Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Movie Stars ❯ Movies Stars pt2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Movie Stars

By: E-chan

Author's Notes:

I do not own Digimon Toei/Bandai/FoxKids do! So please do not sue. I just own the story that's it.

Ok, this is the first time I did a michlei/kouyako/kenyako fanfic. If you don't like these couples please leave. I wanted to try something new. Also, please do not flame me. "Thank you!"

And forgive me if you see any error in the fanfic. Grammar isn't one of my strong points.


Ok this is part 2 of Movie Stars. This part contains a squeeze of lime. Meaning a little of citrus or whatever you call it. There's one part were Michael is drinking beer, but it's really apple juice. LoL! He's not old enough to handle alcohol. Also there's a little swearing in here. Who's Yolei going to pick in the end?

This story is rated "PG." Genre-"Romance/Drama" Now here is the story.


"Yolei, did I grab to hard?" Ken asked in concern. She smiled at him. He was a handsome boy. She felt something towards him. It was indescribable to explain the vibe she gets from him. He started to massage the wrist he grabbed onto earlier. She purred.

"That feels good Ken." She told him. "Thanks."

"Your welcome." He said.

"Hey Yolei!" Michael called.

"Uh huh…" she stuttered as Ken started to work on her shoulders.

"Yolei…" Izzy spoken as he came in the dressing room.


Movie Stars

Izzy looked at the young man who was touching her. "Yolei!" Izzy said. Ken drops his hands and back away from Yolei.

"Izzy! Hi what are you doing here?" she said surprisingly.

"I came here to visit you." He replied. Ken started to fiddle with hands feeling apprehensive and he didn't want to here right now. Izzy looked at Yolei then Ken.

"I think I should leave…" Ken stuttered.

"No!" Yolei said.

"Yes!" Izzy retorted. Ken started to walk out of the dressing room, but Yolei grab on to his arm.

"You're staying right here. I have no idea why Izzy so jealous of you. You were just giving me a massage." She explained. Ken looked at Yolei then Izzy. "Izzy, Ken my friend he can stay here." She protested.

"No, its ok Yolei. I think you and your boyfriend needs to talk." Ken replied.

"Izzy! Did you find Yolei? " Michael came into the dressing room. "Oh!" he gasped. Izzy looked at Michael then Yolei. And stormed out of the dressing room.

"Izzy!" Yolei called, but he was long gone. Oh god he's mad at me. She sighed to herself. She let go of Ken's arm. He started to rubs his arm. Yolei started to sob.

"Yolei…" Ken said softly. Then he wrapped his arms around her. She cried. "It's ok Yolei. You two will work things out." He said soothingly.

"Did I miss something here?" Michael said. Ken looked at Michael with his sad violet eyes.

"Long story Michael. Tell you later man." He replied.

"Michael! Ken! Yolei! Get back on the set now." The assistant shouted. Yolei looked up at Ken tears were running down her face. Ken wiped it away with his left hand and then kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry Yolei. Stop crying. Everything will be ok." He reassured her. She smiled at him.

"Thank you Ken!" she thanked him. Then all three teen walked out of the dressing room. Yolei hold onto Ken's arm protectively as they walk to the set. Michael looked at Ken with jealousy wishing that it were he instead of Ken.


"Ok let's take it from the top. Ready ACTION!" the director shouted.

Tony looked at the couple disappearing into the dark. He sighed to himself. Dolly I can't stop seeing you and thinking about you. He thought to himself. You're everything to me even though you belong to someone else. I wished you waited for me while I was over sea. But no, you didn't you got married to Ralf. I knew I shouldn't expect the job, but you told me what are the chances of you getting an opportunity to go abroad to Asia. You said you would take it if I were you. I listened to you. And now look you're in someone else arms then mines. This feeling in my heart aches for you. Tears started to run down the young man face. Tears of sadness. Dolly, come back to me. He sighed once more then started to walk down the street.


"How dare you sneak off into the night! To that man's arms!" Ralf shouted at Yolei. "You married me. Not him!" Tears streaked down her beautiful cream peach face. Her mascara was all mess up from crying. "I love you and this how you treat me." He claimed.

"Ralf…" she sobbed.

"I give you everything you wanted. A home, all the clothes you want, jewelry, cars, and motorcycles. For god sake Dolly we have children together. " He started to cried. He buried his face in his hands feeling ashamed. Then a little boy came into the kitchen. He looked at his parents who were sitting at the kitchen table. And he wondered why were they crying.

"Mama!" he said. It startled the two. She looked at her son. His bright violet eyes looked into her hazel eyes. "What's wrong mama. Why are you two crying?" he asked curiously. She ran her slender hand into his spiky lavender hair.

"Aki…" she said softly. He looked at her with so much sincerity and love. "It's nothing Aki. Now go back to bed with you sister Miki." She replied.

"Ok…" he said then looked at his father. "Good night mama and papa." He told them before leaving the kitchen. She looked at her husband who was hurt deeply by her actions. She had no idea what to say. There was silence between them.

"Why did you marry me when you're in love with another?" he asked her breaking the silence. He looked at her. "Was it loneliness?" She didn't know how to answer this question. He just asked so abruptly. "When we were together you were happy right? Or was that all a lie?" he questioned her.

"Ralf, I do know." She replied. He heard him sighed.

"That's not answer Dolly." He said sadly. He got up from the kitchen table and left her. She heard a door shut. She sighed with pain and sadness. She damaged the man that loved her so much by cheating on him. What was she going to do? She did loved Ralf. Ralf made her forget about Tony, but when Tony came back in her life. It was like getting her first love back. She felt so confused. :Ting: She heard something. She got up from the kitchen table and walk towards the kitchen window. She saw a shadow down below. But she could tell it was Tony. Oh no! She thought.

"Tony…" she whispered. She looked at him with a frown.

"Mama?" a girl voice called out. The girl started to tug on her leg. "Mama?" she called again. Dolly stop looking out of the window and looked at the girl. She looked like her dad so much.

"Miki…what are you doing awake?" she asked her daughter.

"I had a bad dream Mama." Her daughter told her. Dolly picks up her daughter. She kissed her on the forehead and looked at the window one more time before leaving the kitchen and turning the lights off. "It's ok Miki."


Tony saw Dolly picked up her daughter. He sighed. She had kids with this guy. His chances having Dolly back in his life was slim. He walked away from her home and headed to the city. After a 45 minute walk he reach his destination. He looked up at the bright lights flashing. It read. "Kitty Kiss Me." He opened that door. The place was lit up in bright lights, people sitting at the bar with lit cigarettes and a bottle of beer in their hands. He saw people sitting in front of the catwalk waiting for the girls to appear. He sat himself at the bar.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked him. Tony looked at the bartender.

"A bottle of beer." he replied.

"Coming up…hard night aye man…" the bartender, said. The bartender handed him the drink.

"You can say that." He replied and drinking his drink in three gulps.

"Hey Papi? You want some company?" a lady asked him. He looked up from his empty bottle and was now looking into jaded green eyes. "You look like you need some company sweetie." She said seductively. He grunted. He looked at the lady. It was unusual to see a Chinese lady with nature jade green eyes. She was beautiful little thing. She sat right next to him. "Jack, give me a two beers." She said to the bartender.

"Alright Jade! Coming up!" he replied. The bartender handed her two bottles of beer. And she handed one of the beers to Tony. He looked at her. She just crossed her leg showing some skin. Tony put the bottled against his lips and took a gulp.

"What's your name hun?" she asked him sexily.

"Tony." He replied with no emotion.

"Hmmm….Tony." she called. He took a couple gulps from his bottle. She smiled seductively at him. "Come hun." She said and grabbed his wrist. He let her drag him out of the bar.

"Ok…That was good! CUT!" the director, shouted. "Take a break before the next scene."

"How was the apple juice?" Ken asked Michael as he came onto Michael set. Michael couldn't help, but laugh at the joke. Ken looked at the Chinese girl and she winks at him. Ken blushed. Michael laughed even more once he saw Ken facial expression.

"It's great!" Michael replied. " Hot isn't she? You want some apple juice?" he asked Ken.

"Sure." Ken responded. Yolei when behind the bar.

"Are you talking about the apple juice or the girl?" Michael joked. Ken blushed even more. "Hey Yolei bring some apple juice here." Michael told her.

"Hey what do I look like? Your maid!" Yolei snapped at Michael. Apparently she still wasn't in the mood. She was still sad about her and Izzy.

"Never mind Yolei, I'll get it myself." Ken said and when behind the bar and go himself some apple juice. He heard her sighed. "Yolei, are you ok?"

"Just wonderful." She said sarcastically.

"Ok, whatever you say." Ken replied back.

"I was just joking Yolei." Michael told her.

"Haha!" she pretended to laugh. "Shut up Michael. Am not in the mood for your pranks." She growled at him.

"Ok! Man!" he retorted. Throwing his hands up in defeat. "You win ok." Yolei glare at Michael with frustration.

"Ugh! I had enough of you! Come here so I can kick your ass!" she shouted. Ken wrapped his arms around Yolei restraining her from getting to Michael. "Ken, let me go! Let me have him!" she screamed while struggling out of Ken's grip.

"No, you're mad right now. And getting revenge on Michael won't do any good for you." Ken explained to her. Yolei groaned. She knew that Ken was right. If she beat Michael to a pulp what good would it do for her? Expect release some stress she was building up. Ken was right; she needed to talk things out with Izzy. Ok, I'm going to talk to Izzy when I get home and explained what was really going on earlier. She thought to herself. Ken released her. She straightens her shirt.

"I'm sorry Michael." She apologized.

"It's alright Yolei." He responded.

"Break time over! Get on the set!" Shouted the assistant. Yolei and Ken walk onto their set.


Dolly entered the bedroom that her and her husband shared after putting Miki back to bed. She looked at the man who lay half-naked on their bed. His beautiful violet eyes were closed; he was asleep already. But his handsome face had a frown. Guilt was getting to her. Opening her drawer she found a picture of her and Tony together. She slowly picked it up; tears slowly run down her face. Tears hit the photo. She tore the photo in half. Then crumbled it up. Pain in her heart. She sank down to the wooden floor. :Thud: She started to cry even more. Ralf woke up from the noise. He just saw the lamp on and heard soft sobs. He rolled over to his wife's side of the bed. It was Dolly she was crying. She heard some movements then she saw those violet eyes looking at her. She felt so ashamed. So she turn her head in disgust. Then rough, but soft hands were touching her delicate face. Ralf force his wife to look at him. Tears stained her angelic face.

"Ralf…" she whispered. He pressed his index finger against her lips and with his free hand he grabbed her arm and pulled her up onto the bed. She lay right next to Ralf. He wrapped his arms around her petite body protectively. She felt so safe in his arms. Why was she cheating on such a good man like this? Was it just the thrill of him not knowing? She thought.

"Don't cry anymore." He told her. He wiped her tears. His hands feel so soft. She touched his face. Feeling the soft and rough texture under her palms. How handsome he is? She was on top of him now. Gazing at his beautiful chest. She ran her fingers across his 6-pak. Then she started to kiss his chest. Next they knew they were under the cover making love to each other.


"Wow…" Dolly sighed. Her arms were wrapped around Ralf 's chest. Her head rested against his left arm while his other arm wrapped around her waist. He fingers playful played with her lavender locks. "That was amazing…" She caressed his chest and arms. "I still love you Ralf and I mean it." She told him. She realized that she truly loved him and not Tony.

"Your beautiful…" Ralf claimed. He kissed her passionately.

"CUT! GOOD! Let's call it a night you guys." The director shouted. Ken got out of the covers and walk off the set. Ken didn't even bother to look at Yolei because he felt embarrassment. The way of Yolei's soft body felt against his was driving him insane. Yolei was still under covers. She never felt so exposed. When she saw Ken lying under her. She never felt so turn on. Yolei shivered at the thought. She touched her lips. The lips that Ken kissed so passionately just earlier. His lips felt so soft against her lips. And it tasted like wild cherries. Yolei stopping thinking about Ken. He's a friend nothing more. You have a boyfriend. Just keep telling yourself like that. She thought to herself. Why does she always seem to get herself in these situations? Yolei slowly got out of the cover with her strapless bra and panties. Her assistant handed her a robe.

"Thank you!" she told her. The assistant nodded her head and Yolei headed to the dressing room. She took out her cell phone that Izzy had given to her. She started to dial his number. It ringed a couple times until someone pick it up.

"Hello?" She recognized his voice.

"Izzy…" Yolei said. "Don't hang up on me…please…"

"Why shouldn't I Yolei?" he asked her.

"Please Izzy, just listen to what I got to say." She started. "Izzy, I love you! Ken and I just friends nothing more." Izzy listened to her explanation.

"Izzy, I need your help with this wire here." A girl voice shouted.

"You have a girl at your apartment!" Yolei shouted into the phone. "Here I am pouring out my heart to you. Telling you how much you mean to me. And you have a girl over there! How dare you!" She started to cry. She just realized that she was in love Izzy and only Izzy.

"Yolei it's not what you think. Please…" Izzy said, but Yolei hung up the phone. "Shit!" Izzy cursed. She hung up on me.

"Izzy, the wire is stuck." The girl called again. Izzy walked into the living room.

"Maya…I'll be right back I got to do something." He said to her. Man, Yolei you're over reacting. I was working on a science project with Maya. He thought to himself. Maya looked at Izzy.

"Sure go ahead…tell Yolei I said Hi." She told him.

"How did you know I was going to see Yolei?" Izzy asked her.

"Eyes never lie." She replied. Izzy smiled at Maya and thanked her for being so compassionate. Izzy walked out of the door to his apartment.


"Where's Yolei? We have to shoot this scene." Michael said. Yolei walk onto the set quietly. "Oh there you are." She didn't respond. She was so mad at Izzy. Yeah, everything will work out huh? Izzy was pissed off and invited a girl over his apartment to get back at me. She thought angrily at me. "Yolei!" She snapped the back to reality.

"What?" she shouted.

"Sorry…jeez…" Michael said. "I see you're not happy."

"Duh…." She said sarcastically.

"Why?" Ken entered the conversation.

"You wanna know why? I'll tell you why?" Yolei started. "Izzy has a girl over at his apartment. And knows what there doing now. Uh you told me everything would work out Ken! Its all a lie!" She started to cry. "I love him you know that! I was pouring my heart out to him over the phone and he had a girl over. " Ken looked at her. "It hurts…"

"I know love can be that way." Ken said soothingly. Ken voice was calm and understanding. Michael's facial expression was blank. How could Izzy do that to her? I'll get him for breaking Yolei's heart. He thought to himself.

"I hate this feeling…it hurts so much." Yolei sniffed.

"Yolei!" A familiar voice rang through the studio. Yolei turn around to see Izzy huffing and puffing.

"I try to stop him." The assistant said.

"Why!" Michael shouted charging towards Izzy. "You broke Yolei's heart!" He threw a punch at Izzy. :POW: Michael fist made contact with Izzy's cheek leaving a bright red mark on his face. Izzy stumble back a little and glared at Michael.

"What the hell you do that for?" Izzy shouted. Izzy tackled Michael to the ground and started to punch him at the face. "You're just jealous of Yolei and me. Just because I'm her boyfriend and your not!"

"Izzy stop!" Yolei cried hoping it will stop him. Ken was trying to pull Izzy off Michael.

"Izzy stop it this insane!" Ken shouted. Izzy couldn't stop he was so mad at Michael. Michael started to bleed and that's when Izzy notice. Oh my god! I lost control! He thought. He slowly got off Michael. He looked at Michael. He was unconscious and had a swollen right eye and his lips were bleeding. Yolei ran to Izzy and hugged him tightly.

"Izzy…" she cried.

"I just came here to apologized to you and give you this." He explained and took out a black velvet box. Yolei gasped. Izzy open the box. It was a beautiful sterling silver engraved ring. Yolei was speechless. She pick up the ring and it said, "I love thee…" She started to cry even more. "It's a promise ring…a promise that I will love you forever…" Izzy told her. She looked into his devilish green eyes and smiled. Izzy pressed his lips against Yolei soft lips.

"I love you too Izzy. I love you forever!" She admitted to him. Izzy put the promise ring on Yolei's ring finger (right hand). And the two lovebirds walked out of the studios happily. Ken watched the two. He was happy that Yolei was truly happy now. Even though I was in love with you…Ken thought to himself.

"Love does strange things to us…."


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Autho r's Rambles: Ahem…I know you guys were expecting a Kenyako ending. But I saw that a Kouyako ending was perfect for this fanfic. I know Kenyako would be another perfect ending. So don't worry I just make a Kenyako ending for you Kenyako fanfic fanatics. I hope you guys like it as much as I like typing it up.