Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: An Opera man named Davis ❯ Davis' new talent ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

As the rest of the show continued, some people were starting to regret going, as some of the acts were just terrible…
Unicycle riders… chair balancers… other bullies or losers who thought they could do their acts, but didn't bother to practice. They got their boos and hisses… some even got a couple of tomatoes thrown at them.
Still… other acts were impressive. Singers, impressions… even a few musicians too. They were sure talented for kids who had never been seen trying it before, which really taught you not to judge someone at first sight.
Finally after about an hour, the last act of the afternoon was on; Davis' act.
Bill and Ben announced what Davis would be doing…
“And now here is Davis Motomiya… whose big surprise for you all is…” Bill gazed down at his card, and he and Ben gasped. “Gone with the Wind… sung in opera?” Ben said into the microphone…
The whole crowd became confused, and some of the losers who made fun of Davis got comfortable. Davis Motomiya singing opera…? Some people even started laughing.
As for the Davis' friends, and their Digimon, “Opera…?” Hawkmon asked. “Why I must say… I don't know what to think.”
Kari however looked transfixed in her seat, that she almost forgot to get her camera ready with its recording, but even still… she began to wonder if it was true. Did Davis really have some new talent that no one was aware of…?
Nevertheless, the curtains opened. It all started on a scene by a windmill, and trees that were fluttering in a gentle breeze. The music started…
(Music cue)
And the stage lights lit revealing Davis all dressed up in a simple grey costume tuxedo, with tails on the jacket fluttering in the breeze, and he even held a cane in his hands. He didn't seem to get too much applause either as most of the audience thought this was all just a huge joke.
But suddenly, Davis began to sing…
(Sounds like Jim Nabors)
Go-o-o-o-one with the wind!
Just like a leaf that has blown away.
Gone with the wind!
My romance has flown awa-a-a-ay…!
Yesterday's kisses are still on my li-i-i-ips.
I had a lifetime of heaven… at my finger ti-i-i-ips…
Now… all is gone.
Gone as the rapture that thrilled my heart.
Gone with the wind!
The gladness that filled my heart.
Just… like a fla-a-a-ame…
Love burned brightly and beca-a-a-ame…
An empty smokescreen that has gone…
Gone with the… Wi-i-i-i-i-ind!
As Davis continued to sing, a lot of the teens in the audience had changed features on their faces. Some thought that Davis was probably lip-synching over a radio or something… but because the talent show was thoroughly investigated before the show to avoid cheating… it was officially. It was really him singing…!
“Incredible…” some of them started to say.
“Who knew…”
Even the Dig destined were shocked, and amazed. “That voice…?” Ken said. “It sounds so… so…”
“Enchanting…” Yolei muttered.
TK, who had returned to his seat, he and Patamon couldn't believe what they were hearing, and neither could Gatomon.
Hawkmon however was intrigued. “Brilliance…” that was all he could say, “Sheer, unadulterated brilliance.”
Kari however asked TK to take over with the camera, “I don't think I can hold it up.” she was so incredibly amazed that she felt light as a feather. She had
Suddenly, the wind started to pick up on the set, and things started to fall over and down… because Veemon had accidentally fallen on a switch while manning the wind-fan back stage. “Oopsh… Oh, no!”
Davis gazed around feeling concerned. His whole set was falling to bits, but he couldn't stop singing…
Now… all is gone.
Gone as the rapture that thrilled my heart.
Gone with the wind!
The gladness that filled my heart.
JU-U-U-UST… like a fla-a-a-ame…
Love burned brightly and beca-a-a-ame…
An empty smokescreen that has gone…
Gone with the…
He took in a huge breath, and threw his arms up high…
The music stopped, and so did the wind… but the crowd just didn't stop cheering… or at least half of them didn't stop. Never before had they heard Davis do anything so wonderful before, and never even thought he could do it.
Even though others were still not convinced that Davis was so great, and tried to urge the rest that Davis wasn't so big, the others didn't care and cheered louder.
Even Davis' friends couldn't stop cheering. Davis took a big bow, and left the stage. “That was incredible…” cried TK.
The others all agreed with him, and finally understood why Davis had been acting so strange, and when they all visited him backstage before the awards-ceremony began, their guesses were right.
Davis had been practicing opera this whole time. It explained why he was studying so much Spanish, why he was resting books on his stomach, and even where that lyrical voice was coming from by his place.
“But Davis… why didn't you just tell us?” Kari asked.
Her boyfriend gazed at her cheekily, “What? And miss the chance of surprising everyone? I don't think so…” he said. Then he gazed down at Veemon, “Although things could have ended up a lot worse…”
Veemon shuttered feeling ashamed that he nearly blew Davis to smithereens. “Shorry…” he simply said, “At leasht you shtill performed well.”
“I bet you even win Davis…” Gatomon said.
Davis did think it was possible he could win, until the awards went out. Second-place went to Mina for her stunning gymnastics, but sadly… first place surprising went to a nerd from school.
Yami Mutzamari for his incredible act of “The Human Calculator.” Half the crowd was thrilled and impressed, but the rest were shocked and disappointed that Davis didn't win.
“I don't believe it…!” snapped Veemon.
“No way…?” growled Yolei.
Everyone else couldn't believe Davis didn't win. Davis himself was just as shocked and he really felt upset, “Well how about that…?” he grumbled as he sat down and sulked. “All this time, and all the effort I did, I still didn't do any good.” He sighed, “I guess I better get used to the fact that nobody thinks highly of me.”
“Aw, Davis…” Kari tried to perk him up, but then she realized that she had nothing to say, and neither did the others. It looked as if maybe Davis was right…
But suddenly… the half of the crowd, who were upset Davis didn't win, booed Yami and Bill and Ben off the stage, and so did some of the other performers, including Mina. Then they all began to cheer Davis' name over and over again…
Davis' head perked up. “Hey, what's that?” he asked.
“Davis what are you doing…? Get back out there.” Wormon said.
“Huh…?” Davis felt really confused, until he realized that the audience wanted him to do an encore. Davis gazed at his friends, and they all persuaded him to do it, and the performers out on the stage motioned for him to come…
“Well… what do you know…” Davis muttered, and he dashed back out on stage receiving the loudest applause he had ever received before.
Davis took another bow, and then signaled for someone to turn the stereo on. Davis bought a few soundtracks from the Carmen opera, and sang a solo verse from one of the acts… in Spanish.
The crowd cheered even more for him when he finished. Even though he lost the talent show, it looked as though he got what he wanted anyways. A little more respect than what he had before…