Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart is a Battleground ❯ Chapter 27

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 27
Alec, Jewel, and Derek were back in the bedroom. “Finally!” Catherine was waiting by the door.
“Oh, hey sis.”
“I've stalled mom and dad long enough. Come on, it's dinner time.”
The next morning…
Daemon was standing in front of a very large computer monitor. He waved his hand across the large keyboard, pressing many keys in quick succession without touching them. Several windows opened, a larger one that was a list of digimon, and many smaller ones showing digimon profiles.
“All present and account… Wait a minute.” He waved his hand again and one of the profiles enlarged, displaying FanBeemon.
“Impossible…” He unfolded his arms. “The corruption has been completely halted. What is the cause of this?”
Underneath a picture of FanBeemon, a progress bar was shown, stuck at 50%. A message that read “Error: Incomplete coding.”
“Is that so…” A computer window appeared out of thin air. Daemon turned to it and spoke to the old man on the screen. “Good morning, Barbamon.”
Timberdale High - Period 2
Rose was writing down some notes in Algebra. After she had the lesson pretty much figured out, she quietly opened her spellbook out of boredom. `I sure hope that disguise transformation was good enough,' she thought to herself. `I've only just started on transformations, and I cast it on Luke really quickly this morning. It'll help hide his wings for gym, but… it'll wear off in just a few hours.' She moved her eyes over the pages of her spellbook's Transformations chapter. `I still need the book to recite the incantation…'
“Rosetta!” Rose was jerked back into reality when the teacher called her name. “Fantasy novels are for English. Pay attention and memorize slope-intercept form.”
“Ah… Y-Yes, ma'am!” Rose sank into her seat, her face deep red.
It was the middle of second period, and Jewel was walking back to English class.
“I hate using the bathroom…” She mumbled to herself.
Rose was flipping through her spell book again when her eye caught a footnote on the disguise transformation. “Eep!” She knew she had to find Luke in time. “Teacher!”
“Hm?” The algebra teacher looked up from her grading. Rose had attracted the attention of everyone else in the room, as well.
“My sweater sleeve seems to have suddenly burst into flames. May I use the restroom?” She asked innocently with her arm blazing like a campfire.
The teacher dropped her pen on the floor. Dumbfounded, she let out a stuttering, “G-go ahead…”
Rose took her spell book in her free arm and dashed out the door. She opened the book and read the page as she hurried down the hallway.
“Okay… Now if I can just remember the incantation… Here! Incognito Morpho—Oof!”
Rose crashed into Jewel as she turned a corner, and they were both knocked backwards.
Rose sat up, the wind knocked out of her; she shook her head and looked at the boy in front of her. “Oh! Luke, I'm glad you're here!” She got back on her feet and gave her hand to help him up.
He gave her a very strange look. “Uh…”
“Luke, there's something important I didn't tell you about—“
“Whoa, whoa!” The boy interrupted, “Rose, it's me, uh… Jewel. From lunch?”
“Oh…” Rose paused, looking Jewel over, “Oh gosh!”
“What are you… Buh!?” Jewel looked down and discovered his new form. “What the fuck, I'm white!? What the fuck I'm… MALE!?”
Rose began babbling apologies, “I'msorryI'msorryiwaspracticinganincantationandiwasn'tpayingattention andiwasinahurryand I'M SO SORRY!”
“Hey, calm down.” Jewel said, feeling his flat chest, “It's… it's not that bad.” Jewel brushed himself off.
“You're not mad?”
Jewel smiled, “Don't worry.” He looked at his arms and torso, checking out his clothing. “It changed my clothes, too. I'm guessing this is some kind of disguise transformation?”
Rose looked at him with wide eyes.
“Uh, I've met a few magic users before.” He explained. He picked up her spellbook off the floor and handed it back to her.
“It's a temporary disguise that lasts for approximately two hours with my magic level,” Rose explained. “And the spell I cast on my friend is gonna wear off in about half an hour.”
“I see, so that's why you were running down the hall with your spellbook.” Jewel's voice softened a bit, “But I can't go back to class looking like this.” Although he didn't show it on the outside, Jewel was extremely blissful at the moment. His chest was lighter and his arms were stronger. He was relishing in his masculinity for the first time in years.
Rose was silent for a moment, thinking, then she spoke, “I think I can dispel the transformation before the time limit's up. But I need to find Luke first.”
“Then I'll go with you,” Jewel offered. “Where do you think he is?”
“I think he's this way,” Rose pointed towards the north end of the building. “I've seen him walking this way to his 2nd period class. “
“Let's get going, then.” They began walking down the hall towards the other side of the school.
“To start off the year, we're gonna learn how to scientifically classify organisms from their Kingdom all the way up to their Species. Now get out those notebooks.”
Luke opened up to his first blank page, paying attention to the lesson in his Biology class.
Digital World - Genesis Valley
The chosen Digimon were patrolling the sanctuary in case Cherubimon returned, or if other dangers arose. Each was keeping watch in different parts of the valley and surrounding forest. Because of this, several Dobermon were sleeping on the Manor's porch. Babamon was busy inside.
FanBeemon was circling an area of the forest, often flying above the treetops to scan the horizon. “I hope Jason isn't as bored as I am right now,” she said as she perched herself on a rock. She was resting her wings after hours of flying back and forth.
“I haven't been able to digivolve since the battle with ShadowYanmamon…” She thought out loud. “I wonder if that's why?”
She heard a rustling behind her and she snapped to attention. She fluttered over to the tree that made the noise. Suddenly a creature's face poked out from the leaves, startling her. It was a male Puroromon, just like her In-Training form.
“Queen!” It chimed.
“Uh…” FanBeemon floated backwards until she came in contact with a shrub. She spun around to face the bush.
Two male Pupumon bounced out from it, grinning up at FanBeemon. They were the same species as her Fresh form. “Queen!” They squeaked.
“Oh, jeez.” FanBeemon turned to leave, and found the surrounding area bursting with Pupumon and Puroromon, all male.
“QUEEN!” They all said in unison.
FanBeemon hovered for a moment as hundreds of Digimon stared admiringly at her. Suddenly she took off into the woods.
She weaved through trees and vines. Pupumon and Puroromon were appearing all over the place and giving chase. “Leave me alone you hive-brained drones!” She screamed uselessly. The males were driven by instinct to unite with a stronger female.
“Queen! Queen! Queen! Queen! Queen!” They all chanted unsynchronized.
FanBeemon was speeding now; she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. The chanting faded. She glanced back and saw that the males ceased pursuit for some reason. Before she knew what was happening, she stopped moving and was covered in a sticky substance. She looked around and discovered that she was trapped in a gigantic web.
“There you are!” A Dokugumon dropped down from the trees. It spoke in an unearthly, growling voice. “I've been waiting for you.” It said, bearing its toxic fangs. FanBeemon was terrified and helpless.
“Queen, Queen! Queen, Queen!” Dozens of Pupumon and Puroromon came forth from the trees and bushes, spitting honey at Dokugumon.
“Grah!” Dokugumon was kicking its legs, trying to get rid of the sugary adhesive. “Poison Thread!” Dokugumon fired balls of gunk at high speed. Several Pupumon and Puroromon were hit and immediately deleted. Dokugumon hungrily absorbed their data.
“No!” FanBeemon screamed.
Dokugumon continued until the insect Digimon were forced to retreat back into the forest. It shook off as much honey as it could and turned back to FanBeemon. “And now for you!”
Timberdale High
“And lastly we have the Animal Kingdom. A good example would be the common spider.” Luke's biology teacher continues with his lesson. Luke glanced at the clock on the wall and went back to writing down notes.
Timberdale High - Gym
Since there was no PE class this period, the gym was deserted save for two teenagers. Rose and Jewel (in the form of Luke) had just gotten there after wandering the school for a few minutes.
“I guess Luke doesn't have PE this period,” Rose said.
Jewel stepped forward and looked around.
“I feel kind of bad for skipping class…” Rose sighed.
“Don't worry yourself too much.” Jewel replied, “As long as you're not doing it all the time, the teachers won't care that much.”
Jewel's ears caught the faint groaning noise of stressed metal over his head. He quickly glanced up.
“Spider Thread!”
Before he could get a good look, Jewel was trapped under a giant spider web.
“Oh…!” Rose yelped. Suddenly a large creature dropped down from the ceiling and landed with a boom. It had a large, red, eight-legged body with a humanoid torso sprouting out from the top. The monstrous face was framed my tangled silver hair.
#Arukenimon. Ultimate level. Virus attribute. Arachnid Digimon. Special: Spider Thread.#
“Heeehh…” It hissed, looking down at its newly captured prey. “You almost fooled me, but changing your form won't hide your digivice from me.”
Jewel struggled to look up at his foe. “What? A digimon!?” He grunted. The web was holding him firmly to the floor.
“Jewel!” Rose screamed, “What's going on!?”
“Get out of here now!” Jewel commanded.
Rose nervously took a step backward towards the doors. Without hesitation, Arukenimon shot a rope of silk from its hand, binding Rose's arm and keeping her in the gym. “We can't leave any witnesses now, can we?”
Arukenimon started reeling in its silk, pulling Rose toward her. “Nnh!” Rose squealed. Terrified, she shut her eyes tightly and the silk on her bare wrist was burnt off in an instant. The ash drifted to the floor.
“Huh?” Arukenimon blinked. It then shot another silk rope at Rose.
Rose panicked and put her hands up in defense. When the rope made contact with her hand, the tip was incinerated on the spot and the rope fell back. Arukenimon grew angry and started whipping silk ropes at Rose from both its hands. With every lash, the ropes were burnt away and deflected.
“Grrr!” Arukenimon put her hands together and shot a ball of white goo from her palms. It expanded into a giant spider web and wrapped around Rose like a fishing net. Arukenimon grabbed the ends of the net and started pulling Rose in again.
Rose was pulled extremely close to the Digimon. Arukenimon smiled down at her menacingly. Rose's eyes widened and she screamed, “Eyyyaaaahhh!” Wild flames burst from Rose's body and incinerated the silk net. Arukenimon was engulfed in flame. It dropped Rose on the ground and started writhing in the inferno.
“Erugh! How could I fail my mission!?” It cried as its body dissolved into particles that soon reformed into an egg.
Her breath heaving, Rose crawled over to Jewel and put her hand on the spider web. It quickly burned away and Jewel sat up. He put his hand on Rose's shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“I…” She caught her breath, “I killed it…”
Jewel was silent for a second, then he chuckled and gave a thumbs up, “Killed it with fire!”
Rose stood up, and started walking towards the exit. “I need to find Luke.” She said flatly as she closed the door behind her.
“Huh? Hey, wait!” Jewel followed through the door, he turned to see Rose dashing down the hall. Jewel called after her, “But what about changing me…” But Rose had already disappeared behind the corner, “…back?” Jewel looked down and saw tear drops on the floor, going down the hall. “Rose…?”
Dispel Morph!
The voice startled Jewel. She looked around and then looked down at her body. Her clothes had returned to the gray t-shirt, red hoodie, and black cargo pants she put on that morning. Her skin was back to its dark tone and most noticeably, her shoulders were rounder, her waist was thinner, and her breasts were back. She turned around and found Mabel standing there in all her goth glory. “Mabel?” Jewel recognized her from her lunch table.
“Good day, Jewel,” She said with a smile. She came close to Jewel and put a hand on her cheek, “If you ever need something like that again, just tell me. I love doing transformations. I'll see you around.” She walked past a dumbfounded Jewel and ambled casually down the hall and out of sight.
Jewel stood there trying to process what just happened. She looked down at her chest and grabbed a boob in her hand. She gave a disappointed sigh at the squishiness of her restored form and walked back into the gym.