Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2
Cass was dashing back to her house, running through yards, hopping fences, and generally cutting corners. The device on her wrist starting beeped suddenly. “What? She never attacks unless I'm there… it must be an emergency,” she finally made it to her porch. The door flung open.
Mrs. Potter took her eyes off of the TV as her daughter bolted towards her room. “Back already?” She asked as Cass disappeared into her room.
She quickly held her Digivice up to the computer, which opened a window showing what looked like a beach ball in a dark iron suit trying to chop up a puppy. “Salamon, what's your status?”
“We have another ally who has lost control somehow,” Salamon reported while dodging his spinning blades.
Cass brought up another window, which displayed a picture of the opposing digimon, info, and statistics. “ShadowGladimon: Champion level Virus, a Mutant Digimon with a special 'Sword dancer' technique.” She closed the window to find Salamon leaping above ShadowGladimon for an attack, “No wait-“
“Puppy Howling!” Salamon shot a projectile sound wave at her foe. The digimon chuckled evilly as the attack bounced off his armor. “What!?”
“Sword Dancer!” ShadowGladimon spun into the air. He struck his target and Salamon cried with pain. She fell to the ground, trying not to show her pain.
“Salamon! We've never faced a Champion before, you don't know what you're up against.”
Salamon shook her head and got to her feet. “We are partners, it is my duty to do as you wish. In turn, you are my only friend in a harsh digital world. It hasn't been long since we first met… But I will do anything to make you happy! Puppy Howling!”
She fired another attack at ShadowGladimon, only to have it just brush off her target again. She fired a few more shots, but they didn't seem to have any effect. Cass could do nothing but watch from the other side of her monitor as her digimon partner struggled to survive her companion's will.
`Salamon,' she thought, `Why do you go to such lengths to please me? You're putting my destiny before your own life… '
“That's enough!” Cass put her digivice up to the screen once more, and pressed a button, “Digi-port open!” She was engulfed in light; the shining sphere dissolved and dove into the computer monitor.
Tears leaked from Salamon's eyes as the blades flew closer. Everything seemed as though it was in slow motion. ShadowGladimon's sword was an inch from Salamon's head when a light exploded between them.
“Nooo!!! That's the light of a digivice!” ShadowGladimon was blasted back into a tree, knocking it down. Salamon could only stare in amazement as the light formed into the shape of a girl. Cass was clutching the digivice tightly, with an equally stunned face. She looked around at the scenery. Grass, trees, rocks, clear blue sky…
“Salamon?” Cass looked down to see her partner lying weakly in the grass.
“Impudent human! That toy cannot stop me! Sword Dancer!” ShadowGladimon had recovered, and he spun in for the kill. Cass would be chopped to pieces. She put her arms up in a defensive reflex.
“DON'T TOUCH HER!” Salamon had leapt in the way of the attack. Cass opened her eyes and saw the digivice as it screeched and filled with energy. Salamon was enveloped in a beautiful, rainbow light.
“Salamon digivolve to…”
“Whoa…” was all Cass could mutter as her friend changed shape.
A small, bipedal tiger with brown claws stood before her. Her digivice beeped and a computer window popped up in front of the screen. “Mikemon: Champion level. Data Attribute, Animal Digimon. Special Attack: Cat Claws.”
Mikemon jumped towards ShadowGladimon. With a gleam in her eye, she put her claws out front and braced for impact, “Cat Claws!” Her claws flashed with a blazing green aura and stopped the rotating blades in their tracks. Mikemon smacked his arms away, and dove for his center of gravity. Mikemon slashed at ShadowGladimon's armor countless times until he looked like he would fall part.
“Mikemon, you did it!” Cass picked her up and hugged her tight. “I'm so glad you digivolved.”
“Purify Scan!”
A purple aura was swept away from the unconscious ShadowGladimon, leaving a normal Gladimon. The aura accumulated in the palm of a digimon standing in a nearby tree, and disappeared. Cass and Mikemon were startled by the digimon's sudden appearance.
Cass sneered at the shadowed figure, “Flamemon! Not you again. We can handle these dark digimon ourselves.” Flamemon chuckled and leapt down to the ground. He was now at eye level with Cass.
“We meet again, young human,” Flamemon bowed and kissed her hand, “So I see Salamon had finally digivolved? I hope it can handle a ShadowKokuwamon better than last time.”
“That was just a fluke!” She blurted. After about a month of investigating strange viruses in the Digital World from her computer, she had grown used to Flamemon butting in with his silly `By order of the Royal Knights…' business.
“Anyway, I am only fulfilling my duty by collecting this data for the Royal Knights. I have no intention to interfere with your games.”
“That's it! Cass, let's teach him what we think about his Royal Knights!” Mikemon interjected, jabbing her claws like boxing gloves.
“I'm with you. Show us what you got, Flamemon!” She held up her new digivice for battle. Flamemon frowned.
“Is… Is that another… DigiCom?” He whispered, “I have no time for meaningless duels. I must report to my superiors,” Flamemon's body burst into flame, and then dimmed to reveal nothing but thin air where he stood.
Cass stood there bewildered by his sudden exit, “…dumb guy.”
Vinni was relaxing in his comfortable window seat. Everything was perfect as his San Jose-Minneapolis flight rode smoothly. He breathed a deep sigh as his summer was coming to a close. He glanced out the window to see a 7-foot dragonfly perched on the wing of the plane. His breath came to a screeching halt.