Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Zebra ❯ The Art Of Losing ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


The Art Of Losing

Last call now I'm outta time

And I don't got no Valentine

Singled out now I stand alone

An underdog in a modern world


There's this certain appeal to the way and how Izzy works. It has to be quiet, and of course no helping of any sort. At least when it came to his laptop, no one was to touch it but him. No one really complained though, he was a genius that figured everything out. We were all much obliged when he got us out of some sticky situations.

Although, the kid doesn't seem to have a life of any sort! When he's not at home you can be sure his mom is lurking behind a bush with some sandwiches and when he is, he is either adding this or fixing that on his laptop. It gets annoying. He gets invited to social events and he either talks about his laptop or is on his laptop.

Girlfriends are out of the question for Izzy, damn we've tried boyfriends but he's not… as he says, `ready for a relationship'. What a bunch of bull, since when is anyone ready for relationship. Now sex…that is totally out of the question, he wouldn't even look sex in the dictionary. We got him a one nightstand for his 19th birthday. A sexy young lady about his age, a girl he would never ever see again, and he turned her down. I remember that one the most because of the tip we had to give her because it was a waste of her time.

That's it though. That's Izzy, perfect Izzy who has to wait until he's married to have sex and would never get high or drunk or leave the toilet seat up. He defines people who smoke up as people whom and I quote, `don't know how to have fun'. I spent three hours trying to figure out what it meant, (Come on, I was high) and at 1:30 in the morning I called him up and asked him. His answer was simple and yet logical at the same time. `People who smoke up do it for two reasons' he said `One, because they don't know how to have fun and resort to a drug to make it fun and two, because they see everyone else having fun and decide that it is a better solution.' Then he went on about what computer games are entertaining and then something about getting some sleep; I was still kind of stoned when I called.

I don't know how I got into the stuff either; I've only been doing it for a couple of years now. Only a few of my friends know and well, the friends that do it know too. Izzy knows because I borrowed money from him for it and he wouldn't give it to me until I told him what that real reason was, and I can't lie to one of my best buddies. Then he sat me down and gave me the `talk.' You know the talk; sort of like the sex talk parents give when the kids are twelve or so. It's the talk that leaves you thinking… `What did they achieve?'

It's something better left unsaid, like when your parents leave you at home alone and as if they have an urge to ground you for something, they deliberately say `don't play with matches.' Now if the thought wasn't in your head before it certainly was now. So you sit there on the couch, watch a little TV and tweak all night until you burn something.

That's Izzy in a nutshell, telling you things that you wouldn't think of and then gets mad when you do it. Like his classic saying `don't touch anything' or `just let me figure this out.' Naturally everyone wants to help and try and figure it out.

Izzy's a good guy though. He looks after us all the time, makes sure we're alright… even though he can't stop us from doing the stupid things. Even the genius can do (ahem I mean `did') stupid things and we've never let him live it down. It was actually kind of funny, everything he's against he did. I know he'll thank me one day (still waiting), but if he got out more he wouldn't have had too much `special orange juice' but that was his fault. We only took advantage of him.


Ok everyone please tell me whatcha think about the first chapter prologue thingy Okies! Bai for now!

Yours truly,

Sweet Roses

BTW (what I said about weed is true! But it's funny to see people when they're high! LMAO Candice!)