Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My angel ❯ How it all happened ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer, I don't own digimon but I do own this story!
“Tai, I'm so sorry! Izzy I'm so SORRY!” Mimi told both of them while crying. “Hey Mimi its okay I mean it could have been worse.” Tai said while trying to cheer her up.
“Yeah I guess so are you guys okay?” Mimi asked while smiling.
“Yeah we are fine Izzy has to stay off his ankle for a while that's all.” Tai told her while smiling.
“I guess we should get to the hotel.” Se-Se said while smiling.
“Yeah I guess we should.” Matt said while smiling to. They all started to walk Izzy had to walk on crutches. They finally arrived at the hotel they all checked in. “Now to get a great night sleep!” Tai said to everyone while smiling.
Tai's Point of view,
I wonder how Sora is doing. Tai thought to himself while trying to fall asleep. Well better get some sleep Tai slowly closed his eyes. “Hey where am I this isn't the hotel?” Tai asked while looking around. “Tai your in the car remember we were at grandma's house.” Kari his little sister said while smiling at him.
“Oh yeah Kari now I remember.” Tai said to his little sister.
So wait that was all a dream me and Sora. Tai thought to himself. All of a sudden a car hit the side of their car. Tai could faintly remember the sirens of an ambulance.
Tai's mom's point of view,
“Mrs.Kamiya can I speak to you please?” A doctor asked her.
“Yes, you may,” Tai's mom said while following the doctor.
“Your son has passed a way I'm very sorry.” The doctor said while frowning. Tai's mom burst into tears she fell to the floor.
Tai's point of view,
“Tai man Tai wake up!” Gavin yelled while shaking me back and forth. “Ahhh wait what happened,” I said as I woke up I wiped the sweat of my forehead. “You were having a nightmare man a really bad one if you ask me for a minute I thought you were going to drown in sweat! What in the world was so horrible!?” Gavin yelled at me loudly. “I had a dream about how I died it seemed so real I mean I could feel the car jolt!” I told him while wiping more sweat. “Man that must have been horrible!” Gavin said then there was a knock on the door. “Who in the world could that be?” Gavin said while getting up and looking.
“Oh man it's the girls!” Gavin yelled while opening the door.
“Yes how may I help you ladies?!” Gavin asked while opening the door a little bit. “We heard yelling let us in please!” Se-Se begged. “Uh no sorry ladies,” Gavin said while trying to close the door, but Mimi stopped the door by grabbing. “Let me see Tai!” Sora yelled loudly.
“Tai can you lovely lady come in to see you?” Gavin asked me I responded by shaking my head yes. “Sora you may come in on Tai's favor.” Gavin said while letting her in.
“Tai are you okay,” She asked me while running and hugging me tightly. “Yeah I am fine just a nightmare,” I responded while hugging her back tightly. “I am happy your okay but are you sure?” She asked me while letting me go.
“Yeah I'm pretty sure I mean I am here right.” I said to her while smiling. “Well I better get some sleep.” She said while leaving.
Gavin and I went back to sleep. I didn't have the dream again that night luckily.
Hey how are you all? Well any way I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving if you celebrate it! Please review! This story has another I'd say 5 chapter maybe 7 I don't know yet but thanks for support!