Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress Kaikari ❯ Reincarnation of a Princess ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello! This is yet another new fan fiction that I made up.

Remember: I do not own Digimon: Digital Monsters and may I say this is
the only chapter I'll be putting a disclaimer on so be warned!

Oh, this is my first lemon so be nice

If you like, I'm BEGGING you to review and read and review my other
stories too.

Oh, this has absolutely nothing to do with my screen name or the
couple Kaikari, in this story, Kaikari is a place.

Sorry, the beginning is a little... not my usual style of writing.

Mistress Of Kaikari

Chapter 1

Reincarnation of the Princess

It was a peaceful summer evening that Hikari Yagami looked out the
apartment window of her house. She wrapped a woven shawl around her.
The distressed pre-teen sighed. A crystal tear fell down her pale

`Why do I have to live like this?' Hikari was a beautiful young woman.
With a beautiful mother and a handsome older brother. But her father
was a different story. Yes, he was attractive but there was a certain
secret about him that she was sworn to secrecy not to tell about. Her
father had lost sexual interest in her mother. Her father had a sexual
interest in her.

Leon Yagami was no normal man, as you will soon see. He was a drunk,
fired from his job last year, and addict. He spent all savings on
either strippers or pot. And he relied on his wife for the food on the

Hikari sat on the matt she used as a makeshift bed and stared.
Anywhere but in the position that she was about to be in was fine for
her. She saw the light from the hall reflecting into her room and
braced herself. She grasped the windowsill for any protection. Shivers
went down her spine as hands began to roam her body.

She tightly shut her eyes. A knife slivered down her chest, breaking
the used clothing she was wearing. The dirty brown night shirt that
only went to Hikari's knees was discarded to the side and her black
bra was cut as well and thrown to the back of the man.

"You know I love you, Hikari." He whispered in her ear, only gaining a
slightly muffled cry of fear from his daughter, "Why are you so
afraid? We've been through this several times." This time he gave out
a slight chuckle. He took in so much pleasure at her suffering.

Leon put the knife away and began to massage Hikari's breasts from
behind. Only panties were protecting the girl now. He slid her arms to
her hips and lifted her to face her. He put his hands over hers and
lifted them to his shirt. Slowly he made her unbutton it and take it
off him.

A tear fell down her cheek as he yanked her chin to face him directly
in the eyes.

"Why do you hurt me like this, Daddy?" she whispered. He slapped her
hard and she whimpered in fear.

"Don't you ever, and I mean ever call me `Daddy', my little fuck
bitch." He gave her another slap, "and am I hurting the little slut?
She won't feel so bad about it later. No she won't, will she?"

"No." she whimpered.

"She won't."

"She won't." she repeated.

He slowly slid off his pants and boxers and shoved himself into her
mouth, "Now suck, bitch." He commanded.

She did as told, fearing getting hurt again. A cold substance shot out
of him.

"Swallow, slut-bitch." He said, gaining her obedience again. He
laughed at her again. The pain and anger was swelling up in her as she
was pushed down onto the matt on the floor.

Yet another tear fell as her panties were cut off of her. A hard slap
came across her face.

"I see another whiny tear from you and that knife will have blood on
it, I swear."

Her eyes shot open at this and she looked into his eyes. He was yet
again chuckling. That evil laugh had caused her so much pain. He
shoved his cock into her and began rapidly pulling in and out. Blood
trickled out of her, the pain unbearable. Finally, after hours, he
completely pulled out. Hikari almost screamed at that. Blood
splattered everywhere.

"Well I guess I didn't need that knife anyway, did I." He loved to
humor her, "And Hikari?" he said as he was leaving the room without
his clothes on, "You know I love you, and thanks for the fuck." The
door closed and she lay there. Naked, bleeding, and hurt.

So she cried. She was lying there for hours until it happened. Her
father, drunken, came in with a broken bottle of booze in his hand. It
wasn't that early- about 3 o'clock - and normally they weren't done
until 3 or 4 in the morning.

"Get up!" he growled.

She did as told. He raised the broken bottle of glass to her head and
smashed it on her, knocking her out cold. He kicked her in her side
and picked up a large piece of broken glass and jammed it into her
leg, her crying out in pain. The pain was so severe that she was
completely in pain- most likely dying.

"That'll teach you." he slurred and then walked out of the room,
stumbling on himself.

She lay there- helpless, for if she moved there was pain. She was
dying, she knew. The blow on her head and the leg and all the kicks
and from earlier before was just too much for her 12 year old body.
She closed her eyes for the last time, "Goodbye...forever" she

As she closed her eyes, in the dark night sky 3 pale pink balls
floated towards the window. One, it's voice faint yet sweet said, "Are
we too late yet, Mystery?"

The other, a high-pitched voice responded, "I surely hope not,
Tainted. What do you think, Love?"

Love, with a simple voice said in response, "I'm sorry, Mystery, I
think it's too late."

"I hope not, Love, I really hope not."

The 3 swirled around each other and finally created one golden ball.
It looked down at the naked girl.

"The Princess!" Tainted cried.

"The poor dear." Another voice from the golden ball that could be
recognized as Love's sadly said.

"Oh, no!" was the only thing that Mystery said.

"The Mistress... what will she say?"

"And the Kingdom... who will protect it?"

"Without her power, Darkside will take over." they all started
mindless squalbble.

"Well the first thing we need to do is use the last power of healing
that we have."

"But, Mystery that'll kill you."

"If it saves my daughter...and the world, then I'll do it."


"With all the power combined in me,

I'll save her life, I promise thee

Give her health, all that she be need

Let the Princess fly indeed

Let her be strong, show her her power,

And tell that all time isn't really an hour,

Strength of health, power, and time

Shall make this Princess nobody's `Mine'"

Hikari's leg and other injured areas began to heal up as one third of
the balls dimmed.

"I guess she's right. Now she needs hope for life." Tainted said.

"With all the powers that let me be,

Help this child before me,

Let her share,

Let her care,

Let her shine,

Throughout all times,

Give hope to all the loss she's had

And give her the life that she's never had,

Let this Princess live with she,

And live in the bliss she deserves to be'"

A light entered Hikari's body and it made her look... more alive. And
yet another third of the ball disappeared.

Love sighed, "My turn

Let this girl learn to love,

As a dove

Let her not fear men again,

And give her her powers of Love's Mystery's Tainted life

The price is my life

Yet the pr\ice is right,

Guide her, Oh powerful one

Teach her

Love her,

Live her." The final third of the golden ball they had formed diapered
and went into Hikari's body. She slowly was able to get up. Hikari was
no longer naked, nor, was it on the...Earth...

I was dead, floating around in a world, so shiny and delicate. Like in
a cloud. I was so sad, though. I heard a voice, beautiful and soft,
she said my angels were watching over me and crying that I had joined
them too soon. Said that they sent out 3 fairies that I once knew to
care for me. She called me something too-Princess Kai of the...
something region. Another, with a rough yet kind voice said that my
father- my abusive father- would still be a threat to my heart, soul,
mind, body, spirit, and... chosen sacred powers. This one said that I
would be tested and must prove results positive or else I will never
truly become. And yet a third voice called out to me in my wanderings
through the cloud, as I was floating. This voice was very familiar it
told me that I had a gift- a gift that could save all and was most
powerful, unstoppable. Said that I was unbreakable once I had mastered
this gift. That I was the ultimate being and a true bringer of justice
and all truth throughout the universe- it didn't matter the race or
color or galactic empire they were from. Nor did it matter if they
were from the second universe along the digital universe stream. The
first was the last to speak, I shall always remember these words
before I embark upon this journey, `You were the Princess of a place
of which you didn't belong. They kidnapped you at a very young
childhood age. This can and will happen again, beware to face this.
You are the last Mistress of the land where you were born. Now it is
time to start the cycle again. You will embark to regain you're throne
from the evil that now possesses the land. Beware this. This threat
knows of you and is the reason for most of the childhood you remember.
I cannot answer any further thoughts and we cannot contact you. You
must learn your own path. When there is a fork in the path, you will
be ready to choose it. I assure it. You chose the path of which you
take on your own. Only your heart to guide you under the starry skies.
Follow the star and save you're mother. Embark upon the stars, and use
the universes as simple pawns as you will soon see they are. Good luck
to you, Princess Kai. Fair-thee-well'

So where am I now? There is no ground beneath my feet yet I can walk.
There were no clothes on my body yet now I am wearing a dress. It is
similar to the fabric of silk. I can tell it is delicate, and it is
made for only those who are of high places bye its odd yet majestic
features. There is no actual color of the dress, it is a grayish-
silver, then turns metallic purple, to midnight blue, to royal blue,
to hunter green, to yellow, to gold, to maroon, to red, then sometimes
the colors mix together or it turns black or white, and then it goes
back to it's gray silver color.

In my hair, in the place of the red hair clip that is normally there
at daytime hours is a matching hairclip. On my feet that were once
bare there are now delicate slippers made of the same material as the
dress. I notice that there is a small purse (made of the same cloth as
well) on my right arm. I sit on the nothingness, not once thinking of
what could be under me or if I would fall, and I study the objects
that were found in the purse. There are 3 mini scepters, one that
looks like a lion, the other one an odd plant, and the third was a
star with fire flames on it and on top of the flames was a crescent
moon. I also find a small mirror with a rose on it. But the star
interests me. I gently pick it up and it begins to shine. Out of
abrupt shock I drop the scepter and shield my eyes.

3 odd devises appeared out of the scepter, a piece of the legendary
rock- obsidian (yes obsidian is real). Obsidian is a rather shiny
black rock used to make makeshift knives and jewelry in the stone
ages. It was rare now in the modern time, though.

The other object was a cloak, black. Not made of the finery that the
dress I was wearing, but it was fancy, made of silk on the outside,
and in the end a fine thick cloth to keep me warm/ I guess that it
will double as a blanket. The warm inside is bound to the silk by a
zipper, so I'm guessing that if it were hot, then it'd be useful.

The third object was a teardrop shaped piece of wood. It was painted
black and blue. I have absolutely no clue what it did.

I lifted up the figures and put them in my purse, they amazingly all
fit. And I embarked; I was simply walking on nothing. But I had to
find it out, was the other thing that they has mentioned true as well?

All right, sorry the lemon part sucked. And there won't be another
lemon part so if that was the only flaw then don't worry. If you want
to contact me, I have several emails, it hurts to so much as count, I
think 5 or 6. So use one of the 3 on my profile.

There are so many questions we have, but a major one is where is Tai?
Mother? Kaikari? Princess Kai? Yeah.... Let's all try and absorb

Till next time, Kitties!