Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievous Digimon and Chocolate ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mischievous Digimon and Chocolate

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. Digimon is a copyright of Toei
Animation and Fox Kids. So don't sue me damn it!


Author's Note: I would like to get some idea of what others think of
my writing so email me at [1]forman_adam@hotmail.com. Hi everyone
sorry but this isn't a part of my Lovers Island series this is just a
quick fic so that I can take a break. Before I start I would like to
thank everyone that sent me what they thought about my fics and I'm
glad that you think that I'm a good writer. Just so you know this may
not be up to my other fics since I wrote it quickly. This fic has
nothing to do with the series it's just a short story that takes place
during Valentines Day. Also if you have ever read my Lovers Island
series then you know that I'm a DaiKari fan. Any way on with the

In a small cabin in the woods far away from the city of Tokyo two
small animal like creatures were playing. "Hey bro I bet you can't
catch me." The smaller one yelled from high in the roof supports. "Oh
yeah." The other one yelled from the floor. Quickly jumping nearly
twenty feet in the air the larger animal was able to reach the roof
with ease. "Wow!" the small one said. "C'mon you can jump that high
to." The older one said. "Oh yeah well I guess that's because were
Digimon." The younger one said. "I'm Cutemon I may look cute and my
name may say the same but you better watch out I'm very powerful with
my love dust attack I can make my enemies fall in love with me and
then pummel them till they submit." "And I'm Truthmon her older
brother just like her I'm very powerful but very small and my truth
dust attack reveals anything my heart desires about my enemies from
their greatest fears to their deepest desires." "Hey bro look humans!"
Cutemon said pointing down to the door. Two humans' one male and one
female walked into the house with a large dish of what looked like
chocolate. "Wow so some kids rented the cabin for Valentines Day." The
male human said placing the dish down. "Yeah so I thought we should do
this for them you know leave them a few chocolates." The female said.
"Well I just hope they enjoy themselves." The male said walking out of
the cabin with the woman. A few moments later Truthmon and Cutemon
jumped down to the table to see what was on the plate. "What are
these?" Cutemon asked poking one of the chocolates. "I think they're
called sweets." Truthmon said thinking. "Humans eat them especially
human children." "So can I have one!?" Cutemon asked anxious to try
one. "No we can't let humans know that we're here." Truthmon said
sternly. "Aw does that mean when the people come here we have to
leave?" Cutemon asked with a drooping face. "I guess." Truthmon said
quickly. "Wait can we have some fun with the humans!?" Cutemon said.
"What do you mean?" Truthmon asked. "Like this." Cutemon said
stretching. "LOVE... DUST!" Large amounts of red dust began to cover
the chocolate and after a few moments the dust disappeared. "Sis what
have you done!?" Truthmon screamed. "What?" Cutemon said innocently.
"Our attacks aren't like other Digimon's." Truthmon said calming down.
"They affect humans differently now go to your room." "Aww c'mon bro I
didn't know." Cutemon said with her ears drooping. "That's why I won't
punish you, but you need to learn to think before you act." Truthmon
said pointing in the direction of a small hole in the wall. Cutemon
slowly dragged its feet across the floor to the hole and went inside.
Now what do I do? Truthmon thought staring at the chocolate. I can't
eat it and there's no way to remove the dust. Truthmon carefully
thought for a few moments and came to a decision.

******************************************************** **************

Four days past and nobody came to the cabin. "Huh what's the deal
we've been in hiding for four days and no one's come?" Cutemon said
from high in the rafters. Just then the wooden door opened up and in
stepped a young human girl wearing a pink tee-shirt with a white
stripe in the middle, pink gloves with the fingers cut off, yellow
shorts, and a small white box hanging around her neck. Soon after the
girl in pink stepped in another girl walked through the door this one
very different from the first this one had on large glasses a blue
long sleeve shirt and red shorts. "Hey c'mon guys speed it up!" The
girl in pink yelled out the door. "Yeah it wasn't that long a walk
from the parking lot." The girl with glasses yelled out the door. Soon
enough three human boys carrying what looked like over three hundred
suitcases came to the door and their faces were all red from the
strain of the weight. "Why didn't you two carry anything?" One of the
boys asked that was wearing what looked like a jacket with flames and
goggles. "We did." The two girls said in unison each holding up a
small bag. "Are you ok Ken?" the boy asked looking back at one of the
other boys. "Yeah I'll be fine Davis." Ken said while straightening
his back. "How bout you TK?" Davis asked. "Well besides the fact that
I'm going to need some serious back surgery later yeah I'll be fine."
TK answered also while straightening his back.

"Hey bro do you think they're the humans?" Cutemon whispered. "Yeah
that's them lets see the boys names are Davis, TK, and Ken." Truthmon
said counting the humans. "so that makes five humans."

"Hey what's this?" the girl with glasses asked looking at the plate of
chocolate. "What are you looking at Yolei?" the girl in pink asked.
"It looks like someone left some chocolate for us." Yolei said. "Hey
Kari where are the room keys?" TK asked. "Oh here I've got them right
here." Kari said reaching into her pocket. "Here we go catch TK your
in room 2." Kari tossed the key to TK who caught it easily. "Hey
chocolate." Davis said reaching for the plate. Quickly Yolei smacked
his hand away. "Ouch! What was that for Yolei?" Davis said upset.
"Davis who knows who left those here or for how long." Yolei said.
Davis just gave Yolei a stare of anger and grabbed one of the
chocolates and ate it as quickly as possible. "Mmmm." Davis said
keeping his mouth shut. "Errr Davis sometimes." Yolei said balling her
hands into fists. "Yolei we came here to relax for the week so lets
not fight." Ken said putting a hand on her shoulder. "*sigh* fine
you're lucky pal." Yolei said giving up. "Here you go Yolei you're in
room 3 and Ken you get room 4." Kari said walking over to the group.
"Thanks Kari." Ken said walking over to the bags. "Yeah and Davis try
to behave I don't want to have to hurt you later." Yolei said pointing
a finger at him. Yolei took her bags and went up the staircase to her
room following Ken part of the way. "Ok Kari which room do I get?"
Davis said. "You get room 5!" Kari said pushing the key against him
harshly. Geez what did I do? Davis thought as he watched Kari pick up
her bags. Quickly Kari walked up the stairs and into her room since it
was at the end of the stairs. Hmm my room number is 5 that is...Aww
man I'm all the way at the end and TK's right next to her room. Davis
thought. "I guess I should have expected that." Davis said picking up
his bags.

"Hey I thought you said our attacks effected humans." Cutemon said
confused that nothing happened when Davis ate one of the chocolates.
"They do I guess the precaution I took did the trick." Truthmon said
proud of himself. "Hey how long will your love dust last on those
chocolates anyway?" "Hmmm I'd say at lest one more day." Cutemon said
scratching the back of her head.

************************************************************ **********

"Ok TK truth or dare?" Yolei asked. "Truth!" TK said sternly. It was
around six o'clock and the sun had set outside so the DigiDestined
made a fire in the cabin's fireplace and started to play truth or
dare. "Have you ever had a crush on any one besides Kari?" Yolei asked
with one of her eyebrows raised. Everyone with the exception of
Cutemon and Truthmon leaned close to TK to hear his answer even Kari.
"Well..." TK said trying to keep a poker face. "Yeah." "Really who?"
Yolei asked quickly. "Hey that's two!" TK said defending himself.
Everyone quickly sat back in their seats since they wouldn't know who
TK once had a crush on. "Ok now it's my turn." TK said carefully
looking around at his friends. "Ken truth or dare?" "Uh truth!" Ken
said hesitantly. "Ok what was the most embarrassing thing that ever
happened to you?" TK said. "Dare!" Ken said without hesitating. "Now
remember you can't go back to truth." TK said pointing out carefully.
"I know." Ken said shaking his head. "Alright I dare you to take off
your shirt and shorts and let Kari take a picture of you posing in
nothing but your underwear." TK said trying to hold back his fits of
laughter. Ken's eyes bulged of the idea of being in front of a girl in
his underwear and Kari blushed at the idea of have a half naked boy in
her camera. Everyone else started laughing with TK. "Alright." Ken
said as he removed his shirt. Kari quickly took her camera off her
neck and got it ready for when Ken was done undressing. Ken just
started taking his shoes off and finally he reached for his pants.
"Alright the moment of suspense is it boxers or briefs?" Yolei said
giggling. Ken was glad he wore boxers today other wise they would have
seen his member straining against the fabric. Kari made sure that the
light meter was perfect because she felt they would be using this
photo later in life. Quickly the shudder gave the clicking sound and
Ken was allowed to put his clothes back on. "Now someone is really
going to get it." Ken said giving everyone a stare he hadn't had since
he was the Digimon Emperor. "Kari truth or dare?" "Ha I'm not afraid
dare!" Kari said putting her camera down. "Oh so you don't want truth
no matter what?" Ken asked surprised. "Yeah I've played this game so
much but no one ever embarrasses me." Kari said confidently. "Ok I
dare you to give Davis an intimate kiss while I take a photo of it and
you have to make a copy of it when we get back so that it can't just
be erased on your camera." Ken said placing his arms behind his head
grinning from ear to ear. Kari wasn't ready for this and didn't know
how to react. "W...What do you mean by intimate?" Kari asked
nervously. "I mean the kiss has to be French and you both have to be
holding each other your arms around him and his hands well...lets just
say they have to be south of your waist and it has to last for about
five minuets." Ken said chuckling. Yolei and even TK were anxious to
see this both of them were on the edge of their seats. Kari looked at
Davis who was blushing to the point that he was brighter than the
fire. "WELLL." Ken said. Kari took a deep breath and handed her camera
to Ken. Kari moved right next to Davis so that Ken had a side view of
half of their faces. Davis swallowed hard since he knew what Kari was
going to do. C'mon girl you can do this it's only five minuets. Kari
kept repeating in her mind. Kari began to lean in and close her eyes
Davis followed her example until their lips connected. Kari slowly
pushed her tongue into Davis mouth and felt Davis' arms wrap
themselves around her and his hands fall gently on her ass. "You go
girl!" Yolei yelled watching carefully. Kari placed her arms around
Davis bringing her even deeper into her kiss. Kari nearly shuddered
when she felt Davis' tongue in her mouth but after a few moments she
got use to it. "Huh hey Kari." Yolei said as she watched Kari and
Davis. Kari didn't know what came over her as she began to lean even
more pushing Davis down on the floor. Davis wasn't sure what was going
on, all he knew was that the girl he still had a crush on had her
tongue in his mouth. Kari suddenly felt a tapping on her shoulder.
Kari turned to see Ken with a surprised look on his face. "The five
minuets are over." Ken said quickly. "And then some." Yolei said with
the same expression on her face. Kari quickly shot up and went back to
her seat on the floor. Davis slowly got up off the floor panting
slightly from the intensity of the kiss and wiped his mouth with the
back of his hand. "Alright now you're going to get Davis!" Kari said
angrily. "What did I do?" Davis said surprised that Kari was mad after
that. "Uh we'll have to save that for later Kari it's time to eat!"
Yolei said. Everyone quickly got up except Kari and Davis who were
staring at each other. Davis was the first to move and got up and went
over to Ken to talk to him. "Ok lets see Kari and I will cook tonight
so Davis Ken you go and get the food and TK go downstairs and get some
fire wood for the stove." Yolei said directing everyone. "No sweat."
TK said heading outside. "Gotcha Yolei c'mon Davis." Ken said
motioning to Davis. Yolei walked into the kitchen and then realized
that Kari wasn't with her. "Yo girl lets get moving and see what we
can do!" Yolei yelled snapping Kari out of her trance. "Huh oh right."
Kari said rushing into the kitchen following Yolei.


Man I can't believe Ken made her do that. TK thought. "Lets see fire
wood...fire wood ah here we go." TK said finding the wood next to the
cabin. "Whew it's hot here." TK said looking up at the sun. "But they
did say it would get cold at night." TK began picking up the wood and
placing it under his arm.


"Ken why did you do that!?" Davis yelled. "What are you talking
about?" Ken asked while trying to open the trunk. "That stupid dare
dimwit!" Davis said smacking him on the back of his head. "Ow! Hey
listen Davis I felt like I should show Kari that she isn't the best
player!" Ken said rubbing the back of his head. "Besides Davis I
thought you would like that I mean don't you still have a crush on
her?" "Yeah I still do but that doesn't mean I need your help." Davis
said sitting down on the bed. "I don't want to force Kari into
anything I may beg her sometimes for a date but I'm not forcing her to
go out with me." Ken only shrugged at what Davis was saying and went
back to the trunk. "Hey what's the combination for this trunk anyway?"
Ken asked with frustration in his voice. "9, 34, 12." Davis said


"Err I can't believe Davis!" Kari said chopping some celery in an
angry manner. "What are you talking about?" Yolei said taking a large
pot out of a cupboard. "I bet he told Ken to do to that dare on me if
he got the chance!" Kari said turning in Yolei's direction. Yolei only
ignored the way Kari was acting and placed the pot on the counter next
to her. "Ok now we just need the food and the wood." Yolei said
happily. "Hump! I tell you Yolei if Davis makes one move on me again
I'll make him a tenor in the school chorus!" Kari said now working on
a potato. "Kari first of all Davis didn't know that we were going to
play truth or dare." Yolei said trying to calm here friend down. "And
second Davis isn't smart enough to come up with something like that."
Yolei picked a similar knife and started working on a large carrot.
"Hey here's the fire wood." TK said stepping in the kitchen. "Great
thanks just put it over there by the stove." Yolei said pointing to it
with the knife. "So what should we cook?" Kari asked. "Hmm well what
ever you guys choose I'll eat." TK said leaving the kitchen to the
girls. "Hey we didn't know what to bring so we brought almost
everything." Ken said carrying what looked like twenty boxes of food.
"Hey where's Davis?" Yolei asked. "Oh he said he wanted to see if he
remembered to pack something." Ken said placing the food down. "Good."
Kari said harshly. "What's wrong with her?" Ken asked Yolei making
sure Kari couldn't hear him. "You're stupid dare that Davis made you
ask." Yolei whispered back. "But Davis didn't ask me to do anything."
Ken whispered back. Yolei was surprised when she heard this and went
back to cutting the vegetables.

"Mmm that smells so good." Cutemon said putting her nose just beyond
the rafters. "Stop thinking about it." Truthmon said back. "But
they've been cooking for hours and I'm really hungry." Cutemon said

"Ok Dinner is served." Yolei said placing an enormous salad in the
center of the wooden table. "Yep and here's the main coarse." Kari
said. Kari placed a large pot that still had a cover on it so that the
contents couldn't be seen. "Well what is it?" TK asked curious and
hungry. "Pasta with shrimp and crab meat!" Kari said taking the lid
off. A large amount of stream rose from the pot as soon as it was
opened and revealed a meal that could feed a small army. "Geez think
you cooked enough?" Ken asked sarcastically. "I guess we did kind of
over do it a little." Yolei said looking into the pot. "Well that's
probably because we're used to cooking for six not five and not to
mention our Digimon." Kari said with a chuckle. "Yeah it's a real
shame Cody couldn't join us." Ken said. "Yeah but I don't really think
he would have liked this too much." TK said reaching for a bowl. "Hey
wait where's Davis?" Yolei asked quickly. "He must still be in his
room." Ken said taking a bowl to. "Kari would go and get him?" Yolei
asked kindly. "What why me?" Kari asked surprised that Yolei would ask
her to do something like that. "Well you have the master key duh."
Yolei said picking up a bowl and placing some pasta in it. In an
enormous huff Kari left the table and started towards the stairs. Geez
first he does that stupid trick of having Ken get me with that dare
and now I'm missing dinner because of him! Kari thought angrily as she
walked up the stairs. Kari didn't waste much time and walked quickly
to the end of the hall to Davis' room. The cabin was very interesting
it had three floors the first had the kitchen, dinning room, a
bathroom, and a living room with a fireplace. The second floor was
interesting it had all the rooms and each room had a separate bathroom
the way you entered the rooms was from a balcony like hall that
overlooked the first floor and only one stair case led up to them. The
final floor was the basement which could only be accessed from
outside. "Hey Davis dinner so come and get it!" Kari yelled while
pounding on the door. There was no answer and made Kari worry a bit so
she got the master key out of her pocket and placed it in the lock.
"Davis?" Kari said as she opened the door. Kari was surprised that no
one was in the room since no one ever saw Davis leave. Now where did
he go! Kari annoyed. Just then something caught her eye a small box
that was in Davis' open bag. Huh what's this. Kari thought as she
picked it up. Kari opened the box to find an even smaller box that
looked like a jewelry case for a necklace. Well there's no harm in
opening it. Kari thought letting her curiosity get the best of her.
Kari nearly dropped the box when she opened it. Inside the box was a
gold necklace with a small pendent on it that looked like the crest of
light with a small diamond in the center. Oh my god he didn't buy this
for me did he? Kari thought looking at the necklace. No way this could
be real that diamond would have set him back at least a good nine
grand what am I saying of coarse it's fake! Kari finally heard the
shower and realized that Davis must be washing up before dinner. Kari
quickly placed the items back together and left the room making sure
not to make any noise.

"Sorry I'm late guys I was taking a shower." Davis said sitting down
at the table. "It's alright don't worry though we've got plenty of
food." Ken said handing him a bowl.

"Did you hear that they've got plenty of food and we're up here
starving!" Cutemon said drooling. "You need to learn to control
yourself Sis." Truthmon said doing what looked like yoga. "How can you
exercise at a time like this?" Cutemon asked desperately. "Ok listen
when they're all asleep you can go down and eat some food." Truthmon
said trying to make a bargain. "Ok?" "Ok!" Cutemon said jumping for

"Goodnight Davis, Ken." TK said tiredly as he walked into this room.
"Night TK." Ken said as he opened his door. "See ya in the morning
Davis." "See ya." Davis said waving to his friend from the end of the
hall. Davis opened his door and then closed it quickly turning off the
lights and passing out on the bed taking his clothes off as he got
under the covers.

"You know Kari this idea your brother had was pretty good." Yolei said
taking her toothbrush out of her mouth. "Yeah this was one of his
better ideas." Kari said checking her teeth for food. "Man we are good
cooks everyone ate like their Digimon." Yolei said spitting out the
water. "Uh huh." Kari said splashing her face with water. "Why do you
do that?" Yolei asked. "You know how good my complexion is right well
that's my secret." Kari said smiling. "Say Kari I wanted to ask you
this for awhile." Yolei said getting a serious look on her face.
"What?" Kari asked concerned. "Well I wanted to know," Yolei said
lowering her face. Kari leaned in close so she would hear Yolei's
question. "How was it?" Kari didn't know what she was talking about.
"...?" Kari remained silent. "You know the kiss." Yolei asked. Kari
turned from inquisitive too furious. "Are you trying to make me mad or
are you just asking for a slap!" Kari screamed. "Oh c'mon you tell me
you didn't like it after all you went into your own world." Yolei said
raising her index finger. "Just wait and see I'll get Davis back for
that little prank." Kari said slamming down her toothbrush. "Hey Davis
wasn't in on it Ken told me." Yolei said defending Davis. "Really?"
Kari said surprised that he didn't set it up. "Uh huh and you might
want to give him a chance after all he won't be in love with you
forever." Yolei said being serious again. "Hey I don't get it you
usually always hate Davis." Kari said stunned that Yolei was defending
Davis. "Well I guess it's because he's always pining over you." Yolei
said getting a little embarrassed. "Well you can have him." Kari said
walking out of the room. "Hey Kari." Yolei said getting her attention.
Kari turned around for a moment and saw that Yolei was walking towards
her and soon was past her and on the stairs. "You better be sure about
that because if Davis ever knocks on my door I'm going to welcome him
with open arms and an open heart." Yolei said taking one last look at
Kari and started heading to her room. Kari followed Yolei and went up
the stairs to her room and turned on the lights. Kari began to undress
herself and as she did she looked at herself in the mirror seeing how
she had turned out. She may have only been sixteen but her body was
still nicely developed and slim where it counted. After a few moments
of looking at her body in her matching blue panties and bra she felt
that she should leave her undergarments on incase Davis decided to
commit suicide and try to sneak a peek at night. She opened the drawer
and picked out a blue nightie that fell just below her thigh and had
the two strings at the top to close it. "There we go." Kari said tying
the string in a bow. Kari turned the light off and fell right into her
bed covering herself.

"Hey bro she went to sleep can we eat now?" Cutemon asked. "Not yet
lets wait for an hour and then get some food." Truthmon said looking
down from the ceiling with Cutemon.

It was around midnight and everyone was resting soundly. TK was
sleeping well and was enjoying his favorite dream of him and this girl
in one of his classes being deserted on an island paradise. Yolei was
dreaming about boys as usual and Ken was dreaming about Yolei.
Unfortunately Kari was having what she felt was a nightmare it was her
birthday and Davis gave her the necklace she found. After the party
Davis stuck around because he said he needed to ask Tai about
something. After a few glimpses of the necklace she finally would put
it on and admire her wonderful gift. Then she would hear Davis leave
and do what she always did when she was home alone dance in her
underwear. She would always dance to the song `do you love me' for
some reason she always liked that song. Then as soon as the song was
about to finish Davis would walk in saying he forgot his jacket and
see Kari in her underwear. Kari would then run into the kitchen trying
to hide herself but Davis would just follow her. That is until he
cornered her and she would try to run past him but he would always
grab her wrist and pull her close to him with an embrace. Kari would
be breathing heavily and Davis would just be smiling and staring.
Davis would then close his eyes and lean in and...and...and. "Aaah!"
Kari screamed waking up from her dream/nightmare. Thank god I always
wake up at that part. Kari thought panting. Kari searched for the
switch to the lamp and finally found it. "Uh." Kari said groggy from
her short nap. "Now what should I do?" Kari got up and suddenly felt
very strange as she walked. Oh no! Kari thought as she rushed into her
bathroom. Kari turned on the light and raised her nightie above her
navel and looked at her panties, which had a small moist mark. "Oh god
if anyone finds out that I just wet myself then I'll never hear the
end of it." Kari said letting go of her nightie. Now what? Kari
thought. Quickly her question was answered as she heard a loud growl
come from her stomach. Oops I guess I didn't eat enough dinner. Kari
thought blushing. Kari turned off the lights in her room and started
to walk down the stairs when she heard a soft sound of talking, which
soon silenced. "Just the wind." Kari said nervously. Kari crept slowly
to the kitchen making sure not to bump into anything. "Let's see what
should I eat?" Kari said opening the refrigerator. Hmm I don't want to
have to cook anything now but we don't have anything that I can just
eat. Kari thought looking through the shelves. Kari was starting to
get hungry and was about to start cooking when she opened the freezer.
Ooo it's those chocolates that were on the table I guess Yolei put
these in here. Kari thought taking the plate out of the freezer. "I'll
just have one after all I've got to watch what I eat." Kari said
taking one of the chocolates and putting it on a small plate. Kari
placed the other chocolates back in the freezer and got a glass out of
the cupboard. "Ahh now this is a nice desert." Kari said pouring some
milk into the glass. Kari felt she should eat her little snack in the
kitchen so she wouldn't disturb her friends. Kari took the chocolate
and broke it in two and placed one of the pieces in her mouth and
chewed. After she took the milk and washed it down licking her fingers
making sure to get every last bit of chocolate. "Mmm! Now I know why
Davis enjoyed that so much." Kari said putting her plate into the
sink. "That was the best chocolate I've ever had in my life." Suddenly
Kari got this strange sensation she had never gotten. "Whew why do I
feel so hot." Kari said panting. Kari walked over to the stairs and
nearly collapsed when she reached them.

"Psst hey bro look!" Cutemon said quietly. "What is it?" Truthmon
asked. "I think that girl ate one of the chocolates and she doesn't
look to good." Cutemon said worried about Kari

Kari was able to regain her composer and stand again after a few
moments. "Whoa what was that?" Kari said wondering what had happened.
Kari walked up the stairs and reached her door but for some reason she
didn't feel like going in. Kari looked down the hall at the other
rooms and started to walk down it. Kari reached room 2 where TK was
but she didn't want to disturb him knowing how well he slept sometimes
so she continued. Now she was standing in front of room 3 where Yolei
was sleeping she didn't feel like waking her considering what she
asked her last time they talked so she went on. Kari took a moment to
decide whether or not to enter room 4 Ken's room but after a while she
decided not to and went on. Kari didn't know why but she felt like she
should open Davis' door so she slowly turned the knob and opened it.
He didn't lock the door? Kari thought as she entered his room.

Kari's eyes had adjusted to the darkness so she was able to see
perfectly and since Davis' room had a window in it the light from the
moon helped. Davis was sleeping on his side with the covers up to his
chest. Wow he's got a pretty nice build. Kari thought while
approaching his bed. Kari gently sat down on the edge of the bed being
sure not to wake him. Davis turned so now that he was sleeping on his
back. Huh well at least he doesn't wear the goggles when he sleeps
like Tai did. Kari thought as she watched him. Kari just sat there for
a few moments watching Davis while he slept seeing how calm and quiet
he was. It's hard to believe that this is the same guy that was always
bossing us around in the Digital World. Kari thought as she ran her
fingers through his hair gently. Davis jerked a little in his sleep
causing Kari to jump. "Kari..." Davis whispered in his sleep. Oh wow
he's dreaming about me. Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised after
all he's always had a crush on me. Kari thought as she sat back down
on the bed this time closer. "Will you mar..." Davis said trailing off
in his sleep. No way he's dreaming of marrying me! Kari was stunned at
what she heard. Kari wasn't sure what to do she didn't want to leave,
but she didn't really know what else to do. Kari then started to get
that strange feeling again when she was by the stair case but this
time it didn't make her weak it make her hot. Kari slowly leaned in
and kissed Davis' forehead. What am I doing? Kari thought. This time
Kari kissed Davis on the lips making sure it was soft so as not to
wake him. Kari got off of the bed and realized what she wanted to do.
Carefully she lifted the cover and laid down right next to Davis
seeing that he only slept in his boxers. Wow now he's got things in
common with Ken. Kari thought giggling quietly. "Davis?" Kari
whispered in his ear. "Kari?" Davis said back still sleeping. "Yeah
it's me I was wondering if you could tell me how you really feel about
me." Kari said. "I love you." Davis said. "I know but how much?" Kari
asked slightly worried. "I would be willing to give my life just to
know you would see another sunrise." Davis said softly. "I'm glad you
said that." Kari said kissing his ear. "Because I know that I won't
regret showing you how much I care about you." Kari moved her hand
down to the opening of Davis' boxers and began rubbing his limp
member. "Mmm that's sooo good." Davis cooed. "It's about to get
better." Kari said increasing her pace. Soon enough Davis' member
became hard and Kari was stroking him very cautiously so that he
wouldn't wake up. Davis was getting close to reaching his climax and
Kari was watching him closely making sure to watch his face. Then in
one movement Davis shot up spraying his seed all over the inside of
the covers and Kari's hand. "Ahh now that's how to wake up." Davis
said embracing his pleasure. "You're welcome." Kari said catching
Davis off guard. Davis turned his head and was stunned to see Kari in
his bed with him and quickly turned the light on next to him. "Kari
you didn't just do that did you?" Davis asked completely taken back by
her actions. Kari only smiled and brought her hand out from under the
covers with Davis seed all over it. "I guess I should go wash this."
Kari said getting up out of the bed. Davis watched as he saw Kari in
her see-through nightie wearing nothing but her bra and panties walk
into his bathroom and turn on the sink. "Why did you do that?" Davis
asked not knowing what to say. "Is that all the thanks I get?" Kari
asked emerging from the bathroom with a hand-towel drying her hands.
"After all I thought you liked it." "I...I did, but I thought you
hated me." Davis said looking down at the floor. Kari walked over to
him and kissed him on the cheek. "I did it because I wanted to." Kari
said softly into his ear. Davis looked at her with surprise in his
eyes at her response. "You did." Davis said speechless. "I don't
really know why in the way of reason but I felt like being with you,"
Kari said moving on to the bed with Davis. "And when I saw you in the
moon light I just had to...to..." "To do that." Davis said cutting her
off. Kari simply nodded to this. "So now I guess you're going to go
back to your room." Davis said sadly. "Only if you want me to!" Kari
said desperately. Davis was surprised to hear Kari say this to him
after all he was always saying it to her. "You mean you want to
continue?" Davis asked. "Well when you and I kissed down stairs when
we were playing truth or dare I first didn't like it but then I just
couldn't help myself." Kari said trying to hold back what she knew was
true. Davis took Kari's face in his hands and gently kissed her on the
lips and Kari knew that she wasn't going to want to wake up if this
was a dream. Kari quickly wrapped her arms around Davis and pushed him
down on the bed. Davis did the same but like last time he placed his
hands on her butt doing his best to give her the attention she wanted.
Kari this time let Davis' tongue enter her mouth first and was getting
even hotter as she felt her erect nipples rubbing against his chest
through her bra and nightie. "Davis I love you." Kari said breaking
the kiss. "I love y." Davis said being cut off by Kari as she
forcefully pressed her lips down on his. After what seemed like an
hour of making out to both Kari and Davis Kari rolled over letting him
get some air. "So...now...what?" Davis asked panting from his loss of
breath. Kari smiled at the question and propped Davis up against the
headboard of the bed. "I hope you like this." Kari said removing her
nightie so that Davis would be able to see her underwear better.
"Let's get these off of you." Kari took Davis boxers by the waistband
and slowly slid them out from under him. Kari tossed his boxers to the
other side of the room once she had them off of him and moved so that
her legs were at opposite sides of his body with his erect member
standing in between them. Davis got what Kari was going to do so he
wrapped his arms around her body and brought them close with his
member pressing against her panties making them both moan. "Ohh
Davis." Kari moaned in his ear. "Kari this feels amazing." Davis was
able to get out. "It gets better." Kari said as she slowly moved her
hips to grind against his member. Kari was getting wetter which made
the feeling even better for both of them as Kari felt his member press
hard straining against her fabric. "Oh god Kari I'm so close!" Davis
yelled feeling his orgasm coming once again. Kari pushed back knowing
what would happen and as soon as she did Davis' seed shot out getting
on Kari's bra, panties, and Kari herself. "Oh geez Kari I'm," Davis
said apologizing for what he did. Kari just smiled and reached behind
her to unclasp her bra." Kari what are you doing!" Davis said grasping
the straps of her bra. "It's dirty so I'm taking it off." Kari said
seductively. Davis let go of the straps as Kari's arms moved to her
sides and reached for the straps herself. As she lowered them both at
the same time Davis never blinked so that he wouldn't miss a moment of
seeing Kari topless. Kari tossed the bra in the same place where
Davis' boxers laid and she stood up off the bed facing Davis. "I guess
I don't need to ask what you're doing now." Davis said smiling. Kari
nodded as her hands moved down to the hem of her panties and stopped.
"Davis why don't you do this part." Kari said mischievously. Davis
moved quickly to the side of the bed and placed his hands on Kari's
hips with his fingers at the hem of her panties. "Are you sure you
want me to do this?" Davis asked concerned about Kari. Kari just
flashed Davis her smile and gave him a motion to do it. Davis slowly
lowered her panties to reveal her still developing pubic hairs and
untouched virgin cunt. Davis was staring in awe as he let Kari's
panties drop to the floor. "Well that's everything." Kari said
jokingly as she stepped out of her panties. Davis didn't know what to
do so he just let instinct take control as he buried his face in
Kari's crotch causing her to moan in ecstasy. Kari was having a hard
time keeping her balance from the way Davis was eating her out. "Davis
stop!" Kari screamed. "What's the matter did I," Davis said being
stopped by Kari. "No it's just if you kept up like that I would have
fallen down." Kari said smiling. Davis took Kari and laid her down on
the bed so that her legs were just hanging down off the bed. Davis
stood on his knees on the floor as he held Kari's legs apart.
"Better?" Davis asked looking at Kari. "Uh huh." Kari said. Davis took
a moment to take in the scent of Kari's beautiful sex. This time Davis
went much slower as he licked Kari's outer lips to make sure he made
it last. Kari wrapped her legs around Davis' head bringing his tongue
even deeper into her making her moan in pleasure. "Ohh yess Davis
don't stop please I need something in me!" Kari moaned. Davis removed
his tongue and brought his arms around her legs and used his fingers
to spread her lips slightly so that he would have better access.
Quickly Davis darted his tongue in and out of Kari's vagina making her
gasp everytime and buck uncontrollably. Kari started twisting her
nipples trying her best to hold back her orgasm because she didn't
want this to end yet. Davis had removed his tongue and began fingering
Kari's pussy gently moving as far in as her hymen would allow and then
out till just the tip of his fingers were still inside. "Ohhhh Davis
I'm cumming!!!" Kari screamed as she felt her orgasm take her. Davis
made sure he didn't let one drop of Kari's sweet liquid fall onto the
bed as he licked it up. Kari couldn't believe this she had just cum
and Davis was still eating her out. Davis moved up on the bed so that
he was face to face with Kari and was able to see the expression of
passion on her face. "I guess I did pretty well." Davis said
chuckling. "Yeah... so do you want a cookie." Kari said sarcasticly.
Davis leaned in and kissed Kari on the lips. "No thanks I've already
had." Davis said politely. Kari smiled at Davis' choice of humor at
the moment and got an interesting idea. Kari moved off the bed in the
same position that Davis was when he was eating her out and motioned
for him to come over to her. Once Davis had moved to the edge of the
bed like Kari wanted she instantly grabbed his member with one hand
and started massaging his ball with her other. "Since you did that for
me," Kari said kissing the head of his dick. "I'm going to do this for
you." Kari let her tongue out of her mouth and started to slowly lick
the under side of Davis' member making sure to pay close attention to
the sound of his moans. Kari moved her mouth to the top of his member
and began to bob up and down letting her tongue wrap around the head
of Davis' member. "Oh man Kari that's great." Davis said brushing
Kari's hair out of her eyes. Kari increased her pace not showing any
signs of letting up until Davis climaxed. Davis was holding out as
best he could but he could feel himself slipping and so could Kari.
Making sure Davis climaxed Kari stopped using her tongue on just his
head and started using it to tease his balls. This was too much for
Davis as he grabbed Kari's head and without thinking pushed it down on
his member as he came. "*Cough! Cough! * Davis what's the matter with
you, you nearly choked me to death." Kari said falling back when Davis
let her head go. "Sorry I just lost control when you well you know."
Davis said blushing. Kari smiled since she knew what he was talking
about and wiped the bit of Davis' cum that was on her chin. "Well do
you want to finish this?" Kari said looking up at Davis with her
innocent eyes. "You mean you want me to." Davis said a little
surprised. Kari stood up and walked over to the bed where Davis was
sitting and sat next to him. "Davis I can understand if you don't want
to since we're both virgins and all," Kari said placing one of her
hands on his leg. "But if you want I'll wait till you're ready." "It's
funny," Davis said laughing lightly. Kari was curious as to why Davis
said that. "What do you mean?" Kari asked. "Kari I'm not hesitant
because we're both virgins." Davis said turning towards Kari. "Then
why?" Kari asked curious as to Davis' explanation. Quickly Davis
tackled Kari to the bed making her give a small shriek of surprise.
"The reason," Davis said kissing Kari's neck. "Is because I haven't,"
Davis said moving down her neck. "Gotten a chance to," Davis said
moving even lower. Kari's breathing was increasing as Davis moved
lower and lower. "Suck you're exquisite tits!" Davis said as he gave
one of Kari's nipples a flick with his tongue. Kari quickly reversed
the situation as she pushed Davis to the side and rolled on top of
him. "Well that's to bad because," Kari said kissing his chest. "I
don't want you to do that." Kari made sure she let Davis know that she
was in charge now by pinning him down to the bed. "Davis this part is
important so please tell me do you have a condom?" Kari asked getting
serious. "Oh yeah one in my wallet it's in the drawer over there."
Davis said pointing as best as he could behind Kari. Kari got off
Davis for a moment and opened the drawer to find a leather wallet with
the symbol of both courage and friendship drawn on it. When she opened
the wallet she found a picture of Jun, his parents, the DigiDestined
group both new and old members, and a solitary photo of her and
finally the condom. "Have you always had high hopes?" Kari asked as
she turned around and looked at Davis. "No it's just been in there
incase I was drunk and met someone like my sister." Davis said sitting
up on the bed. "Well I just hope you can get more of these." Kari said
ripping open the package. Kari carefully placed the condom on Davis'
member and unrolled it. "You haven't had practice at this have you?"
Davis asked wondering how Kari knew how to do this so well. "Health
class." Kari said answering him. Kari moved so that once again her
legs would be at opposite sides of Davis' body. Davis helped Kari by
lifting her up slightly over his member. Then in one swift downward
motion Kari's hymen was broken and Davis had also lost his virginity.
Kari did her best not to scream from the immense pain she was feeling
from this until she felt Davis' hands rubbing her back. "Kari I'm
sorry if that hurt you." Davis said softly. "I...I'm alright Davis
lets just go slow for right now." Kari said calming down. Davis laid
down on his back so that Kari would be able to move freely and as
quickly as she wanted. Ever so carefully Kari lifted herself up trying
to get use to the feeling of having Davis inside her. Davis reached
around and started squeezing Kari's ass do his best to make her feel
more pleasure and less pain. Kari was enjoying the treatment she was
getting and did her best to make it so Davis felt the same by moving a
bit faster. By now Kari was completely use to the situation she was in
and was bouncing on Davis so fast she was making the bed shake. "Ohh
yess Davis," Kari moaned loudly. Davis held Kari's hips and began
thrusting into her at the same rhythm. Kari laid down on Davis chest
letting him thrust into since she was feeling exhausted from holding
back her own orgasm. "Oh Davis please make me cum." Kari begged as she
ran her fingers through his hair. "OH KARIII!!!" Davis screamed. Davis
wrapped his arms around Kari and thrust one last time into her as far
as he could causing him to release his seed into the condom. "Oh YESS
DAVIS I LOVE YOU!!!" Kari screamed as she felt her own orgasm hit her
when she felt the condom fill with Davis' cum.
"That...was...marvelous." Davis said out of breath. Kari moved with
the remaining energy she had to removed Davis from her. "Yeah...you
were great." Kari said just as much out of breath as Davis.
"Don't...sell...yourself short." Davis said wrapping his arms around
Kari. Kari slowly removed the condom from Davis and threw it towards
the trashcan next to the bed. "Davis I want you to know this isn't
going to be just a one night stand." Kari said looking into Davis'
eyes. "I know." Davis replied. Kari pulled the covers over them as
Davis embraced her. "Goodnight Hikari." Davis whispered as he fell
into a peaceful slumber. "Goodnight sweet Motomiya." Kari said as she
rested her head on his chest and fell asleep with thoughts of being
with Davis in the Digital World alone.

"Ok sis now lets get something to eat." Truthmon said as he jumped
down to the floor. "Yippee!" Cutemon said following her brother.

"*Yawn* Good morning Ken." TK said stepping out of his room. "Morning
TK." Ken said looking up from the first floor with Yolei. "Mmm is Kari
up?" TK asked. "Nope would you wake her and Davis up for us?" Yolei
asked TK. "Sure no problem." TK said scratching his side. *Knock *
*Knock * "Hey Kari time to wake up!" TK said pounding on the door to
the first room. Man she always could sleep through anything! TK
thought as he waited for Kari to open the door. "Hey forget Kari Davis
is responsible for making breakfast so wake him up." Ken yelled. TK
left Kari's door and walked down to where room 5 was and knocked.
Surprising TK the door opened a bit. "Hey Davis wake up." TK said
walking into the room. TK walked over to the bed grinning because he
knew what to do to wake Davis up since he had used it to wake up his
brother. TK reached down and grabbed the end of the covers. One, two,
three! TK thought as he pulled the covers off the bed. TK's jaw nearly
dropped at what he saw both Davis and KARI laying in reach others arms
naked. "*Yawn*" Kari said stretching. Kari let the morning light
settle in to wake her up and still hadn't noticed TK standing in front
of the bed. "Mmm good morning Kari." Davis said opening his eyes.
"Good morning." Kari said putting one of her legs around him.
"G...Good morning." TK said stunned. Kari and Davis both turned in
surprise to see TK standing in front of them and all three of them
were frozen in the position they were. "TK get the fuck out!" Kari
screamed throwing a pillow as hard as she could at him. TK quickly ran
out of the room and shut the door making sure not to look back. "Hey
TK I thought I said to wake Davis up not Kari." Ken said as he saw TK
outside holding a pillow. TK slowly walked down the hall to the stairs
and looked at Ken and Yolei as if he had just seen a ghost. "I did."
TK said simply as he sat down. "What?" Yolei asked puzzled by
response. "I just saw Kari and Davis sleeping together." TK said
leaning back in his chair. Ken and Yolei both nearly fell to the
ground. "I'm sure she just got scared and needed someone around her."
Ken said trying to explain it. "Without wearing any clothes?" TK said
negating Ken's idea. "Wait you don't actually think Kari slept with
him?" Yolei asked. "I think that was kind of a apparent. Just then
they heard the door to Davis' room open and Davis walked out in the
same clothes as yesterday only with a white shirt and he wasn't
wearing the goggles. Th en surprising even TK, Kari walked out wearing
one of Davis' shirts with a soccer number on the back and his goggles.
"I'll get breakfast ready." Davis said as he walked down the stairs.
"Good and try not to burn the eggs." Kari said giving him a kiss on
the cheek as he went into the kitchen. Yolei, Ken and even TK were
speechless as they watched Kari sit down at the table. "What?" Kari
asked innocently. "How about everything!" Yolei said raising one of
her eyebrows. "AH!" Davis yelled from inside the kitchen. Quickly
everyone dashed into the kitchen to see why Davis had yelled

Once inside the kitchen they found Davis standing in front of the
refrigerator with his back towards it. "Davis what's the matter?"
Yolei asked. "You guys won't believe this." Davis said as he opened
the fridge. When the DigiDestined looked inside they saw two small
Digimon that looked like Gatomon only one had pink fur and the other
had blue. The one with pink fur slowly opened its eyes. "*Yawn* to
much pasta." Cutemon said. "Huh? Ah humans!" "No you don't need to be
afraid." Kari said quickly trying to calm the Digimon's nerves. "Huh?
*Yawn* what's going? AH humans!" Truthmon said waking up. "Hey relax
we won't hurt you." Yolei said extending her hand. "You, you won't?"
Cutemon said skeptical.

"So you're names are Cutemon and Truthmon." Ken said trying to
understand this. "Uh huh we came here when Myotismon traveled to earth
and hid from him here." Truthmon said. "Oh and don't eat the
chocolates." Cutemon said quickly. "Why?" Kari asked wondering why
since she had already eaten one last night. "Well I coated them with
my love dust and I'm not sure what kind of effects it has on humans."
Cutemon said smiling. Kari turned white at this and started having a
hard time breathing. Davis noticed this right away a ran to her side.
"Kari what's wrong?" Davis said distressed by what was happening.
"Davis I made a huge mistake last night with you I ate one of those
chocolate so," Kari said tears forming in her eyes. Davis nearly burst
into tears himself realizing what she meant did she really love him or
was it just because of the chocolate. "Hey you should feel that way."
Truthmon said jumping over to where Kari and Davis were. Davis and
Kari turned to Truthmon wondering what he meant. "Listen I covered the
chocolates in my truth powder so if you did or said anything it was
only what your true feelings were." Truthmon said grinning. Kari and
Davis stopped shedding their tears looked at each other smiling and
instantly they were once again locked in a passionate kiss. "It's
going to be one weird week." Yolei whispered to the others.


Sorry but I've come down with the worst thing a writer can get
(Writers Block!) I'll try to get the next part of Lovers Island done
soon. Oh just so you all know I've been thinking on making a new group
of characters for my story but they won't be DigiDestined so you'll
just have to wait till I get that far. Don't forget I do appreciate it
when you send me feed back so please e-mail me at


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2. mailto:forman_adam@hotmail.com