Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi, Konnichi wa, Bonjour, and Guten Tag. Thanks for the reviews I love them all. ^^
This chapter is a birthday chapter for Lady Emerald Black (Happy birthday ^^) Now when we last left Kouji the poor boy cried himself to sleep. How sad (sniff) Now let's begin, but before we do here's the disclaimer Izumi if you'll please.
Izumi: (Takes a deep breath) IF you don't know that the authoress owns Sakuya and she doesn't own Digimon then I'm not going to tell you.
Well…thanks Izumi as she said I only own Sakuya that's it. So now let's begin.
Oh yeah sorry for not updating sooner. Finals came and…well you know how that goes. I'll try to update sooner now that I'm out of school, but we'll see how that goes. ^^
Blah- talking
/blah/- thoughts
blah- d-tector
Now let's begin ^^
Kouji has a crush chapter 13
Kouji woke up slowly the next morning. His headache was gone and he wasn't crying anymore, but he still felt sad. He could feel the tears on his face from the night before.
/Well, I can't sit here all day. It's a new day meaning another chance closer to getting Sakuya. I got to get up and start the day…and hope that I won't cry as much. / Kouji thought as he got up drank form the spring again and walked back to the campsite. As he approaches the camp site he started to hear voices. Angry voices that were yelling and screaming.
/What's going on? / Kouji thought as he got closer to the campsite and looked through some bushes. He saw Takuya holding Izumi back and Tomoki trying to hold J.P. back.
“You are so inconsiderate you fat slob!” Izumi yelled angrily.
“Why? Because I know the reality that it's a cold chance in Hell that we'll find Sakuya!” Junpei yelled back.
“Why are you so negative? We're going to find Sakuya end of story!” Izumi yelled back.
“How? We don't even know where we are let alone where Sakuya is. Face it Izumi SHE'S GONE!”
“GOING TO FIND SAKUYA AND GET HER BACK SAFELY!” Izumi and J.P. looked and saw Kouji emerge from the bushes.
“NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES US WE WILL FIND HER!” Kouji yelled as he got closer to J.P. and grabbed his collar.
“Now either cooperate or you'll be facing a mad cousin and an angry boyfriend who's so stressed out they won't be accountable for what they'll do.” Kouji finished coldly and threw J.P. roughly to the ground. J.P. looked at Kouji, Izumi, Takuya, and Tomoki. They looked like if he said one more thing they would kill him. He sighed, “Okay, okay we're going to find Sakuya. We've just got to keep looking and we'll find her.” J.P. said. Everyone was satisfied after that.
“Right, so are we ready to go?” Takuya asked. Kouji walked to where his bandana was brushed it off and put it back on.
“Yeah, let's go”
Sakuya woke up remembering what happened yesterday. She sighed sadly. Her stomach growled she was hungry and she knew there was no food around. She sighed again. Then she heard footsteps. Her eyes widen in fear that it was Ranamon again. She closed her eyes and curled into a tight ball. She expected to hear `Draining Rain', but she didn't.
She uncurled and looked at who it was. It was Duskmon. His dark exterior and big eyeball was scaring her, but at least it wasn't Ranamon.
“Who…who are you?” she asked.
“Duskmon? Are you one of Ranamon's followers?” she asked. He scoffed at that.
“Please, I wouldn't be her follower even if she was the last Digimon on Earth.” Duskmon said.
“…oh…Why are you here? Are you here to try to get information out of me? Because if you are I'm not going to talk! I don't care what you do I'm not gonna…”
“Shut up.”
“Huh?” she blinked
“Shut up and listen. I'm here to feed you.” He said and in his hands were four apples that he tossed to her. She caught all of them and asked, “Why…are you doing this? What do you want?” she asked. Duskmon became silent he closed his eyes and opened them again.
“I want to know…how do you know Kouji.” He said slowly. Sakuya glared at him.
“I don't know what you mean.” Sakuya said bitterly looking at him.
“I know that you know him. I heard you crying saying `Kouji, Kouji'. I know that you know him.” Duskmon said.
“…I do know him, but I'm not going to tell you anything. Why should I?”
“Because when I hear that name it…it sounds so familiar, but I don't know where… and why? That's why I'm asking you because I know that you know him.” Duskmon said. Sakuya's glare never left her face.
“I still won't tell you.”
“…What if I got you out of here?”
Sakuya's glare left and a look of surprise appear on her face.
“You mean…you would help me…escape?” she asked slowly. He nodded, “Yes, if you tell me how you know Kouji and who he is. If you do that I'll help you escape.” Duskmon said.
“…really? Wow…okay. I'll tell you. And are you sure that you'll help me escape.”
“Yes, I never go back on my word.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“Because what Ranamon did to you…you didn't deserve that. No matter what Ranamon thinks.” Duskmon said. Sakuya looked as a small smile appeared on her face.
“…T…Thank you.” She whispered. Duskmon nodded, “Whatever.” Then they heard footsteps Sakuya's eyes widen in fear. She knew who that was. It was Ranamon. Sure, enough it was her holding Sakuya's d-tector. She was smiling evilly.
“Who is this?” she asked holding the d-tector up for her to hear. Her heart sank as Duskmon eyes widen. She knew who that voice was.
It was Kouji.
The gang thought that maybe they could get in contact with Sakuya through her d-tector.
“I hope this works.” Izumi said pressing the buttons on her d-tector.
“Don't worry Izumi it will.” Takuya said.
“Yeah, I'm sure we can get to her.” Tomoki said.
“Yeah, don't worry.” J.P. said. He still had doubts about this plan, but didn't say anything.
“You won't know unless you try.” Bokomon said.
“Yeah.” Nehmon said.
“You guys are right. Wait I think I have something. Hello? Hello? Sakuya are you there? Sakuya?” Kouji said.
(Back at Ranamon's palace)
Sakuya's mouth went dry. It was Kouji. She was happy and scared at the same time. Happy because she could hear Kouji's voice, but scared because Ranamon knew who it was.
Duskmon's eye widen, “That voice so…familiar.” He suddenly had a flashback. It was him and someone who looked like him and that person was talking. Many memories started flashing through his head. He saw his mom then his grandma on her hospital bed telling him he had a twin. Then he saw the picture he found. In the picture was him and someone who looked like him.
/These memories…why are they haunting me. AHH! KOUJI! / he thought as he screamed out loud.
“Oh, Duskmon didn't see you there, suga. You alright not that it matters to me none.” Ranamon said. Sakuya got up and walked towards the bars. She wanted to know if the person who was going to help her alright.
“Are you…” she began, but Duskmon started screaming.
“AHH! LEAVE ME ALONE! WHY DO THESE MEMORIES HAUNT ME SO! AHHH!” he screamed as he ran off to clear his head.
“Well, that's just like Duskmon to be strange, but oh well. Now sweetie I know you know who this is.” Ranamon said holding up the d-tector. Kouji and the others were listening to the conversation on the other end.
“I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know.” Sakuya said. Ranamon grinned evilly as a rain cloud appeared over her head. Sakuya gulped.
Now tell me who this is or else.” Ranamon said coldly as she raises her hand slowly to command the cloud. Sakuya was scared, but she wouldn't show Ranamon. She wouldn't give her the satisfaction.
Fine, DRAINING RAIN!” Ranamon said as Sakuya cried out in pain.
(Back to everyone who's listening)
Everyone's eyes widen in fear when they heard Sakuya screamed. Izumi turned paled Kouji was instantly filled with rage at whoever was making her scream like that. Takuya got angry hearing her scream, Tomoki looked like he was about to cry, and J.P. felt bad that they didn't know where she was. After the scream they heard Ranamon again asked, “Who is this?”
“I don't know…AHHHHH!” they heard her scream again.
“Sakuya! SAKUYA!” Kouji screamed.
This was too much for him he had to stop this and get her back.
“K…K…Kouji.” They heard Sakuya say weakly.
H…H…Help me.”
“Oh so you do know them. I was right. Heh, now excuse me chil'ren if you want to see your precious Sakuya again give me your spirits when you come to my castle and we'll talk until then, bye.” Ranamon said as the connection between them stopped. Everyone was in shock.
Izumi was pale and she started shaking. Takuya put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and she burst into tears and cried in Takuya's shirt. Takuya took Izumi by a tree to sit down and she wrapped her arms around Takuya and cried harder into his shirt. Takuya held her close and rocked her slowly whispering words of comfort to her. (A/N: Hee Hee I had to add a little Tak/Izu in this. I couldn't resist. ^^)
Tomoki sat down and stared blankly at the ground. J.P. was mad and jealous. Mad at what happen to Sakuya and jealous that Izumi went to Takuya and not him. Kouji was shaking he was so angry that he was shaking violently. Hearing Sakuya scream like that made him remember the nightmare he had and how Sakuya looked in his dream.
“I can't…believe…Sakuya…no…why…NO!” Kouji screamed.
“I can't believe…that…whoever…that…was…why…̶ 1; Izumi coked between sobs.
“I know. I want to know who that is too. Don't worry Izumi we'll find her.” Takuya said holding her.
“I can't believe they…hurt her like that.” Tomoki said.
“Yeah, that was horrible.” J.P. said.
/I'm going to save you Sakuya. I swear it. / Kouji thought.
Duskmon ran to the darkest place in the castle to collect his thoughts. Many questions ran in his head. Who was Kouji? Why did every time he hear his name his head would hurt? Why did he always see his grandma telling him he had a brother? Why did he keep seeing that picture? Why? Why? Why?
/Why does my head hurt when I hear that name? Why? Who is Kouji? Why is it so important that I know? Who is he? What does he do? Why do these memories haunt me so? Why? Why? Why? I try to remember, but every time I do I have a big gap in my memory and my head hurts. (sigh) Maybe that girl can help clear this up. I hope. / Duskmon thought as he calmed down and sighed.
Sakuya once again was crying in her cell. She put her knees up and rested her head in her hands crying. She looked at her clothes all torn. Her bandana was ripped and her gym shoes looked like they were set on fire. She looked at her arms and legs there were different bruises where the rain had hit her. Her apples laid forgotten in a napkin that she in her pocket.
When she heard Kouji's voice a little hope entered her heart, but when Ranamon made that statement. If Kouji and the others bring their spirits they'll talk. She felt bad because she didn't want them to lose their spirits over her.
She remembers how happy she was when she was with Kouji. Being at the stream, eating together, sleeping under the stars, and kissing him. She was so happy being with everyone. Takuya and his carefree spirit, Izumi and her happiness, Tomoki with is innocence, J.P. with his…with his…well he was a good person at heart, and Kouji with his how-he-didn't-care-about-the-world attitude, but once you got to know him was the coolest and sweetest person ever.
She missed them all. What did she do to deserve this?
/ (sniff) (sniff) What did I do? What did I do? Just because I saved a village I get treated like this. Just because I'm prettier than her she gets mad at me and locks me up. Then I get attack. OOOO! I hate Ranamon! I can't stand her! Why did she kidnap me? Why me? Why when I find a boy who actually likes me I have to be taken. I mean I actually have a boy who likes me and doesn't want to use me. Who is nice and sweet and…oh Kouji I miss you.
I miss being in your arms. I miss seeing you blush and smile at me. I miss the feel of your lips on mine. I miss feeling your hot breath hitting my face softly when I wake up in the morning.
Kouji I miss you.
I wish I could get out of here and go save the digital world with you all again. I want to laugh with Izumi, joke with Takuya, carry Tomoki, and get along with J.P. I want to do all these things…, but I can't and it's killing me.
My heart it feels… so empty I feel so hollow. I feel like tomorrow is never going to come. I feel that I will never see you again Kouji. That I will stay here for the rest of my life. That I will never be free (sigh).
I hope that guy Duskmon can help me escape because…I don't know how long I can fight back…(sigh)…Kouji, oh Kouji my wolf my love I wish to be in your arms again, and I hope I will be soon…I really hope…so. / Sakuya thought as she cried herself to sleep.
Man, poor Sakuya. Will she ever get rescued? Will Duskmon keep his word? Will J.P. stop being so negative? You'll have to wait and see in chapter 14.
Bye-Bye ^^
P.S.: Sorry this chapter is so late I'll update sooner I promise. ^^