Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mythic Diaries ❯ Mythic Diaries I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Luftwaffe: I'm telling you… you haven't experienced true exhilaration until you've flown. Hesire you're really missing out if you've never rode on your partner while he flies.

High_Priest_of_Death: Tobias, I don't think it would work. Skelamon can only fly when he's in his Adult form. Have you ever tried riding a Bakemon? You'd have to be stupid to attempt it.

Lord_of_Knowledge: Well as stimulating as this conversation is I've got to bring it to a halt for a second or two. Seems someone, or something, has just appeared in the Digital World equivalent of Greece. Someone has to go check it out and see if it's a new Digi-destined or just another problem.

Hoi_1: Sorry but me and my brothers have stuff to do today. And Greece is a bit too far unless you have a major transportation digimon. But we would mind knowing how it ends up.

Luftwaffe: Don't worry I'll do it. I haven't had a good long flight in some time. It'll take me no time at all.

Flower_of_the_North: Tobias, you've got mountains of homework to catch up on. All you ever do is fly here and there. I'm going to come over there right now and force you to do work.

Lord_of_Knowledge: Okay… so no go from Berlin. Anyone else feel up to travelling down to Greece?

HackMaster: A bit too late for me at the moment and it's way too far to go anyway. I've got to sleep sometime soon. And I assume you can't be bothered to wait for me to wake up.

From_Russia_With_Love: Hesire, haven't you been to that part of the Digital World before? Wouldn't it be easier just to send someone who's been there?

High_Priest_of_Death: Ironically I haven't. And the only members of my team who've been there are Eboni and Ahmose. Obviously this isn't the best time to ask them to do something.

Lord_of_Knowledge: Well frankly Hesire you're the closest to there. Enjoy yourself.

High_Priest_of_Death: Fine

High_Priest_of_Death has logged out.


Mythic Diaries

By Misc666

Entry I - The Odyssey Begins.

I don't own Digimon… and can't be bothered to list its owners. The Diaries Universe is the intellectual property of Lord Archive. The Greek Digi-destined belong to me while the Chosen/Digi-destined in the chat above belong to various authors (with the obvious exceptions including Koushiro).


Return me to my native element;

Lest from this flying steed unreined (as once

Bellerophon, though from a lower sphere)

Dismounted on the Aleian field I fall,

Erroneous there to wander and forlorn.

Milton, Paradise Lost

An oomph was heard as a girl struck the marble floor at high speed as if she'd fallen out of thin air. Brushing her long black hair behind her head she found the ribbon it had been tied with had been lost along the way letting it flow freely, not a good thing considering the length. Grumbling she got to her feet and began straightening out the white tunic she wore.

"Wait I was wearing trousers a second ago… why am I in this?" She spun around, discovering her clothing to have taken the appearance of some kind of pure white dress with a short skirt, and over her chest was a shining gold breastplate. Somehow she was reminded of the clothing people wore when recreating ancient Greece.

Sighing she tried to ignore what she was wearing and turned instead to look at her surroundings. The building seemed to be symmetrical with the same amount of white pillars running along either side. An altar was at the end of this run of pillars in the middle and was also made of the same clean marble. Beyond it was a large marble statue. Without even having to think she knew what it was a statue of.

"Hades? Where the hell am I? I know there are no statues like this in Greece. They've all fallen under neglect and have either begin collapsing or been vandalised." She walked forward reaching out to the altar. On it lay a curved knife, almost a sickle, with a blood red handle. Beside it lay a device that reached out to her, begging her to grab it. It was flat and egg-shaped with an antennae sticking out of the top. The colours of it begged her as the white of it mixed with the splash of mauve on the grips on the sides.

"The knife… take the knife…" She stopped just above the device as the voice spoke to her. It was silken and gave her reassurance. Her hand began to move again towards the beautifully crafted knife.

"No… don't listen to it. The knife is evil." Another voice screamed at her as a tan-coloured blur started flying towards her. The knife seemed to shift shape now and reached out to her.

Her senses returned to her now as the world stopped moving n slow motion. Her mind shot forward and her hands followed it as she grabbed the device in her delicate fingers. And as she clenched her hands around it the air blurred around her. The knife stopped right in front of her where it sizzled and let off smoke until it flashed and disappeared.


Two girls wandered down the streets of Athens taking in the sights, smells and sounds of the city they'd lived in all their lives. One girl ran over to a stall where fresh grapes were on sale. Money exchanged hands and she walked away with a bag of the small red grapes.

"Phoebe, you eat too many grapes. I don't care if they are good for you. Eating that many is still going to make you fat. And that's the truth from friend to friend." The black haired girl finished talking as her blond haired friend called Phoebe just pouted and stuffed more grapes into her mouth and chewed hard enough so that juice sprayed out.

"Penelope, you need to liven up. We live in Athens, the greatest city in the entire Mediterranean. We can do anything and go anywhere. Come on, what do you really want to do today?" Phoebe grinned as Penelope stopped to think. Eventually the black haired girl just shrugged.

"I can't really think of anything. I'm totally fine with whatever you want to do." She felt something nagging at her from the back of her mind as she said this. Phoebe's grin grew larger.

"I get to decide, hey? Okay, well I want to go down by the Acropolis." She grabbed her friend by the hand and began dragging her along the streets, dodging several other pedestrians as the blond haired girl ran at full speed with her friend trailing behind.

"Why do you want to go to the Acropolis? You've never struck me as being someone who'd be interested in it." Penelope was surprised as Phoebe stopped dead and looked at her with sadness in her eyes.

"What? So I can't be interested in going to see national monument? I'm hurt." She looked up to find Penelope raising an eyebrow as she looked at her.

"So… what's the real reason? Boys?" Penelope smiled as the sadness in her friend's eyes disappeared confirming that it was mock sadness as she'd expected. Leaning over she put an arm over her friend and ruffled her hair.

"Yeah… apparently there's going to be some Under-12 Wrestling going on up there. I wanted to go see the oiled-up boys grabbing each other." She winked suggestively as Penelope sighed and began walking with her friend. Why was she such a pervert?

The journey took nearly half an hour but finally they came to the Acropolis where several boys were standing around watching something happening in the middle of them.

"Okay I'm gonna go watch. You wanna come?" Penelope shrugged and followed her friend who easily pushed through the crowd of people to get to the front. There was indeed two boys wrestling in front of them, however one was normal looking whereas the other was amazing to look at. He was by far the most handsome boy she'd ever seen with a dark tan and flowing blond hair.

"Who's that boy?" Penelope got quite confused when the boys around her laughed at her question. Did they think this boy was famous and that she should know him?

"Well it's not going to help you if you attracted to him." Penelope grew a bit annoyed. She didn't fancy him… she just wanted to know who he was. With a grunt she walked off pushing people out of the way to get out from the crowd.

"You are the one I'm looking for." She turned to see who'd said this. However as she found it her attention was drawn instead to the laptop in his hands and not to him. On the screen was an image of a temple. Suddenly the screen glowed and drew her in.


"What are you?" Penelope's vision still had yet to get back to normal as she stared down at the rodent-like creature that had saved her. It was sausage shaped with bat-wing-like ears. Although mostly tan coloured it was white on its underbelly. She was sure it wasn't anything she'd seen on Earth.

"Patamon." The voice was feminine, although she couldn't tell the gender from just the voice. However she assumed it had to be female, nothing male could want to look that cute and adorable.

"Okay Patamon. Where the hell am I?" Patamon tilted her head to the side as if she was confused by this question. Obviously this wasn't asked much around here.

"Well I guess Hell would be a pretty good description. You're in the temple of one of the forgotten gods of our world. However you really picked the wrong temple to wander in to. Nobody is normally foolish enough to come willingly into the Necropolis. Well I guess I did." Patamon sighed at this and Penelope wondered what could be so bad about this place. Admittedly the name "City of the Dead" was a bit ominous but not that bad.

"So if this is so bad a place, why are you here? I mean, I've never heard of this place so how was I to know not to come here." After this she mentally added `not that I came here myself… something else happened."

"Well I felt some kind of pull drawing me to this temple… it also helped me avoid Kerberumon while coming here. However this force is gone now. How could you have not heard of this place though? Everyone knows of here." Patamon seemed shocked and maybe somewhat scared that she hadn't heard of it.

"Well I'm not from around here. I come from a place where animals don't talk." She didn't even flinch when Patamon filled up with air angrily and stared at her.

"Animal? I'll have you know I'm a digimon. And… wait… you don't come from around here. Are you a human?" Penelope was however surprised when Patamon shot into her and tried to hug her with her stumpy limbs, obviously a failed attempt as they couldn't even wrap around a pencil from the looks of it.

"Yeah… I'm human. Why'd you ask?" Patamon just increased her attempt at hugging her.

"You're my partner. I was told to wait for you. And you're here. Now we can fight together." Patamon stopped her hugging, but this was just so she could start some kind of happy dance as she jumped around celebrating.

"Um… okay? What do you mean? I know I'm wearing armour but I don't think I'm here to fight." Patamon again looked confused as if this was all common knowledge to him.

"As far as I know, I'm the one who fights. You just give me more power to fight stronger ones or something…" Suddenly Patamon seized up and stopped talking. Penelope realised why as she heard the howl from outside the temple. She was pretty confident in guessing that most be Kerberumon.

"We have to get out of here now," declared Patamon as she began flying towards the door. Penelope grabbed the device and began running after her. With a flourish they both burst out of the door only for them to find something waiting for them.

"Well… Master Kerberumon is right… there is something intruding in the temple… well I get to kill you none the less." The figure resembled a comical description of a ghost, in that it was just like a sheet, however it had a mouth full of sharp teeth and what looked like a black witch's hat on its head.

"Soulmon? It's a whole level higher than me. I don't really stand much of a chance." Penelope looked down at the moping Patamon and wondered if there was a way she could help. Maybe the device she held could do something? Or maybe it was a forlorn conclusion.

"Just try anyway. You don't know until you try. Besides you might be surprised about what the combination of Digi-destined and digimon can do." Penelope looked around for the source of the voice. Eventually she found it… on top of the temple behind her.

It belonged to a dark skinned teenager with short black hair. From his appearance and from his voice she assumed he was from somewhere in North Africa. Next to him stood another comical creature, a short skeleton with an over-sized skull. It was chattering madly.

"Necro Magic." Waving its hand the ghost sent out a blast of black and green light which hit Patamon. It hadn't seemed rather powerful at first, but when it hit the rodent-like digimon it sent it flying into the temple wall.

"Heh… not even worth my time to waste an attack on it, but Kerberumon's words are law." Soulmon began floating towards her as Penelope began trying to find something to do. She looked up to the roof where the boy and skeleton still hadn't moved, they were leaving her on her own.

"Fine. I'll fight you myself." Grabbing one of the chunks of marble that had fallen off the temple she ran at Soulmon and smacked him round the side before he thought to do anything. However this failed to do much more than annoy the ghost-like digimon.

"You shouldn't have done that. Energy Drain." A ghostly hand reached out and latched over Penelope's face. As it began glowing she felt a pull upon her and she realised what was happening. And still she heard no sounds indicating that the boy was going to help her. However unseen to her, the white and mauve device that had fallen to the floor earlier began to glow around the screen of it.

"Patamon evolve… Pegasmon." This seemed to shock Soulmon who released his grip on her; of course the drain of energy meant that she couldn't find the energy to run just yet. And she could now see a glow coming from the hole through which Patamon had been thrown.

Then a horse-like creature burst out. Penelope suddenly realised this was more than a horse. It was a Pegasus like in the myth of Bellerophon with a pair of magnificent yellow wings on its back. It had golden armour over what could be its chest and the same golden armour covered its head and shins downward. Its body was tan and white coloured and it had a pair of ears identical to Patamon's. It also had a flowing white mane.

"Shooting Star." The wings stretched out as glowing balls of light appeared along them. Lots of little beams shot out striking Soulmon. He was sent flying into the distance by this attack.

"Woah… I feel funny." Pegasmon reverted back to being Patamon and flopped on the ground. Up on the roof the Egyptian boy began clapping, with an impressed expression on his face.

"Well, you managed to make her evolve without even needing someone to tell you what to do. I suppose however that I can tell you some of the things that you need to know." The boy and his skeleton-like digimon began to climb down before easily jumping the last distance.

"Go on then. I'm interested in hearing what you have to say." Penelope looked at him with a stern face while he stared her down. Somehow she saw something in his eyes that scared her.

"Well as Patamon could tell you. You're no longer on Earth. Welcome to the Digital World… a digital representation of our world is probably the closest to a description I can give you. As for what digimon are, well they come in many forms. Patamon is one as is Skelamon here. Both of them are Child level whereas Soulmon and Pegasmon are Adult level, making them stronger." He paused while she fumed at something.

"Yeah… but who are you?" The boy, and Penelope, were both surprised that Patamon had asked this question. The boy because he'd expected Penelope to ask, and Penelope because she was going to ask it.

"Hmm… my name is Hesire. I'm one of the Cairo team, one of many around the world." He paused as she started to ask a question.

"Wait so there are lots of other Digi-destined? What exactly do we do?" He smiled at the questions as if he'd already prepared answers.

"Yeah… several countries have their own Digi-destined… although most haven't gone public. Undoubtedly you're not going to be the only Greek Digi-destined since it would make it pretty hard. As for what we do, well most teams are summoned for a major mission. My team was formed to fight an Ultimate level digimon, that's the highest known level, called Anubimon, a pitiful representation of our god Anubis. But now we mostly do peace-keeping. As for what your team will be doing, I don't know." She began to wonder what this could be. While she thought he decided it was time for him to go.

"Well I've got to go now. If there's anything you need to know I've got this for you. It has easy to follow steps and comes in most languages." He pulled a CD out of his pocket and threw it over to her. Then he turned to go when she reached out to grab him.

"Wait, what's this device called? How will I find the other Digi-destined? And how can I get home?" Hesire stopped once more with a slightly annoyed expression on his face and turned to face her.

"It's all on the CD. But since you asked, that is what's called a D-3, a type of digivice. There's more about it on the CD, of course. How to get back, well just hold it up to a TV screen around here and it'll send you to the nearest open Portal in Greece. Obviously there must be one since you had to come through one." He waved goodbye and walked off into the distance.

"Okay so I guess we look where we came through. Maybe there's one in the temple. Hey Patamon, how'd you like to come home with me?" She looked down at her partner who smiled and nodded energetically.

Picking her up Penelope walked into the temple noting that one of the pillars hit by Patamon when thrown through had a dent in it. However now it had begun to reform into a normal pillar. As she'd expected there was a television screen, however she hadn't noticed it before due to it being behind the altar. On it she could see the crowd from before, although a bit smaller.

"So I just point it and I'll go home." She held up the white and mauve device, or D-3 as Hesire had called it, and pointed it at the screen. For a few seconds she thought he'd lied to her. But then suddenly they both glowed and she was pulled into it. Patamon also followed her.

In the doorway Hesire watched them go carefully. He'd meant to go home but something about this city drew him in, begged him to stay there. Suddenly he heard a growl from behind him.

The beast behind him was a black dog-like thing with one main head and shoulder pads designed like they were two more heads. Blade-like claws came out from the shins while normal dog-like claws were on its paws as well.

"I take it you're Master Kerberumon. You look just like Ahmose's partner in his Perfect form." Hesire grinned as Kerberumon growled again while walking towards him, a hungry look on his face.

"Yes… Who are you? And why are you in this place? And where is the girl who fought one of my Soulmon?" Kerberumon growled more ferociously now as he stopped in front of the temple while Hesire waited in the doorway of it.

"She's gone… for now. As for why I'm here, it interests me. This place, that is." Kerberumon stopped his growling as he sensed something from Hesire.

"You have the smell of the dead on you. You have the eyes of someone who's seen death. Why is this?" Hesire looked impressed by this observation. However he had no desire to talk now and instead getting Skelamon to follow him he began walking off, this time for proper.


Penelope groaned as she came flying out of the laptop. Again she hit the floor with an oomph as air shot out of her. Patamon flew out after her and perched on her shoulder. The crowd had begun dispersing implying that the wrestling was finished for the day. Turning around she recognised what she came out of as being the laptop belonging to that weird man earlier. However the man was long gone, at least she assumed it had been a man at first. However she hadn't actually seen the owner before so it was all a big assumption.

On it however was an open word processing program with a message. Looking around she moved over to it and began reading the message.

Dear Penelope, I'm sure you'll find this useful later on. It has the Digital Gate program installed upon it, enjoy.

"Is that it? No name? Well I guess it belongs to us now." Patamon flew down to it and tried to close it up. Eventually Penelope decided to put her out of her misery and closed it up herself. But there was a terrible feeling in her stomach about how ominous this was.

"Hmm… I'm worried. If I'm the first Greek Digi-destined then how does whoever left this computer for me know of the Digital World? And how was he able to send me there? Was he totally sure I was the right person to send through?" Patamon looked at her kindly as she flew onto her shoulder once more.

"Well he must have known. I know you're the right one at least." Patamon patted her with one of her large wing-like ears.

"So you have any ideas on how to find the other Digi-destined? Do we all have some kind of mark that will allow me to know who to find?" Patamon shrugged as Penelope thought.

"As far as I know, the only way to find a Digi-destined is to find their partner. Just as I could sense you they can probably sense their partner. And I reckon I know where to look for their partners." She grinned happily as she flew around.

"Hey Penelope, there you are. That match was so good, of course Mr. Handsome won. Hey where'd you get that laptop from?" Phoebe looked at her friend who'd picked up the laptop and was putting it in her bag.

"Well it's a long…" Patamon flew onto her shoulder. Phoebe looked at her and Patamon stared back.

"Hey." Phoebe seized up, shocked at seeing a flying rodent talking, and collapsed to the ground.

"…story. Damn, this is going to take a lot of explaining." Penelope sat down to decide what to say to her friend when she regained consciousness.

And in the distance a certain pale blond haired boy looked over and thought.


"They Assemble," cried out an old woman's voice over the roaring wind.

"Assemble," cried two more, one of a woman in middle age and the other of a young woman.

"The four. The Warrior…" cried the old one.

"…The Athlete…" cried the middle-aged one.

"…The Priestess…" cried the young one.

"…And The Wiseman," finished the old one.

"But They Rise As Well," cried the young one.

"Hush… They Are But No Match For The Four," berated the middle-aged one.

"No Match," chanted all three together.


Next Entry -> Entry II - The Roar of the Lion.

Penelope begins her quest to find the other Digi-destined. But someone decides to follow her through the Digital Gate while another starts chasing her through the Digital World. Could one of them be another Digi-destined?


The Digi-destined/Chosen in the chat scene belong to various:

Luftwaffe = Tobias Kaufmann of the Berlin Team

High_Priest_of_Death = Hesire of the Cairo Team

Lord_of_Knowledge = Izumi Koushiro of the Odaiba Team

Hoi_1 = The oldest Hoi brother from the Hong Kong Team

Flower_of_the_North = Katrina Probst of the Berlin Team

HackMaster = Sarah Langley of the Yutaka Team

From_Russia_With_Love = Yuri of the Moscow Team


Penelope Lavrentios
Greek Digi-destined

Born: Late August 1993
Ethnicity: Mediterranean (Greek)
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black

An amazing girl she's the very embodiment of the young successful Athenian girl. Brave, attractive, physically fit, kind, smart, keen - All words that could accurately describe Penelope. However everyone has flaws. Penelope's is in the amount of fears she has, mostly on animals of sorts. Bugs make her skin crawl and cats scare her with their eyes.
None the less by being the first to have gone to the Digital World and due to her virtues she became the leader of the Athenian team. And unlike other leaders she has no fears over her decisions harming her group. She believes that by making her their leader they put her in a position that requires some danger to all of them.

Skills: Leadership

Partner: Patamon -> Pegasmon