Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mindless Fluff ❯ Junra ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Junra Fluff
by: Cynthia & KrazieKat

The scene was an odd one. Two guys and two girls on opposite sides of the room, staring at each other. Jun nudged Sora slightly to encourage her. "Go on, tell him." She could see Sora looking back at her rather nervously. This was something she'd never done before, but it had to be done. "You need to tell them, Sora."

"Tell us what?" Taichi asked. He was as far from Yamato as he could make it, having been interrupted in their make out session by the girls. Yamato looked a little confused as to why his sometime girlfriend was looking so nervous.

Sora took a very deep breath and plunged ahead. "I'm in love with Jun."

Taichi blinked, staring at her. "You're gay?" he asked, wanting to be sure of this. Sora nodded, obviously nervous and wary of their reaction. Taichi shrugged. "Can we double-date then? I've been wanting to ask Yama-chan out for so long, but we can't find anyone who would double-date with us."

Jun laughed at the expression on Sora's face. "I told you that they'd understand!" She'd been trying to get Yamato to ask Taichi out for ages, but every time she'd tried, her nerve had failed her at the last second, and she'd resorted back to her fangirl mode just out of sheer habit.

"Glad they did." Sora smiled a little. She had never been really comfortable dating Yamato, but hadn't seen a way to do what she really wanted to do: talk to that oddly, oddly compelling girl who kept showing up wherever he did. A part of her, she could now admit, had been hoping when she brought those cookies to Yamato that Jun would show up and interrupt her.

Yamato glanced at the calendar, thinking. "Is Friday night at seven good for you girls?"

"Good for me," Sora agreed, and Taichi looked radiant at the mere thought.

"Oh, we have to go, Sora!" Jun glanced at her watch suddenly. "We're going to be late!"

Yamato blinked. "Late?" He'd never seen Jun or Sora this content. It was a rather unusual sight, but one he thought he could get used to.

Jun nodded. "I've got to pick up Daisuke, Hikari, and Miyako so that we can go to the mall." She grinned over at Taichi. "There's a new soccer store opening up."

As the two girls headed out the door, they could hear Taichi pleading with Yamato to take him there. Jun just grinned. That was what they got for not paying attention to her: or each other.

* * *

"Mom?" Later that night, Sora fidgeted near Mrs. Takenouchi. "Mom, I need to talk to you."

Takenouchi Sumiko put her pins and mending down and looked at her. "What is it, Sora?"

"There's someone I want you to meet." Sora said quietly. Her mother looked curious, and Sora took a deep breath. "My girlfriend."

Sumiko nodded quietly. "Who is she, dear?"

"Jun!" Sora called out quietly, and Jun came out of the bedroom with a smile. Sumiko's smile was quiet and pleased.

"I thought you two were more than just friends." She looked almost smug about it!

Sora smiled. "We've been together about a month now." She had been wary of her mom's reaction, knowing how some parents could be about this type of thing.

"Well, it's about time you told me. Here I was, thinking you were chasing after Taichi or Yamato, when it was fairly clear to me that they weren't interested in you."

Sora blushed faintly. "They're interested in each other."

"Well, if you're seeking my approval, you have it. Jun's a good girl, and if she makes you happy, I'm happy, dear." Sumiko patted her daughter's hand gently, and Sora smiled, glad that she'd done this now, and not back when she and her mother had been at odds.

"She makes me very happy, mom." Sora smiled blindingly at her girlfriend, who smiled back. This was like a happy dream: one she never wanted to wake up from.

* * *

Jun's laugh was soft and smooth, like the movement of a great, rich river, completely and utterly unlike the fangirl giggle most people heard. "I can't believe that Taichi and Yamato missed three-fourths of the movie because they were making out in the bathroom. You think Iori's nose has stopped bleeding yet?"

"I hope so!" Sora grinned a bit ruefully at the memory.

"Poor kid." Jun sighed. "Who knew that his family would be going to the same movie theater tonight?"

The Child of Love shrugged. "Not me. I think he'll get used to it, though."

Jun snorted. "The way he eyed Daisuke when we picked them up to go to the mall, I think he will, when gets older."

"I wouldn't be surprised." Sora nodded. "Daisuke was all clueless, though."

Jun shrugged. "Daisuke's not so much clueless as much as it's he's waiting." Sora looked curiously at her and Jun grinned. "If you ever sleep over, you'll hear it through the walls. 'Oh, Iori-chan'..."

Both broke down in laughter for a moment, then Sora calmed herself. "I had a really wonderful time, Jun. I really love being with you. And I love you."

Jun kissed her softly. "I love you, too, red."

Sora returned the embrace. "Fangirl."

"Always." Jun teased. "Especially yours." Her eyes twinkled. "Though you can rent me out to the Teenage Wolves when I have spare time."

Sora tweaked her nose. "Don't bet on it." She thought for a moment, then grinned. "You know, didn't you say your best friend...Miyako's sister...was in the market for a girlfriend?"

Jun nodded. "Momoe."

"How does she feel about pink-haired girls?" Sora grinned. Jun blinked for a moment, not making the connection, then her eyes lit up with mischief.

"Good idea!"

Sora's grin widened. "Wanna set them up?" She had the idea that Mimi and Momoe would make one great couple. "Mimi's coming back to Japan to stay at the end of the month."

Jun nodded, and the two of them leaned closer for another kiss. It was good to be in love.

The End