Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Music Mends The Heart ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Music Mends The Heart

Disclaimer: The major one is posted but for all you who read ahead we don't owe Blink182 any money we barrowed a verse from there song "Whats my age again" please Blink182 I love you don't sue me!

Tai jumped as there came a knock at the door. That was odd, nobody usually called at this sort of time. Ken was off seeing a film or something with Davis and everyone else was out. He opened the door.
Yamato was standing there. "Hi Tai."
"Yama, hi. Come in. What are you doing here? I mean you're always welcome of course, uh, I mean" ah hell. He fell into subdued silence as the golden haired boy breezed in.
"I was just on my way to band practice when I thought...umm, would you like to come along?"
"Sure!" Tai tried to contain his excitement. "I'll just get my coat." He sprang into his room, not believing his luck, Yamato had never invited him along before. After a second thought he grabbed his goggles and put them on.
"I thought you gave those to Daisuke?" said Yamato.
"I did. I got a new pair. Think they suit?" he struck a pose like a model.
"Baka! Come on, or I'll be late."
When they walked in the darkened studio Tai noticed the ring of unknown faces staring at him. He had never seen the other members of Yama's band before. He was in uncharted territory and floundered like a fish out of water.
"Everybody, this is Taichi."
The band all mumbled little greetings, Tai's mind seized up. "Umm, hi." He gratefully took the offered seat and sat silent as Yamato sat beside him.
As the practice session started up Tai realized how much he didn't know about Yamato, about his band and what he played. He started to feel a longing to know more, and listened eagerly to everything that was said, barely noticing that all the while he was staring fixatedly at Yama. Though he didn't notice the other band members certainly did.

Took her out,
It was a Friday night
I wore cologne to
Get the feeling right
We started making out,
And she took off my pants
But then I turned on the TV
And that's about the time
She walked away from me

Nobody likes you
When you're twenty-three
And I'm still more amused
By TV shows
What the hell is ADD?
My friends say
I should act my age
What's my age again?
What's my age again?

Tai listened fascinated, if a little hurt at hearing "her". It's just a song, he told himself, its just a song, it doesn't mean anything...
Yamato set down his guitar. "I'm starved, and it's my night to get food. So, what do you all want?" He scribbled down on a scrap of paper as the band members ordered, then looked at Tai. "How about you mop head?"
"Huh?" Tai hadn't been paying attention.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Oh. Nothing for me thanks. I'm not hungry."
Yamato shrugged, then turned to the band. "You boys be good while I pick up the food. Don't torture Taichi." He grabbed his wallet and dashed out of the door, towards the takeaway a block down.
Tai turns to the strangers, his face starting to pale...damn you Yama-chan, he thought to himself. He turned to the fallback he used on his way in. "Uh, Hi."
One of the band members looked up. He was a new addition, and had only been in the group for a few months. Tai recognized him from Yamato's descriptions. His name was Adam. "So what's your business with Yama?" he asked.
"Huh? Business?" Tai desperately feigned confusion, not knowing quite what he was being accused of.
"You stare at him like he's a piece of meat. And Yamato is not a piece of meat!"
Tai felt his face flush, he was glad it was dark. "I really don't know what you mean." He felt his hands tremble and clasped them together in an effort to hide them. "What do you mean by a piece of meat?"
"You act like you're one of his teenybopper fans. Oh that's it, I understand now. You're one of the fans. A groupie."
"Hey. I am not a fan. I'm one of Yama-chan's friends. He invited me here." Tai froze and reran the last sentence. Did he really say what he thought he said?
Adam frowned. "Yama-chan?"
At that moment Yamato walked back in. "Food's up." He didn't notice the tense pair, or Tai's obvious relief. He was blessing whatever deity was looking down on him at that moment. Adam glared at Tai, grabbed his food, and walked over to the other end of the room to join the rest of the band.
Yamato walked to Tai and smiled, putting a playful arm round his shoulders. "Come on babes, I'm starved. I got you some too, I figured you'd probably get hungry."
Tai pulled his gaze away from Adam. He wondered if he'll say anything? He turned to Yamato and smiled. "What makes you think I'm hungry? I'm not that much of a pig am I?"
"No, but I know you. So come on." He flopped down in a chair and handed Tai a cheeseburger.
Tai seriously wished he could reply with something just then, a kiss, hug anything. But knowing he couldn't he wordlessly tucked into the burger and felt miserable because of it.
Yamato giggled at Tai, and crawled onto his knees in front of him. This was a totally different side of Yamato. So free and unhitched, Tai wondered if he was drunk. "Tai's got dribble," he said gleefully. He used his finger to whip the ketchup off Tai's cheek and licked it off his finger.
Tai froze mid bite and looked over to Adam and the band in fear. Thankfully they weren't looking. "Yama-chan! What are you doing?" God Damn it. Twice in one day. He cursed his big mouth and wished he was supple enough to stick his foot in it.
"You had ketchup on your face silly."
Tai relaxed slightly, maybe he hadn't heard it. But was that a knowing grin? He couldn't tell, it was gone to quickly, but it made Tai's heart skip a beat.
Tai smiled and tried to return the joviality. "Thanks sweetie!" he grinned while feeling his pulse race a mile a minute. Adrenalin pumped through him as fear surged through his system.
Yamato laid on his tummy and looked up at Tai. "You're cute. So... got a girl? I know Sora was, you know..."
Tai cursed Yama's playfulness, if he could only knew how frustrated this made him.
"Sora?" he felt his mouth go on autopilot. Probably not the best thing to say in retrospect. He could so easily used her as an escape. But him mouth was obviously not on his side that day. "No way, I don't like Sora like that."
Damn, have you taken a holiday? he screamed at his brain, it wasn't listening and his mouth went on unbidden "I mean I like her and all, but as a friend, you know?"
Tai relished the experience, Yama lying there, staring up at him so sweetly, he just hoped Adam and company wouldn't turn around.
"I know what you mean." He looked so relieved, like a total weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He just went for it, jumping onto Taichi and wrestling him playfully like boys so often do, and like they used to when they were younger.
Tai was caught completely off guard. He fought back laughing, spilling the half eaten burger and the sauce all over the floor, but he was now fully aware that Adam had turned around and was regarding them both very suspiciously indeed. Tai remembered his earlier slip up. He hoped he wouldn't say anything!
"Yama....Ya....YAMA!" he pushed the boy aside. "Hey, no tickling.. Ya- Yama-chan umm, hey....practice, the band...." He couldn't believe it, three times in one day!
By now Adam was right next to them, he had definitely picked up on the 'Yama-chan' and was about to speak before being interrupted....
"I couldn't help it. Oh hey Adam."
"Are we done yet?" Adam said coldly.
Yamato laughed. "We don't have a gig this week. I think we've practiced enough."
"Maybe I should just leave you two alone ne?" he practically spat
Adam turned to the other band members. "Come on guys, we'll meet up again on Tuesday. See you Yamato." He turned to Tai and his voice went cold. "Nice to meet you Tai," he said, eyes cold and suspicious. He turned and left, the rest of the band following.
"Alright spill," said Yamato to Taichi once they were alone. "Why is Adam giving you the cold shoulder? Did he say something to you? Cos he sorta had a crush on me."
"Huh?" Tai feigned confusion but inside it all clicked. No wonder! "No, he didn't say anything, forget about it."
Tai averted his eyes and asked, "he likes you?"
"Yeah. But I don't return his feelings. I've got my eye on someone special already. I think it makes him moody."
Tai's brain went on a day trip and his stomach decided to relieve its boredom by jumping up and down on his liver. "Oh?" squeaked Tai, all too aware of how Yama was now almost in his lap. Questions sprang into his mind. Who was it? Me? Don't be silly, he chided himself. Don't get your hopes up. Sora? Maybe. Still it could be someone else.
Some of this confusion obviously trickled through to his face.
Yamato leaned over and whispered in Tai's ear. "He's a great guy. Wanna know his name?" He nipped at Tai's ear. Did that just happen? Tai asked himself. He looked into Yamato's face just inches from his and saw his expression. Tai's mouth gaped, for once unable to string together anything coherent.
"You," Yamato hissed, placing his mouth over Taichi's.
For Tai it felt as if someone had just given him a hefty wallop with a sledgehammer. Everything he knew suddenly seemed so wrong. Yamato liked him! He always thought he didn't, and that his fantasies would always remain as such. He sank back into the chair drawing Yamato closer while sliding his arms around his waist.
A million questions seeking a million answers rummaged through his mind, but they could wait. For now only one thing mattered, he likes me!
Yamato pulled back breathlessly, sitting on Tai's lap, remembering all the times he had watched Daisuke and Ken share a chair, and how erotic it seemed.
Tai stared into his eyes, knowing he'd better say something but not having the foggiest idea what. Again his brain went to bed and left the rest of him to fall back on the lame failsafe. "Umm, Hi." He giggled when he realized how ridiculous that sounded.
"You're too cute."
Tai pulled himself close to Yama, placing his head at his shoulder and clasping his arms around him as if afraid to let go. "How long?" he whispered, his shoulders trembling with uncontrollable emotion.
"Since the second time we went to the Digiworld."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because I thought you liked Sora."
"You thought I liked Sora?" He looked at Yama and saw the seriousness in his eyes, and burst into laughter, a mix of sheer joy and laughter at how silly it all was. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. Oh you know I don't like Sora like that. I never have. It's always been you Yama-Chan." Finally he could say the name without fear, and stressed it delighted.
He lifted his head and happy tears well in his eyes kissed Yamato again, cherishing the sensation. Yamato wiggled, kissing Taichi back. As the years of pent up longing finally had an outlet Tai's mind began to drift forward over the coming days and weeks, touching on possibilities he never had before, fantasies that could now come true, that were coming true.
"So...what do you want to do? I mean, the band's left..."
"Hentaii aren't me?"
"You expect otherwise? Come on. I'm still reeling from the shock here. I can't believe you liked me for so long. You've made me so happy, you know that?" Tai gave Yama lots of little wet kisses on his neck.
"I know." Yamato wiggled out of his lap.
"Hey, where're you going?"
"Home. Band's over."
"Home?" Tai eyed him mischievously. Kari was out, and so was everyone else.
"Of course. Home."
Tai grinned and took hold of Yamato's hand. "Who's?"
"Mine I think. My Dad won't be home for a while." He wiggled his arse at Taichi.
"And you called me hentaii!"
"Hey. No-one said you were coming to my house." He grinned evilly. "Maybe you can go home and take a cold shower."
Tai feigned sulkiness and sniffed. "Fine." He folded his arms up close to him and sank back into the chair, trying to inspire a nice big guilt trip in Yama.
"Oh alright. You can come. But you have to behave."
"I always behave! What? Don't look at me like that. I do!" he resumed his fake sulk. "Besides. I don't know if I want to now."
Yamato walked out the door, calling, "I've always got my hand, or Adam..."
"Hey no fair!" He ran up and grabbed Yama round the waist from the back, pulling him close and hugging the life out of him. "How is it you always out-bluff me?"
"Cos I'm the master." He rubbed Tai's arm contently as they walked, finally feeling complete.
"Hey uh...." They were going outside and they were clasped together. "Do you mind everyone finding out?"
"Do you?"
"Don't get me wrong. I would shout it from the rooftops. But what about your image?"
"You're more important."
Tai felt his stomach, which was still dancing around from the initial shock of the day which still wasn't long ago, do a double back flip and get top scores from the judges. "You mean it?"
Yamato stopped abruptly and turned to him. "Where did you get the idea that you were less important to me than a stupid band?"
"Uh, I dunno. You always seemed so wrapped up in it I guess. And until today I'd never even seen them. You just disappeared for a few hours a day to practice and I never saw what went on. Until today of course."
"Taichi Yagami. You are the most important person in my life. There is no choice to be made between you and the band. You're the only one I'd go all the way to the Digiworld for. Well, maybe for TK, but that's different."
Tai pulled Yama to a stop by his arm. He gently took hold of him and kissed him softly on the lips, ignoring everyone around them on the busy street. "Thank you," he whispered before he began to well up again and a stray tear fled down his cheek.
He took Yama by the hand and began to walk again. "We better get home, it's getting dark."
"Afraid of the dark Tai-Chan?" He stroked Tais mop top playfully.
"Afraid of the dark? Hah! Of course not." Part of his mind boggled at the affection he was receiving. It told him adamantly that this wasn't real, that he was dreaming it all. It certainly felt unreal, but it was happening. His sweet Yama-Chan was standing there, looking lovingly into his eyes. He felt every cell in his body explode in joy, a joy he never believed he would ever feel.
"I'm not afraid of the dark.....but we better get home.." Tai looked into the shadows with unease and squeezed Yama's hand harder.
"You're safe with me Tai. I'd die before I let anyone hurt you."
"Hey, I said I wasn't afraid of the dark!" Another glance into the lengthening shadows.
"You're actions speak louder than words."
Tai put on a defiant air. "You believe what you want to believe!" Then spoilt his impressive look by pinching Yamato's bum.
"Don't make me spank you!"
"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you!" Pinch again. Tai had a huge big stupid grin on his face that split him from ear to ear. "Yaaamaa-chaan," whined Tai in the tone you usually get from kids in the back of cars. "I want to go to bed." He winked and wrapped his arm around Yama's waist.
"Hmm. I am kinda sleepy." Yamato yawned cutely as they reached his doorstep.
"You look cute when you yawn. But I hope you're not too tired..."
They went inside, and Yamato laced his arms through Tai's, glad to be alone together. "Taichi, have you ever done this before?"
"Done what before?"
"Do you always answer a question with a question? Had sex with a guy?"
"No, the only guy I've ever liked is you." Tai was actually blushing. He looked at Yamato cautiously. "Have you?"
Tai's heart fell a little. "Oh?"
"But it wasn't fun."
Tai couldn't help his curiosity and blurted out, "Who was it?" Tai was fidgeting with his shirt and looked very nervous.
Tai choked and nearly fell over. "JYOU?" He looked hurt, as if someone had stolen his precious Yamato from him.
"Tai, it was a while ago."
"Jyou? But I thought you liked me?"
"It was the first time we went to the Digiworld. I didn't like Jyou, but he liked me, and long story short, it was painful." Tai went quiet and stared at the floor. Jyou! He couldn't believe it.
"Maybe we should call it a night Tai. I'll call you tomorrow."
"No wait." Tai reached out for Yamato's arm. "I'm sorry. I guess I overreacted. I didn't mean to be like that."
There was so much pain in Yama's eyes. "I'll call you tomorrow."
"Yama-Chan. I didn't mean to. Oh please, I'm sorry."
"You're forgiven. But I still think you should go."
Tai looked at him, he had gone cold again. He felt the emptiness grow again inside him and he fought back the tears. "Yama, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. Please don't shut me out, please! I couldn't bear it."
He tried to put his arms round him, to hold him again. "Please," he whispered. "We've had to wait so long, don't let my stupid mouth ruin it now."
Yamato shoved him off. "Just go home Taichi."
Tai pulled back like a puppy that'd just been kicked. He stammered in disbelief, then feeling like his world had just come crashing down around him he fled, tears streaming from his eyes. Yamato ran to his room sobbing.

To be continued.