Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Music Mends The Heart ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yamato pulled himself up from his bed. The room was in disarray. Items lay on the floor where they had been hurled the night before in a brief but destructive rage. Sheets of music lay in the bin, and his guitar was under the desk, its strings cut. Things had not gone well when his Dad had got home.
His eyes were sore from crying, and he wondered whether he had slept at all. Outside a figure stumbled along the street, stopped at his door, and stood as if wondering how he got there. With timing so often put down to coincidence Yamato looked out of his window at that moment. To tired to be angry or upset his initial reaction was one of numb pity. He disappeared from the window, and reappeared at the door.
"Hello Tai," he said. Tai didn't reply, and stood swaying slightly. His clothes were creased and rumpled. He hadn't returned home that night, and had wandered around, finding the inevitable drinking establishment along the way.
Yamato stepped out onto his doorstep. He had slept in his clothes, they were almost as bad as Tai's. "You'd better come in," he said simply.
Tai followed him in, and stood slumped against the hallway wall, staring into space.
"Shit Tai, you stink. What have you been drinking?"
"I can't remember," Tai whispered.
"Go and get cleaned up. I'll get you some clothes."
"But...what about yesterday."
"We can talk about that later Tai." Something in Yamato's manner was different. His spirit was dampened. Tai stumbled into the bathroom and running water was soon heard. Yamato fished out some clothes, a hard task as Tai was plainly a different size to him. He knocked on the bathroom door and passed them in.
Twenty minutes later Tai emerged, looking very sheepish and still a little drunk.
"I've made you some soup," said Yamato. "All you need to do is stir it while it warms up. I need to clean and change myself."
"Yama...about last night..."
Yama laid down the wooden spoon and walked over to him. "How about we forget last night? I should never have brought Jyou up, and I shouldn't have thrown you out like that. I'm sorry Tai."
"All forgotten? Just like that?"
"Yes. Of course. I don't want to fight like that again." Yamato hugged Tai and smiled. Instantly the fatigues and torments of the night before fell away from Tai's face, and he smiled back as Yama ran his hand through Tai's still damp hair. "You go make your soup. I need to shower." He kissed Tai on the forehead and left.
Tai approached the kitchen in a daze. It was not a good place for Tai, especially when he had just had a complete mental shock. Yamato forgave him, just like that. He wondered whether his mind could keep up. Only yesterday morning he had no hope for being with Yamato. And since then they had got together, broke up, and got together again. This was way to complicated.
Tai didn't notice time drift by, or the shower stop in the next room. Yamato came up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and placing his head on his shoulder. "Hi beautiful!" The shower seemed to have washed away his unhappy mood.
Tai jumped and splashed soup all over the countertop. "Don't do that! Look what you did!" He tried feebly to mop it up, knocking over the saucepan in the process. Tai looked at the mess, then up at Yama with puppy eyes. "Sorry." He abandoned the soup and turned to hug Yamato.
"I will never let you in the kitchen again." He kissed Tai's chin.
"Fine by me! Means you'll have to cook everything though." Sly grin.
"I'll make you repay me somehow."
"Oh? Do tell. Getting hentaii thoughts are we Yama-Chan? Tsk, tsk."
"Well I can make you clean up your mess."
Tai looked like a hurt puppy again and played with Yama's collar with his fingers. "Aww, you wouldn't do that would you?"
"Oh yes I would. You spilt soup down me. I need to shower again."
Tai cocked an eyebrow. "Now that you mention it I am a bit messy too."
"You just want to get into my trousers."
Tai feigned shock. "Who me? Never! I just thought we'd do the environment some good by saving water. Honestly! Four showers in a row can't be good."
"Alright Tai. But you have to promise one thing...no talking."
"Promise or no go."
"But why? Don't you like my voice? I could sing!"
"Taichi, I'm serious."
"Okay Yama.....I won't talk. Do you want to tell me why?"
Yamato hesitated. "Because I want you to be doing other things with your mouth."
Tai lifted an eyebrow and hid his curiosity. There was something Yama was hiding, but he wouldn't press it, he didn't want to risk ruining things again. "What kinda things?" he whispered before kissing him lightly on the lips.
"If you don't know maybe we shouldn't shower." Yamato was back to teasing. He walked towards the shower, pulling off clothes.
"Mean!" Tai scampered after him. He watched as Yama stripped down, so transfixed that he almost forgot to do the same. He had bruises all down his back and arms. Tai stood shocked for a moment staring at his back. He was about to say something then decided against it, but by then Yama had turned around and seen his worried face.
"It's nothing Taichi. I just banged my back into the wall that's all."
Tai looked as if it was obviously not just nothing. "Yama...what really happened?"
"You promised you wouldn't talk."
Tai reached out and tenderly touched the bruises. He looked at Yamato with pained eyes. "Okay Yama-Chan, I trust you. You'll tell me when you're ready. You can trust me."
Yamato sighed heavily. He couldn't hold it from him, he was too lovable to hurt. "My Dad and I got into a fight last night when he came home."
"Thank you for telling me. I love you Yama-Chan."
"I love you Taichi." His eyes avoided Tai's. Tai was always good at spotting a lie. Though being dense at the best of times did however manage to pick that up. "Yama, what's wrong?"
"Nothing Tai. Just tired. I didn't sleep well after the fight."
"Yama....please don't lie to me, don't you trust me? Tell me what's wrong. Y-you do love me don't you?" Tai clutched at the clothing he had in his hand tightly. The fear that had dogged him the night before flooded back into him as Yama averted his eyes again.
"I love you Taichi."
"Why did you seem so uncertain before?" He abandoned the clothing and clung to Yama's arm.
"Tai. It's family stuff. It's okay alright? I do love you."
"Alright Yama, I believe you. But I want to talk about it later okay?" Tai tried to lighten the gloomy mood. "How about I rub some lotion into your back?" He didn't wait for an answer and began anyway. He felt Yama sink back into him and close his eyes.
"Don't let him touch me anymore Tai."
Tai paused. "Your Dad? I won't let him get near you. I won't let anyone hurt you Yama. If anything ever happens again you come straight over to my house okay?"
The front door clicked. "Oh my God. My Dad's home. He's home early!"
Tai did a perfect impression of a rabbit in headlights. "What shall we do?"
"Put your clothes on!"
"I know, you go out there and greet him, tell him I'm here cos I don't feel well and my parents aren't home.....which is true. Say I'm in here throwing up or something. Hey, I actually thought of something!"
"No! he'll get mad. You have to sneak out."
"Sneak out? What floor are we on?"
"I'll distract him and you get out. Please? Promise me you'll get out."
"What if he hurts you again?"
"Tai please. He'll hurt me anyway if he finds you here."
"I don't care. I said I'd protect you." He started to get angry. "I won't let him touch you! He'll have to go through me first. I'm not going to leave you Yama-Chan."
"Taichi stop it. I don't want your help with this! Get out please!"
Yamato's Dad was approaching the door. "Yamato? You home son? I saw your shoes beside the door."
"No, you're not going to push me away again! I'm going to stand by you." Tai jumped up and opened the door, ignoring Yamato's protest, and stepped out into the living room.
Yamato's dad looked shocked. "Taichi? What are you doing here?"
"Hello Ishida-san. I'm sorry to surprise you like that. I was sent home from school ill, and my parents are out of town, Yamato offered to let me stay here for a little while." Tai put on his best performance at being the cheerful little scamp he was, all the while thinking how could he do that to my Yama-Chan? "I'm sorry if I've been an inconvenience."
"It's alright Taichi. It's just Yamato and I are going out of town today. Father and son bonding trip. So I'm sure TK would be happy to take care of you if you need a place to stay. And isn't your sister home? We'll drop you off."
Tai hesitated, then the smiling mask came on again.... "Kari's at school too, but I am feeling a little better, I'm sure I'll be okay on my own at home, thank you." Fear ran rampant through his mind, bonding trip? What was he going to do to Yama?
"Want me to drop you home?" said Yama's dad. Yamato came out of the bathroom shyly, now wearing his clothes.
"Thank you," said Tai. "If that's not a problem." He looked at Yamato, imploring him to say something. Don't let him get alone with you, he screamed inwardly.
Yamato's dad turned to his son. "We're taking Taichi home now Yamato. Come now."
"Alright." Yamato walked quickly to the door, avoiding Tai's eyes.
"Come along Taichi."
"Yes Sir," said Tai miserably. Don't let him do this, thought Tai, don't let him hurt you like this. It isn't right. Say something, anything!
"Dad, can I sit in the back with Taichi?"
That would have to do. They left the house and got into the small town car, heads low and silent. As they pulled away Yamato reached his hand over, touching Tai's.
"Tell him," whispered Tai, barely heard over the radio. Yamato shook his head miserably.
"You have to tell him sometime," persisted Tai. "I won't let him hurt you. I promised remember?"
"Just stop it Tai. I wish I had never told you anything." Yamato pulled his hand away. Tai looked hurt.
"No you don't Yama." His voice faltered. "You don't mean that. I know you don't. If you don't tell him this will never end and he will keep beating you. I can't let that happen. I love you too much to stand idly by."
Yamato said nothing, and stared out the window.
"Yama... if you don't do anything I will."
"I swear if you say anything Taichi I will never ever talk to you again."
"Why? You said you love me, doesn't that matter above all else?"
"Not this. Everything but this."
"I love you Yama-Chan. And I don't want to see you get bruised again."
"Don't say anything!"
"I have to do something!" Tai was raising his voice dangerously above a whisper.
"No. if you do I'll hurt you. I swear!" Yamato hissed threateningly.
"I don't care about me Yama, hurt me all you want."
"If you do this you'll hurt me even more. Do you want that?"
"That isn't true."
"He'll beat me more, and he'll hurt someone I love okay? So just drop it."
"Well come and stay with me then."
"He'll hurt TK God damn it!"
Tai hung his head and was on the verge of tears. "Okay Yama. I won't do anything. But please, stand up to him. I cant bear to see you hurt. I love you. I want to help you. I'll do anything for you. You'll always have me Yama-Chan."
"I don't want you anymore."
"You never respect me! Even Jyou respected me and my choices!"
"You can't mean that!"
"You're awful!"
"No...." Tai was no openly crying, a look of horrified confusion on his face. "Don't do this again Yamato, please!"
Yamato just sneered at him. The car stopped at a red light. "I don't want you! No-one will ever want you!"
Tai openly sobbed and pleaded, no words coming out.
"Hey, what's going on back there?"
"Nothing Dad," snapped Yamato.
Tai turned away and struggled with the door handle, wracked by uncontrollable grief. He had to get away. He won the fight with the door and it swung open, slamming into a car in the next lane. As the shouts of Yamato's dad and the other motorist rang out Tai ran sobbing across three lanes of stationary traffic and disappeared.