Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Before The Fluff ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The lights dim down as a single spotlight turns on, lighting up the center of the stage. A single shadowy figure stumbles out into the spotlight, protesting. "Come on, why do I have to-" She cuts off and turns to the audience with a weak smile. "Hello, and welcome to the Fluff series. I'm Kraziekat, and my co-author Cynthia is somewhere back there." She waved a hand towards the curtain behind her. "She's supposedly making sure that everything is ready for your reading pleasure, but I doubt that. I think she's just oogling all the making out going on back there.

Kraziekat cleared her throat. "Anyways, about the Fluff Series. This will be a series of fics, which may or may not share universes, time, or even breeds. It's about fluff, either romantic fluff or friendship fluff. WHenever possible, it will be refered to by the crests, such as Yamachi/Taito will be 'Courage and Friendship Fluff' while Yamasuke/Daito will be referred to as 'Double Friendship Fluff'. But if it's... say, Daisuke and TK, the fluff will be titled, "Takesuke Fluff" or "Daikeru Fluff". Any and all pairing go, and if we're asked nicely enough, we might do Tamer fluff. It is very unlikely that we will ever have male/female romance fluff, we're both into Yaoi and Yuri, so don't bother asking 'y'"

She paused to laugh, then noticed that no one was laughing with her. "Oh, all right, bad pun. Anyways, we enjoy POSITIVE feedback. If you want to flame," she pointed over to a corner where a huge bonfire was buring. "Please thow your feedback in there. You might as well, because we believe in ignoring flamers and removing the more idiotic reviews from our review."

"Now, to see if I can get my partner to add her own comments." Kraziekat turned and slipped behind the curtain.

A moment later, the curtain twitched, and in a puff of smoke a new figure appeared. She waved a hand to clear the air. "Blasted dramatic entrances. That's what you get when you're loyal lady knight to an exaggerated actor...oh, it's you." She looked calmly out. "I guess it's my turn to fill you in on the Fluff series."

She paced for a moment, then paused. "Fluff is good. Fluff has little to no plot. If this bothers you, the door is over there, and we really don't care if you go or not. We love fluff, so we're going to do a lot of it. There will be quite a few fanfics of quite a few different and conflicting couples, and each fanfic takes place in an entirely different universe, unless otherwise stated.

"If we are using a breed-based universe, then the following will be true: Yamato and Ken are the sons of Piedmon, and thus half-brothers. Miyako is the daughter of Phoenixmon, and Ken's cousin on their mother's side. Sora is the daughter of Devimon. Jyou is the son of Vamdemon {Myotismon}. Daisuke is the son of Apocalymon and LadyDevimon. Koushirou is the son of Leomon and Tialmon, a created character of mine. They will occasionally experience things we call 'mating urges', which is an uncontrollable desire for sex with one's destined mate. Yes, we often use soulmates, and if you don't approve, we really don't care.

"Our pairings will be very wide-spread, ranging from Digidestined/Digidestined to Digidestined/Digimon, Digimon/Digimon, non-Digidestined/Digidestined, non-Digidestined/Digimon, and anything else we can think of."

She looked calmly around. "I believe that's everything. Oh, this will be rated anything from PG to R, but not over R. It's not that we don't believe in lemons, we just don't want to write them."

Cynthia nodded. "I think that's all. Prepare for the invasion of the fluff!!

To Be Continued