Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: An Opera man named Davis ❯ What's this...? ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
It was Friday, and the Grade nines, including the Super Digi destined, had an early release that day so the higher grades could work on their exams. This gave the soccer teams a good chance to practice in the fields… and Davis was surprisingly a little off his game today…
He just couldn't kick the ball straight or run without tripping over his own legs. The coach blew his whistle, “What's the matter with you, boy…?” he asked. “Usually you're a big mean motion machine…”
Davis agreed. He knew the reason he was off his game was because the emptiness inside him was still tormenting him but for the life of him he had no idea why and how…
“Why don't you take it easy for a while Davis…?” Ken asked. “You'll hurt yourself if you keep going at this rate.”
Davis sighed in deep shame, “Sure… whatever.” And he went over to the benches where the others had been watching him. Kari was really starting to feel worried, “Davis… you never called me last night.” she said, “Are you sure you're okay…”
Her boyfriend shook his head, “Nope. I feel worse than ever.”
It all didn't make sense to him…
He was the one who taught everyone to believe in their own dreams, and not let what people said get the better of things. Heck, being Kari's boyfriend was one of the biggest dreams Davis ever had, and having it come true was nothing short of something that couldn't be described…
“But what's the answer…?” he growled, “Why am I feeling so bummed? What the heck is happening to me?” he almost screamed and frightened the Digimon.
“Davis, take it easy… will you?” TK said.
“Yeah… don't you think your overacting a little…?” asked Gatomon.
Davis clenches his fists and gritted his teeth, but then he calmed down. “What am I going to do?” he asked. “How can I show everyone that I'm not just some geek…?”
Hawkmon shook his head, “I think the only question is, what you should do Davis.” he said. “Hawkmon's right…” said Yolei, “You're already a star on the soccer team. No one's a geek there…”
Davis agreed with her on that, but he had always been the star of the soccer team, “I mean something more than that…” he said as he began to ponder, “Something that… that not many people in the world can do. Ahh, but what kind of thing would do just that, and that's something that I can do?”
While it was true Davis was good at lots of things, like Soccer, and video-games, not to mention being brave and bold… but he wasn't good at a lot of other things as well. “Well you could give studying a try… then you're grades could boost up a little.” Patamon joked.
TK motioned to Patamon that he hadn't said the right thing, “I really don't think books are what Davis is looking for.” he said.
Kari placed her hand over Davis', “If you want some help, we're all here for you.”
Davis smiled, and even though he figured it would be better to go at this by himself, “Thanks guys… you're the greatest.” The others smiled and nodded, and Kari pecked him on the cheek.
Later that evening, Davis was about to have a whole night to himself. Just him and Veemon…
His parents were both working late, and his sister Jun had a hot date that night with Tai…
Davis still couldn't fit together how Tai could ever begin to like Jun, she was such a flake! But if Davis could grow up and mature, than so could Jun.
He only wished Kari didn't have a huge test to study for. “Pre-Japan History…? Not my thing.”
So he and Veemon were going to stay home, chow down on pizza, and amuse themselves with TV, video games, all the bear necessities of the mind of the male.
He and Tai had been sitting in the living room playing video games for the last hour now as Jun as still fixing herself up. He was planning on Taking Jun out for a nice supper, and then… they were heading for the opera.
“How could you take her to such a droll place?” Davis asked. “Opera is so lame…!”
Tai knew that Davis was still young and didn't understand it. “I think you'd actually like it Davis.” he said, “Especially the one we're going to see, Carmen.”
Davis sighed, and Veemon answered for him, “Davish would rather pound a rusted stake into his foot.”
“Veemon…!” Davis said, “Uh… well maybe yeah.”
Tai shook his head, “No Davis, you'd really like it.” he said again. “In fact, it's going to be filmed live so you can catch it on TV.”
Davis didn't know, “Opera's just not my thing, besides… I don't even know what this whole Carmen, yadda-yadda about…”
Tai decided Davis needed a good talk-or-two now. So he got out a program pamphlet of the opera. “Opera's just like a musical Davis…” he said, “You know what a musical is, don't you.”
“Duh…? Tai… we're in a musical.” Davis motioned all around them, “Oh… right…?”
Tai decided to go on and explain that operas were stories, plays, only the entire thing was done in song. The opera he and Jun were going to see was a tragic tale of passion, betrayal and revenge.
“Now the plot itself is really simple…” continued Tai as he showed Davis some of the highlights.
Don-Jose; a soldier… falls in love with a gypsy named Carmen. He leaves his girlfriend, quits the army, and becomes a bandit just so he can be with her… but then… Carmen falls in love with this bullfighter!
“What…?” Davis gasped.
Tai nodded that it was true. “Don-Jose is crushed! He ruined his whole life for this woman and she just up went and dumped him.”
Davis, who was starting to feel slightly interested, couldn't believe it, “Man, what a raw deal!” He almost even pictured that could've been the result of the love triangle between himself, Kari, and TK. Even though in reality, Davis was dating her and not TK.
Tai decided not to spoil it anymore and leave Davis to watch it if he wanted. Besides, Jun had just come from the bathroom. To Davis she looked “ALIVE…!” he joked. He and Veemon laughed.
But Tai thought she was gorgeous, “see ya' Davis.”
“Catch on the flipside, squirt.”
And they were gone. Leaving Davis and Veemon to their own devices…
Still… as the night passed by, Davis' mind was still racing on what he could do to show that there was more he could do than other people thought, and more to him than met the eyes.
But still had no clue…
Books weren't this thing. He wasn't really a good artist. Video games weren't really something to be all that proud of, and of course he already was one of the greatest Digi-Destined in the world… if not, then THE greatest, but he had no way to prove or show it.
Plus there were hardly anymore bad guys out there to fight since Maylo-Myotismon was beaten. Over and over Davis continued to ask himself, “What am I good at? How can I show people?”
As he sat on the sofa pondering over that question, Veemon was snoozing, and as he rolled over his tail hit the TV remote, and the TV clicked onto the channel that was showing the Opera live.
Of course it was already about a third ways complete, and Davis would have shut it down, when he realized the scene was happening, a duel between those two guys, Don-Jose and the bullfighter Tai had mentioned.
Davis couldn't understand what they were singing as it was in Spanish, but those strong male voices. “Whoa…!”
Davis decided to watch it for maybe a little while, but that little while turned out to be through the rest of the opera. So many scenes of anger, romance, tragedy, and outrage… Davis never saw, or heard anything like it before.
And from within his body, he could hear his thoughts racing…
(Music cue)
(Davis' thoughts)
What's this? What's this?
There's strange things everywhere.
What's this…?
There's music in the air.
What's this…?
I can't believe my ears and eyes, I must be dreaming.
This just isn't fair…!
What's this…?
More and more of the opera seemed to be intriguing to Davis…
What's this…? What's This…?
Is something going wrong?
What's this…?
Those people singing songs.
What's this…?
The stage is full of really strange folks singing,
And there's music that is ringing.
And is my heart really clinging?
What's this…?
Those men they have strong voices,
With lyrics from their heads.
The maiden's are so fair,
Even when the fake to be dead.
The story is so powerful, I can't believe my ears.
And in my bod I feel something that's easing up my fears.
Oh, look… What's this…?
Their dancing too and fro.
They even kiss…?
Why that looks so unique; Inspired.
There's even stories of fights and battles,
There's eyes filled with so much fire.
What's this…?
What's this…? Oh, dear!
They villains got away? How queer.
And who would ever think, and why?
Their singing in so many different ways.
They send the crowd into a daze,
And there's a smile in everyone.
So now correct me if I'm wrong.
This looks like fun. This looks like fun
Oh, could it be, I found my wish?
What's this…?
Oh my, what now?
It's the ending of the show.
But look; those flowers the crowds throw.
Those singers, they have pleased and charmed them
And alarmed them.
Even I feel cozy in my dream land…
What's this…?
The performance is completed,
Yet the folks want an encore.
The night is getting late, and yet still they long for more.
And here to think I thought that all this would a big bore.
And yet my heart and head tells me it's something I adore.
The music, the voices.
They're everywhere and all around.
I've never felt so strange, before.
This emptiness inside of me may just fill up.
I simply cannot get enough.
I want it. Oh, I want. Oh, I want it for my own.
I've got to know. I've got to know,
What's this feeling I have found…
Davis was suddenly snapped out of his trance, by his parents, and Tai, and Jun walking through the door. “Well… looks like someone's gotten an interest in opera.” said his Father.
Tai and Jun smiled at each other, and as much as Davis didn't want to believe it, it was really true. Why else would he have watched practically the whole thing?
When Davis went to bed a few minutes later, his thoughts were still fixed on what he watched, and he began to wonder what it would be like if he was an opera singer. “Think of the praise I'd get…”
He imagined that he would be up on stage, after a wonderful performance the crowds would cheer and throw flowers at him.
Davis then dismissed the idea, as it would take years to even get half as good as that… and he just didn't have the patience to wait that long. “Looks like I'm back to square one.” he muttered as he dropped off to sleep.