Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Fluff ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
by: Cynthia and KrazieKat

The blonde read through the mail carefully, then chuckled as he wrote up his response, muttering it out loud at the same time. "So eat him already. You've been married to him for how long?"

He didn't notice the silent footsteps behind him, nor the presence in the doorway, as he started his new paragraph. "Oh, and there's good news. Piedmon and I have finally succeeded in conceiving. I'm due in about eight and a half months. I really hope you can come visit when the time comes."

The clown Digimon mentioned in the letter ran his eyes lovingly over his mate, hardly able to believe someone that beautiful loved him. He smiled faintly as his mate turned to look at him after stuffing the finished letter into the envelope.

"How long have you been waiting there, Pied-chan?" he asked with a smile. Piedmon chuckled.

"Long enough, love."

A blonde head shook. "Should have known you'd find me." He grinned teasingly, sapphire eyes gleaming. "Still worn out by little weakling me?"

"You're not a weakling, love," the powerful Mega was the first to admit this one held power over him as no other could.

"Compared to you I am." His mate leered teasingly. "But I have other ways of making up for it."

"And I love those ways." Piedmon purred softly as his love came over to him, kissing him deeply and passionately. The Mega wrapped his arms around him, returning it with all the love they shared.

"Happy, my clown love?"

Piedmon smiled. "As long as I have you, I'll always be happy, my golden haired angel."

"Good." His mate nuzzled briefly into Piedmon's shoulder, breathing softly and knowing he was teasing his love far, far too much.

"I can hardly believe this, you know." Piedmon murmured. His other half laughed softly. He knew what the clown meant.

"Well, it only took you ten years to get me to agree to marry you. Even though I agreed when you asked the first time."

Piedmon shrugged. "Well, you have to admit, there was a lot we had to do before we could get married or even get around to falling in love. All the fighting..."

"The Digidestined..." His mate made an annoyed face, and Piedmon nodded sadly. Those Digidestined had been such a pain. Thankfully they weren't anymore. "But we're finally life-mates."

The clown purred softly. "Soul-mates forever, my love."

"And soon to be parents." He laid a hand on his stomach for a moment. "I hope they share some of your good looks."

"And yours...those deep blue eyes of yours..."

Piedmon always loved to see his love blush, and the other did so quite prettily. "Flatterer!" He leaned over to nibble, then pulled back as Piedmon winced. "It still hurts? I didn't realize I bit you so hard, Pied-chan."

"I'll heal fast." The other assured him. His blonde mate nodded.

"I'm still sorry, Pied-chan. I never want to hurt you."

The red-eyed clown nodded. "I know, love." He kissed quite gently, nuzzling into the curve of his mate's neck as he did so. "Mmm...you taste so delicious, love."

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that about you, Pied-chan?"

Piedmon purred softly, "If you like." His mate moaned softly as his knees started to buckle. Piedmon picked him up gently and murmured. "We still have quite a few months until we have to stop. Shall we put some time in while we can, love?" His fingers danced for a moment across the other's still-flat stomach.

The blonde pouted. "We have to stop?"

"Not for several months."

Piedmon's mate grinned. "Then we'd better make enough memories to last the dry spell." He leaped into his love's arms and was carried into their room.

"Who would have thought when we first met that we'd be like this?" Piedmon murmured. His mate laughed softly.

"Actually, when we first met, we were. I fell on top of you, remember?" That was one of the best memories he had. He would never forget the first moment he'd gazed into those ruby eyes and realized for the first time he was with the one he wanted to be with forever...

Piedmon smiled tenderly. "Oh, yes, love, I remember very well."

"Please." The other rolled his eyes. "You were as shocked as you could be. The mightiest Mega in all the Digiworld, laid flat by me."

The clown grinned. "And such a little squirt you were then. I had no idea you'd become someone as magnificent as you are now."

"And I thought you were just another annoying clown." His mate stuck his tongue out, and Piedmon did his best to look offended.

"I am a thespian!"

"A third rate one." The other snorted teasingly. "You couldn't fake your way out of not being interested last night."

Piedmon started to nibble on his love's neck. "What was that?"

"You tried not to be interested in me last night, Pied-chan." The blonde's voice had turned serious. "Care to explain that? Am I already that unattractive to you, now that I'm finally in the family way?"

"Love..." Piedmon stroked his mate's stomach gently. "I didn't want to hurt our little one...or ones."

The other shook his head. "You wouldn't Pied-chan. You're always so tender and gentle."

"I'd rather not take a chance." Piedmon said softly. The other pouted cutely.

"But the doctormon said it's all right, Pied-chan!"

There was nothing Piedmon could do to defend himself against those twinkling sapphire eyes. "All right." He leaned over to start kissing, with his other starting a tongue duel. As their tongues and hearts merged, the other moved back for a moment, just enough to murmur four words.

"Love you, Pied-chan."

"Love you too."

The blonde gazed up at him tenderly. "My Digimon partner. So handsome...and I love you so much..."

Piedmon gazed tenderly down at him. "My human half. I love you with all my heart, Take-chan."

"My heart...my humor...my clown...my love...my one and only true Emperor." Takeru gazed back up at him lovingly.

"My love, my compassion, my one and only soul-mate for all time." Piedmon leaned down to temporarily nibble on his beloved's face.

The blonde looked up at him. "Your hope, too, I believe."


Takeru gently pulled Piedmon down for a kiss. "I never believed for a second that Myotismon could ever get you to hurt me, Pied-chan."

"I'm glad you were able to save me," Piedmon purred quietly. "It was your hope, it was your love, it was you that freed me. I will always love you."

The blonde cuddled gently. "And I love you, too, Pied-chan." He smiled. "My life-mate, the former Emperor of the largest empire in the Digital World. And now we tend to the hatchlings here in Primary Village."

"My mate and partner," Piedmon snuggled. "And I'm so much happier doing this than I ever was doing anything else."

Takeru chuckled. "You looked so cute today with that Yukimibotamon on your head as you played your harmonica for the hatchlings to sleep, Pied-chan." He smiled. "I bet you'll look breathtaking, holding our child."

"And you'll look breathtaking having it."

Takeru smiled softly as he kissed Piedmon. "Together forever."

"Forever and a day."

Together they snuggled, safe and secure in their hard-won love.

* * *
In the realm of Server, Taichi Kamiya, Digidestined of Courage, entered his personal quarters to see his mate, Yamato Ishida, one of the two rulers of the Digiworld, reading a letter. "What do you have there, Yama-chan?"

"It's from my father...well, father and Takeru." The blonde ruler waved the paper casually, and Taichi nodded.

"That explains the growling and cursing I heard earlier." The mating of Piedmon and Takeru hadn't exactly been taken well by the Digidestined at first. They were slowly starting to adjust, however. As Yamato handed him the letter, Taichi quickly read through it. "Well, they seem..." He paused, and chuckled. "Hey, cool, Takeru's pregnant. Half nephew/niece, half brother/sister."

Yamato rolled his eyes briefly. "Tell me about it."

"What did you write him that makes him tell you to eat me, Yama-chan?" Taichi asked, and his mate blushed deeply. "Yama-chan, tell me."

The blonde blushed softly. "That you taste delicious." Taichi could tell he hadn't said it all though. "And that I wanted to gobble you all up sometimes."

Taichi chuckled. "But then there'd be nothing left to savor of me afterwards, Yama-chan." He settled into Yamato's lap. "But at least now we know the spell works." Yamato nodded, and Taichi cuddled closer to him. "Shall we get to work on making our own, then?"

"With pleasure, Tai-chan." Yamato purred as he picked his love up.

"So what are we waiting for?" Taichi grinned softly, then was carried away.

The End