Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Love and Sincerity Fluff ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Love and Sincerity Fluff
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

Mimi Tachikawa was in love. Of course, there was nothing new about that to her. She'd been in love for years, and even the expanse of a few thousand miles between her and the one who had claimed her heart wasn't enough to keep them apart. There was e-mail, there were phone calls, and they met in the Digiworld every now and then.

It was e-mail that was on her mind at the moment, however. She had the weekend free, and she was planning on spending it either shopping or dropping back over to Japan via the Digiworld to visit her sweetie. First, however, she was going to get caught up on her mail. After whizzing through the obligatory spam and a few notes from some of the other Digidestined, she spied something from Koushirou. One particular line in the mail caught her attention immediately.

Sora caught a nasty cold the other day, going out in a rainstorm to mail something to you. I don't know why she bothered, she could have just waited till your next Digiworld date, but you know Sora. Her mother has to work over the weekend, so some of us were planning on spending time with her and helping her get better.

The second Mimi read that, she quickly hit reply, typing a quick response that she was on her way through the Digiworld, and would only stop long enough to pick up Palmon and Biyomon. She knew that her and her mate's respective partners would want to be there with her. It only took a moment to dash off a quick note to her parents, and then she was zooming through the Digiworld.

Within half an hour of reading Izzy's original e-mail, Mimi emerged from the Digiport to land in his room. "Hey!" Biyomon and Palmon were with her, and they all waved at the red-haired genius.

"Hey, Koushirou!" Mimi smiled at her friend. "Bye, Koushirou!"

"Have fun!" Izzy had suspected from the moment he'd sent the e-mail that Mimi would find her way to Japan. It was the next to impossible to keep her away from Sora if the other girl needed her.

Mimi smiled. "Always! Come on, girls!" She started towards the door.

"I wanna see Sora!" Biyomon knew that her partner wasn't feeling her best, and she wanted to be there for her. Mimi nodded.

"I know, that's where we're headed!"

"Then let's go!" was Palmon's decision. The three of them practically ran to the Takenouchi apartment, taking the back ways not just for speed, but to disguise the fact a pink bird and animated plant were Mimi's traveling companions.

When they arrived, Mimi immediately knocked on the door. It was opened by Mrs. Takenouchi, who looked as if she were about to fly apart she was so hurried. "Mimi?"

"Hi!" The pink-haired one waved with a grin. "I'm here to take care of Sora!"

Mrs. Takenouchi nodded; she'd seen enough weird things over the years not to question them. Besides, she knew Biyomon was Sora's dearest friend and companion, and that Mimi would have never forgiven herself if she hadn't been there for her. "All right, she's in her room, and I've got to run!"

"Okay!" Mimi nodded. "Have a good day at work!" She wasn't ever certain if Mrs. Takenouchi had even heard her since she vanished so quickly. Mimi knew right where Sora's room was, and she put the thoughts of her mother in law out of her mind for the moment.

As soon as she entered her girlfriend's room, she was greeted by a rather nasty sneeze. "Hey, love," she smiled warmly at the brown-haired girl who lay on the bed. "I heard you weren't feeling well."

Sora looked up at the sound of her voice and smiled. "Hey, Mimi-chan!" Her voice was thick and stuffy with her cold, her eyes were red, and she looked more or less like hell.

Mimi smiled brightly at her, then glanced down at the Digimon. "Now, let's see about getting you more comfortable, shall we, girls?" The three of them got to work at once, straightening up the bed, getting more pillows, extra blankets, and otherwise making Sora as comfortable as she possibly could be.

"Mmm..." The bedridden smiled softly. "I'm feeling better already."

Her mate gave her a stern look. "What was the point of going out and getting sick just to send me something, Sora-chan?"

Sora smiled. "Cause I love you."

"Yeah, but you know if you get sick, I'm going to be right over here!" Mimi reminded her. She knew her girlfriend knew that; heck, the last time that she herself had been sick, Sora had been right there beside her.

"I wasn't trying to get sick, honest!"

Mimi smiled tenderly at her significant other. "I know." Their hands brushed against each other as Mimi tucked the blankets tightly around the sick girl, and Sora smiled up at her.

"Love you, Mimi-cha--" The word was broken off when Sora sneezed rather violently, and Mimi chuckled.

"I love you, too, Sora-chan."

The Digidestined of Love leaned back into her pillows and sighed. "I feel like crap."

"Well, you're not well." Mimi reminded her. Sora rolled her eyes.

"No kidding. My head's pounding, my throat aches, and I keep seeing double a lot. Though seeing two of you is definitely a dream come true." She snuggled with Biyomon as her partner flew up into her arms and glanced at Mimi. "I just hope my powers don't start randomly firing."

Mimi shrugged. "Don't worry, if that happens, we'll deal with it." It was one of the drawbacks of being a half-breed, their powers required self-control, and if they got too sick or injured, their control could go out the window.

Sora chuckled. "Good thing one of the guys didn't get sick. Could you imagine random 'Golden Fires' or 'Blue Lightnings' being blasted about?"

Mimi giggled at the thought of it, then watched as her girlfriend yawned. "Now, Sora, I want you to sleep."

"Don't wanna." Her voice was sleepy and petulant.

The pink-haired Digidestined of Sincerity shook her head. "If you don't, you won't get better." It looked for a moment as if the tennis player was going to keep protesting, until she yawned once more. Before the yawn was finished, Sora was fast asleep.

Mimi just chuckled, then headed to the kitchen with Palmon. She smiled quietly as she began to make a healthy chicken soup. "Just two more years and then we're in the Digiworld together." They had agreed that once Iori, the youngest of them all, passed his eighteenth birthday, then they would move permanently to the Digital World, their true home.

"I can't wait!" Palmon bounced. "I miss you a lot!"

"I miss you too." The two of them exchanged grins, then Mimi got back to her cooking. Her partner watched her for a while, then commented,

"I didn't know you could do that." As far as she had known, the only one of the Digidestined who knew how to cook was Yamato.

Her partner grinned at her. "A girl's got to keep a few secrets from boys!" After all, if the others knew she could cook as well as Yamato could, they would have made her do most of the cooking while they were in the Digiworld. Just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm going to cook forever!

Once the soup was almost ready, she turned the heat down. "Now, we'll let that simmer for an hour and while it's doing that, let's check out what's on TV. Sora needs her rest."

* * *
Sometime later found Mimi talking softly into the phone. "Everything's pretty quiet, but I'm glad it's a school day."

"You are?" Taichi was the one who responded, but she knew all the others were listening in on their phones. She nodded.

"Sure. Remember all those little kids that live on the same level as Sora and her mom? Can you imagine them running up and down the halls screaming while she's trying to sleep?"

Yamato shuddered mightily. "Good point."

"But at least she's getting some rest now." She chuckled softly for a moment. "She's got this contented little smile on her face, since she's snuggling with Biyomon."

"She's got you and Biyomon," Yamato grinned. "Sounds like the perfect remedy. Your girlfriend and your partner."

Mimi snickered. "Like on File Island and we all got separated by Devimon? The pink-haired girl remembered what Yamato had told her about that. "You had Gabumon and Taichi."

Piedmon's elder son gave a dreamy little smile, despite the fact no one but Taichi could see him. "I remember. I came within an inch of kissing you for the first time there, Taichi-chan." All the Digidestined snickered at the sudden sound of a hand hitting a cheek carried over to them. "What??"

"And why didn't you?"

"I didn't know you wanted me to!"

"Did I have to spell it out for you?"

Seventeen years old and they still fight like they were eleven, Mimi chuckled to herself as she listened.

Yamato's pout could be clearly heard in his voice. "I could kiss you now."

"Hrumph!" Taichi snorted, blushing at the snickering that could be heard coming from the others. "Not the same!"

The blonde shrugged. "Well, if you don't want me to kiss you..."

"Of course I want you to kiss me now, but it's not the same!"

Matt's voice purred sensuously. "We could always go back to File Island...that cliff...have another little rolling fight...but I get to end up on top this time."

"Oh, you promise??" Taichi sounded very eager, and the others just burst out laughing as Yamato agreed.

Mimi rolled her eyes. "Males." They could all hear the joking disgust in her voice, and Hikari chuckled at her.

"I can't see what most girls see in them, really." The Keeper of Light declared. Miyako laughed.

"If not for males and females, none of us would be here!" she reminded her own mate.

Iori put his own two cents in. "Very true."

"I know, I know," Hikari snickered. "But can you see any girl being interested in Yamato or Taichi, the way they act?" She snickered again. "And Jun doesn't count."

Mimi made a choked off sound, that more or less translated into, "I know something you don't know."

"What?? What?" Hikari practically screamed into the phone.

The Keeper of Sincerity and Love laughed softly, a smirk in her tone. "Oh, just Jun."

"What about her?" Yamato sounded about ready to jump out of his skin at the mere mention of her, sparking another round of laughter from his friends.

Taichi shook his head. "Come on, girls, what's going on?"

"Should we tell them, Miyako?" Mimi wondered outloud. Her younger friend grinned rather mischievously.

"Maybe. It depends. What can they offer us so we'll want to tell them?"

Mimi's grin was just as mischievous, though neither girl could see each other. "True. Well, Taichi? Yamato?"

"What do you want?" Yamato asked without the slightest hesitation. He was willing to give just about anything for this information!! Jun had stopped chasing him for a while after seeing him with Sora, but once it had come out that the two of them were not a couple, she'd started up again. He stared into the phone almost desperately. "What do you want? Blood!?" That elicited a chuckle from Jyou and Koushirou. "You know what I mean!"

Mimi grinned. "You and Taichi have to carry our bags when we girls go shopping next."

"Deal." The blonde prince's answer was quick, determined, and pulled a startled yelp from his boyfriend.

"So you don't want to know about Jun, Taichi?" Mimi purred, knowing she had them both now. "You don't want to stop worrying about going out on a date with Yamato?"

The first Keeper of Courage gulped. "When are you going shopping again?"

Mimi had to laugh, then settled down to talking. "Okay, you know how Jun conned you into your first date, Yamato?"

"I try to forget, but yeah."

"Well, she figured what you'd do for one, you'd do for the other." Mimi told him. At Matt's startled sound, she grinned. "Miyako, care to explain that to him since her partner is your sister?"

"Remember my sister Midori?" Miyako offered. Taichi thought for a moment, then nodded slowly; the lavender-haired girl taking his silence as an affirmative. "Well, let's just say, technically speaking Daisuke and I could be related now, since his sister and my sister are kind of...together."

There was silence as Taichi and Yamato thought that one over, then Mimi broke it. "Jun was using Yamato to cover for her and Midori. If you think it would be hard with you out of the closet, imagine the reactions if Jun and Midori were to be brought out?"

Matt nodded, thinking about the way some of the kids in school treated those of their orientation. Mimi continued with a snicker. "You know, she never even tried to kiss you, so why didn't you figure that out?"

"Darned if I know."

Hikari shrugged. "He's a guy! What do you expect?" That brought laughs from all the girls as Yamato sulked. Taichi mumbled something only Yamato caught, then kissed his mate's pout away. Mimi chuckled.

"That reminds me, I gotta go check on Sora. I'll be back." The Digidestined of Sincerity put the phone down and headed for Sora's room, pausing just long enough to get her medication and a drink. She settled down on the bed next to Sora and smiled softly. "Hey, sleeping beauty. Ready for your next dose of medicine?"

Sora nodded and Mimi handed over everything. Once she'd taken it, the Digidestined of Love smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Mimi-chan. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Sleep all day." Mimi smiled softly as she brushed Sora's hair back. "How are you feeling?"

"A little better," Sora, responded, smiling tenderly at her. "You're here."

Mimi gently brushed her lips across Sora's forehead. "If you ever need me, I'll always be there." She made a face suddenly. "That sounds like a cheesy love song." It got a weak chuckle out of the other, however. "And not only am I here, but..." She motioned to Biyomon and Palmon. "They caught a ride with me."

The pink bird snuggled up next to her partner. "Mimi said you weren't feeling well!"

"I feel better with all of you here," Sora gently stroked her partner's head, then greeted Palmon with a weak smile.

"I'm glad," the plant Digimon snuggled up onto Sora's other side. "Mimi made some soup. Want some?"


Her mate grinned at once. "Then I'll go get some!" She hurried out and returned a few minutes later with four bowls of soup on a tray. "Soup's on!"

There was silence in the room, except for the sounds of eating, for a while. Once they were all done, Sora leaned back. "That was good."

"Thanks!" Mimi felt a thrill at the praise. "It's my grandmother's recipe, she swore that it's good for getting rid of almost any bug a person can catch."

Sora nodded. "I do feel better." She did, the soup had energized her, as had the sleep and the company.

Mimi giggled as she took Sora's bowl. "Now you get some rest. You need your energy to get better."

"Yes, dear," Sora leaned back into her pillows and breathed deeply. She did feel stronger, but she knew she wasn't quite well yet. She hated getting sick; it always affected her system oddly. Guess I'm just lucky that I didn't lose control of my powers.

Her mate grinned at her. "In a couple of years you'll really be saying that."

"I know." Sora looked about as mischievous as she could right then. "I can hardly wait! Imagine, the wedding night!"

Mimi giggled just as mischievously. "I'll make sure to stock up on the ice cream and whipped cream."

Sora snickered. "And the cherries and hot fudge."

"A Sora Sundae?" The chestnut haired girl blushed at the implications Mimi was insinuating. "Then you better start saving up your energy!"

"I will." The brown-haired girl purred, and Mimi put a finger in the center of Sora's forehead, pushing back gently.

"Lay down." Once Sora snuggled back into the pillows more firmly, Mimi got up. "Now get some more rest. I'll check on you again later."

Her significant other grinned. "Having fun gossiping with the others?"

"Yamato and Taichi finally have a clue about Jun and Midori."

"Took 'em long enough."

Mimi's grin turned positively wicked. "Oh, and we get them with us the next time we go shopping." The two of them exchanged grins, then Mimi picked up the tray. "Sleep. Biyomon and Palmon will keep you company."

"Night." Sora closed her eyes and was soon fast asleep again. Mimi gave a tender smile, then put the dishes away, heading back to the phone.

"Still there?" She picked it up just in time to hear Yamato finishing something.

"Whipped cream, handcuffs, and candle wax."

She blinked briefly. "Maybe Taichi should get some sex insurance then!" All the Digidestined had their little kinks, but Taichi and Yamato tended to take them to the extreme most of the time. Either them or Daisuke and Ken. Can't keep track sometimes.

Yamato blinked. "Huh? Oh, that's not for us." He snickered. "That was what Ken's getting Daisuke for his next birthday. I told him where to get the best bargain at."

Mimi shook her head. "Nope, try Lord and Harrell's House of Kink. They give way better bargains than your store of choice, and the whipped cream comes in thirty-five flavors."

Yamato blinked. "Do I want to know how you know that?" He considered before Mimi could answer. "On second thought, no. I'll have to check them out. The weekend is coming up after all."

"So, how's Sora doing?" Hikari asked. "You were gone a while."

"We had lunch and it was just lunch, Taichi." Mimi told them. "Sora's not better, but she's getting there."

"Glad to hear it," Miyako told her. "So when's the next Big Shopping Trip?" She snickered. "And I want to stop by that store you mentioned, Mimi."

Mimi practically smirked. "Well, I'll officially be back next month since the school there is letting out for Spring Break. That okay with the rest of you girls?"

"Sure." Hikari agreed. "Miyako, do I want to know why you want to shop there? Or is that something your girlfriend is better off not knowing?" All Miyako could produce in the way of an answer was an 'Uhhmmmm" and Hikari winced. "I'll take that as an 'I'd rather not know right now'."

Miyako nodded. "You might wanna do that."

"OHhh..." Hikari grinned mischievously at her mate, sounding rather interested anyway. They hadn't been 'involved' quite as long as some of the older couples, but she had learned well from her brother.

Mimi laughed. "You know, I've missed this. Chatting without fear of driving up the phone bills."

"Yeah, it has been a while since we could all run our mouths together." Yamato agreed. "It feels good." No matter how many of them there were around the world, the original twelve knew they'd always be connected in some way. Each of them settled down for a good old fashioned gossip session. It was going to be a long night.

* * *
A week later, Sora ran her brush through her hair, gazing into the mirror and feeling absolutely wonderful. Not only had she finally shaken the cold, Mimi was taking her out for a celebration dinner.

A knock on the door signaled the arrival of her significant other, and she bounced to the door. Mimi wrapped her arms around Sora almost before the door was completely open and they both grinned at each other. "Hey, beautiful!" the Digidestined of Love greeted her mate.

"I was thinking the same. Ready for our date?" Mimi asked mischievously. They had a lot of plans made for that night.

Sora grinned. "I've been ready!" She twirled around to show off the new outfit she'd bought just before getting sick. "How do I look?"

"Like an angel." Mimi told her, enjoying the way Sora flushed a deep red. Then she twirled around in her own turn. "What do you think about my outfit?"

Sora almost drooled at the sparkling vision before her that loved her and that she loved in return. "How'd I get so lucky??"

"I was thinking the same thing." Mimi told her. The two of them gazed at each other for a few moments tenderly.

"Shall we go?"

Mimi grinned sweetly at her. "Of course!" Before they could move, Sora pulled her closer and kissed her gently, running her fingers through the flowing mass of pink hair. "MMmm...." Mimi grinned. "Shouldn't we get going?"

"All right." Sora agreed, then grinned. "We can amuse ourselves later tonight."

"At the movie theater?" Mimi wondered, and Sora nodded. "Good!"

The Digidestined of Love pulled her mate closer to her and purred, "Very back row. Where no one can see us."

"Just what I was thinking. Let's go."

Arm in arm, the young lovers went out together. It was definitely going to be an interesting evening.

The End