Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3
`Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit…' Vinni's mind was in a panic. His pleasant flight had turned into chaos. `This isn't right! That bug is bigger than me! What is it doing thousands of feet above the ground? Why is it on the plane? What is going on?' He took another look outside at the black monster grooming its eyeballs with many-jointed limbs.
`Alec sure knew a lot about stuff… Hey, that gives me an idea!' Vinni reached into his backpack for his laptop. But with the computer, he pulled out a small electronic that wasn't there before.
“So you're saying there's no way to go home?”
“Sorry, but I dunno the details on this stuff. Don't worry, we'll find a way together.” Cass and Salamon had been treading through a dense jungle since their run-in with Flamemon.
“At least it's still daylight,” Cass exclaimed. They had entered a clearing after what seemed like hours of wandering. Cass let out a sigh and spread out on the grass. Salamon sat and looked up at the sky.
“I want to thank you for helping me digivolve.” Cass looked over at Salamon.
“Don't worry about it. We have to work together if we're the only ones destined to save the digital world. Besides, we're way too tough for an iron basketball to beat us,” she chuckled.
Salamon tilted her head, “What's basketball?”
Cass smiled and gave Salamon a pat on the head. They both suddenly turned their attention to the sky. An object fell and made a huge impact into the ground. It turned the clearing into a crater.
“Cass!” Salamon helped her up.
Cass shook her head and poked the Digi-egg, “What in the… Ack!” The egg floated into the air, and exploded in a crazy blaze, “Is there anything in the digital world that isn't bursting with light!?”
Back with Vinni…
“The silver buttons are cool, but… What… is this?” He turned the computer on, and the Digivice glowed brightly. A window popped up and the screen expelled a young girl, a round cat creature, and an egg into Vinni's lap. With the four of them plus the computer, the seat was kind of crowded.
“Whatever you do, keep the egg safe… and get your elbow off of me!” Nyaromon cried.
“I was kinda hoping my first time with a girl on top of me would be a bit more comfortable.”
“Jeez, it was just a joke.” Vinni rubbed his black eye as Cass scooted into the empty seat next to him. They were getting looks from the other passengers.
A man in another seat grunted and went back to the movie, “Stupid teens… have no self-control.”
“Good, I don't think anyone saw us Realize.” Nyaromon sniffed the air and jumped into Vinni's lap to look out the window. “Cass, we have a Code Yellow!”
“A Code what?!” Vinni was looking back and forth between the talking head on his lap, the girl who fell out of the computer, the large egg on the laptop, and the odd device in his hand. Cass took the egg and shoved it under Vinni's arm.
Cass thought for a moment, “Umm… Hold that egg while I use the laptop. If you opened a digi-port on this thing, then I can probably bring up the Digimon Analyzer.” She typed some complicated code that made a window pop up in front of the Digital Gate. “Here we go! ShadowYanmamon: Champion level, an Insectoid Virus Digimon with a Shadow Thunder Ray attack.”
“Let me digivolve, I have to battle it!”
“No, we're too high up. Even if cats land on their feet, you can't fight like that.” She turned to Vinni, “And you're involved in this, too. How did you open the Digital Gate? Why were we sucked into this world?”
“Uh… you guys came flying out of the screen when I grabbed this little trinket,” he showed her the Digivice he had found in his backpack.
Cass grabbed her DigiCom and compared it to his, “Another digivice?”
Suddenly there was a loud buzzing sound outside. They all looked out the window to see a gold blur zoom past. The laptop beeped.
“I'm getting a new reading on the Analyzer… TigerVespamon? She is a Mega level Virus; her special attack is Mach Stinger Victory. This digimon also carries the fabled X-Antibody.”
TigerVespamon zipped around ShadowYanmamon with blinding speed. The dragonfly became aggravated by the challenger's persistence. It took off and fired an attack at TigerVespamon, but she easily blocked it.
“This is boring. Mach Stinger…” Her legs were shoulder length, and her spears were tip-to-tip, making her look like a `V' pointing at ShadowYanmamon, “…Victory!!”
She spun at full speed towards her target. The impact caused the entire sky to flash like lightning; the energy scorched the plane's wing. ShadowYanmamon screeched before it was vaporized, leaving nothing but a black mist. TigerVespamon chuckled, “Heh heh… Simple as that.”
But it wasn't simple as that. The black mist accumulated and dove into TigerVespamon's core. Her eyes grew wide; she looked as though she were suffocating.
“Oh no, what's happening to her?” Vinni couldn't stop watching.
TigerVespamon was in agony, “No… you're not getting me!” She shouted into the sky, her body shone a brilliant golden glow. The dark aura dissipated, but then TigerVespamon grew smaller, until it split into two separate beings, a young girl and a small, squishy digimon. They dropped thousands of feet toward the ground.
“No!” Nyaromon screeched. They could do nothing but watch.
“Pupumon digivolve to… Puroromon!” The slimy digimon turned into a small bug with two pairs of wings, “Honey Bubbles!”
Puroromon broke her Tamer's fall with a cushion of many golden bubbles. The three in the plane sighed with relief. The pilot spoke suddenly over the intercom.
“This is your pilot speaking. It seems a mysterious creature has damaged our aircraft. Please remain calm as we make an emergency landing in San Francisco.”
“Ah crap! I'm supposed to be on my way home. What do we do now?”
“We have more than that to worry about. I'll explain when we land.”