Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Movie Stars ❯ Movie Stars ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Movie Stars

By: E-chan

Author's Notes:

I do not own Digimon Toei/Bandai/FoxKids do! So please do not sue. I just own the story that's it.

Ok, this is the first time I did a michlei/kouyako/kenyako fanfic. If you don't like these couples please leave. I wanted to try something new. Also, please do not flame me. "Thank you!"

And forgive me if you see any error in the fanfic. Grammar isn't one of my strong points.


Yolei, Michael and Ken are all 17 years old. Michael, Yolei, and Ken are actors/actress making a movie. Izzy is 19 years old in the story and he is Yolei boyfriend. But love blooms between the to actor(s)/actress without them knowing it? Who's going to be with Yolei?

Movie explains:

Also in the movie that they're filming Yolei married to Ken. And Michael is the other guy in Yolei life. Who is she going to pick in the end?

This story is rated "PG." Genre-"Romance/Drama" Now here is the story.


Movie Stars

It was a dark and cloudy day and a young lady drove into a parking lot in her Kawasaki motorcycle. She slowly takes off her helmet letting her beautiful lavender locks fall onto her shoulders. She shook her head and looks up showing her electrifying hazel eyes. Lifting one leg and getting off her motorcycle she slowly walks toward a young man with sandy blonde hair. The two embraced intimately. She absentmindedly ran her soft slender hand through his sandy blonde hair while looking into his wonderful sky blue eyes. She wrapped her hands around his strong manly neck. His grip tightens around her petite waist. It lightly started to sprinkle on the couple. Her face was buried into his neck. She smelled the light fragrance on him. It smelled like the summer breeze. Then she looks up into his eyes. She brushed her soft lips against his chin to his cheek. Then it started to rain a little harder then before. He smiled at the girl showing his cute little dimples. He bends downs and kissed her passionately.

"All right people that's a wrap for tonight. Good job Yolei and Michael." The director shouted, "Let's get you two dried up and send home." The two teens walk off the set and grab a towel that was on their seats. "You guys did a great kissing scene." The director said. Yolei looked at the director and blushes bright pink. "Go home now and get some rest for tomorrow scenes." He orders them while laughing at the two teens.

"Well good night Yolei." Michael said to her, "I'll see you tomorrow and tell Izzy I said, "Hello!"" She smiled at him as he walked out of the studios.

"I will! Good Night Michael." She shouted and walked out of the studios. : Beep: A black Mustang 98 SVT Cobra was sitting there waiting for her. "Hey Izzy!" she ran up to the car and greeted him. He smiled at her. Boy, was he a handsome guy. With bright red hair and devilish green eyes you ever laid on. Yolei got into the car. She kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey Yolei! How was the rehearsal today? Izzy asked her. She blushed a little. It was a good thing it was dark that he couldn't see her blush.

"It was fun. I love acting." She replied. Izzy rum up his car and they drove away into the night. "Oh yeah, Michael said, "Hi."" She told Izzy. Izzy looked at her and grin.


~ Michael's House ~

"So how the movie shoot going son?" his father asked him. As Michael walk into the kitchen heading towards the refrigerator. He opens it up and found half-eaten Subway turkey sandwich.

"It was cool pops!" he reported to his father and took a big bit into the sandwich.

"See I told you would like acting." His father said as he walked into the kitchen with a bathrobe on. Michael looked at his father with a grin as he stuffs his mouth with another bit of the turkey sandwich.

"I see you had another date with Charity Reyes." Michael said.

"What makes you say that son?" he asked.

"Because you have a big goofy grin when you're happy." Michael answered, "Let me guess pops she's in your bedroom right now." Michael laughed. His father spited out the water he was just drinking all over the counter table.

"Son!" he said shockingly.

"Man, don't worry about pops! Once and while you need to get laid." Michael joked. And once again his father choked.

"Davie honey! Come to bed!" a woman voice called his father. His father's face was scarlet with embarrassment. Michael couldn't help and laugh at his old man.

"Hold up!" he shouted, "So how's Yolei?" Michael quickly stops laughing and looks into his father's eyes.

"Oh, she doing fine. Why do you ask?" Michael asked his father.

"Because, you guys use to go out. Remember 5 years ago? When she came here with your beautiful friend Mimi." His dad told him.

"Yeah, I remember father. Jeez, we only dated a couple times." Michael said.

"A couple times? Haha!" his father let out a heartily laugh, "I would say 6 months." He said. Michael glared at his father. He didn't like it when his father bought up the past.

"Davie honey! Where are you? Am getting bored up here!" the lady called.

"Go now pops! Can't keep a lady waiting." Michael said leaving the kitchen. And Michael's dad left the kitchen in a confused state. Wondering what he said wrong. Yeah, we use to go out pops, but that's the past. She goes out with Izzy now. He thought.


5 years ago…

A young girl waits under a willow tree in a beautiful lavender summer dress and white sandals. She sits patiently for a young boy with sandy blonde hair and eyes the color of the sky to show up. All of the sudden she felt soft hands over her eyes.

"Guess who?" he whispered into her ears. His breath tickled her neck. She shivered at his touch.

"Michael!" she said happily as he slowly takes off his hands her eyes. She smiled with joy. How handsome he was dressed in khaki shorts and a red baseball jersey with matching sneakers.

"You look so pretty Yolei." Michael commented her. She blushed slightly. He kissed her softly on her cheek.

"Thank you!" she said shyly.

"I got a present for you." He told her.

"What is it?" she said excitedly.

"It's a surprise." He said, "Close your eyes." He ordered her. "And no peeking." Yolei did what she was told. Then suddenly Michael poured a bucket full of wildflowers petals over her. "Open your eyes now!" As she did Yolei was overjoyed. The petals scattered every where. It was exquisite.

"Michael!" she cried. Tears of joy spilled out. "Thank you!" She kissed him on the lips with passion. "I loved it."

--End of Flashback--

Michael sighed at his last memory with Yolei when they were together happy. Michael, don't tell me you still have feeling for her after 5 years had pass. She has a boyfriend now. He shook his head. He was arguing with himself again about Yolei. Dammit Yolei why do you always do this to me! He threw himself at his bed kicking off his shoes and turning off his light. He stared into space mindlessly. Yolei…he thought before drifting off to sleep.


~ Yolei's House ~

"Mama, am home!" Yolei yelled.

"Hi honey, how was the shoot?" she asked as she came out of the bathroom.

"It was fine. We just finish the kissing scene." Yolei replied flopping herself onto the sofa.

"Oh really!" perky voices said. Yolei groaned. Just great why does my sisters have to be awake? She whined to herself. "Yolei and Michael sitting on a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G." her sisters teased her.

"Mary! Christine!" Yolei said angrily as her sisters came in with their lips pouted.

"OH Michael, I miss you!" Mary sighing and landing in Christine's arms. The two girls were laughing their heads off now. Yolei was glad her brother wasn't wake right now or he would give her the 3-degree. Asking about Michael etc. She thought.

"Mary! Christine would you stop screaming!" Yolei 's fears came true. Her brother was now awake. All she wanted to do was scream. Yolei buried her face into the sofa's pillow.

"Sorry Justin, we couldn't help it. We had to tease Yolei about Michael." Justin darted his eyes to his younger sister. Why me? She thought to herself. And walk towards to her.

"Michael?" he said as he sat right next to her on the sofa. "The same Michael from 5 years ago?" he questioned. Yolei was scared as a mouse. She didn't know what to do or say. "Are you going to answer my question Yolei?" he asked his sister.

"Ah! Why me?" Yolei screamed. Justin, Mary and Christine were surprised at her sudden out burst. "Why can't you guys leave me alone with out teasing me and giving me the 3-degree?" she cried into the pillow now.

"Justin, Mary, and Christine I want you to apologize to your sister now." Their mother told them as she was watching the whole thing.

"Sorry Yolei, we didn't mean too." They apologized to her. Yolei heard footsteps. Her siblings were retreating to their rooms. Yolei looked up from the sofa's pillow.

"Yolei, I'm sorry." Justin said it startled her. She thought her brother had left. Yolei wipe her tears of her face. She looked at her brother. He looked so sincere. "You know am just worried about you. I care about you to much." He explained to his sister.

"Thank you, Justin." She said. He gave her a heart-warming hug.

"Your welcome." He said to her. "Good-night baby sister."

"Good night Justin." She answered and left to her own room. She flips on her lights. Oh what am I'm I going to do? Yolei open her drawers and grab out some pajamas. She took off her clothes and threw it into the dirty hamper. Quickly changing into her pajamas; she turn off the lights and lying down on her bed. She looked at her ceiling watching her glow-in-the-dark stars glow. She sighed. She remembers the day her and her family moved to California.


3 years ago…

"Yolei isn't that great!" her sister said excitedly. Yeah, Mary it's wonderful. She thought. She didn't wanna leave Izzy. Just two months ago the two just got together and now she had to move to California. She wasn't happy. She watches her sister Mary scatter around her room looking for her favorite pair of shoes.

"Yolei have you seen my red T-shirt?" Christine asked Yolei as she came into Mary's room. Yolei didn't respond she was deep in her thoughts.

"Yolei!" Christine shouted.

"Huh, what? Did some call me?" Yolei came out of her daze.

"What's wrong with you baby sister?" Mary asked her. Yolei looked at Mary.

"What are you talking about?" Yolei questioned. Christine just shook her head and sat next to Yolei.

"Something wrong, you can tell us." Christine said. Yolei smiled at her to older sisters.

"I don't want leave Odaiba." She admitted. "I don't wanna leave Izzy." She was crying now. Christine wrapped her arms around her little sister. Yolei welcome the shoulder.

"Yolei it's ok." Mary said softly. "I know how you feel. I don't want leave Scott, but what choice do I have. There are plenty of fish in the sea." Mary told Yolei.

"Plenty!" Yolei huff. "I don't care! I want to stay here with Izzy!" she cried.

Next month…

The Inoue family had move to California. They moved to LA where all the stars lived. Los Angeles was a city that never sleeps always on the move with excitement. Yolei enter her room. She was tired from school and everything else. She had move away from a home that she knew all her life to a place that was nothing compared to Odaiba. How she missed Izzy, but Izzy told her that he was going abroad. He was planning to go to school at Long Beach. He said, there was a good school called, "Calpoly." (For short) It was a computer college for future computer engineers. She was glad that Izzy was coming to America for college in 2 years. She couldn't wait to see him again and to be together again.

But he also suggested they should break up because long distance relationships were difficult. At first she didn't like the idea. But Izzy convinced her it was the right thing to do. So they did. But the two remain good friends until he arrived at California.

Two years had pass…

"Yolei!" Izzy yelled out. He watched the young teen running towards with pure joy. She hugged him tightly and he returns the embrace with equal passion.

"Izzy, how I missed you so much!" she cried with happiness. "Guess who moved to California just last month?" she asked her boyfriend.

"Who?" He asked curiously didn't know who can it be? It couldn't be Mimi because she was back Odaiba now happily together with the 'oh so famous' Matt Ishida.

"Michael!" she said happily. Michael, Yolei's ex-boyfriend Michael with the movie stars dad. He thought to himself.

"Michael here?" Izzy asked a little worry because he knew that Michael and Yolei use to go out together.

"No, he's at rehearsal right now. You won't see him until later on today." Yolei explained.

"Oh," he said, "You guys hang out a lot huh?" he asked her. Yolei looked at Izzy. Then she understood where he was going with this.

"No Izzy, it's not what you think. Michael and me are just good friends. I told him I have a boyfriend. I told him it was you Izzy." She smiled. Izzy sighed out of relief.

"Good…" he hugged her even tighter not wanted to lose her to Michael.

"He move here because Hollywood offer him a roll in up coming movie. And I audition for the leading female in the movie. I got it too! Can you believe that." She said excitedly. Izzy felt uncomfortable now. She got out of Izzy embraced and adjusted her glass.

-End of Flashbacks-

Izzy…what am I going to do? I think I still have feelings for Michael. She sobbed. The movie thing and Izzy was stressing her out. She loved Izzy, but could it only be she loved him as a friend and nothing more. She kept on thing about the kiss. The kiss that Michael and her just displayed at the filming. It gives her the sparks that she was missing; when she was with Izzy. What am I going to do? She thought before drifting off to sleep.


The next day…

"Ok people! Let's get this movie on the road here." The director said, "Ready, ACTION!"

He ended the kiss and looked into her soft electrifying hazel eyes. The stood in the rain like nothing matter, but them. He murmured some words into her ears. She smiled sweetly at him.

"Oh Tony…." She uttered.

"Dolly!" shouted a man as he came walking towards the two. He was dressed in a black trench coat with a navy blue shirt and black pants. He moved his indigo bangs out of his face. She backs away from the other man.

"No Ralf, please don't hurt Tony. I love him!" she cried. The man glared at the other man then at Dolly. His violet eyes shined with hatred.

"Dolly!" he shouted again. She looked at Tony and told him she was sorry with her eyes. She ran towards the other man. He grabs on to her tightly. He put his arm around her. He scent was fresh as the April showers. She sniffed. "Tony, you better stay away from my wife." He warned him. Dolly grasped.

"Ralf…" she whispered. She buried her face in his trench coat.

"Dolly go to the motorcycle now!" he demanded her.

"No!" she answered back. He looked at her. And give her looked give shivers down her back. She knew she had to retreat. She couldn't do anything, but listen to her husband.

"If I see one more time with my wife I will kill you! You hear that Tony I will kill you!" he threaten him. And walked towards the bike where Dolly waited patiently for her husband. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rum up the motor and they were off.

"CUT! THAT WAS GOOD YOU GUYS!" the director told them. Michael when to talk to the director while the rested headed to the dressing room.

"Yolei, did I grab to hard?" Ken asked in concern. She smiled at him. He was a handsome boy. She felt something towards him. It was indescribable to explain the vibe she gets from him. He started to massage the wrist he grabbed onto earlier. She purred.

"That feels good Ken." She told him. "Thanks."

"Your welcome." He said.

"Hey Yolei!" Michael called.

"Uh huh…" she stuttered as Ken started to work on her shoulders.

"Yolei…" Izzy spoken as he came in the dressing room.

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To be continued…

Author's Rambles: This is for Akimi Romance Contest. I hope you like it so far. When I started the fanfic it was just original a kouyako fanfic, but it turn out to be a Michlei/Kouyako/Kenyako…LoL. Interesting ne? I forgot what was Michael's dad name and I didn't know what's Yolei siblings names were too so I made it up. Tell me what you guys think…and what couple should I end it with? [Need Comments and Reviews to continue this fanfic. THANK YOU!]