Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Koji has a crush ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi everyone nice to see you all again. Thanks for the reviews they're really nice. Now when we left off in chapter 14 Izumi and J.P. found some help and now a plan is forming to get Sakuya back. Now we'll see how it goes with Tomoki. Now for the disclaimer Kouji's going to do it.
Kouji: She doesn't own Digimon she only owns my girlfriend Sakuya. Who is still…I got to go, but she only owns Sakuya that's it.
Kouji oh no I made him sad while I go comfort Kouji read, review, and enjoy.
Blah- talking
/blah / - thoughts
Here we go! ^^
Kouji has a crush chapter 15
“Excuse me! Excuse me Elders!” Patamon said rushing in.
“Yes, Patamon what is it little one?” Angewomon said as Patamon flew into her arms.
“It's so bad Lady Sakuya has been kidnapped.” Patamon said tears going down his face.
“WHAT! OH NO!” Angemon and Angewomon said.
“What can we do?”
“We must do something?”
“But what?”
“How did you get this news?” Angewomon said.
“I got it from Tomoki.” Patamon said.
“Who's Tomoki?” Angemon said.
“I'm Tomoki. I'm Sakuya's friend and (sniff) c-can you help us? The last time we heard from Sakuya she was…she was… she was in so much…p-pain. (sniff) I want to help, but I'm too weak. I couldn't do anything to stop them (sob) so (sniff) I (sniff) n-need (sniff) y-y-your…” Tomoki said as Angewomon came down and hug him.
“It's okay Tomoki. We'll help you.” Angewomon said as Tomoki broke down and cried.
“There, there do not worry Tomoki we will help you.” Angemon said.
“Thank you, but how do you know Sakuya?” Tomoki asked. Angemon and Angewomon smiled as they started remembering.
“Before we met Sakuya our little village was being ruled by Beemon. They made us work in mines and bring them the many jewels that reside in it's caverns. Sometimes we would find honey and we would give it to them. Sometimes the person in charge of our division would come and take people away for a `special project', but we never saw them again.” Angemon said.
“We were not allowed to digivolve. They put barriers around the village making it impossible to leave. The Beemon said they claimed this land in the name of Lady Ranamon. Lady Ranamon a name I still loathe to this day. The Beemon said she was a generous ruler, but that turned out to be lies. She only gave us enough food and water to last for one month. ONE MONTH! Any girl she felt was prettier than her she locked them up in her castle. She…she…she locked up my sister.” Angewomon said looking at hands.
“I had to watch helplessly as my sister was being taken away. I could do nothing, but stare.”
“That's how I felt when we watched the Divemon take Sakuya away.” Tomoki said.
“Divemon? Those are the same ones who took my sister. Those…those…slimy b******* who has a b**** for a leader.” Angewomon said clenching her fists.
“We were ready to give up hope until Sakuya came to our village. We didn't have much to offer and to our surprise she didn't mind. But she did want to know why we were working in mines. We told her the story of our people and what happened to us. She was so outraged she got all of us to stop working and revolt against the Beemon. She even went up against the leader and won. After her victory she was crowned queen. She thanked us, but turned the title down. She said that the true king and queen was me and Angewomon. That she had a journey to continue and she would come visit us again. It's thanks to her that our village is back to normal. If it wasn't for her we would still be under the Beemon's control.” Angemon said.
“That is how we met our lady Sakuya. The news of her kidnapping angers us and we will stop at nothing to bring her back. PATOMON! GATOMON!” Angemon yelled.
“Ye, my lord.” They said as they bowed.
“Spread the news that our Lady Sakuya…has been kidnapped.” Angemon said as
a look of disbelief and shock appeared on their faces.
“NO!” Patamon yelled angrily.
“WHO WOULD EVEN DARE?” Gatomon yelled angrily.
“The feeling is the same. Spread the news and inform the Nefertimon and Pegausmon armies. We will not take this lying down!” Angemon commanded.
“SIR!!!” they said and ran off.
“Now we need to…” Angemon started when a Patamon burst through the doors.
“MY LORD MY LADY I HAVE URGENT NEWS!” the Patamon yelled as he got near the King and Queen.
“What is it?” Angewomon asked.
“Our friends from the Rosemon and Datamon village are coming. They're sorry that they're coming on such short notice, but they need to talk to you ASAP.” Patamon said.
“They know that they're always welcome here, but why the sudden ASAP.” Angemon said.
“There is a sudden ASAP because they have news about Lady Sakuya.”
“They have news about lady Sakuya? By all means welcome them here. My queen we must go out and greet them. Come we all must greet them when they arrived.” Angemon said as he got up and everyone followed suit.
(Ranamon's Palace)
“I told you I could get those kids and I did.” Ranamon said smiling smugly to herself.
“Yeah right milady, we all know thou couldn't get those kids even if thy hands were tied behind one's back.” Mercurymon said.
“Yeah that all we know is true.” Grumblemon said.
“Yeah, that's right. Right?” Arbormon said.
“Well it's true I got one of those little brats here right now.” Ranamon said.
“Prove it show us thy proof and thou will believe it.” Mercurymon said.
“Fine I will Divemon!” Ranamon said as three Divemon appeared in front of her.
“Go get my prisoner will y'all.” Ranamon said. They nodded and headed towards toward the dungeons.
“You'll see.” Ranamon said as Duskmon observed safely from the shadows and shook his head.
/Now she's displaying her like some trophy. (sigh) I wish someone would put her in her place and…I wish I knew why my head hurts so whenever I think of Kouji. / Duskmon thought as he put a hand to his head.
Sakuya was up and looking at the new scratches and marks she got. She sighed as she touch her arms /Look at these scratches I'm ugly. Kouji will probably…he'll probably won't want to be with me…anymore…oh, Kouji. / she thought as a rock hit her.
“OW! What the…” Sakuya started as she turned around and saw the Divemon who captured her in front of her cell.
“What do you want?” Sakuya said coldly.
“Ranamon wants to see you. Come on!” Divemon A said as he open her prison cell roughly grabbed her and chained her hands together.
“Now COME ON!” Divemon B said pushing her roughly towards the main chamber.
“Here's one of those kids now.” Ranamon said as Sakuya was forced to bow.
“Her name is Sakuya and she thinks that she's the true water queen.” Sakuya said coldly. Ranamon slapped her harshly across the face.
“SHUT UP! Now everyone what do you think.” Ranamon said. Mercurymon walked towards Sakuya and cupped her face.
“I'll admit thou is quite beautiful Ranamon. Probably prettier than you.” Mercurymon said. Ranamon fumed, “NO SHE'S NOT! But at least I was able to catch one of those kids. How about you guys have you caught any of those kids.” Ranamon said.
“Every time we fight kids beat me up to pulp.” Grumblemon said angrily.
“Yeah, those kids are pretty powerful. They beat me all the time, right?” Arbormon said.
“I will admit that thy has a lost to those kids too.” Mercurymon said. Ranamon smiled smugly at all their response. Sakuya was filled with disgust at how Ranamon was displaying her. Like some trophy! She balled her fists and clenched her teeth.
/I swear I WILL get you back Ranamon. I WILL get you! / she thought angrily as she glared at the floor.
“What are you glaring at? You might as well get used to it here because you're not leaving.” Ranamon said.
“Oh, you're being silent now. What happened to all the mouth you had before.” Ranamon said.
Sakuya smirked, “Why should I waste my breath on you?” Ranamon glared and smacked Sakuya across the face harshly again this time busting her lip.
“SHUT UP! Take her away I'm done with her.” Ranamon said as the Divemon bowed and was going to take her away when Mercurymon said, “Why not have thou prisoner become thou servant milady.”
“…Why that's a good idea Mercurymon. You all don't take her back clean her up and bring her back here.” Ranamon said smiling evilly as the Divemon bowed and took her away.
“So, she's your servant now?”
“Huh? Oh Duskmon you scared me. Don't do that.” Ranamon said. Duskmon ignored her, “Answer my question.”
“Yes, she is. I was going to torture her some more, but this is better. Thank you Mercurymon for the idea.” Ranamon said smiling at Mercurymon who nodded, “But of course milady.” Duskmon shook his head, “Do as you want I don't care.” He said walking back to the wall he was leaning on before. But as he was walking back he remembered the agreement he had made with Sakuya and felt his heart do something strange.
Was he…was he…was he sorry for this girl?
/No, I'm not I don't care about her all I care about is finding Kouji and finding the answer on why he makes my head hurt every time I hear his name. / Duskmon thought.
The Divemon took Sakuya to a washroom and pushed her roughly inside.
“Now, we'll be back in thirty minutes and you better be ready.” Divemon said as he closed the door. Sakuya could hear the locks fastening meaning that she couldn't escape.
She looked around at the washroom. It was sky blue with a bathtub, a shower, a mirror, and a face bowl. It was set up like a regular bathroom. It would have been nice if she wasn't a prisoner. She looked if there were any windows that she could reach, but there wasn't. The windows were too high and without her d-tector she couldn't digivolve to make it.
She sighed, she realize that she's been sighing a lot lately. She looked at the mirror and was contemplating on whether she wanted to see herself or not. She decided that she would after her shower.
She took off her clothes slowly and looked at how ragged and torn they were. She sighed again and step into the shower. The water was quite soothing and relaxing. She hasn't taken a shower in awhile and she felt dirty. She washed herself with lilac soap and washed her hair with Jasmine shampoo. She washed off and turned the shower off slowly. She dried herself off and she dried her hair. She then walk towards the mirror and took a look at herself.
She had various cuts and scratches on her cheeks. She had a black eye, the selling went down, but the spot was still purple. She slowly traced her bottom lip that had stopped bleeding and traced the purple spot under her eye. Her skin was pale and her eyes looked dead. She smiled a bitter smile when she realized something.
This wasn't another person this was her Sakuya.
She put on the sky blue Chinese dress that was hanging on the back of the door and she pulled her hair back and put on her headband. She put the barrettes that were lying on the face bowl. The outfit came with sky blue slippers. The outfit would've been cute had she not been in this situation. She heard the locks unfasten and the door open.
“Are you ready?” the Divemon said harshly. Sakuya merely nodded. One of the Divemon walk to her and this time put a collar connected to chain around her neck. She looked at it before the chain was yank harshly and she lost her breath.
“Come on Ranamon and her guests are waiting for you.” Divemon A said as Sakuya regained her breath and nodded again. Being lead to the main chamber again where she was to be Ranamon's servant.
/I hate this! Kouji I hope you guys get here soon. / Sakuya thought as she was being lead to the chamber once again.
Tomoki, Angemon, Angewomon, and Patamon walk to the front of the castle where Rosemon and the others were waiting.
“Hello Rosemon, Manemon, and Metal Greymon.” Angemon said smiling.
“Hello Andromon, Datamon, and Gatomon.” Angewomon said smiling.
“Hi Izumi! J.P.!” Tomoki said happily.
“Hey Tomoki!” they said smiling.
“I hear that you have news about Lady Sakuya.” Angemon said. Datamon nodded, “I see you have heard the news about her too.”
“Yes, it angers and saddens us. Now what news do you bring?” Angewomon said.
“I know where Lady Sakuya is at and Datamon pinpoint that location and found out that the area is being held at is the deep water area where the `other' Digimon is at.” Rosemon said.
“…I see that is where she's at anything else?” Angemon said.
“We know the location and the area of where she's being held at we don't know the geography of that area.” Izumi said.
“Yes, we have a Patamon who knows the geography of that area.” Angewomon said.
“Good, we're one step closer to saving Sakuya. Thank you.” Izumi said bowing. Angewomon and Angemon bowed back.
“You're welcome Ms…”
“Izumi and he's J.P.”
“Ms. Izumi and Mr. J.P. Mr. Tomoki just got done telling us about what was happening to Lady Sakuya. Damn that Ranamon. She took my sister now she has taken Lady Sakuya! She must be stopped!” Angewomon said trembling slightly.
“Yes, she must our armies are ready to go at my command.” Rosemon said.
“We're ready to fight if we have to.” Datamon said.
“You know we're ready.” Izumi said as J.P. and Tomoki nodded.
“Right now let's find Patamon so we can get the geography of the area.” Angemon said.
“You don't need to because he's right here.” Everyone turn around and looked at the Patamon who was standing next to Tomoki.
“You young one, but…”
“My father originally was the one who knew the geography, but the Beemon took him to a special project.” Patamon said bitterly. Angemon, Angewomon, and Tomoki nodded knowing what he meant.
“Now show me the map and I tell you the geography.” Patamon said.
That was the worst night in Sakuya's life. After she was brought into the chamber Ranamon sent her straight into the kitchen. In the kitchen there was other Digimon in there that Ranamon had captured. Among them was Angewomon's little sister who help Sakuya and told her what to do.
Sakuya had to give each guest their food and drinks. If she made one mistake or was a little late coming to the person who asked for her the person would knock the drink out of her hand or Ranamon would punish her with Draining Rain.
By time dinner was done and the guests left Sakuya were exhausted. But she wasn't done, yet. She had to run Ranamon's bath and clean the Divemon's rooms. She was so tired and exhausted she thought that she would pass out any minute.
But the Divemon took her back to her cell and she leaned against the wall.
“Sakuya, Sakuya are you alive my dear?” Ophanimon said.
“Yes, I am Ophanimon.” Sakuya rasped as she crawled to front of her cell to see Ophanimon who was in no better shape than her.
“Do you know that me and Seraphimon are thinking of a plan to get out of here. We're talking with the other prisoners and we're hoping that it works.”
“I'm coming up with a plan of my own. Hopefully it works.” Sakuya said.
“Thank you for bringing my clothes back Ophanimon.”
Ophanimon smiled and nodded. Then they heard footsteps coming down the hall. Ophanimon and Sakuya knew that it was Ranamon, but they both were too tired to care.
“Well, well still hanging in there I see.” Ranamon said looking at Sakuya and Ophanimon. Sakuya and Ophanimon were silent just staring ahead.
“Oh, and you you did well for tonight for a beginner that is. But you'll get better over time, seeing as how you're going to be here for a long time.” Ranamon said.
“Yeah right my friends are going to be here just wait and see.” Sakuya rasped her voice going in and out. Ranamon laughed coldly, “Sweetie you keep saying that and saying that. If they really cared about you like you say they do why aren't they here? Hmm why haven't they come and save you like you say they will. Face it sweetie they're better off without you, especially Kouji.” Ranamon said.
“SHUT UP! I KNOW THAT THEY WILL COME FOR ME! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! THEY'LL BE HERE YOU'LL SEE!” Sakuya screamed finding the strength to stand up.
“Sweetie, if they cared for you they would've been here already. Just face it…they don't care about you…anymore.” Ranamon said.
“YES THEY DO I KNOW THAT THEY DO!” Sakuya screamed. /But wait…could that be true? / she thought. Ranamon laughed again and walked off not before saying,” You better get used to your cell because it's going to be your home for a long time.” As Sakuya and Ranamon heard her footsteps go farther and farther away. Sakuya slid down to the floor slowly.
/Maybe it's true; maybe they don't want me around. Maybe…Maybe Kouji won't be coming to save me…maybe I will stay here forever. / she thought, but there was a voice in the back of her head screaming, /THAT'S NOT TRUE! KOUJI AND THE OTHERS WILL COME! THEY'LL SAVE YOU! / But she shook her head slowly, /Maybe they won't…maybe…maybe…maybe I am…all alone. / she thought as she lean her head against the bars a faraway look on her face. Tears rolling slowly down her cheeks, but she didn't care. For the first time she felt…alone.
“Okay this area is in the middle of a forest that has a lot of water surrounding it. The castle that Lady Sakuya and your sister Lady Angewomon is being held at. There's no telling how many people are in that castle. The castle itself is surrounded by a moat, but since there are a lot of swamps it's going to be pretty foggy. Meaning that there's a lot of Digimon who's joined the other side over there. If we're going to free Lady Sakuya, your sister Lady Angewomon, and free the other Digimon that has been captured we're going to need a lot of Digimon to help us.” Patamon said.
“Well, Guardramon has the Togemon and Birdramon armies ready to go at our command.” Rosemon said.
“We're ready to help anyway we can.” Datamon said as Gatomon, Manemon, Metal Greymon, and Andromon nodded.
“You know we're ready to help.” Izumi said as Tomoki and J.P. nodded.
“Lady Angewomon, Lord Angemon the Nefertimon and Pegausmon armies are ready to go on your command.” A Patamon said bowing towards Angemon and Angewomon.
“Thank you.” Angemon said.
“Now is there any other Digimon you know that could help us?” Izumi asked. Everyone was deep in thought until Gatomon thought of something.
“I know who can help us. I remember getting a letter from my friends Agumon and Gabumon. They live in the Gabumon/Agumon village. In the letter they told me that some lady came to their village and helped save a Koromon form dehydrating. They were going through a drought and a lot of people were starting to become sick. But then that nice lady came and helps them out with their problem. She made them a river and a lake so they would never have a drought problem that big ever again. The nice lady's name was…Sakuya.” Gatomon said smiling.
“Cool, now we have more help. Let's go to the village now and tell them.” Izumi said.
“Angemon, I'll be going to the Gabumon/Agumon village. I'll send word with Patamon when I'm ready.” Angewomon said. Angemon nodded, “Okay.”
“Ready?” Angewomon asked. Everyone nodded as Izumi, Tomoki, and J.P. digivolved and followed Rosemon and everyone else to the Gabumon/Agumon village.
Now a plan is coming together to save Sakuya hopefully she'll won't be too depressed. And I know what about Duskmon? Don't worry he'll tell her his plan in the next chapter.
Until then see ya! ^^
P.S.: Told you guys you would hate Ranamon in this chapter.