Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Making Friends Digidestined ❯ Mummies and Spiders ( Chapter 18 )
My chapter. This chapter continues from where 17 left off.
Chapter 18: Mummies and spiders
"Oh, no! Not again!" TK yelled.
"Where's Davis?!" Kari blurted.
"Who's the weirdos?" Chase asked innocently.
"Arg! Weirdos! Nobody calls us weirdos! Attack now, Mummymon!"
"Say wha?"
"Get over there you fool-and kill those kids! Especially those new ones, and their little Digimon, too! Mwahaha!"
"Oh, quit acting like the wizard of oz people, lady! You really suck at it!"
"The wizard of what?!"
"Never mind! It's time to digivolve!" Chase pulled out a metal digivice and aimed it at Silvimon. "Do your thing Silvimon!"
"Silvimon digivolve to . . . Metallicmon!"
Chase tried to get Boo to snap out of her trance while the others digivolved and Metallicmon started attacking.
"Boo! Snap out of it!"
"Wha? Uh-sorry."
"No time to be sorry now! Pillamon needs to digivolve!
"Pillamon digivolve to . . . Rubimon!"
Review! I know, the chapters are still short, but things are finally getting to the good stuff. The next chapter will be a little longer. Sorry I didn't get up these five chapters last weekend! I got busy, and my mom wanted me to stay off the computer because I was sick.