Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ MST3K T.K. and Sora star in "Steam" (by Robster80) ❯ Against All Odds (Pt. 1 of 2) ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Jesanae: Please, Rob, can we have a bathroom break.

R80: You just had one, less then five minutes ago. So no.

Jesanae: -_- Damnit, that didn't work.

R80: Don't worry, Jesse, you won't be stuck with just Horn-boy in there this time.

Christochi and Jesanae: *DAMNIT!*

R80: No, I've got three more authors, friends of Chris, who will suffer too.

(trapdoor opens and three people, a girl and two boys, drop down into theater seats)

Christochi: Kitty*Radcliffe, Caeser's Ghost, and Lord Raul?! Robster80, that's too cruel!

Raul: You shalt regret that statement, Ishida.

Kitty: Why are we here?


Kitty: Oh, I see, we've died and gone to Hell.

Part Two

Ghost: At least we weren't subjected to Part One too.

Jesanae: Something just now didn't sound right.

TK watched as the train began to leave the station, taking him back to Odaiba. He had come to Kyoto with his brother, Tai, Kari, Mimi, Ken, Davis, and Sora to
stay at Sora's aunt's hotel and hot springs. Now, not even two days later, he was going back. Alone.

Christochi: Hehehe…he's alone. (Jay) Smoking weed! Smoking weed! Smoking weed! Smoking weed!

It's for the best, he thought sadly, looking at the afternoon sky. He loves her, more than I ever could. I know he can take care of her. A tear ran down his
cheek. His thoughts went back to the night he truly became a man, when Sora came to him at the hot springs and gave herself to him. He remembered how they had pleased each other, how they held one another.

Ghost: How I know I'm not gonna like this.

Kitty: How I know I'm gonna be sick by the end of this.

Raul: How I want revenge on Rob right now.

Jesanae: How about we stop beginning everything we say with "How"?

Christochi: How about, hell yeah!

How she had said, and supposedly proved, that she truly loved him.

Christochi: (Ozzy Osbourne) (singing) And it is you, you are the ghost behind my eyes. I can't see through you, you are the ghost behind my eyes. The ghost that tells me lies.

Kitty: (Yolei Inoue) Perfecto!

Sora-chan… good-bye…

Christochi: Damnit, I can't remember the lyrics to "Good-bye to Romance"!

Jesanae: BAKA!


The whisper of her name slowly woke Sora from her peaceful slumber late that morning. The first thing she realized was she was not alone in her bed. Her eyes flying
open, she looked to see TK, whose bare chest she had been sleeping on. Memories of the previous night came back to her, and she smiled warmly with love at the
man beside her.

Raul: Hmm, this could get interesting.

Ghost: THAT's what I'm afraid of.

A small pain in her vagina also reminded Sora of what had happened. She was no longer a virgin, but she was no longer single. TK was her man now. They needed
each other, and they had come together in more ways than one.

Kitty: How many ways, to be precise?

Christochi: Four each for T.K. and Sora.

Jesanae: That's not what she meant. Ways, not times!

Christochi: Oops.

TK sighed happily in his sleep, his hand unknowingly rubbing Sora's bare back. She giggled quietly as she recalled the one time Mimi told her how she first slept with
Tai all night. Moving up slowly, her lips brushed against his ear. "Takeru… aijen… time to get up." She licked and nibbled his earlobe softly as she coaxed him to
wake up. "Come on, baby."

Christochi: Hello…baaaaabbby!

Jesanae: PURR!!!

Christochi: MEOW!!!


There was a small groan before TK started opening his eyes. He turned his head until his half opened eyes met Sora's fully opened eyes. His voice expressed his
tiredness. "Sora-chan? I had the most wonderful dream about you last night."

Raul: (T.K.) You got run down by a semi!

The woman smiled. "About me? Tell me more. Did I fuck you?"

All: (WWF fans) HELL YEAH!

TK smiled. "No… we made passionate love to each other. And you…" His hand cupped her cheek. "You were amazing."

Jesanae: That's debatable.

"You called me your queen."

Kitty: The queen of the Underworld!

"Yes. The queen of all angels, who saved me from despair." He kissed her fingers after she brought her hand to his face. Slowly, their faces leaned closer for a kiss.


A sudden knock on the door stopped them."Sora-chan," a woman's voice called from the other side."I have a late breakfast for you and your friends that will
be ready soon.Please get up now."

All: HUZZAH!!!!!!!!

Scowling, Sora sat up, the covers falling from her topless body."Yes, auntie!"She looked back at TK, who also sat up."We'll pick up where we left off later," she
said.She started to get up, but not before TK placed a kiss on her neck."You're forgiven," he said with a smile before standing up.But, before he could turn to get
his kimono, he felt a soft hand grab him by his limb dick and he stopped.

Ghost: I thought only females wore kimonos.

(Jesanae transforms into Sensei Jesse)

Sensei Jesse: The kimono, while normally only worn in public by women and girls, can also be used by men and boys in the home or, in this case, hotel as a bathrobe-substitute.

Ghost: Hai, Sensei.

(Sensei Jesse transforms back to Jesanae)

Jesanae: Tanky! ^-^

Sora looked up at him and grinned seductively."A taste of what's to come," she said before licking TK's now hard cock.She didn't stop until TK knelt down and
said, "They'll be waiting for us."He didn't want her to stop, but he also didn't want the others to know about his sex life just yet.

Raul: Hell, I STILL don't wanna know about his sex life.

Kitty: But we must.

Jesanae: R80, you suck big-time!

Christochi: (really bad Irish accent) Begora! Dar scene be changing, now!

Davis was surprised that only he, Ken, TK, and Sora had joined Sakuya and Urara to breakfast."What happened to Tai and the others?"


Urara shrugged."They already had their breakfast with the other guests.They said something about a private meeting of some sort.It was strange."

Ghost: Well, duh. Everything those four do is strange.

Maybe, Ken thought.Or it could be both couples wanted to go at it.I guess love waits for no one.He looked over at TK and Sora as they sat and ate next to
each other.And from the look of things, I'd say TK and Sora are now official.Thank goodness!

Raul: (Priest from "Little Nicky") WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!

Sakuya noticed the closeness of the two as well.Urara had told her that they were rooming together."So," she said, breaking the silence."Did both of you sleep

Jesanae: Ah, the concern of a parent-substitute.

Christochi: Hehehe…the mating habits of the Sakuya-koinu.

Rest: EWWWWWW!!!!!!!!

"Hai," both said quickly.Sora blushed just a bit, but not that much.

Ghost: (Tom Servo) Hi I'm John the magician with Harvey the rabbit.

Seeing this, Sakuya smiled a little."That is good.You know, TK, the only boy I've ever known to share the same room with Sora was Tai.Of course, they were just
children at the time."


Now TK's face was turning pink."Well, she's looked out for me for some time now."

Christochi: (The Simpsons) You suck, McBane!

"I see.…I need a favor of both of you.You see, I heard some rather disturbing noises coming from one side of the hot springs last night.I believe it was on the men's
side.Sometimes lovers like to have their fun in the springs, but I do not appreciate it."She took notice that Sora and TK had stopped eating.They both looked a little
pale.I never expected this from you, Sora… but if it was because you really do care for this young man, I will let it slide just this once."I know your missing
friends are sexually active, so could you please tell them to keep their activities within their rooms for me?"

All: BUSTED!!!!!!!!!

Sora quickly nodded."Hai, auntie."

Kitty: (Sakuya) Hi, Sora.

Ken and Davis shot looks at each other.They couldn't have, they both thought.However, the embarrassed looks on TK and Sora's faces proved otherwise.They

Christochi: NO, THEY DIDN'T!

Jesanae: Yes they did, just try to block it out!

Christochi: My brain is melting!

Ghost: How many jokes can there be about scene changing?

Jesanae: (Winnie the Pooh) Think think, think think…

"What's with the emergency meeting, Tai?" Kari asked as the four were gathered in the room Tai and Matt were sharing."And why only us four?"

All: (to Kari) (Elton John) (singing) Oh the bitch, yeah the bitch, well the bitch is back!…

Tai had a serious look on his face."Because we're the only ones who know about TK and Sora being together last night.That's why I called this meeting, because I
forgot something important."

Raul: (Tai) Does anyone know what "Vent Radioactive Gas To Prevent Explosion" means?

Christochi: (Ren) Tai, you IDIOT!!!!

Matt flinched."Don't tell me.It's Joe, right?"

Kitty: Welcome to Nerd-land. Please keep all arms, legs, and reproductive organs inside the rides at all times.

Mimi's eyes went wide."You mean he still loves Sora?!"


(R80's had enough of the Anti-Mimi jokes and electrocutes the seats. All smolder)

Ghost: …appox on yee, Robster80…

Raul: …help…

Christochi: (Jimmy King) OH THE IN-HU-MANITY!!!

Tai nodded solemnly."He's been waiting for her since she told him she was in love with me.Before we came down here, he called me and not only did I tell him I
was dating Mimi, but that we'd all be down here now.I had forgotten about it until after we got back from breakfast.Joe should be here any day now."

Jesanae: Any day? Does that mean he picks a day and arrives?

Ghost: I believe so, though I could be, and probably are, wrong.

Matt hid his face with his hand."Just great!Bad enough we had a triangle between TK, Kari, and Davis years ago.Now we got this just after my kid brother finally
found true happiness, and it's all my fault!"

Kitty: No arguments here.

This made Kari sigh heavily.Matt was right in part: but if she had been more daring and told TK her feelings in the first place, all of this could have been avoided."It's
too late now to think what might have been," she said finally."All we can do now is figure out how we'll be able to avoid a huge fight."

Raul: Well, we could ambush Joe before he arrives and beat him to death.

Christochi: I could Devil-Trigger and eat him.

(all stare at Chris)

Christochi: What?

"You know TK better than that," Mimi exclaimed."Did he fight Matt for you?No, he chose to bow out.The first sign he sees that Sora may love Joe, and he'll repeat
his mistake and walk away heartbroken all over again."

Ghost: Hey, Mimi's actually right!

(R80 choses to ignore this)

"He needs love, Kari," Matt said softly."Remember that most of the Takaishi side of my family have gotten divorces, including our mom.I lucked out
because I'm an Ishida, but TK was too young when our parents' divorce happened and I think it affected him more than we could imagine.If Joe does win Sora's
heart… I don't even want to think of what he might do."

Raul: Hey, wouldn't it be weird if, in another universe or something, it was Yamato Takashi and Takeru Ishida?

Jesanae: That could prove to be VERY interesting…

Tai then stood up."I'm going to go talk with Sora.I'm responsible for Joe knowing to come here, so I have to face her."


"We'll all go."

Christochi: (Nelly) (rapping) We're goin' down, down, baby; down to the rhineland…


Joe stepped out of the taxi and looked over the hotel.This is it, he thought before he took his suitcase and paid the driver.It'll be good to see some of the gang
again… especially Sora-chan.

Raul: (Robin Williams from Good Morning, Vietnam) Picture Joe going into a world beyond sight and sound. He's left Crete: he's entered…The Demiliterized Zone!

All: (making Twilight Zone noises)

Walking up to the front desk, he then rang the small bell to let the clerk know he was there.I wonder how hard Sora took the news about Tai and Mimi?His
thoughts were put aside as Urara came up to him."Welcome, sir!Can I help you?"

Christochi: (Joe as Jimi Hendrix) Hello there, Foxy lady!

Ghost: (Crow T. Robot) UNCLEAN!!! UNCLEAN!!!

Joe smiled. "Yes.I'd like a room, please.Also, I'm looking for some friends of mine who came down here I believe yesterday.One of them is-."

Ghost: Tai?

Kitty: Mimi?

Raul: Yamato or Hikari?


Jesanae: That doesn't make sense, why would he ask for himself?

Christochi: Joe has difficulties distinguishing between himself and other people.

Joe turned to see TK walk up to him.Smiling, they shook hands."TK, you rascal!"

Raul: Since when had Joe taken after Jim Ross?

"Hey, Joe, whaddaya know?"

Christochi: (The Hurricane) Wazzup Wit Dat???

Urara blinked."You two know each other?"

All: (T.K.) SADLY!!!

Christochi: (T.K.) He's only here to steal my new bitch, that's all.

TK nodded at her."We belong to the same club.Nice to see you again, Joe.What brings you down here?"

Ghost: What club? Have the Digidestined opened up a country club or something?

Joe let go of TK's hand."A bit of vacation from med. School, and mostly personal business.Tai said you guys would be down here.Hey, have you asked Kari to be
your girlfriend yet?"


The smile was gone from TK's face."Kari… she's dating Matt."

Jesanae: "Dating"? Is that what their calling it these days?

"Oh," Joe said.He was shocked, especially because the tone TK used suggested that the two were doing more than just dating, and TK had found out the hard
way."I'm sorry, kid.But, hopefully, you'll find someone new.With those blue eyes of yours, I'm sure you will.Lemme check in and we'll talk some more."He then
signed the guestbook and took his key."How'd Davis react?"

Raul: (T.K.) Oh the usual: kicking, screaming, several suicide attempts; mind you, we didn't try to stop him, he just kept messing them up.

TK followed Joe to his room."Davis got over Kari just after you left.He and I buried the hatchet finally, because of it."Just then, TK realized something as they found
Joe's room."Hey, we're two rooms down from my room!And the others, too."

Kitty: (T.K.) Good. It'll be much easier for me to slip unnoticed into your bedroom tonight with the knife.

Joe smiled even more."Great!That way I won't have to look very far for-."

Christochi: Matt?

Jesanae: Mimi?

Kitty: Hikari?

Ghost: Tai?

Raul: (T.K.) Me?

Just then, the door to TK's room opened and Sora stepped.She looked at Joe, and stood in shock."Joe?"

Jesanae: -_- The ONE person we forgot!

One look and her voice was all it took.Without a word, Joe zoomed past TK towards Sora and kissed her on the mouth.His arms wrapped around her as he did
his, taking her by surprise.


TK watched them, and felt very uneasy.He knew that Sora was once in love with Tai, but he never knew that Joe had similar feelings for her.A voice in the back of
his mind said that maybe Sora loved Joe.He tired to ignore it, but the question still tugged at him.

Christochi: She doesn't love you, Takeru-


Jesanae: (holding her mallet above Chris' squashed form) You really should be nicer to your little brother, C-chan.

Christochi: (in quite a lot of pain) …yes…dear……medic…

Sora was completely taken aback.She stood frozen, even after Joe let go of her, blushed, and said, "Gomen.But it's been so long, Sora-chan."

Ghost: (Sora) Not long enough, I'm afraid.

Kitty: (Joe as Hal Emmerich) WHAAAA!!!!!!!

Sora stammered."J-Joe, what… what are you doing here?"

Jesanae: (Sora) (wipping her lips) And why the fuck did you kiss me?

"I'm on leave for a bit, and when I called Tai a few days ago, he said you, he, and some others would be here, so I came as fast as I could once med. school was
out for break."

Raul: Joe has just sentenced Tai to the mercy of the High Duchy of Takenouchi.

Jesanae: Not to be confused with the Noble Court of Tekani.

As if on cue, Tai appeared from his room, and stopped as soon as he saw Joe and Sora, with TK not to far from them.Oh shit!It's too late!

Raul: (To Tai) Step 1: Place head between legs.

Christochi: (To Tai) Step 2: Kiss ass good-bye!

Joe looked over and saw him."Hey, fearless leader!"He walked over and said hello to him and the others in the room.No one but Sora noticed that TK had quietly
slipped back into his room.Before she could walk in with him, Joe came back over and whispered, "I need to speak with you in private.Just give me a few
minutes to unpack."Not waiting for an answer, he went over to the room next door and used his key to get in.

Ghost: Yeah, better Joe leave now before Sora gets her knuckles alligned.

Sora shot a look over at Tai, which said, "You're in deep trouble with me," before she went into her and TK's room.

Christochi: Don't worry, Tai, your coffin will be made entirely out of coconuts.

Tai groaned."Sometimes I wish I was still one of Piedmon's key chains so I could hide under my bed easily."

Kitty: No you don't. My sources tell me Piedmon liked to stick his keychains up his ass to please himself.


Christochi and Raul: US TOO!

Ghost: (Crow T. Robot) UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!

Davis and Ken appeared and looked at Tai's expression."What's wrong?" Davis asked.

Raul: (Tai) I'm next in line for a visit to the gallows.

Tai just said, "Don't talk to me for a while.My head hurts suddenly."He closed the door afterwards.

Christochi: (Mork) Nanu, nanu!

Christochi: (Mork) Nanu nanu times two!

Kitty: What?

Sora found TK lying on his sleeping bag, staring at the ceiling."Takeru-kun?"

Ghost: (T.K.) Don't interrupt me now, evil temptress!

He didn't look at her."I didn't know Joe loved you."

Raul: (Sora) Well he does, now get out of here. I love Joe and we'll need this room for awhile.

Sora sighed and sat down on her bed."He told me how he felt… back when I was still in love with Tai.I told him about it, and he said that he'd wait for me, as long
as it took.Then he went off to medical school.I had hoped… he had found someone new by now."

Jesanae: (Sora) Obviously he doesn't know how to let go very well.

"How… do you feel about him?"

Kitty: (Sora) I plan to strangle him with the Rope in the Library. Does that answer your question?

Sora was shocked by the question, but she didn't get angry.When Tai did tell her about Mimi, she had wished Joe was around.She needed a friend then."I… I don't
know."Oh god, why did I say that?!



TK rolled over, turning his back to her."I understand."

Ghost: (To T.K.) Step 1: Open mouth

Jesanae: (To T.K.) Step 2: Incert cyanide capsole.

Christochi: (To T.K.) Step 3: Close mouth.

Raul: (To T.K.) Step 4: Swallow capsole.

Kitty: (To T.K.) Step 5: Kiss life good-bye!


Raul: (T.K.) That's my name, don't wear it out!

"I'm sorry, Sora-chan, but I'm still tired.I think I'll sleep for a bit."He wasn't really tired.He just needed to think.

All: WELL DUH!!!

Sora could only stare at him.Takeru, I'm so sorry.I never meant for this to happen.Getting up, she headed for the door."If you need me, I'll be at Tai's room."

Jesanae: (Sora) -beating the living shit out of him!

Christochi: Two contenders, one title!

Raul: Kamiya vs. Takenouchi inside a steel cage for the WWF Heavyweight Championship of the World this Sunday at Over the Edge In Your House!

Ghost: Call your cable or satelite provider today!

By the time she closed the door TK had turned around.I love you, Sora-chan.Please don't leave me.

Kitty: (Chantal Krevazuk) (singing) 'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again!…

Christochi: To change scenes, or not to change scenes…

Kitty: …truly, that is the question.

Tai didn't know what hurt worse: the punch Sora had given him, or the hit to the floor.

Christochi: (The Three Stooges) Woopwoopwoopwoopwoopwoop!!

"You just had to tell him, Taichi Kamiya," she snarled, glaring at him."Joe calls you and you mention where I'd be.Do you have any idea what you've done?!"

Jesanae: (Sora) Do you have any idea how annoying it is to say your full name?

Mimi quickly helped her boyfriend up."Sora, that was uncalled for.How was he to know that you'd fall in love with TK, let alone fuck him?…Oops!"


(R80 must grudgingly agree with this)

Sora's anger rose to new heights."YOU WERE SPYING ON ME?!"Her body temperature was so high that flames almost came out of her mouth and smoke from
her ears.

Ghost: Sora appears to have Digivolved.

Jesanae: ReallyPissedOffFire-breathingSoramon… Yeah, like that makes a lick of sense!

Matt took a step towards her."Blame me for that.I was gonna try out the springs when I saw you going into the men's side.I got the others, and then we saw you
give TK the best 15 minutes of his life."He chuckled until Sora turned to glare heavily on him.

Kitty: (Prudent old lady voice) It's vulgar to discuss intercourse in mixed company!

Raul: To properly have sex, insert Tab A into Slot B.

Kitty: (Mrs. Peacock) HOW RUDE!

Christochi: Well, that's how it works.

Jesanae: Except between Davis and Ken.

(All laugh. R80 laughs. A thousand miles away, Darkstar frowns)

"DON'T talk to me!You and Kari are also responsible for this mess!"

Raul: Those two seem to be very responsible to the mess.

Ghost: Why exactly?

Jesanae: Too long a story to tell, kid, and, believe me, you DON'T want to know.

Kari stood up from her seat."Biting our heads off won't fix things, Sora.Are you going to do the same thing I did to TK and leave him?"As she expected, Sora
grabbed her by the kimono.

Christochi: The new game from Capcom!

Raul: Resident Evil: Intense Kimono Grabbing.

Ghost: New, and only on XBox!

Jesanae: …XBox…that's a scary thought!

Christochi: Yeah. The graphics would suck.

Raul: PSX and PS2 forever!

"I would NEVER do that to him!" she growled.

All: HOW DO WE KNOW THAT??!!??!!

"Then you have to tell Joe about your love for TK.It will hurt him, but if you put it off for too long, you'll end up hurting him a lot worse."

Jesanae: And this coming from the Queen of all Teenage Bitches?

"You're a fine one to talk about hurting someone!"

Jesanae: HUZZAH!!!!!!!!

Tai stood up."But she is right, Sora.Shouldn't you learn from her mistake?"

Kitty: (Angelica Pickles) I did it! I did it! I did it!

Deep down, Sora knew that they were right.Joe had a right to know the truth.She let go of Kari and then exited the room without a word.Walking over to Joe's
room, she knocked on the door.You should have moved on, Joe, like I did."It's open!" she heard him shout form inside.Here goes…

Raul: Ah, off to Hell again, are you?

Joe looked to see Sora walk in, but neither of them noticed that the door was open a crack.He smiled warmly."I'm glad you could come by, Sora-chan.I'm so sorry
I didn't call you in all this time."

Kitty: (Sora) No your not!

Ghost: (Joe) Yeah, your right. I'm just looking for a quickie.

Sora forced a smile.She was thankful Joe was still in his normal clothes."Being a med. student takes up a lot of yoru time, I know that.Joe… we need to talk.About

Christochi: (Guilmon) Takatomon, I wuv you!

"I know."Joe fingered his one jacket pocket carefully."Tai told me that he's dating Mimi.I was worried about how you'd take it."

Jesanae: (Sora) Oh, I just copied Davis' example, except for the suicide thing, of course.

Sora walked over to him."They told me right off about it… unlike Kari and Matt with TK.He… walked in on them… in bed."

Raul: (Bloodhound Gang) (singing) You and me, baby, ain't nothin' but mamals, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel!

At this Joe's eyes widened."In bed?!I don't believe it!TK told me they were dating, but… Man, he must be hurting more than he let on."

All: (WWF Fans) OH HELL YEAH!!!

"Don't worry about him.I… I helped calm him down, so to speak."

Kitty: (Sora) It's amazing what sex'll do for a person.

Joe let out a sigh of relief."You're a miracle worker, you know that.That's why I love you, Sora-chan."He put his arms around her."I've been waiting for so long for
this moment."

Christochi: Hehehehe… ^_-

This made Sora very uncomfortable."Joe…"

Jesanae: (Sora) Joe, you're giving me the Uh-Oh Feeling…

"Sh!Don't speak just yet."He broke away and reached into his pocket to pull out a small black box.Then, he knelt before here and opened it.A beautiful engagement
ring was inside."Sora-chan, I want to marry you."

All: (singing) Goin' to the chapel and their, gonna get married…

(all whistle and look away)

TK was very nervous as he headed for Joe's room.After a few minutes of thinking, he decided he needed to talk with both Sora and Joe.When Tai had said she'd
gone to talk with Joe, a sinking feeling came over him.


Why couldn't I have tried talking to them earlier?He was about to knock when he noticed that the door was open a crack, and he heard voices from inside.TK
stood still where he was.He knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but he couldn't help it.

Raul: Takeru's getting pretty sneaky. Spying on Matt and Kari, eavesdropping on Joe and Sora…

"That's why I love you, Sora-chan," he heard Joe say."I've been waiting for so long for this moment."

Ghost: (Joe) I've been waiting so long for you to officially dump me.


Christochi: -suddenly had a freak heart attack/stroke combination and died imediately.

TK then saw through the crack as Joe knelt down and revealed the ring."Sora-chan, I want to marry you."He waited a bit for Sora's response, but none came.

Raul: (To T.K.) Step 1: Bring right foot back.

Christochi: (To T.K.) Step 2: Kick sanity good-bye.

This was the crucial blow.TK felt his heart sink once more.They love each other… so who am I to stand in the way?His mind made up.TK quietly trudged back
to his room, and started packing quickly.

Kitty: Oh Takeru, we hardly knew thee.

Ghost: Let's keep it that way.

Raul: Ya know, that is getting very annoying…

Sora was completely taken aback by Joe's proposal.They had barely been in contact with each other since Joe left for med. school, and now he wanted to marry
her.It was too much.She turned away and started crying."I can't!I'm sorry, but… I just can't!"

Christochi: (Joe) What kind of shithole vacation am I on?

Joe stood up slowly."Sora?"

Jesanae: Please don't say anything about the size of her ass!

"Joe… I'm flattered by this… but we've hardly spoken to each other since you left.After Tai told me about Mimi, I thought of what you had said, but your brother
Jim said he saw you with some girl.Eventually, I got over it and hoped you really did find the one for you."Sora turned around and faced Joe."Forgive me, but I
don't share the same feelings you have for me."

Kitty: The professional dumping abilities of the Sora-feminine.

There was some silence before Joe nodded and put the ring away."I… was so afraid of this.I even had a feeling this would happen, after I bought the ring.But,
somehow this doesn't seem as bad as I thought it would.…Have you found someone?"

Ghost: (Sora) Sadly, yes. He's blond, short, has a stupid bucket hat, and should be hanging himself about now, know 'em?

Sora sat down on the bed."A week after Takeru saw Kari fucking Matt, Davis and I confronted him about why he was so depressed.Since then, I kept watch over
him, making sure he was okay.Yesterday, after he confronted Kari about it when we came here… the look on his face made me want to cry.

Christochi and Jesanae: We did cry…at the sappiness.

(Cell80 appears and blasts Chris)

Cell80: I don't hit girls.

Jesanae: ^^ Tanky!

Christochi: …medic…

"It was then… when I held him close as he cried, that I realized I loved him.It didn't matter that he and I are three years apart by age; I could see myself
spending the rest of my life with him… just by looking in his eyes.But, I was afraid he wouldn't feel the same, so…I…"

Jesanae: (Sora) …gave him a royal fucking!

Joe had a faint feeling he knew where this was going.He didn't like it one bit, but he let it go."You gave yourself to him… didn't you?You made love
to him?"

Jesanae: Sadly, the WWF joke is getting a bit old.

Christochi: Damn, that's one of my favorite ribs.

All Sora could do was nod.

All: (make nodding motions)

Joe sat beside her."Do you regret doing that with him?"

Kitty: (Sora) Geez, Joe, it's called sex, not "that". And you call yourself a med student!

"No.If I had meant last night as a one-night-stand, then I would have been no better than Kari keeping her relationship with Matt a secret.I gave him
more than my body and virginity… I gave him my heart."She brought her hand up to her chest."My heart pounds every time I think of him kissing me… of him
holding me."

Raul: (Sora) Of him screwing my brains out!

There was another period of silence before Joe chuckled."I never thought I'd actually envy TK for anything until now.He not only got to see you
naked, but made your first time memorable."He looked at Sora."Still, if he deserves to be loved by anyone, or to have someone truly special, it's you.Can we still be

Kitty: (Sora) Ah, how about…no.

Sora smiled."Always."Then she stood up."I'd better go see if Takeru-kun is okay.He was upset when I went to yell at Tai."

Christochi: (Sora) Hey T.K., I'm just coming in to see how you're doing and- OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

Joe sighed."I just hope my kissing you didn't make him doubt your love for him."He went over to the door, and pulled it open easily to his
surprise."Sora, did you know the door was open a bit?"

Jesanae: (Sora) Absolutely, why?

"No, I didn't."

Jesanae" -_- I can't win.

Christochi: (massaging various burns and bruises) You're doing a hell of a lot better than I am.

Just then, Matt rushed up and grabbed Joe by his shirt."What did you two tell TK?!" he said angrily.

All: (Hardcore fans) ECW! ECW! ECW! ECW!

Joe quickly said, "TK?I haven't talked with him since I came in to unpack."

Ghost: Lies, all lies!

"Bullshit!Sakuya just came by and asked if there was anything wrong because TK checked out alone just a few minutes ago!Urara let him check out
and he's probably at the train station by now.She said he looked like he'd been crying."

Raul: Why does everybody seem to be out to screw T.K. over?

Sora paled.Did he hear Joe propose to me?!She pushed the two men out of her way and ran back to her room.To her shock, all of TK's things
were gone.The bed was made, and a small piece of paper lay atop the covers.With a shaky hand, she picked it up and unfolded it to read it:

Kitty: (Sora) Oh, damn, it's the bill!

Thank you for trying to help me.I hope that you and Joe will be very

Ghost: "Very…" T.K. must learn to finish his thoughts.

Happy together.No matter what happens, I will always love you, even if it's from

Ghost: Well, he finished one thought, yet forgot another.

afar.Tell the others I'll see them when you all get back, and give my best wishes

Ghost: T.K., you're hopeless!

to Matt and Kari.Goodbye, Sora-chan.

Christochi: I know a guy at school who's last name is Chan.


Ghost: Very good, T.K., I'm proud of you.

Raul: You get a cookie.

Sora noticed that the bottom half or the note had tearstains on it."No…Takeru…"Dropping the letter, she fell onto the bed, and began to sob.What
have I done?!Takeru, please come back!I love you!I LOVE YOU!

Ghost: (Tom Servo) Cal-

Raul: (Crow T. Robot) Ruth-

Both: (Tom and Crow) I LOVE YOU!