to get to her so badly to hug her, to hold her, to make her better. But he couldn't and it was killing him. Then Ranamon appeared behind Sakuya Kouji's eyes widen in fear. He mouth “Behind you”, but it was too late. Ranamon grabbed her and lifted her up by her hair. Kouji started to pound against the wall his tears running faster. But the Divemon held him back and took his d-tector away from him.
“IIE! SAKUYA!” He screamed as he outstretches his hand.
“KOUJI!” Sakuya mouthed as she outstretches her hand. She mouths something else, but Kouji couldn't get it. Ranamon threw Sakuya roughly to the ground and then she did one last attack. An attack that made a whirlpool come around Sakuya and traps her in it. She tried to get away, but the water kept her there until she stopped moving…
*End of Dream*
Kouji woke up with a start. He sat up his body covered in a cold sweat. He was shaking violently clutching Sakuya's jacket. He was breathing hard he even took off his bandana cause his head hurt. His heart was thumping like it would come out of his chest. When he calmed down a little he got up and walked slowly to a nearby stream to wash his face and get a drink. Before he left he took a look at Takuya and the gang who was still sleep.
/Good. / he thought. /I wouldn't want them…to worry about me. / he thought as he walked, still slightly trembling, to the stream, but what Kouji didn't know was that Takuya and the others were up and heard Kouji's screams and his restless sleeping.
“Man, Kouji's really torn up inside I've never seen him like this before.” Izumi said.
“Kouji really likes her.” Tomoki said.
“Yeah, I thought I never see the day when Kouji Minamoto's shield goes down. I hope Kouji will be alright. This has to be a hard pill for him to swallow.” Takuya said.
“Yeah, I guess so. I hope we find her.” J.P. said.
“We will find her and we will get her back.” Izumi said.
“Yeah, sure.” J.P. said
When Kouji made it to the stream he splashed some water on his face and took a long drink trying to calm down. When he did he remember the conversation him and Sakuya had by the stream.
“How did you know where the stream was?” Kouji asked.
“I don't know call it a sixth sense, but I can hear the water. I don't know why, but when I go to a new place I know exactly where the lakes and streams are without looking at a map. But I like listening to water it calms me down. It's like being with that special someone you know.” She said smiling.
“Yes, I do.” Kouji said softly looking at Sakuya who blushed.
*End of Flashback*
/That's when we almost kissed. / Kouji thought touching his lips.
/Then we did kiss. Her lips was so warm, so soft…oh Sakuya I miss you. This isn't FAIR! The first time I open up the first time I start to care this happens. Why? WHY? How come everything I love always gets taken away form me. My family, my mom, and now Sakuya the girl I love. WHY! Why can't I be happy? Why can't anything go right for me? Why do I always have to suffer? How come I can't be happy!?
She was the first one to ever break my wall. Sure, other have tried, but none of them succeeded like Sakuya. She was so easy to talk to, so easy to be around. The time we tell each other how we feel is the time she gets taken away and out of my life. ERR WHY! Why can't things go right for me? It's like a big chunk of my heart has been ripped out of my chest. I don't understand? Why can't I be happy? Why can't I love? Why can't I smile and be carefree? Why? Why? Why?
Oh, Sakuya my love, the girl I adore, my first crush, my first kiss, my goddess of the deep. I wish you were here so I can sleep peacefully under the stars with you. So I can hug you, kiss you, and never let you go. Tell you everything's going to be alright. Just to be near you, but no you're gone and I swear I'll get you back. No matter how long it takes me.
Why do I feel so hopeless and afraid? Why? This is not fair this is so not fair. I hate this feeling. I hate it. Sakuya…why…why you? / Kouji thought as he sat against a tree letting his head rest against it and started to cry. Tears went down his face slowly as he started pulling grass trying to make them stop, but wasn't successful. Kouji sat there and cried all night.
(sniff) (sniff) What a sad chapter. Poor Kouji he's going through such emotional pain. But don't worry Kouji (hugging a Kouji doll) the nice authoress will make it all better soon. It seems that Kouji's and the gang search isn't going well will they get the lead they need? Can Sakuya hold out any longer? To find out the answers you'll have to read the next chapter. ^^
Oh yeah Kuso means d*** in Japanese, Nani means what, and Iie means no. I'm taking Japanese this year and I couldn't help, but put in some of the words I know.
Hope it didn't confuse you guys. ^^