Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Zebra ❯ In Too Deep ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Two

In Too Deep

It seems like each time

I'm with you

I lose my mind

Because I'm bending over backwards to relate

It's one thing to complain

But when you're driving me insane

Well then I think it's time that we took a break.


Izzy woke up the next morning feeling more angry with Tai then he was when he left. Somewhere in his mind he knew that Tai was a good guy and wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone, but the past two years have been rough. Ever since Tai made his new friends and starting smoking weed, he's been different. They were changes that even Izzy couldn't ignore.

Tai started to ignore all the old digi-destined, well except for Matt, Sora and the one who followed in his footsteps, Davis. It was Davis that really gave Izzy chills because he was so much younger then the rest of them. It was one thing that made him more upset at Taichi.

Izzy threw his sheets off and was going to have a shower when he noticed a few messages on his answering machine. They were from early this morning and from not too long ago. Izzy pushed the play button and listened while he went to get ready for his shower.

`You have four new messages.' Said the computerized voice.

Izzy almost ignored the message but when Sora's voice came on he listened more attentively. `Message one… Izzy, whatever you said to Tai earlier really made him upset. He just sat on the couch for about two hours; you have to talk to him before we all go crazy. He hasn't said a word to anyone. You're his best friends you have to talk to him. End of message 12:57 am, Thursday.

`Message two… Izzy! Come on back to my house. We're all going swimming! Come on, it'll be fun……… are you still mad at me? Izzy! Answer the phone. End of message 2:03 am, Thursday.'

`Message three. Izzy, it is Sora again, Tai talked to me about what you said, and he didn't do anything last night. Really I'm being completely serious! And no Izzy, despite what you are thinking right now, no one set me up to that it's true. You should really consider coming over! It's going to be fun. Bye. End of message 2:35 am, Thursday.'

By now Izzy was ready for his shower.

`Message four. Izzy, you missed it man! You shouldn't seen Matt jump off the rock it was awesome. Anyway, call me when you get up, you're coming to my house Friday, and if that means I have to hog tie you and bring you over, so be it! It'll be like, a reunion! End of message 6:12 am, Thursday. End of messages.'

Izzy went to his answering machine and pressed the delete all button and then went to have his shower.


Izzy was fully dressed and was going to head to the door when the answering machine caught his eye. He sighed and pressed the play button once again.

`You have one new message. Message one. Izzy' said Tai slightly disappointed. `I thought I told you to call me when you got up. Now if I didn't know you, you already got up and had a shower and probably already listened to the others. If I am not mistaken you are probably on your way out Izzy Izumi. So you better call me back before you leave. End of message 10:24 am, Thursday. End of messages.'

Izzy knew that Tai would keep calling and calling and calling so to save his sanity he decided just to call the idiot.

`Hello Kamiya residents, Taichi speaking!' Tai was very professional at answering the phone, but as soon as it was someone he knew, he was stupid once more.

`Good morning most annoying person I know.' Izzy said dryly.

`Hey there's the Izzy I know.' Tai said cheery. `I knew you'd call. See Izzy, I know you. You and I we're like this.' Izzy knew he was crossing his fingers, ever though he couldn't see. Izzy knew that he wasn't high he was just being Tai.

`So Tai, what were you thinking calling me all night anyway?'

`It wasn't all night, Izzy. It was all morning and besides I really need to talk to you about something.' Tai said.

`Whatever Tai, but not now.' Izzy said, trying to put his shoes on.

`Yes now.' urged Tai. Izzy thought that it actually might be important for once.

`Fine, I'm going out to breakfast. Want to come?' Izzy asked, now putting on his jacket. There was silence on the other line, and then there was a sniffle.

`Izzy, are you asking me out?' Tai sounded like he was about to cry.

`TAI! No, no, n- TAI! That's wrong.' Izzy could hear him laughing in the background and could vaguely hearing Tai's mom telling him that breakfast was ready. Tai quickly regained his posture and said, `When and where?'

`Rocky Mountain House and now.' replied Izzy.

`It's a date' Tai snickered and hung up.

Izzy thanked the lord that they weren't face to face when Tai made that joke; otherwise he would have seen Izzy blush crimson.


Somehow Izzy made it there faster then Tai, usually he always beat him everywhere. It didn't take long until he saw Tai and Kari walking towards them.

`Good morning Kari, Tai.' Kari gave a very pleasant smile and said the same back. Tai on the other hand shook Izzy but the shoulder and said,

`Come on man, I'm starving. I didn't want to eat what mom was cooking, it smelt terrible.' Kari nodded.

`That's why I came because I didn't want to eat it either, and besides I'm paying for Tai.' Kari said while walking to a booth seat, sitting down and taking off her jacket.

`And that's why we were late. You know I would have beat you here.' Tai said with a matter-of-fact grin on his face. Izzy just nodded and simply told him,

`I know Tai, I know.'

They all ordered the same thing, the breakfast special, which consisted of 2 eggs of your choice, a piece of toast, two sausage, four pieces of bacon, home fries and beans.

However, one can be picky, like Izzy who doesn't eat the beans or sausage and gives them to Tai or anyone who wants it really.

`So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?' Izzy asked casually before biting into a piece of toast with scrambled egg on it.

`Well, Kari had this idea to have a party with all the digi-destined Saturday and well; basically I just went along because it's a good idea. We'll track down all the chosen, Izzy it'll be fun.'

`Just the digi-destined, not any of the new friends you've gotten?' Izzy finished off his toast and then pushed his plate away sated.

`Well, no. It'll be one big party with everyone. I can guarantee you that Mimi is going to bring some of her American friends over. Just leave it to Kari and I to get in touch with everyone. It'll be easy half of them are at home anyway.' Tai grabbed the couple pieces of bacon that were left on Izzy's plate and shoved them in his mouth.

`Is everything all right? Can I get you anything else?' the waitress asked.

`No we're fine, thank-you' Kari said. The waitress nodded and left to check up on the other tables.

`We can make our own decisions Kari.' Tai looked at Kari as if she just sold his car for five dollars.

`Tai,' Kari was calm yet, her voice was laced with irony, `either you stop eating now, or wash dishes. I only have so much money, and I'm not pay for an eight-course breakfast.

`I don't know if I'll go Tai.'

`Ok come on.' Kari pleaded. That really surprised Tai and even more so, Izzy. `Everyone is going to be there Izzy, you wouldn't want to miss it.'

`I'll think about it all right guys?' Izzy looked both of them in the eye. Tai looked like he was about to say something again but Kari cut him off again by saying, `All right. We'll wait, but you better call us tomorrow or else.'

`Well, we'd better get going.' Kari said. It took about five minutes before they paid their bills and then they went their separate ways home.


Ok. Well, there is the second chapter. Um please review ok. Thanks to all the people who have reviewed… it means a lot to me.

Yours truly,

Sweet Roses. ^_^