Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Neo Digimon Tamers ❯ Ascension Saga - Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Neo Digimon Tamers (for lack of a better name)

Ascension Saga

Prologue - Takato's Dream, Guilmon

In a living room in an apartment in West Shinjuku a man stood alone. In one hand he held a phone while in his other he held the receiver. Unlike most residents he was Chinese and had long navy blue hair. He seemed rather frustrated at the late time he had been called.

`Dolphin what do you think you're doing phoning me at one in the morning. If you woke Mayumi up she would have had a fit,' he seemed irritable however in contrast the other speaker seemed bright and awake.

`Hey sorry Janyuu but it was urgent. That and it's only six in the afternoon here in England,' despite neither being Japanese the two found themselves speaking entirely in Japanese. Dolphin of course was the more vibrant of the two and seemed to pay no attention to the sour mood his friend was in.

`Fine what happened then Dolphin? I cannot think of anything interesting that could have happened to you as a Professor in a small British university,' they was a slightly mocking tone which seemed to emulate Janyuu's disdain for his friends decision of where to live and work.

`It wasn't at my university. However recently there have been stirrings. Some new group has arisen claiming to be the Esoteric Order of Dago,' as he said those last few words Janyuu froze up. Rigidly he forced himself to recover his posture and forced a smile onto his face, despite there being nobody around to see it.

`So it's just a name remember. It's probably just a coincidence. Maybe they named themselves after him thinking it was a cool name. Probably just some stupid kids anyway,' his voice however was shaky and he was beginning to doubt what he was saying himself.

`Oh yeah, well you remember when we broke up? Well I took the book and gave it to the library at Cambridge. I thought they'd enjoy studying it. Well apparently last night, although I only learnt of it an hour ago, someone broke in and stole it,' the man on the end of the phone seemed a lot more frantic now and in contrast Janyuu was rather laid back.

`So it's just a book. And even if they did understand the importance of it they have to be able to translate the writings. You're just worrying about the most minor coincidents' suddenly as Janyuu began to put the phone down he heard the pitter patter of little feet and his youngest daughter, a girl with little pink pigtails and an adorable expression, walked in.

`Daddy I couldn't sleep. Can you read me a bedtime story,' Janyuu sighed as she asked this having read her one a few hours earlier. But the expression she gave him reminded him of how he never one these mental battles with his daughter. He consented to tell her the story and then go back to bed with his wife.

`Shuichon I'll be with you in a minute. Just let me finish talking to my friend,' he brought the phone back up in time to hear Dolphin saying more about the events of last night.

`There was one more thing that I was sure was important. And I'm sure you'll agree if you heard it. There's no way it could be a coincidence,' he was agitated and seemed to be squirming on the other end of the phone.

`Fine go on Dolphin. You have a minute but then I really have to go. My daughter wants me to read her a story and I don't want my wife waking up and wondering where I am,' he stood there looking at his watch as the hand flew round.

`Janyuu we've known each other for years. Just call me Rob. But as I was saying. Right on the wall by where the manuscript was keep was something scrawled in hastily written kanji. They had it translated. It read "Shibumi",' that's when Janyuu dropped the phone in utter shock. He hadn't been expecting to hear that name again.

`Okay thank you for calling me. If anything else comes up call me, after looking at what the time is first of course. Goodbye Robert,' he put the phone down and went off to read Shuichon that story he'd promised her.

`What's it gonna be Matsuda? It seems that I have you on the ropes. You can back down now if you want. We won't think any worse of ya,' said the slightly pretentious voice coming from inside the slide that seemed to be made in the image of some sort of dinosaur.

`Shut up Hirokazu. I'm thinking. Okay Allomon evolves to Aero V Dramon. And that makes him stronger than your Big Mamemon. And because it's this Aero V Dramon card he has enough to wipe out all your points. I think that means you lose,' the one called Matsuda laid a smallish hand down putting a card resembling a large blue lizard on top of that of a dinosaur.

Eventually all three occupants of the structure could be seen. Matsuda was a brown haired boy with a blue hooded t-shirt and a pair of grey shorts. Hirokazu was also brown haired but wore a visor on it. He also had a black t-shirt with a weird cross design on it. The final member was black haired with glasses and wore a white shirt over an orange t-shirt.

`Bad luck Hirokazu but you were just outmanoeuvred by Takato. How do you feel?' the black haired boy held a stick out imitating a reporter. Hirokazu however wasn't in the most pleasant of moods and pushed it away while packing his cards away and pushing them into the back.

`Shut up Kenta. We both beat you every time we play so you don't have anything to boast about. Come on Takato me and Kenta will wait for you outside,' Hiorkazu jumped out after sticking his tongue out at Kenta. Predictably Kenta chased him and soon Takato could see the two running off towards the school.

That meant that he would of course be late. So he began packing his cards away. But as he got to the card reader his hand stroked across it. Suddenly it violently reacted in a burst of light. Grabbing the glowing ball of light he shoved it into the box with the cards and shoved it in the back with the other boxes marked Hirokazu and Kenta. Then he took of hoping that he could catch up with his friends and make it into class before he was late.

But there was to be no such luck and Takato found himself sitting outside the classroom while the teacher droned on about maths inside the class. He found himself drawn to something other than just sitting there and decided to resort to his, pretty good in his own opinion, skill in drawing.

Whipping out a pad he set about making his own digimon. As with his favourite digimon, Agumon and its evolutions, he decided to make it a dinosaur. That way he'd have lots of firepower. Next he had to decide on the colour. He decided that making it red with a white belly and yellow eyes. He also added the hazard symbol to it to make it cool. Eventually, although a little blocky, there was his digimon.

But it wasn't finished yet. It needed a level, an attribute, attacks and most importantly a name. Well he decided that it would be the Child so he could then make its higher levels. He also made it a virus just because it looked a little evil, especially with that hazard symbol. As for an attack it needed to be a fire one. He didn't know why but lizards always had fire based attacks. He decided that he wanted something with fire in the title. And he was sure they hadn't used Fireball so that became his digimon's attack.

`Guilmon,' declared Takato triumphantly staring at the drawing complete with scribbles all over the page. With the power he gave it there wouldn't be a Child digimon stronger than his own.

`What is that? A Halloween costume?' asked an inquisitive voice but not one of another child. But Takato was too out of it to realise who it was.

`No stupid it's digimon. My own creation Guilmon,' Takato leapt up striking a victory pose with his fingers extended like a v. And that's when he noticed the stern face of Asunama-sensei staring at him, a she looked pissed off.

`Well I see you've been making the most out of my punishment. Maybe I should kick you out every lesson,' she stared him straight in the eye and it was Takato who was forced to look away first with a very sheepish expression on his face. Her face however softened.

`I'm so sorry but I was preoccupied. I meant no disrespect to you Asunama-sensei,' he bowed hastily and hoped she'd be lenient on her. He was very surprised when he heard her sighing and the sound of someone bringing a palm to their forehead.

`Fine, but please try not to do it next time. You might as well come in then,' she motioned for him to go into the class and after he'd gone in she followed. Takato moved quickly to his normal seat beside a girl in a green dress and a yellow shirt underneath. Her red hair was in a single ponytail down one side.

`Hey Juri how are you?' asked Takato happily getting the girl's attention. She turned to him with a big smile. Suddenly she brought up her hand on which sat a hand puppet shaped like a dog. Takato, despite having seen it before, recoiled away. That thing always freaked him out.

`Ruff Juri's okay. So am I. Why were you late again? Did Hirokazu and Kenta run off without you again? Ruff ruff naughty boys,' Takato felt several sweat drops forming on the side of his head as he stared at the hand puppet with the flapping mouth. He knew it was just Juri but it was still a freaky thing to see so early in the morning.

`Hey about that, me and Hirokazu are so sorry but you've got to hurry up in the morning. It wouldn't do well for all three of us to be late would it,' Kenta had leaned across from his seat while Asunama-sensei had her back turned. Hirokazu meanwhile seemed to be stifling a laugh from where he sat.

`Whatever. I won't be able to hang out with you guys after school. I promised my parents I'd help out in the bakery this afternoon,' Takato told Kenta who had turned his attention to copying off the board. But luckily Asunama-sensei hadn't seen it or couldn't be bothered to deal with it during the first lesson of the day.

But as Takato turned to copying off the board himself his attention was drawn elsewhere. At the door, despite nobody else seeing him, stood a boy. With blue hair he seemed to be the same age as Takato. He wore a black long sleeved top with an orange vest over the top. But what truly caught his attention was what was on the boy's shoulder. Complete with long ears and a horn sat a Terriermon.

The boy's eyes drifted over to Takato where they lingered for some time. Takato stared back finding the boy and his toy interesting. Eventually the blue haired boy took one last look before turning to go. That's when the toy Terriermon swung round on the boy's head and gave Takato a big smile. Then they were both off leaving Takato sitting there with his jaw hanging wide open.

The day passed very uneventfully after that. He didn't see the boy again despite how much he looked. He assumed he was in the other class and made the decision to look for him tomorrow. Picking up his card box from under the slide he walked home. He'd totally forgotten about that morning and didn't look inside to see what had happened to his card reader after the bright light.

`Takato you're home earlier than expected. You can go up to your room for a while since we don't need you for a little while longer at the moment,' said his father not even looking up as Takato came in the front door of the Matsuda bakery. Takato decided to take his advice and ran up to his room where he threw his bag and box onto the bed.

That's when the device fell out of the box along with his cards. It seemed to share some resemblance to his card reader, which was missing, but had other differences. It was oval shaped with some kind of key chain on the end. It was also coloured mostly in white with the extra bits like the rim of the screen in red.

`Hmm what's this?' said Takato out loud to himself as he held it and fiddled with it. That's when he decided to see if it was like his card reader. He grabbed the first card he could find which turned out to not be a card at all. It was the pad of paper he'd drawn his digimon, Guilmon, on. And it was the same size as a card.

He tried sliding it through the slot only to discover it to be too large to fit in it. That's when he heard his mother calling up for him to come help out. He dropped the pad and ran over to the door stopping as he heard a rustling noise. The pad had broken up into each separate page and was sliding one by one through the slot in the device. He was about to look closer when he heard his mother calling him down again.

That night after finishing off working for his parents in the bakery and then eating dinner he returned to his room. The pages had stopped sliding through the device and lay strewn around the room. That's when he noticed something odd on the screen. What looked like a cracked egg seemed to be on the screen and there was an arrow pointing to the left of the screen.

Instinctively he began scrolling through the several screens ignoring the blank screens, the screen with the time and others until he came to a particularly interesting screen. It had a little map on it and an arrow pointing off screen. He brought his finger to touch the arrow when it flared up and before him he could see a large, holographic, map of Shinjuku. On it a slight distance from his house he saw a little red dot blinking away.

Whatever that blinking dot was it was obviously whatever came out of the egg. He vowed to go find it and after grabbing a coat he ran down the stairs saying a brief goodbye to his parents so quick that they couldn't ask him what was happening and he was gone. He ran down the streets of West Shinjuku until he finally found himself at the end of the sewer outlet. The dot indicated its position to be inside the sewage plant.

So he got down on his knees and squirmed along the tunnel. A mouse skittered past him causing him to recoil in fear but he was on his way following the map which had now gotten much more detailed due to the proximity to the dot. Eventually he reached the end of the tunnel and came out into the open of the main part of the plant.

And there huddled in the middle he could see something huddled in a ball complete with red skin and scales all along his back. He'd finally found Guilmon, he'd came alive from a drawing.

Takato crept closer until he was right behind the curled up figure. He assumed from the shape that it couldn't be far off his height. As he reached out to touch it there was movement and the dinosaur spun round. His yellow eyes glowed fiercely and Takato leapt away from it.

What had looked like such a cute drawing hadn't came out like it. The claws were long and sharp and looked like being able to rip through Takato with ease. It was all he could do to stop pissing himself. Slowly it approached him its yellow eyes still glowing as his mouth extended revealing two rows of jagged teeth that also seemed to be able to rip through Takato. And that's when Takato screamed.

`Sir there's another one coming through, the second today. What should I do?' asked the long red haired woman with the visor over her head as her and her partner, a shorter woman with short blond hair, sat high up in chairs using there control panels. Screens flittered around as they called them to them at will.

Down on the floor stood a sinister looking man. He had blond hair which totally contrasted with the black sunglasses and neat black suit he wore. He held a lighter between two fingers using one to flick it open and then shut it right after. He stared upwards at the two women as the screen she'd been using flew down to come in front of him.

On it could be seen the outline of whatever was coming through. It was short and pudgy with a pair of ears which seemed to go from being small, almost stumps, to being very long. The man studied it intently for a few minutes before a cough from above prompted him to reply.

`Don't do anything. Let's see what this one does first and then act,' the man said it very commanding as he flicked away the screen to join the others flying around. Up above the two women diligently went to getting on with what he'd told them to do.

`Yes Yamaki it's realising...now,' said the women with blond hair as the silhouette disappeared off the screen. Other screens also went blank obviously having had information about whatever was realising on the screen.

`The players are beginning to assemble. Just as the Marduk Scrolls said they were. I guess I better be ready for them,' said the man silently as the women worked above him and he continued flipping his lighter open.


Well this mainly stemmed from reading Lovecraft's works. Originally I was just going to add more of his mythology into it but settled for just making an alternative universe. As for the name I couldn't think of a better name so it'll have to do for the time being. And if you have any comments on how I could improve it please leave those comments.