Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mischief ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I'm not sure, maybe every pairing with Yamato. Even Takato/Yamakeru. *shudder* I just love the sound of Takato. Takato. Takato. Takato. (reminds a bit of Tamers, hell why do you think they named the lead character THAT name??! ^_^ kidding, NOT because of that). I also like the sound of Yamori (Yamato/Iori). Cool, ne?
This is yaoi and yuri. I'm not interested in yuri actually. And I don't own digimon. I'm not even interested in owing it 'cause
then I would have to sort out the mess they made of the end of 02. Sort out MY way. -_o
okay, so ages:
Yamato - 16 Sora-16 Koushiro-15 Takeru-13 Daisuke-13 Miyako-14 Iori-12
Taichi - 16 Mimi-15 Jyou-17 Hikari-13 Ken-14 (I think he is older than Daisuke)
pairings: Mira, Miyakari, Takori, Kensuke, Taichi+Jyou+Koushiro, Yamato+?

On to the fic!
~Mischief at Night~

"Night, everybody!" Yamato said.
"Night!" chorused everybody. Daisuke nearly shouted it into Yamato's ear. The blonde drove an elbow in the
loud boy's ribs.
Ken giggled and snuggled closer.Ken, Yamato and Daisuke were packed on one and the only couch in Yamato's
apartment. They had one pillow, one scanty blanket and no room for breathing. The others were skattered somewhere
on the floor on futons or on folding chairs like Takeru and Co and Taichi and Co. The girls got the bed.
All in all, 12 persons in normally-considered-small Yamato's room. It was about 3 in the morning when the party was
officially finished. Unofficially there was a rumble of talk and shifts in the room.
Yamato sighed and tried to find a way to breathe without making Ken fall from the couch. The two smaller boys
wrapped around the blonde. It was warm and Yamato soon fell asleep.

A strange feeling resided on Yamato's stomach and he began to wake up. Through the floating stage of the dream
he felt somebody kneading on his stomach with warm hands. His chest was under attack of somebody's warm
touches as well, through his t-shirt. A leg was over his left one and another leg was forced between his hips.
Something wet landed on his shoulder following the brush of somebody's hair on his upper arm. Then a hand removed
itself from his stomach and tugged down the brim of his shorts.
Yamato woke up with a start.
"SHhhhhhh..." said a voice landing a hand on his mouth. Yamato disentangled himself from too many arms and legs
all over him and stared wildly at the boys. Daisuke and Ken stared innocently back.
"What is this?" Yamato asked in an icy voice.
"I was cold," said Daisuke.
"I thought I might fall over. Sorry." Ken added.
"I'm sorry too," Daisuke said quickly.
"You were GROPING me!" Yamato hissed.
"We WERE?" the boys looked blankly at him. Darkness hid their features and Yamato wasn't sure.
"Okay, if you're afraid of falling over, you may take my place," Yamato told Ken. The ravenhaired shook his head
"Okay, but no more, okay?" Yamato gave up.
"Ryukai!" the boys echoed. (a/n roger!)
Yamato fell back asleep.
Through the smoky feeling of being half-awake, he again felt the boys snuggle up. Daisuke reached to his chest
and Ken put his hand over his waist. Then Daisuke once again threw his leg over Yamato's hip while Ken wedged
his leg through Yamato's. Then he started actually rubbing it on his thighs. Daisuke moaned in Yamato's shoulder
blade and Yamato figured he knew where to Ken's knee reached. Daisuke caught one of Ken's hands on Yamato's
stomach, the other slipping under Yamato's t-shirt and digging into his chest. Ken's free hand stole to Yamato's
hip, massaging it and Daisuke's in wide strokes. Ken hid his face in Yamato's neck warming it with his rushed
breath. He moaned, bucking into Yamato's hip gently.
Yamato was wide awake now. He swallowed to wet his dry throat. The blonde tried to shift and shirk away,
but Daisuke and Ken moved closer, locking him between them.
"Yamato..." Daisuke murmured his hand flying over the blonde's chest.
Yamato took a breath.
"Guys?.." he said.
Daisuke and Ken stopped their manipulations and shot away from Yamato. Ken landed on the floor and woke
up half a room. The digidestined groaned.
"Quiet up there, okay?"
"Somebody's trying to sleep!"
"Look who's talking!"
Somehow Yamato got a feeling that the voices sounded from other places of the room as compared to where they
were when the light was switched off.
"Ken, are you alright?" Yamato said worriedly and helped the boy on the couch.
"Oh, so it's our genius, isn't it?" Taichi's smug voice drifted to them.
"Oh, don't be an ass," Sora said from somewhere.
"Language," said Iori.
There were more giggles.
"NIGHT EVERYBODY!" Jyou shouted.
Yamato said in a low voice when everyone seemed to quiet down.
"So, what's wrong with you two?"
"Nothing," said Daisuke.
"Daisuke, I WASN'T sleeping when you grabbed me!" Yamato was getting angry.
"Ooops, sorry."
"It was a joke," Ken said. "Sorry."
"Look, guys, if you want to grope each other, I don't mind, I'll just keep out of your way!"
"Uhm.. Okay. We won't."
"You what?"
"We won't grope you anymore."
"Good. Or I'll..." Yamato tried to make something up. "I'm going over to Taichi!"
Ken shook in laughter and Daisuke chuckled into Yamato's t-shirt.
"What, is this some kind of a way to drive me from the couch?" Yamato then wondered.
"No, no, no!" the boys exclaimed eagerly. "Please, don't go!"
"Fine," Yamato grumbled and sighed. "Oyasumi." (a/n goodnight)
Yamato wanted to sleep too much to care about the looks Ken and Daisuke exchanged over his chest.

Yamato was too hot to go on sleeping. Beside, he heard some sound. Yamato slowly opened one eye. And
froze. Ken and Daisuke were kissing madly over his stomach, their tongues darting in between their teeth.
Yamato's eyes went wide.
Ken and Daisuke were BOYS!!!
They're... they're...
Daisuke was meowing slightly and it made Yamato's hair stand on ends. Then he threw a look farther and
the shock hit him in the face: BOTH Ken and Daisuke's hands were down on Yamato's thighs.
Daisuke disengaged himself from Ken and lowered his face to Yamato's stomach, sucking on his skin.
Yamato whimpered but no one minded him. Ken raised his hands to Yamato's sides and pulled up his t-shirt
licking his way to Yamato's solar plexus. Then he noticed Yamato's wide eyes staring down at him. Quickly
Ken pushed Daisuke's head away from Yamato's shorts. Daisuke gave a protesting yelp but saw Ken's point
when Yamato pulled himself to a sitting position with his hands.
"That's IT!" Yamato tried to regain his breath. "You little perverts!"
"Oh c'mon, you can't say you didn't like it!" Daisuke threw away pretense. He climbed on Yamato's knees and
Ken grabbed Yamato's waist from behind.
"Lie back down, pretty," the genius purred in his ear.
"NO WAY!" Yamato made a dash for freedom.
"What's the problem, guys?!" came an indignant voice from the centre of the room.
"No problem!" Ken shouted back.
"YES PROBLEM!" Yamato fought with Daisuke who tried to push him back into Ken's arms. "Let me GO!"
"Yamato, onegai?" Ken left a trail of kisses on Yamato's nape. "It's no fun without you!" (a/n please)
"You aren't having fun with me!" Yamato managed to throw Ken off himself.
"Just let him go!" said another annoyed voice. "And for goodness' sake, let normal people do their business!"
"Normal people!" Daisuke sniffed irritated.
"Shut up, Dai!" Taichi commanded. "Come over 'ere, Yama."
Yamato gratefully got off the couch and groped his way to the chair in the dark, trying not to step on anybody.
Taichi pulled him in and Yamato was surprised to find Koushiro there as well.
"I thought..." he began.
"Sleep, Yama," Taichi murmured into his shoulder throwing his arm over his chest.
"What, is Dai playing soccer in bed?" Taichi muttered, sighing.
Here was almost as crowded as on the couch. At least, here Yamato felt safe. He slipped into the dream once
He wasn't dreaming long.
A hand rubbing at his backside brought him to his senses.
"Ko.. Koushiro?" Yamato muttered.
"Yeah... what?"
"What are you doing?"
"Sleep, Yama," Taichi pulled him back on the chair and put his head on Yamato's chest.
The hand retrieved back to Koushiro's side and Yamato was left alone. He shivered.
"Are you cold?" Taichi and Koushiro both snapped their heads upright eagerly.
"Is Yamato cold?" Jyou said from the floor.
"Hey, I'm fine!" Yamato panicked. Why would anybody be interested in his health all of a sudden?! "I need to go to the bathroom," he said.
No reaction. Yamato gulped.
"Tai?! Would you please let me get up?!"
"Oh, this.. Yeah."
Taichi grumbling moved aside and Yamato quickly jumped on the floor and went out of the room grabbing his jeans
as he went. In the bathroom he pulled them on. He somehow wasn't feeling safe anymore.
Yamato peeked in the mirror. He looked as if he had seen a ghost. The blonde ran his hand automatically through
his hair and went back to his room. He really wanted to sleep in his father's bedroom. He wished heartily that his
father was at home now.
Yamato settled on the very edge of the chair, next to Taichi and felt Taichi's arms embrace his waist protectively.
He was getting used to that.
"Why are you wearing jeans, Yama?" asked Taichi.
"I thought you were asleep."
"I am," Taichi chuckled in his ear and kissed his neck just below the earlobe. Yamato jerked away.
Taichi held him back and rolled him over himself, tucking the blonde in between him and Koushiro again.
"Sleep, Yama."
As if Yamato was ever going to sleep again! The blonde lay still trying to figure out how many hours there
were before dawn. He considered going over to Takeru... If he got away from Taichi.
A hand stole across his side. Yamato pushed it away.
Again and again he stopped Koushiro from groping him. The redhead seemed never to give up. Finally Yamato
fell asleep worn out by this game.
When he woke up next time, he instantly wished he hadn't. Koushiro was lying underneath him, his legs
bracing Yamato's hips, and the redhead was exploring Yamato's neck with his tongue. Yamato shivered.
But the most striking thing about it was that Taichi was lying full length on Yamato and kissing him all over his
face. His hands were messing with the button of his jeans.
Yamato froze for a moment.
Taichi sucked on his lips. THAT was the last drop.
Yamato pushed him away at the same time trying to wriggle out of Koushiro's lap and crying, "Get OFF me!!!"
"Awake now?" Taichi pinned him down to the covers and straddled him. Koushiro got out of the way and sat up
beside them.
"TAICHI!" Yamato yelped. "What's the problem with you!!!"
"Hey!" different cries sounded from all the places.
"You guys can't keep it private, can you?" said annoyed Miyako.
"Shit!" cried nearly everybody when someone hit the light button.
The sight before Yamato's eyes gave him creeps.
Ken and Daisuke were in each other's arms looking like they were disturbed from kissing, Ken lying on top of Daisuke.
Mimi and Sora in Yamato's bed were in the same position, thankfully hidden by covers, since their pyjamas were thrown
on the floor.
Hikari and Miyako were on the futon which was intended for Koushiro and Jyou, embracing each other in an intimate way
and Hikari's hairclip was placed caringly in Miyako's hair.
Takeru and Iori were snuggled up in the chair kissing still oblivious to the light.
Yamato himself was straddled by Taichi who was very proud of the fact and Koushiro was running his fingers through
the blonde hair distractedly.
"Hey, that's MY bed!" Yamato said in the direction on Sora and Mimi.
"Well," said Jyou. "Looks like the cat's out of the bag."
"Takeru!..." Yamato gasped.
"Uhmm..." Takeru winced at the light as he and Iori parted. "Sorry, brother."
"Look at yourself," shrugged the little blonde.
"What's the problem with all of you?!" yelled Yamato struggling with Taichi for freedom.
"The problem.." Taichi was panting. "That we are all... gay."
Yamato stopped struggling. He stared at Taichi then slowly looked at the others in turn.
Mimi was pulling on her pyjamas flashing huge pieces of her naked back. Miyako glared appreciatively at her.
Takeru was shuffling Iori's hair absent-mindedly smiling shyly at his big brother. Ken and Daisuke resumed kissing.
"You aren't," Yamato pleaded.
"I am!" Daisuke said cheerfully and hugged Ken.
"Me too."
Then everybody said 'me too'.
"Jyou, you of all!" Yamato shook his head. "No, no! You can't be gay at 5 in the morning!"
"Ah,.. it's gonna be harder than I thought," Taichi sighed. He leaned in and kissed Yamato on the mouth. Yamato
shot away risking to break his neck in the process and cupped his mouth.
"Gerra'ay 'rom me!" he muffled into his palm.
"Yamato...you're so kawaii..."
"I am NOT!" growled Yamato and was pressed to the back of the chair with another kiss.
"Of course you are," sighed Jyou.
The girls flipped back on the bed and stared at the guys. Miyako and Hikari formed a lap embrace on the futon
and watched them as well. Yamato threw Taichi on the floor and climbed out of the chair.
Takeru chuckled.
"Oh well, I've never seen it and I'm gonna sleep in my father's bedroom!" Yamato rose to his feet and started
towards the door. Then he was hurled on the couch and was surrounded by Taichi, Jyou, Koushiro, Ken and Daisuke.
Surrounded meaning that everyone grabbed him in different places and tried to be as close to him as possible.
"You see, Yama, the problem is - you are sooo kawaii that we all want to go out with you," Taichi said. "So tell
us who you like."
"All?" croaked Yamato. He threw a begging glance at his brother.
"Would you, Iori?" Takeru asked seriously.
"Mmm... probably...but I already have you!" Iori smiled. "Would you?"
"Uhh. Sure, why not?!" Takeru said. Hikari and Miyako laughed.
"You're my BROTHER!" Yamato shouted. "That's ... that's..."
"Hot," Takeru nodded.
"I disown you," Yamato said.
"Good! Then I'll go out with you!"
"So, you like Takeru?" Taichi asked casually.
"Shut up."
"Who do you like?" Ken wondered. "We couldn't keep our hands off you and you didn't even break a sweat."
"It's just you aren't professional," Taichi pointed out.
Ken's eyes became slits.
"Me?" the genius asked menacingly.
"Hey!" Mimi grabbed an alarm clock.
"Don't wake up Kaiser in me!" Ken clenched his fist.
"Easy, easy!" Koushiro locked his arms around Taichi while Daisuke did the same to Ken.
Yamato looked around hopelessly. He was at mercy of a bunch of gays he called friends.
Jyou ran his hand through Yamato's hair and the back of his neck making him yelp.
"Who do you like, Yamato?" said the doctor-to-be in a husky voice.
"I know!" Daisuke sprang up. "I know how to make him choose! Let's see who'll get him aroused more!"
"WHAT?!" Yamato screamed and started to fight his way out of the bundle of boys. "Why me? Why me?!"
he cried as they all grabbed him and pinned him to the couch, inspired by the idea.
"Heavy!" he yelled. Somebody managed to drive an elbow into his guts and Yamato gasped for air.
"Hey, get off him! You're heavy!" Taichi pushed Daisuke away.
"I meant you..." Yamato began but Taichi ripped his t-shirt off him. Everyone gasped in wonder, Yamato felt
himself blushing fiercely.
"Whoa, beautiful..." sighed the guys.
"You're so nice when blushing," Koushiro thrusted his tongue into his ear.
"Shit!" Yamato yelped.
"You've already tried to get him high, bug off!" Taichi waved Koushiro away.
"Hey, who gave you the right to sit on him!" Jyou argued.
"I'm the leader!"
"Oh my god..." Yamato groaned. No one paid any bit of attention to him. "You're crazy.."
Jyou's tongue dove into his mouth and Yamato tossed his head to the side. Taichi was half-lying on him,
drawing figures with his tongue and lips on his stomach, gently biting his skin, and Ken was straddling his
hips working on his zipper.
"I! Am! Not! Gay!" Yamato tried to say in between kisses induced by Jyou. He could feel pleasurous tingles building
in his spine. He only wanted to keep erection away. Yamato tried to wriggle away and catch his breath but
it was next to impossible with three horny guys all over him, slowly roasting him crazy with their touches. He
was about to give up when Sora's voice bellowed in the room.
"Enough! You're strangling him!"
"But Sora..."
"Do you want him dead or what?!"
Slowly unwillingly with many protesting, killing stares and grumble the boys released Yamato.
"Thanks," Yamato coughed out. He took a sitting position on the couch and hoped he wasn't burning hot red as much
as he felt he was.
Taichi pulled him on his lap possessively.
"I'm your best friend," he coaxed. "Go out with me first?"
"Fuck off."
"I thought you were hooked up with Koushiro!" Jyou pointed out angrily. "I'm the one without a boyfriend!"
Yamato buried his hands in his head. "Oh my god..."
"And you have Daisuke!" Jyou waved an accusing finger in the direction of the genius boy. "So bug off
from MY Yamato!"
The oldest bluehaired hauled Yamato from the couch revealing great strength and held him against himself.
"Guys..." Yamato begged.
Taichi grabbed a pillow and leaping from the couch started to strangle Jyou with it.
"STOP! I..." Yamato slumped into the chair. He was at a loss. Everyone in this room every boy
to be exact wanted to take him out and Yamato wasn't even gay. He had to do something about this.
Hey, anybody have suggestions?
"I.. I.. already have a date!" Yamato lied.
"WHO?!!!!!" bellowed the boys and the girls whipped up their heads in wonder.
"Quiet, I have neighbours, you know," Yamato winced. He considered possibilities. Jun...? This should better
sound convincing to them. "She's one of my stalkers.."
"You son of a DOG!" Taichi hurled himself on Daisuke. "I'll kill your sister I swear...!"
"It's not Jun, it's not Jun!" screamed frightened Daisuke while Ken and Koushiro steadily tore Taichi away from him
limb by limb.
"Who is it?!" Jyou leaned to Yamato's face.
"Yamato doesn't have a girlfriend," giggled Mimi. "I know."
"I do to!!!"
"Do not!" Mimi pulled down her eyelid and stuck her tongue out. "Can't get a girlfriend! Bee da!"
"Why you..." Yamato started from his chair but four separate pairs of hands held him down.
"Liar," said Taichi menacingly.
"Well, okay, I have a date tomorrow!" Yamato whimpered desperately.
"Are you sure?" Koushiro said and pushed his hands up Yamato's knee.
"You do not!" Sora chuckled.
"Well... I was going to... to ask her out!" Yamato gave himself a mental note to poison Sora one day.
"Who?" Hikari smiled sweetly.
"Hmm.. It's a secret... OKAY, OKAY!" Yamato backed off when the boys leaned in closer, and Daisuke gave a wink to Taichi
saying 'Let me show how to get this secret out of him'. "I'll tell you! I'll tell you! It's .. erm..
(Think, Yamato, THINK!!!) ...Mariko?"
She was in his class but the reason her name came up to his mind was because her nickname was Raging Baboon.
It's hard to forget the girl with THAT nickname.
There was a silence as everyone frowned. Yamato's eyes darted to the whispering Miyako.
"Agawa Mariko from your classroom?"
"She's going out with my brother," Miyako hit a pillow hard with her fist.
"Leave the pillow, it's guiltless!" begged Hikari.
"Ooops..." said Yamato, his throat going dry. The boys advanced on him. "But... but... I WILL go out with
somebody.." Yamato tried to dissolve in the air.
"Yeah.." Taichi licked his lips. "With me.."
"Or me!" Jyou said in a hurt voice.
"Or me!"
"And me!"
"Guys... I.. I.. I need time!!!" Yamato resorted to the last refuge. "Please???"
"Well, really," Sora said after everyone's considered Yamato's last offer. "You're running too fast, guys.."
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, Sora, you're perfect!.. Marry me?" Yamato finally got rid of the guys
looming over him and stared gratefully at Sora. The alarm clock flew past missing him only by inches. Yamato
swallowed and sank back into the chair. Mimi shrugged, "Sorry."
"Hey, watch itl!" Taichi landed on the arm of the chair, putting his arm around Yamato's shoulders protectively.
Yamato sought to move away.
"Are you allright, darling? Let me see if you're hurt.." Jyou kneeled before him and Yamato hit his hands away
with his foot.
"It MISSED me, okay?!! Hands off!"
"I was only going to check you. In a doctoring way," Jyou stated innocently. Everybody blushed and coughed in
"Phew, Jyou, you're perv!" Iori winced.
"ANYWAY!" Taichi interrupted the coughing. "I think we have a deal. Yamato," he gleamed evilly at the blonde.
"We're going to give you a day to find a date. If you fail..."
"Then we decide who you will hook up with," Koushiro nodded.
"The way we want it," Jyou agreed. The coughs and blushes in the room resumed.
"A DAY?!" Yamato shrieked.
"Shhhhh, darling," Taichi planted a kiss on his forehead brushing his hair away lovingly. Then steel sounded
in his voice, "One day."
Now all the Digidestined started to look interested.

a/n That's it for the first chapter. Next: Yamato's looking for a date.