Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Neo Digimon Tamers ❯ Ascension Saga - Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1 - Other Tamers? Guilmon versus Renamon

Takato's scream seemed to go on forever. And again and again he paused to catch his breath before resuming his screaming and hoping someone would help him. But as he screamed the creature seemed to be prolonging his suffering. Its hot breath could be felt against his face but he never dared open his eyes.

`Oh please no. I don't wanna die like this. Please don't let me die like this. I'll be good; I'll be early to school every morning and put my all into all my work. Just save me from this situation,' that's when he felt the rough texture of Guilmon's tongue lick him on the cheek leaving a line of saliva. Guilmon also seemed to be panting like a dog.

`Daa-ddy, daa-ddy, daddy,' the Child digimon kept repeating that over and over again seemingly proud at working out the pronunciation of the word. Takato just stood there speechless as it rubbed its wet nose against him like a dog. That's when it threw both giant red arms around Takato in a bear hug.

`Um thanks, I guess. But I'm not really your daddy. Well technically I am. But not physically. Oh mum is gonna freak if she hears about this,' Takato mentally ran scenes through his head all ending with his mother calling is the JSDF who proceed to drop napalm on poor Guilmon.

`Daddy. Guilmon is hungry,' he gestured with one claw to his mouth which opened very wide as he began pointing down his throat. Takato felt sweatdrops forming once more and couldn't bring himself to tell his creation that he had no food.

Instead he stood there as Guilmon smelt him all over much like the way dogs do. Takato shifted uncomfortably when the sniffing began to reach his crotch area. He then remembered the chocolate he had left over from lunch. Pulling it out he hastened to throw it into the dinosaur digimon's mouth. Guilmon happily scarfed it down.

`So like what are you? Am I your partner or something? I don't suppose you know anymore than I do?' the blank look on Guilmon's face answered his question. `I didn't think so. But how the hell do you exist? Digimon don't exist, I think,' Takato just stood there dumbstruck as his digimon finished off the chocolate and went back to asking for more food.

`Well I guess I should take you home. My parents are probably worried sick about me. But I'm going to have to sneak you in,' Takato sat down and began to wonder how he could pull this off.

Half an hour later Takato had had came home and made excuses to his parents about where he'd been. He then excused himself and was at his window watching Guilmon struggle to climb up on the house. Eventually Takato found himself helping Guilmon over the windowsill.

As he pulled the window down he barely noticed a figure standing in the street watching him. It was the same blue haired boy and Terriermon he'd seen outside his classroom earlier on. He wondered if the boy had seen him helping Guilmon in. But he turned at the sound of Guilmon falling onto the floor. And by the time he went back to looking at the boy he was long gone into the night.

`Okay Guilmon while my dad had his back turned I got you this,' Takato produced some stale buns that had been put aside to be disposed of later on. But from what he'd seen of Guilmon he doubted he'd worry about the state of the food.

`Yummy. What this?' asked Guilmon as he finished off the buns leaving crumbs all over himself. His tongue licked along around his mouth and Takato stifled a laugh.

`It's just a bun. Not anything special really. But some of them get old and we just dispose of them so we have a steady supply of them. So I can just give them to you,' as he finished he noticed that Guilmon had gotten bored and fell asleep of the floor. Using what strength he could muster he pushed Guilmon, with much difficulty, to behind the door. Hopefully his parents wouldn't see him if they came in to wake him up.

`Well boy after school tomorrow I'm going to have to find you somewhere else to live. We can't afford to risk my parents finding you,' he rubbed Guilmon's head affectionately before preparing himself to go to bed. Soon he was wrapped up nice and warm under the covers and drifted off into sleep.

Rain. Takato realised he was in the rain. He opened his eyes to realise he was outside somewhere in Shinjuku but he wasn't totally sure on where he was. But then he noticed he was floating. He couldn't normally float so it had to be a dream.

Down below on the street he noticed a girl. She couldn't be any older than Takato himself. She had light orange hair in a pigtail and wore a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with green sleeves. It also had a broken heart on the front.

That's when flames whipped out of nowhere heading for the girl. As it was about to strike her several shards of light shot out slapping into the fire deflecting it away. The girl looked pleased at this as a tall yellow fox appeared from where the shards had come from.

However the flames also had a peculiar source. Running swiftly from the other direction came what looked to be at first a trail of flame. But then it became more solid and revealed itself to be a flaming cat like creature. The girl proceeded to whip out a device much like the one Takato had found but where his was white and red hers was white and blue.

`Lynxmon. Adult level. I better show him a little trick. Okay Renamon here goes. Card Slash High Speed Plug-in B,' her hand pulled out a digimon card a slashed it through the device as the device had done to the drawings of Guilmon.

The cat shot forwards rapidly but as it was about to hit the fox, which Takato recognised as a Renamon, the fox darted left quicker than Takato could see. The Lynxmon skidded to a stop turning to face the Renamon who starred at it with no emotions on its face. The Lynxmon however had a vicious scowl on its face.

`Renamon it's time for you to finish him off. Card Slash Offence Plug-in A,' Renamon glowed brightly once more as she leapt high into the air. Shards formed in front of her as she directed them at Lynxmon.

`Diamond Storm,' the shards rained down on Lynxmon ripping through its data. It flickered briefly as Renamon landed on the floor. Lynxmon however wasn't totally finished off yet and stood resolutely before his fox like opponent.

`Thermal Mane,' flames licked around sending sparks flying off Lynxmon. They concentrated together into one blast which sent itself towards Renamon. However she was ready for this with an attack of her own.

`Wisteria Punch,' her fist ripped through the flames and continued to Lynxmon's head. The skull parted under the blow and with an ear piercing scream the Lynxmon burst apart. The data funnelled into Renamon who absorbed it hungrily.

That's when the girl turned to look at where Takato floated and he shirked before her glare. Her hands reached down to a pendant around her neck and the hideousness of it sent him reeling backwards. It seemed to be a mass of tentacles but something about it screamed evil to him.

Screaming is what he woke up with inside his head. The image was burnt into his mind and try as he might he couldn't forget it. Guilmon still lay there behind the door and Takato noticed that there was only an hour until he normally woke up. He decided that he might as well get an early start and go work on his card combinations.

He quickly took a hasty shower and grabbing some bread he ran back up to his room. The smell of the bread was enough to rouse Guilmon from his slumber. Pretty soon he was running around Takato begging for the bread. Takato worried that his parents would wake up and come to find out what was going on.

`Okay boy here,' he tore off a piece for himself and gave to larger portion to Guilmon who devoured it. Takato however ate slowly and he couldn't help hearing Guilmon begging for more bread. Then he began rummaging under the bed pulling out something that Guilmon expected to be food. However it turned out to be a pair of goggles which Takato placed on top of his head proudly.

`Bread, bread. Guilmon wants bread from daddy,' Takato relented and as they crept down the stairs he sneaked out another bun to give to Takato. He wondered how Hirokazu and Kenta would react to Guilmon and decided to surprise the two of them as they came into the slide. He then wrote a note telling his parents he'd gone early and was out of the house right after sticking it where they'd see it.

He briefly pondered who the girl in his dream was. She obviously had a real digimon, or at least he'd dreamt that she did, as did the blue haired boy. She also had one of the devices making him wonder if the boy also had one. But the ruthlessness in her eyes seemed to shock him and that wasn't helped by the pendant around her neck. Whatever it represented it wasn't something he wanted to think about.

He found himself sitting inside the slide as Guilmon looked at the cards Takato owned. He wasn't sure whether Guilmon was just curious or if he was looking for a card of himself.

`Takato you in there?' came the cheerful voice of Hiorkazu and faintly he could also hear Kenta, who wasn't as cheerful in the morning, moaning to his energetic friend about not making so much noise.

`Okay Guilmon be very quiet,' said Takato quietly before addressing his friends outside. `Hey I was up early so I got here a little while ago. Come in I've got a surprise for you,' Takato grinned as he heard the sounds of Hirokazu and Kenta scrambling into the area under the slide. As they came into his view they still hadn't seen Guilmon.

`Hey who are they?' asked Guilmon pointing a claw at Kenta who promptly fainted under Guilmon's yellow eyes. Hirokazu meanwhile stayed more composed just paralysing in fright at the sight of Guilmon. Guilmon however had no clue as to what was happening whereas Takato broke out laughing.

`What the hell is it?' stammered Hirokazu pointing his finger at Guilmon who in response grabbed it happily and shook him by it. Hirokazu fell back joining Kenta on the floor.

The blue haired boy meanwhile was at home in the apartment his family lived in. He sat in his room working at a computer. Behind him on the bed sat the Terriermon he was always seen with. Suddenly it jumped up and landed on the boy's shoulder.

`Hey watcha doin? Can I play?' the Terriermon bounced up and down on his shoulder but the boy continued to type calmly as kanji flew across the screen. Suddenly he got a message that popped up on the screen.

`Do you still refuse to accept the Order of Dago,' read the boy as the message came to an end. In return he sent a simple message just reading "no". The Terriermon stopped bouncing recognising this as a serious moment.

The next message came seconds later and again the boy read it out loud hoping none of his family would come in wondering what he was talking about.

`Fine then I guess we'll have to ask the other boy. The one with the unknown digimon,' the boy frowned at this message not sure of whether he should interfere with it. But he'd seen the boy before and there was no doubt over where he was every morning. He decided he should go have a little talk with Matsuda.

`Okay Terriermon up you get. We going to go see another digimon,' Terriermon perked up at the mention of another digimon and after the boy shouldered his bag his digimon partner was on his shoulder grinning happily.

`Don't forget your D-ark,' reminded Terriermon as the boy stooped to grab the white and green device and pocket it before thanking his little rabbit like friend. They then began to head off to school planning on making a detour to the park.

`You serious Takato? He's real?' exclaimed Kenta as the two of them, him and Hirokazu, poked the clueless Child digimon. Guilmon just giggled and Takato really wondered about what the mental age of Guilmon was.

`Yeah he's as real as they come. You remember the picture I drew yesterday? Well my card scanner changed into some weird device and sucked in all the pages. And the end result was him,' Takato beamed with pride at having created a digimon. The two boys however jumped for their own card boxes removing their scanners in the hopes that they turned into one of the devices. However there was no luck for them as they found normal card scanners.

`Yeah but Buddy. I remember your picture and it looked nowhere near as good as him,' Hirokazu grinned implying that he meant no real offence to his friend. `So what's with the head ornament?' Hirokazu pointed to the goggles on Takato's head.

`Oh I decided that I need something to show myself to be special. What do you think?' Hirokazu grimaced but Takato was sure he was just messing about. Kenta meanwhile sat there pondering long and hard over it.

`I like it. You look good with those on,' Kenta flashed a thumbs up and Takato was glad he wasn't going to look like an idiot.

`So Takato is he coming to school with you?' Hirokazu sat upright and Kenta also sat forwards interested in the answer. Guilmon seemed rather surprised that the attention was no longer on him.

`Well I haven't decided yet. What do you think?' asked Takato but neither of the other two boys had an answer to this. But there were sounds of footsteps and they got an answer.

`I wouldn't take him if I was you. He's a bit big isn't he?' came a glib answer as the blue haired boy stepped up to join them. But it was the Terriermon that answered the question causing Hirokazu and Kenta to fall down again. Takato wondered if he should have told him that there were others like him.

`Hello you must be Matsuda Takato. My name is Lee Jenrya. And I'm sure you know that this is my partner Terriermon. Like you I'm a Digimon Tamer,' said the boy calmly and Takato found his attention drawn to Jenrya's white and green device.

`What are they?' asked Takato gesturing to the devices as Hirokazu and Kenta got up again. Terriermon sighed muttering about not wanting to hear another of his partner's long winded explanations.

`It's a D-ark. It allows us to give power to our partners,' Jenrya kept it short as they heard the sounds of someone shouting. Someone that Takato couldn't help feeling that he'd heard before. But where or when had he heard this person.

`Hey if Matsuda Takato is in there can he come out. I need to talk to him,' yelled a female voice. Takato heard Hirokazu saying how she sounded majorly hot. He also noticed a dubious expression on Jenrya's face, Takato wondered if he recognised the voice too. The four of them started out of the slide in a hurry to see who it was, wanting to talk to Takato. And what, if any, connection they had to digimon.

Takato, Hirokazu, Kenta and their new friend Jenrya ran out of the slide as the two digimon, Guilmon and Terriermon, followed them. Outside the speaker was revealed to be the same orange haired girl from Takato's dream. Takato noticed that Jenrya also seemed to recognise her but he doubted they'd met in a dream. He also ignored Hirokazu's observation that she WAS majorly hot.

`Ah Lee Jenrya. I didn't expect to see you here. Now bugger off,' she spoke viciously and Takato felt himself jump back a bit. Hirokazu seemed to be thinking, a shocking surprise to Takato, and Kenta also seemed kind of disturbed by her sour attitude.

`Makino Ruki. Nice to see you again. I notice you're as pleasant as always,' Jenrya managed a fake smile while something seemed to clicked with Hirokazu who started making wild gestures with his hands and pointing at her.

`It's Makino Ruki the Queen of digimon cards,' Hirokazu seemed rather pleased at this but from the amused look on Jenrya's face and the scowl on Ruki's Takato assumed it wasn't the best time to make that comment.

`So what is going to happen now Lee? Are you going to let me talk to Takato on behalf of the Order? Or are we going to have to fight again?' Ruki seemed rather pleased with the prospect of fighting. In contrast Jenrya seemed rather disturbed by the idea of sending Terriermon to fight. Takato wondered where Renamon was if she was indeed Ruki's partner.

`If this Order has anything to do with that pendant of yours then I want nothing to do with it,' declared Takato and he noticed the totally shocked look on Ruki as her hands clutched something beneath her shirt. She obviously hadn't seen him in the dream while he saw her and her partner.

`How'd you know of the symbol of Dago?' asked Jenrya as Guilmon and Terriermon stood beside their respective partners. Kenta and Hirokazu also seemed surprised that Takato could know about it and wondered is he could look through girl's shirts at will.

`If you won't have anything to do with it then I'm just going to have to delete your partner and take his data. Renamon now,' the fox materialised out of the air as Terriermon prepared for battle. But it was Guilmon that stood forward as his eyes became more feral and frightened Takato.

`Okay go for it Guilmon,' cheered Takato as his partner ran headlong towards the fox. But Renamon leapt upwards and came down landing on the enraged dinosaur's head. Guilmon fell to the ground and slid along the floor. The boy's all grimaced as Ruki celebrated.

`Fireball,' Guilmon rolled other spitting a flaming ball at the unsuspecting opponent. Ruki however was calm as she whipped out a card and her D-ark.

`Card Slash Defence Plug-in C,' the card shot through the slot and the fireball impacted against Renamon with only enough power to just knock her down. But Renamon was up soon enough and prepared to fight. So she took to the air preparing a familiar attack.

`Takato use a card,' yelled Jenrya as Takato rummaged through the ones he had on him. A card with a picture of a gold shield fell out of the stack and Takato grabbed it taking a risk on what would happen. Praying to whatever god was watching over him him slashed it through his D-arc.

`Card Slash Brave Shield,' a large gold shield appeared on Guilmon weighting him down. However it was to turn out to be a smart move.

`Diamond Storm,' the shards reflected uselessly against the defence provided by the shield. Ruki scowled at the way Takato had managed to use a card without knowing what he was actually doing. Which was lucky, even if he had help from Jenrya.

`Ruki we don't have to do this,' said Takato calmly hoping Guilmon didn't have to keep fighting. Over in the grass Guilmon seemed to be struggling against a more experienced opponent.

`Never. One of those digimon is losing their data today. And I can assure you that it won't be Renamon,' Ruki gave off a pretentious air and Takato was glad he hadn't talked to her. Renamon meanwhile was beating away on Guilmon who was trying to block blows with the Brave Shield. However it eventually burst under Renamon's blows.

`Jen I can't watch this I have to help him,' Terriermon suddenly jumped in to the battle leaping on Renamon's head and wrapping his ears around her head. The tall Child stumbled around blindly as Terriermon gripped onto her.

That's when something strange happened. In an attempt to get Terriermon off she tried launching a Diamond Storm at him. But he spun her around and her attack shot off towards someone else. Jenrya just stood there as numerous shards shot towards him. But his horror wasn't at that. It was at the glow that had surrounded Terriermon.