Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Zebra ❯ For The Workforce Drowning ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

For The Workforce Drowning

Falling from the first floor

Your lungs fill like parachutes

The windows go rushing by

People inside

Dressed for the funeral

In black and white.


"""A few Weeks earlier"""

`Ok, I'm next' said Tai as Izzy handed him a card out of a hat.

`That's an easy one' Izzy said dully.

Tai chuckled a bit. `Let me think.' He then started to giggle a bit.

`Tai Come on' Sora sighed. Apart from Izzy, Sora was the only one there that didn't smoke weed; she was just there with Matt.

`Ok…' Tai put one finger up and Davis shouted `One word' Tai giggled again and Izzy rolled his eyes and inwardly sighed. Then Tai stuck up two fingers. `Two syllables.' Tai nodded at Davis answer. Then Tai pretend to sit and then people starting shouting stupid words more or less syllables or more than one word. Tai then pretended to grab something and set it in front of him, he pretended to open it and then began typing on the invisible keyboard.

Someone, later to be recognized as Matt shouted out, `Izzy.' Tai jumped up and laughed hysterically, pointing at Matt; as if that was the best he could answer yes. Almost everyone in the room was laughing when Izzy stood up.

`It wasn't me you idiots!' Everyone looked at Izzy and forced themselves to stop laughing, although you could really see that they were trying… maybe too hard. `The word was perfect.' Tai let out a hyena slash snort laugh and said `that's you! Perfect!' Then the room filled with laughter again and Izzy grabbed his laptop and left to go to the front door. Tai quickly followed.

`Aw come on Izzy' Tai grabbed Izzy's other shoe to prevent him from putting it on.

`Listen Tai, I understand that you smoke weed, and I somewhat have grown to live with it. I guess because you're my best friend Tai, but God, do you have to poke fun of me all the time in front of people I barely know?' Izzy's voice was quiet, just above a whisper so only Tai could hear him; Tai didn't really care who heard though.

`Awe, Izzy. You know Matt and Davis…my sister.' He said. He seemed quite clear right now to an extent.

`You're sister's not even in there Tai, that's Sora' Izzy said angrily and grabbed for his shoe.

`Yea I know. But come on I want you to stay Izzy. Please?' Tai pouted his lip a little.

`And do what? Charades is so juvenile' Izzy tried another quick grab for his shoe but the taller lithe boy raised it high above his head so he couldn't reach it.

`I dunno?'

`I think I'm going to go. Sorry Tai.'

`Izzy, you're the life of the party… who will look after my guests?' Tai asked and then threw Izzy's shoe down and grabbed Izzy's wrist instead.

`Tai let me go.' Izzy pleaded half tired. He started to drag him back to the living room with one shoe on and one shoe off and sat him beside a pretty girl who was obviously drunk and very high.

`Hi' she chuckled. `Want some?' she shoved a shallow bottle of vodka in front of his face and she watched it slosh back and forth in the clear glass container.

Izzy shoved the bottle out of his face and back to the girls lap and politely told her, `Not tonight.'

`Okay! Who is up for another?' Tai proposed and someone grabbed the joint out of his hand.

Izzy stood up and went back into the hall looking for his shoe, which ended up by Kari's room.

Grumpily, Izzy went to retrieve it. `Goodbye Izzy.' Kari said over the top of her magazine.

`Goodnight Kari.' Izzy replied and once again turned to leave and once again, was stopped by Tai. Izzy brushed passed him this time and almost reached the door when Tai grabbed his arm and brought him backwards into his chest and held him there absentmindedly.

`Izzy! Seriously. What the hell do I have to do to make you stay?' Tai didn't seem to realize how close they were but Izzy did and he felt a little nervous.

`Well, if you really want me to stay Tai,' Izzy started `then don't smoke anymore for the rest of the evening.' Tai quickly released him and Izzy turned around to face him.

`What? That's not fair. That's taking away all my fun.'

`It's fine I'm tired anyway. Goodnight Tai.' Izzy finished by nodding his head to him and then left. Tai just looked at the door and then stubbornly walked back in the living room where he didn't touch the weed for the rest of the evening. Instead he just sulked.


Okay…there the first chapter. Please tell me what you thought of it in a nice little review please. I know that there is not much going on between the characters right now, but please be patient… it will come lol! Bai!

Yours Truly

Sweet Roses