Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My angel ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon I only own the story that I worked hard on!
There once lived a beautiful young lady who just went with the flow she never really hurt anyone emotionally or physically. She just had a secret one tiny little secret that she held threw her so far9 years of her school life. She is 15 if you haven't figured it yet. She never had a boyfriend never found the right guy to follow her. One day when she was wondering in the park she saw a handsome young man. She walked up to him “Hello my name is Sora I haven't really seen you before.”
He looked at her for a moment then responded, “Hi I'm Tai you really will never see me again.”
“Wait what do you mean do you have a secret?” Sora asked quietly.
“Yeah I do I'm dead!” He responded while getting up.
“Wait what your dead! Then what are you an angel?” She asked.
“No I'm a demon I never saw heaven I can't believe you don't remember me.” He said while laughing.
“Oh wait no it can't be you my Tai would go to heaven!” She yelled.
“I am your Tai and I didn't go to heaven!” Tai yelled back at her.
“Why aren't you in heaven and why are you here?” Sora asked him firmly.
“I didn't go to heaven because I sinned Sora I sinned so many times! I want to cross over but I can't!” He responded sadly, “I just can't!” He yelled sadly. “Why can't you?” Sora asked looking at him sadly.
“I love you Sora so I haven't crossed over!” Tai yelled while tears streamed down his face but they burned him. “Oh Tai I loved you too! How long can you stay here?” Sora asked while whipping his tears away.
“For however long I want but how can I live here I mean I look like a 15 year old teenager that has been threw hell which I have!” Tai said firmly while looking at her. “Well don't look like your self make up a new name.” Sora suggested.
“I think that I should run away far from here.” Tai said while looking at the ground. “Please take me with you!” Sora asked loudly.
“Alright meet me in the park with clothes and money at 8:00 Love ya.” Tai said while smiling firmly.
“I love you too 8:00 P.M. right?” Sora asked.
“Yeah 8:00 P.M. see ay then.” Tai responded peacefully. Tai got up and started to run the track. Sora ran home once she got there she packed. After that she called Mimi and gave Mimi her Cell #. Then she waited for 8:00 P.M. to come. When it did she hopped out her window. She ran with her suit case all the way to the park. She found Tai sleeping peacefully sleeping on a bench. She started to shake him he moaned. “Tai time to get up your angel is here.” Sora said while giggling. “You really think that is funny don't you.” Tai said while sitting up. He pushed some of Sora's bangs out of her face. Then they moved closer and closer to each other then they shared a loving kiss her first his too. It lasted for about 3 minutes 3 nice minutes. Then they broke Sora smiled and Tai did as well. They started to walk hand in hand. “So Tai where are we going?” Sora asked happily. “We are going to fly to England.” Tai said back to her. “England really YEAH I've always wanted to go to England!” Sora squealed loudly!
“Hey Sora chill lets go.” Tai said while smiling. They walked to the air port. They got onto the plane slowly. Finally they lifted off and where off to England. “Hey isn't that Sora?” Some one whispered to some one else. “Yeah it is but who's her boyfriend?” Some one whispered to some one else. Finally one of them got up “excuse me you look familiar are you Sora?” Some one said.
“Yeah I am who are you oh my god MIMI!” Sora yelled loudly. “Hey girl who's your boyfriend?” Mimi asked happily. “Oh Mimi you know him but he sorta died.” Sora said while grabbing Tai's hand. “Hi Meems remember me?!” Tai asked her while squeezing Sora's hand. “Oh my god Tai I thought you died cause you got into that car accident!” Mimi yelled loudly. “I did but I can't and will not cross over I mean eventually if I stay here long enough I will be alive again.” Tai said while giving a huge smile. “I thought you would be a ghost.” Mimi said while laughing.
“No I mean you can hit me or whatever.” Tai said while grabbing Sora's hand. “Wait you mean if you stay long enough you will be human again?” Mimi asked quickly.
“Yeah that's what he said so I'm assuming that's right.” Tai responded to Mimi nicely. “Wait he who?” Mimi asked while cocking her head.
“The devil is who told me.” Tai said while hanging his head. “How long do you have till you are human again?” Mimi asked happily. “Well I guess until we get there. Who else is with you?” Tai asked while looking back behind him. “Oh that would be Matt, Kari, T.K., Izzy, my girl Se-Se, and your boy Gavin.” Mimi said while waving to Izzy. “Okay who's Se-Se and I thought Sora was your girl and tell Matt and Gavin to
Get over here. Also are you and Izzy dating?” Tai asked her. “Yes, and I'll get your boys over here. Matt and Gavin get your butts over here!” Mimi yelled loudly. “Yo what do you want?” Gavin asked while walking over with Matt. “Oh my god it's TAI!” Matt yelled for the whole plane to hear. “Dude what's going down.” Gavin asked while giving him a high five. “Nothing much how are you guys?” Tai asked while returning the high five. “We are fine how about you we missed you man.” Matt told him while smiling. “Yeah I missed you guys too.” Tai said while smiling back. “I thought you where dead man!” Matt said while looking at him strangely. “Well I sorta was dead I am going to be human soon.” Tai said while smiling at him.
“Tai how is that possible?!!!?” Gavin asked while yelling. “Hey Mimi who's this?!” Se-Se asked loudly.
“This is Tai and Sora they are mine, Gavin, and Izzy's like best friend. Sora is one of my best friends.” Mimi responded happily.
“Oh I see they are pretty cool!” Se-Se said happily. “Hey we are landing go sit down!” Sora yelled to her friends!
Digifreak880: Hey there will be more chapters! Emichii I hope you read this!