Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Love on the Blazing Wind ❯ Calls Before Lunch ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Burning Greymon: Hi everyone this is my first Takumi fic so please no flames!! R+R

Kendo Garurumon:*snickers* Yeah this is his first fic ever

Burning Greymon: Quiet you! Well in this chapter Takuya is discovering that he has feelings for Zoe (yes I'm using dub names :P) Kendo and I both appear later on so watch out for us!

Kendo Garurumon: Greymon quit stalling and let them get on with the story

Burning Greymon: Okay Okay!

Ten years had passed since their amazing adventures in the Digital World, and Takuya Kanbara was sitting in the small kitchen of his new apartment in Downtown Shinjuku. He was lost in thought, thinking of a girl from his past; Zoe.

Ever since she had moved to New York three years ago he had found himself thinking of her whenever he was alone, and at the most unusual times.

Suddenly the phone rang, startling him from his reverie. It rang a few times before he regained the presence of mind to answer it. It was Tommy, another of his companions from the Digital World.

"Hey Takuya!" came the greeting

"Hi Tommy how's college?" Takuya replied

"Oh that? Great! My professors are so cool!"

"Wow that's wonderful"

"Still thinking about Zoe huh?

"How'd you know?"

"Oh come on Takuya, I've known you for 10 years, how could I not know?" said Tommy, "Maybe you should go look for her in New York" he continued.

"I don't know…"

"Well it's your choice but if it were me I'd definitely go for it"

"You're right. I'll do it. I'd better get packing after I finish lunch with Koji"

"Okay I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Tommy" and he hung up. Suddenly the phone rang again. It rang once this time before he picked up.

"Hi Takuya" It was Zoe

"Hi Zoe" said Takuya hesitantly.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh me? Nothing" He gave a light chuckle.

"So what's going on?" Zoe asked

"Not much. I just moved into my new apartment. How are things with you?"

"I'm doing great here. I just got a new house in this little town called Rockaway"

"That must be nice"

"Maybe you could drop by if you're in town sometime. Here's my address" Takuya copied down the address as he spoke.

"Okay, well I've got to got to go. I'm meeting Koji for lunch in a little while"

"All right, see you later"

Takuya hung up the phone for the second time that day, grabbed his jacket and headed out the door.

Burning Greymon: The next chapter will be up soon!!!!!