Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mythic Diaries ❯ Mythic Diaries II ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Okay, so you think you know where we could find the other digimon?" asked Penelope of her digimon, who had devolved to her Baby II form of Tokomon. Unfortunately this meant she looked like a sausage with giant sharp teeth.

"Yes. And luckily it's nowhere near the Necropolis. However this is only a guess, but then it is the largest city in our bit of the Digital World so there's bound to be one or two there." She smiled happily as her partner thought about it. However before she could think too much the door behind her opened. Fear passed through her as she realised that it could be anyone from school, teacher or student.

"Hey Penelope, sorry I'm late." Phoebe grinned happily as Penelope glared at her.

"Anyway, you're going to hold onto my laptop while I'm away, right? I'll only be an hour or so, but I don't want to leave it on at my house. I haven't told my parents so they'll probably turn it off and I'll be stuck." Phoebe nodded agreement at this while Penelope started setting it up.

"Well I'll turn it on when I get home and leave it on the side. My parents won't be home for some time tonight." Phoebe patted her friend on the back before stroking Tokomon who giggled at this.

"Sure. Anyway, I'll see you when I get back." Holding her D-3 out she felt the light of the screen pulling her in. When the light subsided Penelope and Tokomon were gone leaving Phoebe alone in the room with the laptop.

"Umm… hello? I didn't realise there was anyone in here." Phoebe spun at the sound and immediately recognised the voice from the day before.

"Hey, you're…"


Mythic Diaries

By Misc666

Entry II - The Roar of the Lion.

I don't own Digimon… and can't be bothered to list its owners. The Diaries Universe is the intellectual property of Lord Archive.


Beds of hyacinth and roses

Where young Adonis oft reposes,

Waxing well of his deep wound

In slumber soft, and on the ground

Sadly sits th' Assyrian queen;

Comus, Milton

"Oh, you saw me wrestling. Thanks, it was a very good day for me. Umm… you mind letting me use the computers now?" The boy who Phoebe and Penelope had seen wrestling on the Acropolis grinned as he rustled his short, pale blond hair. This allowed Phoebe a good view of his muscles, helped greatly by the dark tan he had.

"Oh sorry… I forgot myself. So, I had no idea you came to this school." He looked up from the computer he was at and turned to face her.

"Well I'm not the most punctual of guys. And I've only just transferred to this school." He grunted before hitting the side of the computer he was at. Angrily he got up and walked over to another computer while Phoebe kept talking.

"Well if you want anyone to show you around you can always just ask me. Oh my name is Phoebe Mysia by the way." She smiled as she reached out for him. But paying no attention to her he continued on to another computer leaving her to pout and fume silently.

"Oh… I'm Iason Simos. Oh don't worry about showing me around. Seems I've already became quite popular with the girls in this school despite only having been here for a short while. Not that any of them interest me." Again he continued his routine of messing around with a computer before hitting it and going on to another.

"Oh… well most of the girls in this school are pretty vacuous. No wonder they would interest you. Umm… why are you hitting all those computers?" It took a little while but eventually he realised she was talking to him and turned around, although not until after giving another computer a good hard hit.

"The computers aren't working and I need to check something quickly. Don't suppose there's another computer room in this school?" She shook her head as he began thinking again.

"Well actually I guess you could use this one here. I'm taking care of it for a friend but I'm sure she wouldn't mind me letting you use it just this once." She smiled sweetly as she turned it to face him. He looked at it with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey there's a message on it. 'Come with me… to the lands of old. Come with me Iason.' Someone wrote this for me? Was it you?" He looked over at Phoebe who looked equally puzzled at this.

"I don't know what it means. And I didn't write it…" She was cut off by the glow of light which enveloped the whole room. When it settled Iason was gone leaving her alone.

"Hmm… did he get pulled into the Digital World?" Unfortunately there was nobody to answer her question.


"I am the hunter. I know my prey. I must hunt my prey. None can escape my axe." Roared the loud bellowing voice belonging to a humanoid lizard with mostly greenish 'skin', purple trousers, red bracers and huge weapons on his back. The expression on his face was one of bloodlust.

"You are the hunter. You know the prey. You must hunt the prey. None can escape your axe." Roared a group of other bizarre creatures each more odd than the last.

"I am Dino Humon. I am all that there is." Finished the main one as he burst off running.


Patamon stiffened as she flew alongside her partner. Penelope was observant enough to notice this and stopped her walking to ask her partner what was going on.

"I don't know. I just get a feeling. You know that feeling when you're sure someone is chasing you. And yet this time it's more than normal. Like more than one thing is chasing us." Penelope instinctively looked back as Patamon said this but behind them she could see nothing and there was nowhere for anything to hide from them.

"Well… I don't see anyone. You must be wrong. So where can we find the digimon you were talking about?" Patamon would have furrowed her brow, if she had one, instead she settled for an expressive sigh.

"I'm not sure. But Elecmon may know. I grew up with him and he always seems to know what's going on. He's normally around here." Penelope suddenly saw a flash of movement to her right and spun to look at it. A red blur shot past her and towards Patamon. Yet still the mammal made no movement to prepare an attack.

"Hel-lo Patamon," shouted the blur as it hit Patamon and sent the two falling to the ground. It turned out to be vaguely dog-like with rabbit ears and several feather like tails. Mostly it was red but the tips of his ears and tails were indigo and several indigo markings could be seen on his body.

"Hey Elecmon… we were looking for you." Patamon smiled demurely towards the energetic looking creature she'd identified as Elecmon.

"Oh… 'we'? Who's this? Doesn't look like any other digimon I've seen." Elecmon sat on his hind legs and looked up at Penelope, scrutinising her carefully.

"She's not a digimon. She's my human partner. Elecmon meet Penelope. Penelope meet my ever-present friend Elecmon. I've known him since we were Baby digimon." Elecmon curled one of his claws up into a thumb up position while grinning at the girl. Penelope felt herself giggling slightly.

"Wait. Is she one of those creatures who can make digimon evolve quicker? I've heard about them before." Elecmon's interest seemed to have been caught now.

"Yeah. She helped me evolve to my Adult form of Pegasmon. But I couldn't keep that form and devolved afterwards. But the surge of power I felt upon evolving was simply the amazing feeling ever. And I know she could help me evolve again." Patamon was very proud of her achievement and Elecmon seemed slightly jealous of her. However at the same time he was proud that she'd done it.

"So… as Patamon said. We came here to ask if you knew of any other partner digimon. I've got to find them and their human partners. And it doesn't look like an easy idea." Elecmon looked up at the girl as he put on a similar expression to that worn by Patamon when she was thinking.

"Well… I… think… I… don't." The time taken to deliver this negative response had driven up a tension in the other two who promptly collapsed to the ground; well Patamon more or less just flopped down out of the air.

"Hmm… maybe you're one of the ones I'm looking for, actually. After all you're connected to Patamon. Maybe, just maybe, you could be one." Penelope looked down at Elecmon who seemed rather shocked at this idea.

"I… don't think so. After all, I think I'd feel it. Patamon has always knew she was waiting for you. I don't feel anything." As Elecmon said this Penelope was sure she saw him twitch and look off into the distance behind her.

"Well, why don't you come with us anyway?" asked Patamon and Elecmon grunted in agreement to her.

"Yeah, I think I will. After all I have nothing better to do. I think we may want to go that way." Penelope was surprised to see him pointing in the direction she'd seen him looking. Could there be something more to it? Or did he just have good senses and smelt, saw or heard something over there?


Iason wondered what was odder. Was it his surroundings which didn't seem like Athens at all, let alone the computer room at school? Was it the white device beside him with lime grips? Or was it the totally odd clothing change he gained? Eventually he decided the fact that he wore a small pair of shorts and nothing else but a large lion's pelt draped over his shoulders was the oddest thing out of them.

"What the hell are you?" As he heard this Iason realised it wasn't the oddest thing as a face appeared above him. It was that of a small dog-like creature with a large ring around its neck.

"What the hell am I? What the hell are you? And why are you talking?" Iason jumped to his feet only to fall down again. Slowly he began edging backwards along the grass. The dog-creature just stared at him with an irritated look as it milled around.

"Well aren't you an irritating thing? As for what I am. I'm Plotmon, well, a Plotmon. I'm a digimon. Now what are you?" Iason began to think for a second. He'd arrived here after touching that computer, the one he'd seen the other girl come out of after he'd finished wrestling.

"I'm human, my name is Iason. Where am I?" The Plotmon cocked his head to the side as it seemed to strike a fuse in his mind.

"You're not a digimon, then? Well it makes sense; you're not like any other I've seen. Welcome to Database. Actually I have seen one like you. Not that long ago." Iason stopped to ponder this for a second. Could the other girl be in here as well? Maybe it had been her that the Plotmon had seen.

"Was it a girl, a female version of me? Well not exactly a female version of me, much lighter skin and thinner." He smiled at the puppy who suddenly lurched back on his haunches to think.

"Well the female-Iason went in that direction." Plotmon gestured behind himself and Iason followed his directions to see where he was directing him.

"Female-Iason? I assume you mean a girl. Well I assume she'll have more of a clue as to what's happening here." He turned to go when the dog bit him to stop him going. It looked up in awe at him.

"Hey, are you one of those what's it's… oh what do I mean? Ah, that's it. Are you one of those Digi-destined? Wish I had a partner to make me evolve, I'm just stuck at Child level." Plotmon looked down dejectedly as Iason wondered what a Digi-destined was and it's relation to the device he'd found. And does this mean he'd be partnered to a thing like Plotmon, a digimon? What a weird world he was in.

"Well thanks, I guess. Have fun Plotmon." The dog shrugged and plodded away from him. Iason got up and began stretching to get the circulation going again. Then he set off in a brisk jog in search of the girl.


"Hey Penelope I see something running towards us." Penelope looked over at her partner and followed her line of sight to where a large figure seemed to be running towards them. It looked like a large man and points seemed to poke out from all parts of his body.

"I have a feeling of dread. That's a Dino Humon. And I only know of one Dino Humon in this part of Database." Elecmon had a grave look on his face as Patamon suddenly felt something click inside her head. Penelope looked over with a clueless expression.

"Only one? I assume this one is special. What exactly is he?" Penelope looked at them both with a curious expression on her face.

"Well, there's a group around here. They have no actual name so we just call them The Hunters. They hunt down digimon that they feel would give them some sport, sometimes they take requests but not very often. Dino Humon is one of the most successful. The Lord of Blades seems to be after us." Elecmon growled as he pushed himself back into a ready position as he judged how long Dino Humon would take to get there.

"At this rate he'll be upon us in seconds. Patamon, time for you to evolve." Penelope held up her D-3 as she had done the last time. But unlike last time there was no glow and Patamon's attempts just made her look like she was going to explode.

"I think we need to be in danger for me to evolve. And at the moment there is no immediate danger…" Patamon's words were cut off as an axe flew through the air striking her with the end and sending her falling to the ground.

"I am the one to kill you. All will fall before my might. All will fall." The Dino Humon chanted obsessively as it charged towards them. Instinctively Elecmon pushed his way in front of Penelope protectively. Something seemed different with him though.

"I don't know why but I've just got this rush of energy. I feel I could take him on by myself. I feel like I could take on the world." Elecmon however began to falter as Dino Humon began to cover the last hundred yards. He was awfully big compared to him, and very pointy with all those weapons.

"Hey, don't you know it's rude to attack people?" This was heard by Penelope who suddenly saw a boy burst out of the trees. With a war-cry he ran into the Dino Humon managing to knock him to the ground. Unfortunately he wasn't able to hold the larger thing down and was thrown away.

"If he's in the Digital World… he must be another Digi-destined. He must be Elecmon's with the feelings he's getting. Elecmon, go help him." However Elecmon had already recognised the same facts and was already running off towards the boy he knew he must be partnered to.

And Penelope realised something as Elecmon began to glow. 'The most common way for a Child digimon to evolve is if their partner is in trouble,' was something she'd read the night before on the CD. So because the boy was in danger Elecmon would be able to evolve.

"Elecmon evolve…"

Elecmon reared up on his back legs as his body grew into a humanoid form close to seven foot tall. Muscles bristled along his arms as black trousers covered up his lower area. One hand clutched a small sword, compared to him. His fur turned into a dusty yellow as his face became lion-like with a flowing mane. Scars then appeared over the fur.

"…Leomon," roared the new Adult digimon as he grabbed hold of Dino Humon before he could hit his partner. Then using his body weight he threw him away from the boy. However as he nearly hit the ground Dino Humon was able to right himself and land on his feet.

"Beast King Fist." His hand glowed with the image of a lion as the blast tore towards Dino Humon who blocked it with a weapon. He was unpleasantly surprised when it stopped the attack but exploded into data at the same time.

"Lizard Dance." As Dino Humon's form distorted as he swivelled about Leomon expected him to attack. Instead he began to get dizzy. This is when Dino Humon attacked bringing a giant blade down in an arc. However in the nick of time he found his attack blocked by Leomon's sword.

"What? You think I haven't heard about Dino Humon? I know you don't use any ranged attacks, instead preferring to fight your opponents close up. And I know that's how you do it. Lion King Sword." His blade glowed as he threw back the opponents blade, however as he pressed the attack the lizard leapt away again into a safe distance.

Meanwhile Penelope had picked up her unconscious partner and made her way to the boy. Surprised, she recognised him as the wrestling boy from the day before. She should have realised by the way he tried to wrestle the beast that he was a wrestler. Silently she held her hand out so he could pull himself up, much to his delight.

"Hi, I'm Penelope Lavrentios. I saw you wrestle yesterday. And… how'd you get here. Did some weird guy send you through a laptop?" She soon realised he hadn't been paying attention as he patted dust off him and straightened his hair. She found herself surprised by the beauty in his face and wondered how he kept his face from bruising while fighting. Next she felt slighted that he didn't pay her any attention, after all she was rather attractive and the boys normally fell all over trying to ask her out.

"Oh, hi. The name's Iason Simos. What the hell is going on here? Is that my partner?" He looked up in awe at the lion-man as Penelope wondered how he knew he was partnered to a digimon. She'd still had problems believing it the night before while looking through the CD. She also didn't like the way his awe seemed to not just be at how cool Leomon was.

"Yeah, I take it you know you're a Digi-destined already then? That helps quite a bit, less explaining needed." She smiled warmly at him as she tried her most seductive looks. He didn't look at her once as he pondered something.

"Yeah, a digimon told me. Not too sure what it entails but it sounds fun. And look at the cool lion skin I get, really brings out the blue of my eyes." He grinned happily as in the background Leomon launched a destructive kick towards Dino Humon who only just managed to block it.

"Well I'll explain to you later. It's not as fun as it seems. Poor little Patamon just got the stuffing knocked out of her." Patamon had since woken up and looked at the boy with puppy dog eyes. He shrugged nonchalantly at this all.

"Sure, sounds like a good use of an afternoon." Her heart skipped a beat as he agreed to spend time with her, but she lost the goofy grin when he turned back to watching the fight. Obviously, she decided, he must be impressed by the fighting. He is a wrestler after all. Probably thinking of new moves or whatever wrestlers do when they watch fights.

"Beast King Fist." Leomon launched another attack only for Dino Humon to attack. As he whipped out his blade however something he hadn't expected happened. He'd assumed that Leomon had extended himself too far with the attack and that it would be an easy win for him. He was wrong.

"Lion King Sword." With a swish Leomon brought the other arm around with his sword which ripped through Dino Humon's midsection. A feline grin crossed his face with this.

"Looks… like… the… Hunter… hunts… no more." With those words Dino Humon finally burst into data, and drifted off into the sky. Iason immediately left the girl and partner behind to go hug his new partner.


"Hey Phoebe. We're back." Penelope greeted her friend as the four figures emerged from the computer. Phoebe ran towards her and Penelope expected a hug, only for her friend to run past and grip Iason tightly in a hug.

"Oh you poor boy, I was worried for you. Penelope's been there before and is very rugged about these things. But you had to go to a strange place, all by yourself." Phoebe was surprised when Iason slipped out of her grip and with his partner, now back to being a ball-like creature with a horn, now Tsunomon his Baby form.

"I don't know if you girls realise this. But you two aren't really my type." Iason stood by the doorway waiting for them as Phoebe silently fumed.

"Then who is?" asked Tokomon from within Penelope's arms.

"Heh, isn't it obvious. Leomon is my type. Read into it what you will." With a grin he walked out of the door as the two girls followed slowly. Phoebe had a shocked look on her face as she stuttered.

"He's so beautiful, how can he be a fruit?" Phoebe stammered this out as Penelope patted her on the back reassuringly, in the way friends do.

"He just is."


"I Sense A Tear," wailed the youngest voice as if it were crying.

"It Is Big," declared the oldest.

"Something Is Hoping To Come Out Of It," said the middle aged one.

"It Is Big," repeated the oldest.

"Will They Be Enough?" asked the middle aged one.

"He Will Be Enough, But He Will Wish He Was Not." As the youngest finished they all went silent once more.

--------------------------------------------------------- -----------

Next Entry -> Entry II - Brains and Brawn, a Dangerous Partnership.

Penelope no longer needs to go into the Digital World as the next human and digimon partnership starts in the Real World. But with them in the Real World it leads to certain evil digimon breaking through as well.

Iason Simos
Greek Digi-destined/

Born: Early March 1993
Ethnicity: Mediterranean (Greek)
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Pale blond

An extravagant boy, Iason is most proud of what he calls his "sun-kissed, bronze muscles" which most would describe as his tanned skin. Never without a mirror to look at, he is what most people would describe as being the personification of vanity. However this also brings out the fact that he is overtly homosexual, although being at such a young age has meant that he hasn't ever really done anything about it. However he has several times before declared that he has no interest in the opposite sex and prefers to run with the boys.
He's never been opposed to physical exertion and is skilled at many physical sports ranging from wrestling(although his opponents refuse to wrestle him in the manner of the ancient Greeks) to running. He is however extremely competitive at such activities and will start massive arguments afterwards if he is the loser. Despite his obvious skill at these sports because of his homosexuality he is often ridiculed, although he doesn't care as long as they respect how beautiful he is.

Skills: Wrestling