Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mischief ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2.

tip on classes: Yamato, Taichi, Sora - 2nd year of high school/ Yamato, Taichi (2-2), Sora (2-1)
Koushiro, Mimi - 1st year of high school/Koushiro (1-1) Mimi (1-2)
Jyou - 3d year of high school (+juku) (3-1)
Ken, Miyako - 3d year of middle school (last year)/Ken (3-A) Miyako (3-B)
Daisuke, Hikari, Takeru - 2nd year of middle school (2-B)
Iori - 1st year of middle school (1-A)
that means that they all wear uniforms. Ken studies in Tamachi (private?) middle school, Tamachi Junior High (?)
I don't know where Jyou studies except that he goes to juku courses
the rest study in Odaiba High or Odaiba Junior High
let's pretend Mimi returned from America when her parents decided that they can't escape being involved into
digimon affairs. And I don't want to break Sora's heart.
Momoe and Jun are in 2nd year of college or in graduation school (they are 19)
okay, now I don't know if Odaiba High and Junior High are in the same school building but they are now. he he he.

~My Father's Face~ (chapter 2 to Mischief at Night)

Yamato's sixth sense nudged him and he woke up to the early morning light. The rest of the Chosen
Children (chosen by hell, it seemed) began to stir.
Yamato turned his head to the right. Taichi was snuffling into his shoulder, his hair wilder than usual
and occupying half of the sleeping space.
Yamato looked to the left. Koushiro and Jyou were sleeping in each other arms, and due to the lack of
room Koushiro was lying on Jyou. Or due to something else, Yamato reflected and felt sick. The
people he thought he knew gave him a nasty surprise this night. Gay, all of them, and Yamato is
sandwiched between them.
A faint sound of kissing came from under the covers on the couch. Ken and Daisuke. It seemed like
they never went to sleep at all.
"Shit Daisuke, why don't you go to bathroom?" came a stiffled whisper. Then a moan. The covers flew
aside and Daisuke winked at the greyish light. Under him Ken sighed and pointed to the door. (a/n hey! don't ignore
it! A plot is growing out of it!)
"That way."
"Thanks...But Ken.." the boy began cautiously.
"Morning!" Yamato interrupted, lifting himself from Taichi's arms.
"Stay put!" the dark-haired boy mumbled pulling him back.
Daisuke left swiftly.
"Taichi.." Yamato felt uncomfortable.
One chocolate eye stared at him. "Yeah..You're ready to go out with me?"
"Fuck you."
"Oh really?!!" Taichi shouted in joy. "I'm on top! I'm on top!"
Yamato found himself on his back with Taichi glaring at him from above.
"Hey, not fair, Taichi!" Jyou wailed.
"Somebody wanted to fuck?" Takeru grinned.
"Lemme see! Lemme see!" Miyako clapped her hands.
Yamato gulped. How could everyone turn crazy in one night?
"I thought Yamato had a day to decide?" Koushiro protested.
Yamato nodded vigorously.
"Oops, I forgot," Taichi leaned closer. "But maybe.."
"Tai!" Yamato warned but it was too late. Taichi kissed him.
"GOOD MORNING, OTOUSAN!" Takeru bellowed. Yamato choked on air. He shoved Taichi off him and
stared at his father in the doorway.
"Hm..hmmm.." said Yamato's father surveying the couples wrapped into each other's arms.
"You're back early, otousan," Yamato swallowed nervously.
"Hmm.." his father gave him a studying look.
"Otousan, this is Iori," Takeru buried his face in the little boy's neck.
"Hajimemashite, douzo yoroshiku," Iori smiled shyly. (a/n I'm pleased to meet you. ^_^ I'm having fun with Japanese
dictionary, aren't I cool?!)
"Hajimemashite," his father answered. (a/n my pleasure.)
Yamato pointed to other various people his father could have forgotten or had hardly met.
"That's Miyako, and Taichi's sister Hikari, you know Sora and Mimi - do you remember her? Right, that's
Koushiro and Jyou but you know them, over there is Ken and Daisuke is right behind you. Taichi, well
it'll be a wonder if you didn't know him."
"YOROSHIKU!" chorused everyone. (a/n nice to meet you)
Yamato's father nodded. "Yoroshiku. Eh, Yamato, I take it breakfast isn't ready?" he said finally.
"In a minute!" Yamato slipped from the bed and followed his father into the kitchen. His face was burning.
What was he supposed to tell his father so that he didn't kill his friends?
His father settled on the chair without a word and Yamato rummaged through the fridge for something to cook.
Ishida-san cleared his throat. "So, Yamato. How was the party?"
"Nice." Yamato took a frying pan. "Look, they're just.."
"Whom are you going out with? Taichi?"
Ishida-san sighed wearily. "Spill it, Yamato."
"Honto ni..I'm not going out with anyone." The boy looked at his father. "And don't mind Takeru, he's
just fooling around."
"I really hope not," stated older Ishida.
"This Iori is a very nice boy... Actually, the reason I went away was that I knew about this set-up-
Ishida-Yamato-with-someone business and I was looking for opportunity to slip away quietly the next
time you'd be getting together."
There was a loud bang as the frying pan hit the floor. Yamato's father chuckled at the stunned look on
his son's face.
"Takeru told me everything ages before."
"You..you knew?!" Yamato shook his head.
His father frowned. "But even if both of my sons are gay, I still expect grand children, understand?!"
"You...you have no problem with that?!!!" the blonde couldn't believe it - his father had actually tried
to set him up and with a BOY! Nice... Yamato didn't feel like becoming gay. He actually was about
to do anything to avoid it.
"And personally," his father leaned closer to whisper to his son. "I would pick Taichi. "He's good at
sports and a nice fellow and he'll take great care of you."
The frying pan hit the floor the second time. Yamato's jaw dropped.
"Come to think about it... Well, it'll be nice to have a doctor in the family, and this Jyou person looks
"Koushiro isn't bad too. I mean, he's smart with computers and I might use his help at TVstation."
"I'm not sure about the little ones. Daisuke doesn't seem like the best person to get into serious
relationship with, but it's your choice anyway and I won't say anything against. And is this THE Ken?
The genius boy? Well, not a bad choice as well. SOMEBODY has to be clever in this house... And
besides, I'm just dying to interview him.."
"DAAAAAAAAAAD!!!" Yamato shouted and his father shut up at last.

(a/n I just got an idea: how about hooking Yamato and his father together? ^_^ I'm evil. What would it be called,
Yamaki? Hiroato? I like the sound of that *evil laughter*)

Yamato stood before his father panting. "Don't you DARE!!!" the boy banged his fist on the table.
"Don't you dare do that to me!"
"Cool down!" Taichi wrapped his arms around Yamato's waist and placed his head on his shoulder.
"You don't want to kill your own father.."
"Bug off."
Taichi laughed softly but complied. Yamato turned to the stove distancing him from everything.
"But at the end of this day, Yamato, you'll be totally mine."
Yamato shuddered.
He tried to remember where he had tucked the Valentine cards from the previous year. He realised with horror
that he might have thrown every of them the next day. The blonde began to regret being a lone wolf.

School started as usual party or no party, and the Digidestined rushed to the school ground as if Vamdemon
was breathing down their necks.
"See you later!" Ken flew up the stairs leading to the train station to catch the train to Tamachi.
"Why can't Ken study in Odaiba?!" Daisuke pouted.
"Because he's not an idiot?" Hikari suggested.
"You study here too!" Daisuke parried automatically.
"Unlike you I do my homework regularly and pass my tests with 80 to 90 %."
Miyako patted Daisuke's shoulder while running. "Why don't you talk to Ken's parents about it? Maybe
if they'll see your grades they'll understand that Ken MUST NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LEAVE
She laughed. Daisuke shot away from them. "You may be cleverer but you won't catch me!" he shouted and
disappeared in the distance.
Yamato scraped for every telephone book he owned and tucked all of them into his shoulder bag. Along with
his guitar case it weighed down on him and Yamato felt drained out when he reached the school ground. But
he had to find a date or commit suicide. He wasn't going to be a plaything for Taichi or whoever.
Once in his class he checked out every girl. They seemed to be already going out with somebody.
Inoue Chizru, Miyako's older sister, the other blonde in the classroom stared at Yamato. She used to be doing
that for the past month. Yamato turned to his books for a moment then decided he had nothing to lose.
Inoues weren't the best choice, but maybe it was only Miyako who was the ass in the family. Yamato got
up and went to Chizru.
The girl grabbed the book and smiled unsurely.
"You look like you haven't got anyone to speak to," Yamato commented.
"My friend... she's ill," the girl whispered lowering her eyes.
"I'm sorry."
Yamato slipped into the next chair and looked into her book upside down.
"What are you reading?"
"It's... uhmm... well, John Fowles, the Magus." (a/n it's lying on my desk waiting for me to read it!)
"How interesting," mused Yamato. He never heard of it. He took a breath. Should he flirt with her or
just blunt out he need a date? "Well, Chizru, what do you do after school?"
"I go home to read. Or go to park. Or to the library, to take some book."
"Right," Yamato nodded.
"Do you want to ask me out?" the girl pierced him with her sharp eyes.
Yamato couldn't help grinning. "I could use some reading."
Chizru's lips spread in a smile but she submitted it. "I'll think about it," she said gravely.
"What class is your sister in?" Yamato asked standing up. "She's friends with Motomiya Jun, right?"
"Momoe... ah, she's.. well, yes, that's right. She's in college."
"Yeah, right. See you then."
The bell rang. Yamato sat at his desk failing to notice Koushiro rushing away from the door to his classroom.
Taichi was late. As the teacher was calling the roll, he crept inside and slipped behind his desk. There was a
smug smile on his face directed to Yamato.

Yamato flipped through the first telephone book. He wanted to make sure he had a date for tonight, so
he would have to find out who was free in case of emergency.
He wrote out several names. He vaguely remembered speaking to these girls but he had their classroom
numbers and that was a start.
(a/n now I'm going to take it hard on Yamato and somebody else too. ONLY BECAUSE I LOVE THEM!
explanation: I'll be using seiyuu names for girls! First - Fujita Toshiko, Taichi's seiyuu...)
'Fujita Toshiko, 3-1. Okay, that's only 1 year older. Wonder why I have her phone number...'
Yamato peeked inside the homeroom. It was absolutely empty.
"Hey!" he stopped a passing high schooler. "Where's 3-1?"
"They have music lesson."
Yamato went downstairs.
"Takeru, I'm a bit busy.."
"Oh really." The younger blonde clung to his sleeve. "It's not fair! I wanted to talk to you. It's serious!"
Students in the hall began to pay attention to them due to Takeru's highpitched screeches.
"Spill it."
"It's private!"
Yamato gave a look to Takeru. "Wait a minute, will you?"
Takeru followed Yamato to music hall, whining all the way. "But it's very very very important!.."
Yamato tried to pretend that the little wailing blonde wasn't his brother. He looked in the music room.
"Is Fujita Toshiko here?"
The girl rose from her place by the window and walked to him. "Ishida Yamato?"
"Yamaaaaa!" Takeru tugged at his sleeve. Yamato sweatdropped. How was he supposed to ask her out?!
"Yeah.. I believe you wanted to ... to talk - let go of my jacket, Takeru!- to me?" asked Yamato wishing he
believed right.
"You mean the performance that was 2 days ago?" Toshiko asked sweetly hiding a smile.
"The performance?" Yamato asked puzzled.
"Well, the song."
"The song?"
"Yes, I wrote a song and I wanted to sing it with you 2 days ago," Toshiko crossed her arms.
"Oh..." Yamato bit his lip. "Oh..oh. Oh."
"Yes," the girl smiled wide. "Lucky me, I found another singer."
A guy with dyed blonde hair came up to her.
"Hi," Yamato said breathlessly and took a step back, crushing into Takeru. He wanted to run away quickly.
"I'm sorry, Ishida," Toshiko took the guy's hand and turned to go.
"It was a nice song," Yamato said weakly. He remembered it now. Teenage Wolves also took part in school
gig. As the stars of Odaiba of course.
"Thank you. Let's go, Yuuto." The girl and the boy disappeared in the classroom. (a/n Kazama Yuuto is the
seiyuu for Yamato ^_^ waaaaaaaaaii! isn't he sweeeeeeeet?!)
Yamato felt like killing somebody right now. He turned to unleash his anger on Takeru but Takeru was gone
miraculously. The bell rang.

'Kikuchi Reiko or Paku Romi?' Yamato bit the tip of his pencil in thought. Both girls were in grade 1 of high
school. He could recall neither. But he had to try. (a/n seiyuu to Daisuke and Ken!!! Paku Romi rulezzz!)
Yamato took a deep breath which went out sharply when a shrill cry pierced the air.
Everyone turned to look as a yellow and green bolt of lighting swooshed past them and the boy hurled himself
on Yamato. "I need to talk to you!!!! Seriously! Now!"
The door to the classroom opened and a spike-haired head stuck out.
"Girls, it's ISHIDA YAMATO!" the girl screamed on top of her lungs and a second later was standing next to
the blonde. Three more girls jumped out of the classroom.
"AWWWWWWW!" they wailed.
"Hi, Yamato-sama!" the spiky haired chatted. "This is Paku Romi and Noda Junko (a/n Veemon's seiyuu),
and I'm Kikuchi Reiko!!! Yahooo!!!! Wow! Cooooool!!!
I knew you'd come! Meet the proud members of Bishounen World Wide Web! Now, give us your autograph!"
"Whaaaat?" Yamato was taken aback. "Bishounen what?"
"I HAVE TO ASK YOU YAMATO!!!" Takeru screamed in his ear.
"WE WANT ANY BISHOUNEN ALIVE!!! That's the motto!" Reiko did a little victory dance, then handed
him a pen.
"Hell..." Yamato muttered. "How am I supposed to ask you out?"
"ASK US OUT?!" the girls screamed in complete extasy.
"I didn't mean... I was... it was... NOoooo!" Yamato stuttered. He felt so stupid.
"Who do you like to take out first?" Reiko continued joyfully.
"Wait... Takeru, what do you want from me?!"
People in the hall threw interested looks at the two blondes. The girls blushed and backed off into the
classroom inconspiciously. Yamato stared at Takeru. His face was pink.
"Ooops," Takeru shuffled his feet. "Gotta go!" he ran away.
Laughter broke up at the end of the hall and Yamato saw Taichi giving thumbs to him.
"Great going, Yama!"
"Go fuck yourself," the blonde turned and went to his classroom. It was as if the whole world was against
him having a girlfriend.
Takeru peeked from behind Taichi.
"It worked," he said.
"Yeah, very good, Takeru."
"I need money not thanks."
Taichi pulled a face but gave the little brat 500 Yen.
"And next break, it starts all over?" Takeru asked.
"I dunno. Did Koushiro tell Miyako about her sister?"
"Yep. Miyako made sure Chizru wasn't going out with Yamato tonight."
"And did you arrange the show during the lunch break?" Takeru asked business-like.

Yamato was in a lousy mood. 'I'm the hottest rock star of this school and everyone just keeps turning me down!'
He leaned against the wall and looked outside the window. The lunch break started 10 minutes ago but
there was quite a crowd. He wondered what it could mean.
Taichi threw an arm over his shoulders.
"Well, love, are you up to a walk with me?"
"Get off me, Tai."
"Dark cave, remember?" Taichi pulled him with him cajolingly. "Don't give in to bad feelings."
Yamato had nothing better to do than follow him.
"Why is everybody outside?" he asked his friend.
"You'll see."
Yamato and Taichi burst through the school doors. The moment they stepped into sunlight, Taichi swung his
arm across Yamato's waist and pressed him closer. Students started to give them odd looks. Yamato was acutely
aware of the way everyone's attention turned to them at once, though there were no direct glances which made
it all seem very fishy to him. Whispers surfaced and Yamato's skin crept when he heard his name repeated in
low voice all over the school yard.
Yamato grew uneasy and wanted to pull away. "Taichi, I can stand by myself."
"Really... You can't even get a girl."
"You bet I can!" Yamato turned to him furiously. Now that he was facing his friend, Taichi wrapped both
his hands around his waist. The blonde reeled back.
"Tai...People are staring."
"What, it confuses you?" the dark-haired teen wondered.
Yamato's eyes were ready to electrocute him. The students stopped what they were doing and stared at
the two boys in the middle of the school ground.
Taichi leaned to him and kissed his cheek tenderly.
"This confuses you more, Yama?" Taichi asked.
Colour rushed to Yamato's face when he realised what Taichi would do next.
"LET ME GO!" Yamato broke away and ran into the school pushing everyone off the way. Taichi was left
standing alone like a lost puppy with eyes glistening with tears.
"So, is this true that Yagami Taichi is in love with Ishida Yamato?" whispered students to each other.
"Poor boy. That Ishida is a heartless monster."
"They're GAY?!"
"Poor Taichi."
Taichi smiled secretly.

'Sakamoto Chika, grade 2-1, with love to Ishida Yamato. Be my Valentine,' read the card. Yamato twiddled
it in his fingers. (a/n the seiyuu of Agumon. ^_^)
The day that seemed to never end was decreasing rapidly. Yamato couldn't find a date. It was either Takeru
or Koushiro who would pop up out of nowhere and start asking him stupid questions. Or Taichi would
choose the moment to pass by when Yamato stopped to talk with a girl, and the minute Taichi and Yamato were
nearing each other, the hall went quiet and waiting. Everyone gave a wide berth to Yamato.
Yamato picked another card.
'My heart quivers when you sing, Mizutani Yuko, grade 1-3. Please, call me.' (a/n the seiyuu of Sora.)
Yamato missed stupid Valentine Day. He wished for any girl to give him some chocolate so that
he could sweep her in his arms and present her to his 'friends' as his girlfriend. But either all girls
in the world were taken, or they loved him only in February.
"I need a date," he whispered and hung his head.
Soft giggling sounded behind him. Yamato recognised it as Mimi's.
"You don't realise that it's war, Yamato," the girl said. She drew a picture on the tree bark absent-mindedly.
"A war which is led against your possible girlfriends."
"Who does?!" growled Yamato.
"Taichi, Koushiro, even Jyou and Daisuke, you name it. Everyone who'd like to go out with you."
"Stupid. They want you for themselves."
"Why?" Yamato repeated stubbornly.
"You're the coolest guy in the school, Yamato-kun."
"I'm not gay!"
"You simply never tried." Mimi shrugged and went to school.
Yamato had one more lesson to find himself a girlfriend. He needed help. He went to his band.
"How're you, guys? I have a problem," he announced. The three boys looked up.
"If it's Yagami Taichi, I don't want anything to do with it," Yutaka said stiffly. He obviously believed the rumors
circulating round the school.
The blonde singer sighed. "I need a girlfriend."
His band mates eyed him with interest.
"Finally," Akira commented. "We began to think you're gay."
"What's the problem? I mean, you're the last one on earth who can have a problem with finding a girl," Takashi
stated. Yamato looked at them in turn mournfully.
"That's just it! I do have a problem with it. Girls don't want to talk to me!"
The boys whistled. "You've been too cold to them.."
"You're always cold..."
"They're afraid...
"You never paid attention to them..."
"I get it already!" Yamato raised his voice. "Tell me how to get a girl, okay?"
"Well, first, you act cool..." Takashi started. That scruffy looking coy boy telling me to act cool?! Yamato
couldn't believe it.
"Not helping, Takashi," Akira shook his head. "I'd say you need advertisement."
"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight!" Yutaka joined in. His eyes burned with inspiration, he was bound to come up with something
outrageous like a true romantic would. "A song!"
"Excuse me?"
"A looooooove song!" Yutaka jumped from the windowsill and paced from one to another. "If we can get
a love song ready for our next gig, we get waaaaaaay popular! Girls will deliver themselves by post
to our feet!"
"Our gig is a day away," Akira reminded. Yutaka waved the comment away.
Yamato felt disgusted. "A love song? We're a rock band! We DON'T do love songs!"
"Oh, c'mon, Ishida!" Akira and Takashi joined in. Yamato could tell now they'd been dying to play a love song
for ages.
"Just a little imagination, you can write lyrics all right!" Yutaka pleaded.
"Besides," Akira pushed his hands in his pockets. "You don't have a choice. Let's go, wolves."
The trio started to walk away leaving Yamato in the hall. The blonde scratched his head. Patch up a love
song? That meant he had to stay with his band all day - yay, no Taichi! - and in the evening... Bad. But
maybe, he'd be able to get away this time. And Yamato couldn't deny that he'd have more chances
with a love song.
"I'm on it!" he called to them.
Akira turned with a victorious smile. "See ya later then!"
The bell sounded.
"Oh crap, I'm late for my lesson!" Yamato sprinted to his classroom.

"Well, love, where do we go tonight?" Taichi fell in pace with Yamato on his way to the band practise.
"Forget it."
Koushiro ran up to them. "It seems like you're free for tonight, Yamato?"
"I have a practise."
"But I mean after."
"Get off."
Taichi gave a knowing look to the redhead. "We are going to pull your name out of the hat to see who's
gonna take you out. Is it okay or you have somebody in mind already?"
"The day's not over yet!" Yamato stopped and turned to his friends. "And you're being a pain in the ass."
He slammed the door shut in their faces.
"Are you ready, Ishida?" Akira's muffled voice sounded from behind the door.
"I was born ready."

Yamato tucked the pencil behind his ear and flipped on his back with a pad in his hand. The sky turned
golden in the west already. The evening was fresh and Yamato was too weary to think about his
friends' stupid bet.
Akira and Takashi were packing up for home and Yutaka was still humming the melody dreamily.
"It's not really romantic," he complained.
"It's cool," Akira said. "If Yamato's gonna work a bit at lyrics, it's gonna be a hit."
"You don't understand romance," Yutaka sighed.
"Well, I don't wanna do fluff!" Yamato called from his place on the couch.
"Whoooooooooooa!" Takashi whistled. "I'm more of NC-17 type myself.."
"Thanks," Yamato couldn't believe Takashi the shiest boy in the world was turning out to be a pervert.
"Gomen kudasai," sounded a quiet musical voice from the door. "Is Yamaguchi Takashi here?"
"Hi, imouto, whazup?"
"Kaasan is worried you've been here too long."
"Okay, okay, I'm coming! I need to pick something from the classroom. Stay put."
Yamato listened to it with his eyes closed.
"Jaa mata!" Akira and Yutaka left. Takashi (he's so bossy around his siblings, Yamato reflected) ran
upstairs. Yamato had to go home soon. He opened his eyes.
Takashi's sister was inspecting a drum set tentatively. She wasn't used to be present at band practice and she was
curious. From behind she looked kinda cute. Yamato smiled to himself. Slim chance. She didn't send him
Valentines, but perhaps she was interested.
She turned around and saw Yamato.
"Uhm, sorry."
"It's okay," he said quietly. The girl blushed. She wanted to look brave and she decided to keep the
conversation going. Definetely interested, thought Yamato.
"What were you doing? Is it your new song?" she picked several torn pages and tried to make out Yamato's
He kept eyeing her. It was one of this moment when you only want to stare into space with your mind blanking
out completely and you hold your gaze just because you have no strength to look away. The girl blushed more.
She stole a cautious glance to Yamato. She took a long determinated breath.
"Can I have your autograph?" she stretched out the rough copy of the song to Yamato. "Please?"
Yamato dug the pencil out of his hair making no indication of getting up from the couch.
"You'd say a sister of the band member doesn't get anything," she smiled coyly. It was probably in
Yamaguchi's bloodline to be shy and cautious.
"'Ts'kay," Yamato took the paper and signed. His hand lingered and he added 'with love'.
The girl took the paper and read it. She bit her lip. Yamato was staring at her steadily.
"I love you too," she said quietly, meeting his eyes.
Yamato rose on his elbow. "Would you go out with me?"
"You're serious?! Ishida Yamato's asking me for a date?!!!"
He nodded.
"Yes..." she blushed and swallowed. "But my bro's gonna kill me..."
"Don't worry about it," the teen looked away. 'It's not only your brother who's gonna kill you for that,' he thought
gloomly, imagining Taichi's reaction. The girl fumbled with her fingers.
"And what are we supposed to do now?" she asked.
Yamato pulled himself up and kissed her cheek. He couldn't believe his luck.
"MAYUMI!" Takashi gasped from the door. "ISHIDA!!!" he rolled his fists.
"Niisan, Yamato's asked me out," Mayumi stepped away quickly.
"Takashi, calm down. I won't hurt your sister!" Yamato protested. He got up. "I promise, okay?
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase? Pretty please?"
Takashi realised that whatever suspicions he had assumed were wrong. He sighed in defeat.
"Fine, but you're bringing her home before 9 p.m. Clear?"
"Promise," Yamato swung his guitar case over his shoulder and put his left hand on Mayumi's waist,
which earned him instantly an angered look from her brother.
"Don't worry, brother. I'm old enough to take care of myself."
"And just how old are you?" Yamato asked cautiously.
"I'm his twin-sister."
"WHAT? You have some secrets, Takashi!"
"And I have another 'secret'," Mayumi laughed softly to herself.
"Yeah?" Yamato and Takashi looked at her.
"I'm in your class, Yamato."

(a/n I don't know Takashi's last name - honestly! - and he probably doesn't have a twin-sister.. But
I needed Yamaguchi Mayumi as Yamato's date. Who is she then? Well, she's Gabumon's seiyuu.
*smug smile* ^_~ Is this then Yamato+Gabumon's pairing? I dunno. What's the name of this pairing
anyway? Gabuto? Yamamon? Yabumon?.. Yeah, and GOMEN to the seiyuus!)

Looks like Taichi and Co aren't getting any tonight? Well, I wanted to insert a song! And I won't take
American version also! Nor Negai Kanaeru Kagi or Walk On the Edge!! MY song! And the song
by Fujita Toshiko is Yuuki Wo Tsubasa Ni Shite, and she sings it solo (there is some male voice in
the refrain, though I don't know who he is, he sings about 2 lines). Check out the next

gomen kudasai - excuse me
itouto - little brother
imouto - little sister
oniisan - older brother
okaasan - mother
jaa mata - bye