Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mythic Diaries ❯ Mythic Diaries IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The priestess bowed her head deeply before the statue of Athena as she crawled towards it. As she reached the edge she reached out and grasped at the foot of it. Uttering prayers towards the gods, making sure to honour Athena first due to being her priestess, she kissed the toes in reverence.

"Lady Athena. Protect me, your humble servant in my time of need. Have I not always been good to you? Protect me from the barbarians at our gates, I beseech you. Please do not desert me, may lady." The priestess slowly began to sob as nothing happened. No divine presence appeared to her and no miracle occurred.

"Lady Kassandra. They approach the temple. They come up the street with the one they call The Runner at the front. They mean to slay the men and rape the women." Kassandra took the hand of the girl who was saying this and soothed her quietly.

"They return to the scene of their crime. Where they stole the holy Palladium from us. But now Pallas refuses to help us. She has deserted us because of my brother's judgement. Parishas doomed us all as I said." She held the girl to her breast as she felt the girl's body wracking with sobs.

"Nobody has ever listened to me and this has been our ruin. My prophecies told our fate time and time again. But Phoebus decreed that none would ever believe me and now it is too late. May our souls rest in Hades for our folly." The others crowded inside the temple looked over at the priestess as she cursed the gods for their fate.

"Do not worry Lady. I will fight." A young boy, no older than ten stood up. In one hand he held a stick. The scene brought tears to Kassandra's eyes as she recognised what his fate would be.

"Please do not. You may be able to leave as a slave. Bound to the thrall of these barbarians who rape my father's kingdom as their ancestors did. May they all join their hero" She spit out the word as she thought of the man the Greeks had called immortal. The son of Peleus and Thetis, the giant they called Achilles.

"Don't worry I won't be a slave to anyone. I will protect my country as, our hero, Hector did. Those filthy Greeks don't stand a chance against me." The boy suddenly fell to the ground as his nurse pulled him down. Kassandra assumed she was a slave from one of the barbarian nations even more further South than the Hellespont. Maybe from the landof Memnonwho died on the fields of Troywith his ebony skin.

"Do not say such things. To honour the dead is your people's custom. The life of a slave is not as bad as it seems. By the life of a corpse, lying dead and unburied is the other option. And that is not a happy fate for a body unburied means that the soul cannot pass over." Kassandra felt surprised as the girl showed impressive knowledge of their customs and assumed she must have been a slave from a young age.

"The time is upon us. The Greeks are at our door. Ajaxis at their head. I see the flash of metal as the sun shines on them. I see the blood. I see… death." Kassandra screamed horribly as her eyes glossed over and she collapsed at Athena's feet.

"Is she… okay?" One of the younger girls, barely into her teens, crawled close to Kassandra. Tentatively she held the priestess' wrist searching for a pulse. Thankfully she found it, even though it was weak.

Suddenly the doors of the temple began to buckle as the wooden bars across it began to splinter. With a horrendous crash they were thrust open as the first man came through. Not as tall or broad as the other Ajax, the one also known as The Runner was lithe but at the same time exuded an air of danger.

"I come for the daughter of Priam. I don't care what happens to anyone else but the Priestess is mine. None shall rob me of my prize." Bellowing a loud war cry he swung his sword in an arc disembowelling a pair of villagers trying to run to the door. Blood splattered everywhere, most especially on the white dress of the Priestess of Athena.

"The blood.I see it now. It is not mine. Am I not fated to die this day? No, I am not. Hades must wait a little longer for my soul." Kassandra looked on in horror as a pair of Greeks soldiers, hairy beards and pungent odour included, grabbed the arm of the girl she's tried comforting earlier. Grinning with glee one tore her dress open and groped for her breasts.

"Where is the Priestess? I desire my prize. I have stood in the shadow of the son of Telamon for too long. I am the strongest Ajaxin the whole of Greece, now." Ajaxsmacked aside a woman as if she was a pile of rags.

"You will never have Lady Kassandra." Screaming as hard as his little lungs could the boy from earlier lifted his stick and ran at the man who towered over him.

"I have no time for runts, today." With one swing of his sword the boy's head flew off in a shower of blood. The altar of Athena was covered in this and Kassandra still wondered why her mistress still made no move against these heathens who defiled her temple.

"I am here. Son of Oileus, come take me as your prize. But spare the others." At this she saw a look of lust come over Ajax's face as he stalked towards her hungrily. In bitter determination she clung to Athena's statue as she wept.

"Leave the statue. Athena no longer lives in this temple. She deserted your people a long time ago. She is our god, she backs the Greeks and brought us victory." With his hands he grabbed the woman round the waist and wrested her from her grip on the statue. Looking up she found a bitter omen, the statue turned it's face away from her, abandoning her to fate.

"Athena, you desert me to this man. And yet I am not fated to die at his hands. Because for me, destruction waits by the two-edged sword in a land far from my own." Laughing at her own pitiful state she succumbed to her dark fate.


Mythic Diaries

By Misc666

Entry III - The Rape of Kassandra.

I don't own Digimon… and can't be bothered to list its owners. The Diaries Universe is the intellectual property of Lord Archive.


"Sleep is a death, O make me try
By sleeping, what it is to die,
And as gently lay my head
On my grave, as now my bed."

Sir Thomas Browne, Religio Medici

As sweat poured down her she leapt out of the covers of the sheets. Staring at herself in the mirror she cared little for her nudity as she stared into her own blue eyes. Complacently she brushed strands of blond hair out of her face to stare at herself more, her skin was lighter than most people she knew due to the Sicilian influence in her. From head to toe she saw a glistening of sweat, caused by the fear the dream inspired.

Dream? Could it really be called a dream? No, it was more aptly a nightmare. But it was more intense than any she'd had before, particularly involving people leaving her. But that was pretty normal, after her parents abandoned her with her grandfather. But the dream she'd been experiencing for the past couple of days was more than any of those. And there was no reason for her to have it.

"Diana, get down here." The voice of her grandfather shocked her out of her thoughts, with a scowl she slipped some clothes on and ran downstairs. The sullen wrinkled face of her grandfather looked up at her.

"What is it now? I was going to take a shower." She looked dejectedly at him as he thought. She knew that apparently he was her father's father. But there was none of the vigour of her father, in what pictures she could find, reflected in that of the old man. And the general features were lacking in much of a resemblance. But at the moment he was the only family she knew, like it or not.

"I just wanted to see what was wrong, I heard a scream. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only person. What happened to make you scream like a harpy?" She scowled mentally at the thought, she hadn't realised the nightmare had caused her to scream. She was normally unflappable when it came to calmness.

"Nothing, just a bad dream." With a dismissive wave she picked up the picture of her father that sat atop the fireplace, the face of a handsome man in his early twenties stared out at her.

"Well, okay. Better go have that shower. Then come find me and I'll walk you to school." He walked out of the room in search of his newspaper as she rolled her eyes.

"I tell you this every day, I can walk myself to school." She walked off herself in the direction of the stairs as he looked after her.

"Yeah, but one day you're going to say 'okay, let me get my bag and we'll go'. It's always worth an old man trying." He smiled happily as she glared at him, another thing she did quite often. Then she sighed and looked away.

"You just want to see my teacher, don't you? She's a bit too young for you." With that she ran off up the stairs and soon the sounds of running water filled the house. The old man scowled as he looked down at the photograph she'd been looking at.

"Why do I keep you there? Although, admittedly it was her fault that the girl is so rebellious. But why'd you have to leave her, the girl was so young." Then he went off, a bright day was ahead of him.


"Damn you Grandpa, I'm a big girl nowadays. I can take care of myself." The school day had been long and boring, lessons were easy and she'd been uninterested in paying much attention. But nobody else was thinking about it much, the talk was all about the monsters of the past week. She cared very little about it, and while teachers were telling off the talkers she was able to catch a nap or two.

"Girl."The voice was a shock to her as she spun around trying to find the talker. None seemed evident around her, there were people but none seemed to be the person who'd talked. Finally her attention was drawn to the alleyway nearby.

"Who are you? If you're some random pervert, well I'll beat you about. I may look ten but…"

"Quiet Girl, I Assure You That I Am No Pervert." The owner of the voice stepped out of the darkness. It was a veritable surprise that at first the woman seemed old, hidden behind a cowl. But as she turned to the side Diana saw the woman's face, and she wasn't as old as she'd guessed. In fact the woman could be no more than late thirties, if even that.

"Your voice? I? How are you?" Confusion befuddled her mind as she tried to get everything straight. For a start the voice was booming, but feminine, and yet nobody seemed to have stopped to stare.

"My Voice Is Not The Important Thing In This. You Are The Important Thing In This Conversation." Diana looked at the woman for a second before she burst out laughing in hilarity. This was too rich, seems like she'd managed to attract another psycho.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, woman. But I have to get home. Go find some other pre-pubescent girl to bother." She looked a the woman who had removed the cowl to reveal attractive features, but not to the extent that she was beautiful. The expression on her face was one of slight irritation, Diana personally didn't think the woman had any reason to be annoyed.

"But…" This time the woman was the one who found herself interrupted.

"But, let me guess. I'm 'The One' who can do whatever task you have? Well, let me say something. I'm not 'The One', and you are just someone who watches way to much Hollywood science fiction. Now run along, the asylum is short one nut." With that she turned to leave, the thought of a nice warm shower was bringing her a glimmer of happiness.

"No, But See For Yourself." With that there was a blinding light and Diana felt like something was sucking her in. The woman watched her disappear as someone else began walking down the alleyway behind her, or she thought so from the sound of footsteps.

"So, the three of you have decided to play a bit more of a role in this? I thought you stayed out of these issues. Or is this just your doing Atropus? The others would be very disappointed to hear that you were doing stuff without telling them, or so I assume." The voice was playful, but authoritive.

"I Haven't The Time To Spend Talking To You, Make Your Point And Leave Me Be." He laughed in a manly way as she scowled and spun round. It was unsurprising that he wasn't there to be seen. She decided it was a waste of time to try finding him again.

"Why did you send her? Is it her time? Or is it personal interest?"

"Maybe It's A Little Of Both. I Don't See Why You See Right To Boss Me Around." Suddenly the world rumbled around her, but only around her but not the rest of her surroundings. She'd gone too far.

"You know better than that. But it's out of my hands now, I guess. The others are not going to be happy at all." Footsteps sounded behind her and she assumed he'd gone. She angrily threw a stone at a wall as she thought of how he'd baited her.

"He Is Right, We Are Not Happy." The stern older voice told her what she needed to know. Seemed like it was time to account for her actions.


With great sadness in her eyes she looked out from the walls as the Greek prince finished his last revolution around the walls of sacred Ilium. Dragging along behind his chariot was the body of her brother Prince Hektor.

Along the walls she could see the ladies of Troyall weeping for the death of their hero. His wife stood a little distance away, with her child held to her breast. The day Hektor died was the day Troywould lose the last of its hope.

And it was his fault, that damnable son of Thetis. Achilles.


"So you're not dead. Well, get up. Someone would think I was Achilles, what with the way I'm standing above you." Diana wondered if that was an attempt at humour, what kind of humour she didn't know exactly. Eventually she decided she might as well get up, pushing away the offered hand she looked at her surroundings. A boy, her age at most, stood there looking at her while someone in a dragon costume stood beside him. Actually, a rather short person in a dragon costume stood beside him.

"So, who the hell are you?" The boy gave her a curious look before turning to the dragon-clad one. They whispered quietly for a bit before both started laughing.

Ignoring them she started to look at herself. She recognised the dress she was clad in as a peplos, she'd seen examples of them on statues but never anyone wearing one. The boy was also oddly attired in some robe like a sage, or at least he would look like one if he hadn't folded the bottoms into a trouser like design. Finally she felt the item in her hand. An odd device, it was bean shaped with white casing and cream grips.

"My name is Lysander, this is my digimon partner Monodramon. We might as well find your partner now, I can't be bothered to wait for the other two." He was about to continue talking, only for Diana to hit him over the head and stop the train of thought.

"Great, an odd lady and an odd boy. Oh, and the guy dressed as a dragon. What is this, some kind of play?" With a sigh she walked off in the opposite direction.

"Guy dressed as a dragon? What are you talking about?" The little dragon-man walked towards her, she began to realise it wasn't as bad a costume as she expected. In fact she couldn't see how he could have gotten it on.

"It's not a costume. Welcome to the Digital World. If you sit down for a moment I'll explain what's going on." With a grin he motioned for her to sit down as his 'partner' sat down as well. Finally she relented and sat down, a good distance from either of them.

A good amount of time passed as he explained everything he knew. Every couple of minutes she gave a loud yawn to show she couldn't care less, but he persevered. Finally, out of breath, he finished the explanation and looked over at her.

"Well, I've heard more cunning lies. Goodbye." With that she stood up, ignoring the protests of both of them, and began to walk away. A cough caught her attention and she spun to face five newcomers. Her eyes passed across them, mostly finding them unimpressive. A girl, beautiful but not interesting. Three more of the odd creatures, digimon as the boy had called them. And the most beautiful boy she'd seen.

"Umm, hello." With a sigh Iason looked down at Elecmon for help, in the blink of an eye Diana had leapt onto him and latched onto his arm. Both Penelope and Patamon scowled at this.

"So you're the fourth of our merry group. Meet your partner Bearmon." Elecmon drew the attention away from his partner to the bear beside him. It was black furred and had belts all over it, covering the paws and one across the chest. A blue cap sat on its head. The demure way it stood implied its gender to be female.

"I'm Penelope and this is Iason." Glaring slightly the other girl pried Diana off Iason's arm. Iason wasn't much happier with the situation when Penelope locked onto him, even tighter than Diana had.

"My partner? So, no chance you're a guy in a suit?" She knew Bearmon couldn't be, unless they'd found a child who could act like an adult. So, it was all real.

Staring down at the bear she began to feel her head spinning. She hadn't slept well in three days. She needed to sleep soon. And it came to her as she fell to the ground, or at least she hoped it would.


"Brother, I implore you. I beseech you. Please do not go out there. No good will come to you. You cannot go." Screaming she threw herself at the huge armoured form of her brother, the heir to the kingdom. But he shouldered her out of the way to pick up his weapons. She began to cry as he ignored her completely.

"The man must be slain this day. It is my task from the jobs, the reason I exist. How can he hope to fight me? I wear his armour, taken from the body of his friend. He must fight me un-armoured. It shall be short." She knew he was smirking inside there, he always did as he went off to war.

"He has new armour, crafted by the Fire God. And he fights with great fury. You cannot hope to best such a monster. You cannot die as so many of our brothers have already." She threw herself at him again, but he was ready this time and flung her away from him to fall to the ground.

"He is no monster. He is but a man. And all men can die, even if the gods bless their armour. For I am myself blessed by the gods on Olympus. I shall be victorious this day." He strode forwards in his armour as slave girls flocked to hand him the rest of his equipment.

"I saw him. I saw him atop your bloody body, thrice around the gates of sacred Ilium. Deiphobus, do not trust him. He will betray you." She tried one last time, but it was all futile to him.

"My sister, you are a witch. Do not besmirch the name of our brother. Now, to war I must go. May the gods favour me." With that he was gone leaving the girl with just her thoughts. The memory of the vision pierced into her, she had seen his death. She had seen many. Troywas to fall.


"What's happening, wake up." She heard the girl, Penelope, calling out to her. She tried to reach out to her, to regain consciousness. But she couldn't. She slipped once more into the dream.


"Mother, I see us all. I see our bodies. Little Astyanax thrown from the raised walls. Hektor, most valiant of my brothers, dragged round the walls by the chariot of Achilles. Paris, slain by an arrow.Father, dead at the weapon of the son of Achilles." She cried as her mother held her to her bosom. The warmth was comforting.

"And what do you see for yourself my dear?" Her mother cooed to her as she wept.

"Rape, and death. Rape by the runner, and death from the usurper-queen. But I feel no sorrow for myself. I saw your death to. Mother, you cannot leave me." She gripped the older lady tighter.

"When death comes for me, I will not be afraid. I will leave my memory for all the Greeks to recognise. Please do the same my daughter. Live for the moment."


She knew they weren't the words of her mother. But they gave her hope nonetheless. With a gasp she broke out of her slumber. A yelp came from the woods. Both Iason and Penelope shot into the woods with their partners at their heels.

A small elephant-like creature broke out from the sake of the trees as they pursued it. The other boy, Lysander, was the first to realise what it was.

"It's a tapir, no wonder she keeps falling asleep. Mono' you know what to do." The dragon digimon leapt at it, only for it to dodge out of the way sending him falling to the ground. With a grin the Tapirmon tried to escape further, and would have succeeded if not for Bearmon blocking its path. With one paw she knocked it on the head and away from her.

"Nightmare Syndrome." The attack was like a large cloud as it shot towards Bearmon. But Patamon was quicker as she barrelled into Bearmon and moved her out of the way, narrowly missing being hit by the attack herself. Bearmon stared down the attacker as they both readied attacks.

"Bear Roll." Curling up into a ball Bearmon shot into Tapirmon knocking it to the ground. It tried to stand weakly, but wasn't able to support itself and collapsed to the ground. Bearmon calmly lifted it up.

"Well, seems like we had a little stalker. It probably found you when you came into the World, and it's probably been feeding off you since." Bearmon spoke for the first time, in her delicate way, as she brought it over to Diana. She personally didn't know what to do.

"Do you feel better?" Iason put a hand on her shoulder. He regretted it when she leapt up, dropping the Tapirmon on its head in the process, and grabbed on to him. He looked to the others for support, but Penelope was too busy pouting at the other girl's display.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm all better now, I don't feel as sleepy. And the nightmares are gone." She squeezed the boy tightly as Elecmon sighed.

"Well, seems like we're ready for whatever the Digital World throws at us. How about we head home?" Penelope was anxious to get Diana away from Iason, and she felt a little tired herself.

"Bearmon can stay with me and Mono' if she wants. Penelope says her parents raised a ruckus when she brought Pata' home." Lysander grinned amicably and she wondered if he was implying that he lived here in the Digital World. Surely he must have been.

"No, I reckon I can get away with it. How do we get home by the way?" Elecmon pointed to the device she carried.

"We'll show you." With that Elecmon led the way. As Diana and Bearmon followed Iason and Elecmon, Penelope found Lysander grabbing her arm. A worried expression covered his face.

"There's something about that girl. Something odd. I need to talk to the Tapirmon." Lysander glanced down at the unconscious form by his feet.

"Why? What makes you so worried? I knew she was dodgy." Penelope was anxious to hear what Lysander had to say.

"Well, you know how the stuff in this world seems to be modelled after our own? Shouldn't the digimon be like the Real World-animals they represent?" She nodded vaguely at his comments.

"Wait, do you mean that you have Tapirmon in your world?" Patamon had joined in the conversation by now.

"Well we have tapirs, that's our world's version of them. How about you tell me about Tapirmon." Patamon winced uncomfortably as she hadn't exactly ever seen a Tapirmon before.

"Actually I was looking through the CD Hesire gave me. Apparently they're quite common as digimon partners. One comment from an English girl said how they can eat the nightmares of people or digimon, and use them as an attack. Why'd you want to know about them?" Penelope looked down at the shorter boy who thought for a second.

"That's the same as in our world with tapirs. But Diana mentioned to me when we were talking earlier about how she'd been sleepy for the past three days, and had been having nightmares." Lysander rubbed his chin in thought.

"The Tapirmon wasn't causing them, he was getting rid of them. He was helping her? Is that what you mean?" Lysander smiled as Monodramon hit the nail on the head.

"So the question we must ask ourselves is where they were coming from." Lysander looked down at the ground.

"Hey Penelope, hurry up. I don't think your mother is going to be happy if the four of us pop up in your room without you." Penelope looked one last time at Lysander before running off.

"Goodbye Lysander." Called the other six as one as they disappeared through the digital portal. But Lysander was focused on his thoughts. Why would she have been having these dreams? And why had she screamed that name? Why would she have screamed Achilles when he found her? What dreams did this girl have?


"We Call Upon You To Explain Yourself, Sister," demanded the eldest of the three.

"We Demand An Answer." The echo of the middle-aged one.

"I Owe No Explanation. I Did What I Did To Speed Them On Their Way." The youngest, Atropus, was resilient in her defence of her actions.

"Why Do You Claim This?" Asked the old one.

"What Basis Is There?" requested the middle one.

"They Rise Under The Morning Sun. The Chains Are Weakening." A snort came from the older pair at this.

"It Is No Excuse."

"It Is No Excuse."

"I Have Broken The Rules." Atropus accepted her wrong.


Next Entry -> Entry V - The Cave of the Cyclops

As Lysander continues his quest to find out what happened with Diana his curiosity gets the better of him. Trapped in a cave with the dreaded Cyclomon he hopes the others will get his message in time.

Also now that all four characters have been introduced, expect something a little more interesting in the section below.

Diana Kalliope

Greek Digi-destined

Born: Mid July 1994
Ethnicity: Mediterranean (Greek, Sicilian)
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blond

The youngest of the Greek Digi-destined she has a very low view of her elders. This means she's rather cynical and sarcastic, often pointing out flaws in myths and characters much to Lysander's grief. She however has a tendency to attach onto things and refuse to let go... much to the displeasure of anyone who falls victim to her arms.
However despite these personality traits she knows when to become serious, although she may not always be serious even if she knows she should be, and disagrees with Penelope risking their lives.

Skills: Observance

Partner: Bearmon -> Grizzmon

On tapirs/baku

"one can invoke the baku after one has had a particularly bad dream (which is to say a dream filled with bad omens for the future), at which point the baku will devour the dream before it can be realized. When a person awakens from a nightmare, he may call upon Baku, saying: "Baku, eat my dreams." Thus Baku may be induced to turn a bad dream into good fortune by eating up the evil."

From http://lugia.pgamers.com/LEGENDS/hypno.shtml - all credit to them