Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mythic Diaries ❯ Mythic Diaries III ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Men in my Life

I don't really know how to answer this question. The men in my life are a sorry bunch, my father and three brothers. In fact I was bought up solely by my mother due to my father's problems. I suppose I should talk about them since it is the point of this essay.

My father was a famous burglar back in his native Cyprus. He'd steal a man's wife and then make off with their money. But he went too far with my mother in taking her with him, it was only in fleeing to Greecethat he was able to prevent her father hunting him down. But it seemed like my father was going to settle down in a loving relationship with my mother. But he couldn't stop himself and soon went back to his old ways.

He was never a great father to me, after all he couldn't teach a mere girl all the family techniques regarding lock-picking and pick-pocketing. Instead he focused on my brothers who he saw as his way of making his legend live forever. As such he had very little part in my upbringing.

When I was eight he made the mistake of breaking into the wrong house. The police were in there waiting for him, something I'm fairly sure my mother had a hand in. So he was carted off to jail. Not that I care much. He wasn't a father to me when he was around and I sure don't consider him one while he's in jail.

Hmm… then I guess I should talk about my little brother Lysander. He's really annoying, something that being your father's favourite over your older brothers and older sister can do to a seven year old. My father taught him all his tricks since where my father and older brothers were heavy fingered and broad Lysander was dextrous and slender, I often comment that he has a girl's hands. So he was perfect to learn the trade of being a petty thief and pick-pocket.

I fear that Lysander is going to be like my father and do the wrong thing at the wrong time. I also fear that he'll decide to pass on what he knows to someone else…

Phoebe Mysia looked down at what she'd wrote so far with a look of annoyance on her forehead. Somehow it didn't capture what she thought so far. And she hadn't even finished talking about Lysander. It was a shame the brat was out or she might have been able to get some inspiration.

"Well lets see if Penelope isn't busy." With a smile she walked over to pick up the phone and call her friend.


Mythic Diaries

By Misc666

Entry III - Brains and Brawn, a Dangerous Partnership.

I don't own Digimon… and can't be bothered to list its owners. The Diaries Universe is the intellectual property of Lord Archive.


Though man is a master

Of fraud and deception,

We're ready to grant

That we probably aren't

His equals in wit

Or in powers of perception.

The Birds, Aristophanes

A man in a smart suit stopped to check his watch as he waited for the lights to turn. As he did this a slender boy with long dark brown hair brushed over one of his brown eyes bumped into him before spinning away. Looking up apologetically the boy waved his hands to show he was sorry. The man was surprised at how slender the fingers were but they were gone as soon as they'd appeared as the boy turned and left. He'd totally forgotten what the boy looked like when two hours latter he discovered his wallet to be missing.

"Wow… that was so damn smooth Lysander. How'd you do that?" growled an amazed voice from the shadow of an alleyway as the boy walked by.

"Well it's all in the hands. Some have them. Some don't. I have an amazing pair of hands and as such I can do amazing things. I'll teach you if you want." The boy withdrew the wallet from his pocket as he marvelled at the amount he'd managed to steal this time.

"I don't know. My hands are way too big and clumsy to work like yours." The voice seemed disappointed at what it was saying as Lysander walked out from the shadow of the alleyway. Whoever was in the alleyway saw this and began to emerge from the shadows himself.

"Well that and you've got those claws, don't you Monodramon? Come on, I want to go to the library before midday." Lysander grinned as his digimon partner walked out of the alleyway. It was a dark purple coloured amphibian-like dinosaur with yellow markings in some parts. Large paws ended in claws which further backed what Lysander had said.

"Okay." Monodramon ran along behind him as they walked along in the back alleys. As they approached the main street Lysander was busy thinking of the books he had to take out of the library. Too busy to see what his partner saw. Monodramon frantically began pulling on his sleeve to get his attention.

"What is it Mono'? I was thinking." Monodramon gripped him by the sides of the head and pointed his head in the direction he'd been looking, where Lysander saw a large black tyrannosaurus styled creature running down the street. Beneath his feet emerged great big craters covered in the remains of people who weren't able to get out of the way quickly. The screams began to get louder as it got closer.

Then suddenly it hit a car with one foot sending it tumbling to the ground and right through the middle of the library. Frantically it got to its feet and looked around as it began to sniff the air.

"Damn it, it destroyed the library. There were some pretty good books in there I hadn't read yet." Monodramon began to wonder whether his partner had his priorities organised properly as he wondered what the beast was searching for.

"Heh, I smells. A little baby I smells. Come out my little baby." Monodramon growled as he realised the digimon was talking about him. He began to forget that it was an Adult digimon and a level above him as he flexed muscles. Lysander turned to see his partner growling at the sight.

"Hey Mono', I don't suppose you could fight that thing? What with the size difference and all. I mean it would be great if you could." Lysander's rambling was cut off as the beast finally found them. With a roar he bounded towards them just missing them with his feet by a couple of inches. Lysander found himself thrown back by Monodramon.

"Nobody attacks my partner. Nobody attacks my partner. Nobody attacks my partner." Lysander found himself entranced by his partner's mantra as he chanted over and over again. Suddenly the white and violet device by his side glowed violently enveloping Monodramon.

"Monodramon evolve…"

Monodramon grew greatly in size as his arms stretched out to the sides. On both arms grew lizard-like heads. However one was skeletal while the other was metal. His skin grew blue except for on his front where it went white. A marking of three dots and a line appeared on his belly.

"…Deltamon." The new dragon digimon roared with pride as he dwarfed the black one, almost two times it's size. Quickly Deltamon brought his tail around, only for it to miss and rip through what was left of the library and damage the buildings to the side of it.

"Deltamon you got to hit him, not the buildings." Lysander ran over as Deltamon let an arm down for him to climb on. Hastily he ran up to his partner's head to talk to him.

"Triplex Force." Lysander nearly fell off as beams of light converged in a triangle before shooting out at his opponent who was thrown through several buildings ending up a few blocks away. Deltamon made no attempt to rest as he rushed forwards with his bulk sometimes catching buildings slightly and knocking some bits off.

"Mono', buddy. You've got to stop this. You can't destroy the city or fighting that thing'll be a waste of time." Lysander cringed as his partner narrowly managed to step around people on the floor. As it came to the building where the dinosaur was trying to pull itself up Deltamon punched one of the arms forwards, again missing its target and trapping his arm inside the building.

"Look like you is stuck. I smells you fear. I kill you now." The dark tyrannosaurus grinned maliciously as he went to attack. But Lysander wasn't going to let him get away with it.

"Use Triplex Force again."Lysander grinned as his partner began charging up the attack. With the other arm in the building it meant that the point of convergence wasn't just in front this time as it converged right on the spot occupied by the evil dinosaur's head. With an enormous exploding sound it burst open with data spilling everywhere out of it.

"It is done." Deltamon began to shrink as he and Lysander fell to the ground. Luckily it turned out to be cushioned by some piles as garbage as the two emerged only a little dirty and smelly and not as pizza as they expected. Turning on his side Lysander looked over at his partner, who was still submerged in the rubbish.

"Well buddy, you did good. Even if you did do more damage than the other monster." Suddenly Lysander froze as he began to hear the shouts of policemen as they approached where they were.

"Hey Mono' wait here. When the people disperse go to out special place and wait for me there. Don't come out until all the people are gone though." Cautiously Lysander picked himself up and moved out until the open. Immediately he found himself the target of many pistols with the policemen holding them.

"Who… who are you? What relation do you have to those two… mon… monsters." Despite the fear evident in his eyes he summoned up enough courage to walk towards the boy. Satisfied that it was all okay he slapped a pair of handcuffs on him and walked him towards a car.

"I don't have to answer those questions." Lysander silently prayed he was right. He didn't want to try explaining this to his mother. And he dreaded what would happen if they found his partner.

"Then you're coming with us." The policeman treated him as if he was walking a serial killer to an execution. Silently Lysander looked back to see the tip of Monodramon's head peering curiously at him being carted off. He hoped he didn't do anything stupid.


"Hey let's go into Apollo's, I wanna check if they have the CD Player I wanted yet." Iason sighed as Phoebe grabbed him by the hand and dragged him into the nearby electronics store. Penelope followed after only to stop as she passed the televisions. Curiosity had somehow gotten the better of her.

"Hey Phoebe, I keep telling you that there really isn't any point in you trying to flirt with me. And I'm sorry you couldn't find the CD Player you wanted." Iason walked out of the shop with a pouting Phoebe following along behind him. Casually he walked past Penelope who was still watching the television.

"Well come on, you're only eleven. I don't think your sexual preference is already… Hey Penelope, what's so fascinating about that TV?" Penelope ignored her friend as she walked inside the store and found another TV with the same programme running on it. As a store clerk walked by she grabbed him by the arm.

"Could you turn the sound on for this TV? I need to hear what's going on." The teenager nodded as he pushed the right buttons and turned it up.

"…this harpy-like creature appeared less than ten minutes ago near Omonia Square. However reports do not tell whether this has anything to do with the fight between two dinosaur/dragon-like creatures that levelled most of the streets near the War Museum. The suspect in that case has now been identified as being ten year old Lysander Mysia." The news report then went on to another story as both girls stared slack jawed at the screen.

"I have to get to the police station." Phoebe burst off running as she thought of what her brother may have done this time. It wasn't the first time she'd had to accompany her mother to bail him out.

"What was that about? Shit, is that a digimon attacking the ice cream parlour. I love that place." Iason stared slack jawed at the screen where an image of the harpy picking up pedestrians and dropping them from great heights had appeared. Several bodies had already felt the force of gravity as the bloody patches everywhere attested to.

"Her brother is the boy they were talking about. But that's not our problem, where are the digimon today?" She tried to remember where Patamon was but came up with the realisation that she'd gone into the Digital World to see someone else. No luck there.

"Elecmon went with Patamon, we may be able to find them if we try. We better go get your laptop and get down to Omonia." She nodded as both started out, heading towards the house her family lived in.


Lysander held himself up to the bars of the window looking out of his jail cell. Suddenly a familiar face popped up shocking him and sending him falling to the ground. Rubbing his behind as he did, he cursed silently and looked up at his older, and only, sister. Phoebe looked down at him with a reproaching expression.

"What did you do this time, boy? Mum's going to have your ass for this if she finds out you got arrested again." Phoebe giggled softly as her little brother stuck his tongue out at her, still as sulky as usual when it came to getting arrested. Obviously she recognised this as being more than the usual pick pocket stuff that got him in trouble. But best to go into the conversation carefully.

"My digimon got me into trouble this time." He looked up surprised at the shock evident in his sister's face. Did she realise something about it?

"You have… a digimon? Like Penelope?" He slowly began to catch onto it. The hamster-like stuffed toy that had been in Penelope's arms when she'd last visited. He thought it had been looking at him. Turns out it probably had been looking at him, it all seemed rather creepy.

"Yeah, my buddy Monodramon.Best guy, well little dinosaur seems more accurate I guess, around." He beamed with pride as he declared this to the world. Phoebe sighed at the stupid display her brother was putting on.

"Well then you can help the other two out, there's a digimon attack in Omonia Square." He perked up at this, a chance to show how cool he and his partner were again? What wasn't in that sentence to like? And then he remembered the fact that he was in a jail cell.

"Well meet you out front in a couple of minutes, shouldn't take me long to get out of here." With a grin Lysander revealed that Greek police weren't that great at searching people as he pulled out a leather roll. Unravelling it he brought out a pair of metal implements. She immediately recognised them as her father's old lock-picking tools.

"Fine, see ya little bro'." With a wave she began walking around to the front door. Only for something blue to jump in her way. Most girls would have screamed at the sight of a dragon. But most girls weren't Phoebe Mysia. With a high pitched yell she brought a fist down on Monodramon's head, stunning the digimon and hurting her hand.

"Owwweee, Monodramon is dizzy." Monodramon spun in a circle as Phoebe realised she'd hit her brother's partner. Realising he might draw unwanted attention she clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Sorry, I'm Lysander's sister. You must be his partner, Monodramon." The dragon moved his head animatedly as he agreed with her. She smiled softly as she kept an eye on the front door of the building, on cue her brother walked out waving goodbye to several policemen who looked stunned to see a kid walking out of the station.

"Well sis, let's go get us some chicken legs. I overheard that there was some kind of harpy in Omonia Square from one of the pigs." He grinned infectiously as his partner cheered. Even Phoebe allowed herself a small grin.

"That's the one I was talking 'bout. Better hope you get there before my friends do or there's going to be nothing left for you." She grinned as well as the three set off in the direction of Omonia Square.


Slipping through the gap in the fence, not hard as his muscles tried to refuse the act of squeezing through, Iason finally let out a breath as he looked at the ruins of several shops, and unfortunately some shoppers. Penelope was already waiting there with both of their partners. Elecmon grinned roguishly as he waited to be evolved.

"I'm not even going to ask how you knew to get past the police to here." He looked over at the female Digi-destined who flashed a smile at the comment.

"Phoebe's father showed her all those passes. Said it was for escaping people who want to chase you. Never thought it would be useful to me." She flashed a thumbs up pose as Elecmon tried to copy the pose. Iason smiled back as he looked around for the harpy.

"I smell it over there. It isn't alone. Seems like someone beat us to Harpymon, and it's pretty big from what I can tell." Elecmon sniffed with his nose as Patamon raised herself into the air.

"Oh my, that's not at all good. A Deltamon seems to be attacking Harpymon. This could cause a lot of trouble for everyone involved." Patamon had a look of absolute fear on her face as she saw the Harpymon get a gash along the side as the skull-headed hand of Deltamon barely missed it. But the other head came in from the side swatting it out of the air and into a building which collapsed under the impact.

"Umm… what's wrong? What's a Deltamon? Is it dangerous?" Penelope's mind was already forming ideas on how to beat it, no matter what size it was.

"They're big, and they're nasty. And this one has something on its shoulder. It is a… boy? There's a boy on his shoulder." Everyone looked up with shock as Patamon said this. Was this Deltamon on they're side or was it holding a kid hostage? They had to find out.

As they all ran towards they all came to see what it was. And then they saw Phoebe watching with fascination.

"Hey, who'd have thought such a small dragon could become such a large one? Took your time getting here. Lysander's finishing up." She grinned as Penelope recognised the hairstyle of Phoebe's brother on the figure riding the Deltamon. Did this mean he was a Digi-destined?

"Is he one of us?" Iason saved her the time by asking the question himself. She nodded happily.

"I wish I'd seen the other fights you guys had. This is real exhilarating to watch. Even if Lysander is possibly risking his life riding up that high, although maybe that's a good thing." She grinned even larger as she giggled slightly.

"Skull Fang." The Harpymon had gotten that bit too close as the skull face-hand lashed out. The jaw clamped shut over half the winged digimon ripping it neatly in half. Data burst out of both halves. Then the massive digimon shrunk down to its Child form and Lysander neatly managed to drop down from a lower height.

"Oh yeah, team work wins the day. We smacked it about like it was a fly." Lysander pumped his fist in the air as everyone sighed.

"Team work, more like his brute force won the day." His sister stuck her tongue out and pretty soon they began scrapping. The others meanwhile turned their attention to the dragon digimon sitting innocently on the floor watching the scene in front of him. Slowly he turned to face them.

"Hi, I'm Monodramon. Who are you lot?" He cocked his head to the side as they began introductions. As they finished up the siblings had finished their argument and came back over to them. Lysander sported a swollen eye courtesy of Phoebe's fist and a sullen expression that was completely his own.

"I don't think I can stay in Athens at the moment. I didn't exactly leave the police station in the most legal of ways. Don't suppose you could send me and Mono' to the Digital World he was talking about." He looked down at the laptop Penelope held as he said this.

"Yeah, I told him you could send him there through the laptop. I think he needs somewhere to lay low for a while and frankly the Digital World seems an apt place for him to do it." Phoebe ruffled her brother's hair as he continued looking sullen.

"Well if the three of us go with him, I'm sure we'll find somewhere for him to stay." Patamon looked hopefully at her partner who sighed and opened up the laptop. Looking around she opened up the Digital Gate program and motioned for Lysander to stand in front of it.

"Just stand in front and hold your D-3 up." He looked down at the white and violet device and wondered briefly how it would work before a bright light burst from the screen and pulled him in. The others watched as the three digimon followed him. Finally it shut off and Penelope closed it up again.

"Well we'd better get going ourselves. Police are all around this area." Iason walked off the way they'd come as Penelope followed after. Phoebe however lingered for a second as she stared at the spot that Lysander had gone through.

"Could I become a Digi-destined?" She then laughed lightly at the thought as she ran off after her friends leaving the idea behind her.


"How could you lose him?" Officer Stavros cringed beneath the glare of the man in front of him. The neatly pressed black suit with a white shirt and red tie implied what he was before the man had even brought out the identification. A woman in a similar form of clothing stood behind him, however she didn't seem to speak Greek.

"We went down there and he was gone. Some of the other men who were doing their shift at that time say they saw a boy matching his description leaving the station early this afternoon." The man sighed loudly as he turned around and conversed rapidly in what Stavros guessed was English.

"My partner says that you'd better find him soon. And when you do, ask him nicely to wait around here for me or someone else. From this moment onwards the UN is giving Lysander Mysia diplomatic immunity. If any of your officers so much as touches him you're going to be answering to some high up people. And I mean you specifically will be answering to them." Turning around he rapidly spoke some more English to the woman who nodded in agreement.

"I'm sorry, you may not realise but this isn't all we want the boy for. I don't care if you want him for his connection to this 'digimon' but there are higher people than me. We'll hand him over but he has to pay for these other crimes. The chief says that he's being put on trial this time, apparently patience has run out. He's going to a juvenile hall." The policeman turned as if to imply the conversation was over. But before he could turn around the man at the desk dragged him back around.

"European laws override anything running in this country. He may be a Greek citizen but above that he's a member of the European Union and as such we have ultimate control. There are people higher than me in this. And believe me when I say angering your chief beats angering mine." The man leaned back as he flashed a bit of metal from the inside of his jacket, Stavros nodded grimly at this.

"I'll tell the chief, but he isn't going to like this. Not one bit." Stavros looked down as he recorded all the details to inform the others that Lysander Mysia was now granted functional diplomatic immunity.

"As I said, it doesn't matter if he likes it or not. If he wants to complain he can come and take it up with in person. I wasn't happy with him being too 'busy' to see us. But I got over it." He grinned lightly as Stavros pictured himself, the man in front of him and his bag of golf clubs.

"Is there anything else you'd like us to do for you?" Stavros gritted his teeth as the man thought for a moment on this.

"Yes, if you encounter any others like him contact us immediately as well. We're staying at the Ledra Marriot." Dismissively he turned to leave with the woman beside him.


"They Are In This World," declared the middle-aged one to her sisters.

"They Have A Foothold," continued the oldest one.

"Her Dreams Are Getting Worse," said the youngest sadly.

"She Is Unable To Hold Back The Tide," stated the oldest.

"It Is Hurting Her As We Speak," finished the middle one.

"Can We Not Help?" asked the youngest hopefully.

"No," replied the other two forcefully.


Next Entry -> Entry II - The Rape of Kassandra

The final member of the Athens team is finally found, but as a girl haunted by dreams she fears the Digital World is behind it. How can she function when sleeping is impossible whether she's in the Digital or Real World?


For the reviewer I Am A Slytherin

I use the original attacks/names. And originally Leomon's attacks are "Juu Ou Ken" which can be basically translated to "Beast King Fist"(although you may be able to translate it as Fist of the Beast King, I assume). Next is "Shishi Ou-maru"… I can translate "Shishi Ou" to "Lion King" myself, however I have been told that the "maru" is sword… and since he uses his knife/sword thingy it seems logical that it is. Finally "Hasai Shukuri" can be translated as "Crushing/Smashing Kick". Hope this doesn't seem like I'm insulting you, but mostly it's all just a choice of opinion when it comes to the attacks you use. Bear in mind these are the ones I'll likely be using, although I feel ambiguous about using Smashing or Crushing.

Lysander Mysia
Greek Digi-destined

Born: Late November 1993
Ethnicity: Mediterranian (Cyprian)
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown

Self-proclaimed as the number one expert on Greek myths. Often he uses such myths as if they were stuff he's done in the hopes it would get him out of trouble. However normally it just gets him branded as a "nerd" because of all thus. Of course it doesn't help that he spends most of his time with his face stuck between the pages of a good book. Along with a knowledge of mythological lore comes a knowledge of ancient philosophy, mostly Plato.
He also has a reputation of being a shady character due to the influence of his father. His father had been a notorious thief and burglar before being arrested while Lysander was young. However skills such as basic lock-picking and pick-pocketing were passed on to him.
His main contribution to battles is in working out strategies to use. And although he may be the weakest of the Greek Digi-destined his strategies can often make up for this and gain him the victory.

Skills: Strategy
Games of Skill(like Chess)

Partner: Monodramon -> Deltamon