Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My angel ❯ We are having trouble ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- I don't own digimon but I do own this story so that is it!
Tai's Point Of View,
“Hey Sora how do you think the others are doing?” I asked Sora while looking around. “I hope they are having more luck then us!” She said to me and started to hold my hand.
I started to hold her hand back we sat on a bench for a while. “Tai why do you love me?” She asked me while looking up.
“I love you, because you are beautiful, you are smart, and the most loving person I have ever met!” I responded to her and then kissed her. We kissed for a while and when we broke we got up to look again.
Mimi's Point of view,
“Hey Izzy do you think everyone is having fun?” I asked Izzy while we where walking. “I don't think so I mean Se-Se is with all guys.” Izzy told me as he slipped his hand into mine.
“Yeah, I guess so Izzy why do you really love me I mean like every one thinks I'm annoying?!” I asked him while staring into his eyes. “Well Mimi I guess it's, because you are beautiful, you are smart, and you really know how to take care of someone.” He told me and then kissed me sweetly. “I LOVE you so much Izzy!” I yelled to him as we broke.
Matt's Point Of view,
Why did I agree to have Se-Se in my group I mean I really like her! I thought to myself over and over again. “Matt, do you think the others found a good hotel I mean we have been walking for hours!?” Gavin asked me while Se-Se just stared at me lovingly.
“I really don't think so I mean one of them would have called by now!” I yelled while finding a bench to sit on. Then Se-Se sat next to me and Gavin next to her. “This is a pain in the NECK!!” Gavin yelled at the top of his lungs I looked at him. “GAVIN THAT WAS MY EAR!!!!!!!!” Se-Se yelled in Gavin's ear I just looked at the both of them. “Guys STOP yelling this is hard enough!” I yelled at the both of them as I stared off into space. Then my cell phone rang I jumped as I stared at it. “Well Matt are you going to answer the phone!” Gavin yelled at me I looked at him and then picked up the phone.
“Hello this is Matt.” I said as I picked up the phone.
“Hey Matt it's me Tai, we found a hotel!” He yelled in my ear.
“Really man I can't believe it where are you guys?” I asked him while smiling. “Near the air port on Chain Street see ya in a few.” He told me and then hung up his phone.
“Looks like we have got some walking to do!” Se-Se said as she got up of the bench. “Yeah I guess we do.” Gavin said while getting up of the bench. We all started to walk to Chain Street.
Mimi's Point of View,
“Izzy I wonder if any one has had any LUCK!” I said as I turned to him then my cell phone rang. “Hello, this is Mimi.” I said a little annoyed. “Hey Meems we found a hotel!” Tai yelled in my ear. “Really where?” I asked him while grinning ear to ear.
“Near the air port on Chain Street.” He said to me on the other line. “Alright see ya there in a few minutes!” I yelled back to him while hanging up the phone. “Izzy we have got some walking to do!” I yelled at him loudly.
Tai's Point of View,
“I wonder when everyone is going to get here.” Sora said to me while leaning on my shoulder. “Soon hopefully,” I said to her as I kissed her.
Hi I know that wasn't long but I'm so SORRY! Thanks for reviews! The next one might be longer!