Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ MUSICAL: The worst possible stress ❯ One, One, all the time One ( Chapter 10 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Digi destined arrived in America at 10:00 am the next American morning.
Davis was reported being seen watching Preschool kids he donated money to play soccer.
The team stayed at Mimi and Michael's and waited patiently for Davis' signal to start moving. Since it was still Spring break, chances were he wouldn't stick around that much.
At the preschool, Davis didn't have to wear his trench coat that day as he watched the little children play their game.
Some wanted to play just to win, but the rest were just like Davis, they only wanted to do their best. That brought Davis back a lot of memories.
He was once just like those kids, wild and frisky, but also, he never wanted to admit it, but he did think he was kind of cute back then.
Who knew that a kid like him was one day destined to become the crowned Leader of the Digi destined.
One that stood proud and tall, who would never giving up, and never surrender to anything.
Davis always kept going when things seemed hopeless, and he was always able to make the impossible possible.
He was the first to break Ken's No-Digivolving spell…
He continued on and Succeeded in removing the power source which destroyed Ken's Digimon-Kaiser fortress…
With his believing, and a little help from Wormon, he and Maganmon turned Kimeramon into dust…
He was the only one to break Maylo-Myotismon's brain control…
And if it wasn't for his pep talk in teaching everyone to believe in their dreams, Maylo-Myotismon would never have been destroyed, and destroyed the two worlds long ago.
The other did have a fair share in helping in the any battles, but in the very final end… Davis was the true hero there, and that started him off as a legend.
The Most Powerful, and most invincible Digi Destined of them all… Ranked NUMBER ONE in the world!!
Actually, if his feelings for Kari weren't as strong as they were now, way back then, Maylo-Myotismon could have actually got to Davis.
“Yeah… ONE?” Davis thought, “That's all it is with me, One, One, One!”
Davis' song was right, being the strongest of the Digi Destined, some people actually feared him more than idolized him, and those who did idolize him wanted to actually be like him.
Sadly, not all of them had Digimon strong enough to Digivolve so far, and Davis could control Digital powers that others couldn't possibly comprehend.
In other words, no one else was like him out there, and he really felt left out, even though it was fame he was shaming over.
The children's game ended in a tie, but Davis was glad to see all the kids weren't throwing a fit over not wining, but in fact being thankful to their opposing team for a good game.
The Teacher invited Davis to stay for a while, but actually, looking at a preschool teacher like her reminded Davis of why else he was one of a kind.
“N-no thanks…” he said softly, “I'd better be going… it's not easy being me you know.”
Davis ran out of the schoolyard fast, and was out of site in a instant, but his feelings were already on Kari.
He saw her become a teacher long before TK and her became engaged, he was grateful she achieved her goal.
He even remembered Kari's words the day she received her permit “I couldn't have done it if it weren't for you Davis.” She even gave Davis a hug for him believing in her.
In a way, Kari was right, Davis' pep talk in the battles helped everyone achieve their goals with believing and fierce nerves.
Then why couldn't he achieve the most important goal in his life, being with the only woman he could ever love?
Why did TK have to bring himself into the picture and Take away the one thing that gave Davis a reason to want live?
Davis felt his sadness rising again, so he decided to head home to his burrow, not realizing he was being watched from Mimi and Michael's apartment.
Still, Davis didn't care if he sang the song already, he had been singing it as long as he can remember, because it matched him perfectly for what he was, and how he felt…
-The Happiness of Being me
Is not what it's cracked up to be
It's lonely being One… Of a Kind!
-With all the known variety,
the fame that nature gave to me
It's Lonely being One… Of a Kind…
As soon as they saw Davis get on his chopper it was time move, but they gave him a few minutes to get far away enough so he would see them.
“Okay… Let's go!” said Tai, they all mounted their Digimon, at least those that could fly and took off after the signal on their radar.
“Kari…?” said Angewomon, “I have a feeling that you're worried about Davis.”
Kari nodded, she was indeed worried. Davis' last song really made her feel like a stubborn brat for what she did to him. All he ever wanted was to be with her, but she didn't ever give him a chance.
He's been living alone by himself with only Demiveemon for company, and he was indeed lonely without his friends and Family. People he once trusted.
Worst of all, a sick chick was bent on a vendetta of going after Davis and force him into a relationship of lust and greed.
Of course, TK only played a minor role in it, not knowing who Milan really was, but Kari blamed it all on herself.
“If I had at least given Davis one little chance, none of this ever would have happened.” She cried to herself.
“Kari…” said Tai, “There's nothing you can do about that now. We can't change the past, only the future.”
“But right now, Davis' future could be looking bleak if we don't get to him before Milan does!” said WarGreymon
“Izzy, how far are we?” asked Sora.
Izzy checked his radar. “It's going to be awhile before we touch down, Davis is still on the move.”
With very little to do now, but so much on the line, The team continued to follow Davis' signal.