Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ More Than a Baka ❯ Chapter 2: Realization and a Bright Light ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

More Than a Baka
Chapter 2: Realization and a Bright Light

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon and never will.

A/N: Sounds like you guys liked it (I don't see why) so here's the second chapter.

Yama was shivering violently as he trudged through the snow trying to concentrate on getting home without freezing to death so as to not think about what happened only a few minutes ago. He wore only a light jacket because he had been driven to Taichi's house. The snow was coming down heavily as he 'optimistically' thought, 'Only ten more blocks to go....'

Yama ran up the stairs of his apartment complex. When he got to the door, he dug into pockets. 'Fuck! I forgot the damn key!' Yama scolded himself for being so stupid. He banged on the door, "Dad, WAKE UP!!!!! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!!!" he then waited a few moments, and when his dad didn't answer, he began pounding and yelling again.

| 1:00 a.m. |
Yama's POV

"So what happened?" my dad questioned yet again. "Why exactly did you leave your best friend's sleep over in the middle of the night. People don't usually do that for no apparent reason."
"Look, I already told you. Nothing happened. Can I please get some sleep now?" I whined. Like I'd ever tell him about Taichi's confession or anyone else for that matter. My dad gave me a stern look, but he understood.
"All right, I see you don't wanna talk about it. You can get some sleep now but," I was already on the way to my room but my dad added, "you'll have to sleep on the couch."
"Why?" I groan. Sleeping on that couch was death to anyone's back.
"Your brother's sleeping over." My dad smiles. He is clearly enjoying torturing me because I didn't tell him what the deal is.
"Whatever." I would not let him win at his little game by acting upset over it. However, my act of indifference wasn't necessary, as he was already on his way to bed.
I climb onto the couch and pull a blanket over me, willing sleep to take me. I really didn't want to ponder the hurt look on his face after he made his confession as I had tried to cover up my emotions. 'Emotions, what emotions?! You're NOT gay, Yamato! That's why you're mad at him! Then why don't I feel mad....? Well you should! Well, I'm not! And why is that?!' I argue with myself.
"I..... don't..... know....." I say to the darkness of the room.
"What don't you know?" A voice startles me. TK sits down on the arm of the couch.
"What are you doing up?!" I whisper-yelled.
"Well, it's kinda hard to sleep after someone tries to break the door down for a half hour, yells at our dad for another half hour, AND shout and mumble things in their sleep for an hour!"
A blush creeps up my cheeks. "W-what kinda things did I say?" I question, horrified at what his answer might be.
"Oh... things....." My younger brother trails off, smiling.
"Oh, that's REAL specific..." I mutter. "Look, I am not going to tell you about it, okay? You're not going to win this time!" TK's smile brightened. "No." I repeat. "No." TK continued to smile brightly. I sighed. Only TK could do that to me. Only my younger brother could get every damn dark secret of mine out of me. "Fine. What do you want to know?" I ask. I'm not about to freely give away the information that I just might to be particularly interested in girls right now. Or the fact that I've been having weird thoughts about Taichi lately.

|End Yama's POV|

Taichi sobbed himself to a sleep of teasingly horrible nightmares. In each dream Yamato would confess his love for Taichi, but something bad would happen. Yama would literally back stab him, cheat on him, break up with him for Sora, and much, much more. He woke up numerous times screaming and yelling.


Yamato stared at the wall in his room long and hard. TK had made him talk it all over last night and his younger brother had said it was obvious: You love Taichi. It was strange how his little brother seemed to know so much about love. When Yama had been TK's age, he hadn't the slightest clue on love. All he knew then was that he wanted to go out with the pretty girls. That's another thing, at TK's age being gay was not an option, and wasn't looked on too happily now either, so why did he make it seem perfectly normal for Yama to like his best friend? Perhaps he's had some experience in the area? Something to look into later, right now he had his own issues to work out.
'Do I love him? I mean do I really?' Yama thought to himself. 'If I do..... then how could I tell him? How could he believe or trust me? I mean he's real upset.... It's kinda impossible to get through his thick head when he's in one of his moods as if it wasn't already.... All well might as well go see him before he gets worse...' Yama left a note for his dad saying he might spend the night at Taichi's tonight. 'Hopefully...' Yama added wistfully to himself.

| 11:00 p.m. |
Taichi's POV

BANG. Bright light. BANG. Bright light. BANG. Bright light. DING-DONG. Huh? All well. BANG. Bright light. DING-DONG. What the? BANG. Bright light.
"Tachi open the FUCK UP!!!" BANG BANG BANG. Brighter light. Who the *BANG* is that? BANG.
"Taichi, I'm not gonna stand out here all night in the cold!" Pause. That's sounds familiar. Matt? Damn. "NOOO!!" BANG. Bright light.
"Taichi, I heard that. If you don't open the =DAMN= DOOR RIGHT FUCKING NOW, THEN I'LL BREAK IT DOWN!!!!" WHACK. Oooohhh, who turned the lights off....?

|Yama's POV|

I've been standing outside Taichi's door for ten minutes now. When I first came I heard him banging his head on the wall. He's seriously going to get permenant brain damage if he keeps doing that when he gets mad at himself, as if he didn't have enough issues with his brain.... *WHACK*. That can't be good... The banging stopped. He must've knocked himself out or something. Now how am I supposed to get in? It isn't like I usually go around breaking people's doors down. Umm... maybe I could climb in through the window or.... maybe he keeps a spare key under his doormat! I try under the doormat, but no such luch. Damn! I sigh and dig my hands into my jacket's pockets, which come across a key chain. Duh! Taichi gave me his damn spare key! How could I be so stupid!?
I slide the key into the lock and it clicks open. I step inside and close the door behind me. It's strangely quiet inside. The kitchen lights are on dim and a tape of the Japanese soccer team kicking the American team's asses is muted, subtitles on, on the TV. I walk into Taichi's room only to be tripped by something. Damn, I forgot the number one rule before entering Taichi's room: look all ways before entering, especially down. As I get up I see that the 'something' is Taichi. I flip the lights on and look upon him for a moment. He has a large bump growing on his head and his hair is messier than usual. He has the same clothes on as he did last night.... He probably hasn't done anything but insult himself and eat since I left him. Taichi =never= stops eating..... Oh, Taichi, what have you done to yourself now? I pull him up onto his bed and lay him down. I walk off into the bathroom, grab a rag, a wet it with cold water. I sit down next to Taichi and lay the rag on his forehead. I felt a sting at my heart. Great, I had been trying =not= to think, but I guess my heart never got the message.... I found myself running a hand through my Taichi's bushy hair. I guess... I really do love him... I muse. Taichi was breathing softly through parted lips. I felt an urge to capture those lips with my own. My eyelids drooped a little and I found myself leaning in towards the angel before me. It was as if I wasn't there at all. It was like I was watching this from far-off eating popcorn or something. It was as if it wasn't really me about to kiss a boy that I just now realized I had feelings for. A mere inch from his face, his eyes flutter open and widen as do mine. Oh shit....

Oooh cliffie! Review if you like, don't like, or if it just plain sux, k?
I'll try to update at least once a week, k?