Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Time ❯ Once Upon a Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay Disclaimer FUN FUN. Digimon doesn't Belong to me it belongs to Fox kids or something like that. Cuz if it did Taichi and Yamato would be kissing and making out with othe things involved every episode!!!!
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Once upon a time there was a beautiful prince. His name was Prince Yamato Ishida. He was Heir to a distant country unknown to the common man. His father King Ishida was a very stern man. All he wanted was for Yamato to find a bride and have children so they could have children of their own. He loved his kingdom or rather he loved his castle and wealth. Yamato on the other hand always wondered what it was like living on the other side of life. Maybe he would’ve liked to be born a peasant. His father didn’t know that he did not want to find a beautiful bride and settle down. He would rather find a lovely man to settle with for the rest of his life. But he could not tell his father that or he would have him beheaded or something he wasn’t rather fond of having done to him. That is what he thought of the matter. The only other person who knew was his caretaker Lord Yagami. He wasn’t really a lord just a peasant who knew a lot and was hired by his grandfather to care for him since birth. There I was sitting there staring out my window looking over the land that would soon be his by his father’s hand, When his teacher interrupted him.

“Your Majesty? Ummm Your Majesty?”

“Hm. Oh yes Sensai?”

“Sorry to disturb you, Your Majesty but I have a question I would like to ask.” Lord Yagami asked.

“And what would that might be Sensai?”

“As you know I have a son Taichi and a daughter Hikari. I was wondering not that I was planning this since I started working for the castle that maybe.” He started to say nervously

“ Go on, spit it out” answered Yamato

“ Well as you know there is a ball coming for you to find a bride and I was thinking maybe my son Taichi could maybe help out for the ball you know try to get his name out there so maybe he could make something out of himself. But I understand if you don’t let him. I just thought I could try.” Answered Lord Yagami.

“Well since you have taught me so much I guess that is the least that I can do to repay you. I shall have the front men know your son’s name. Taichi Yagami I presume?”

“Yes, Your Highness thank you so much. My son will be delighted to know this. Thank you again Prince Yamato. I shall take my leave for the day. I shall see you again tomorrow at mid day. Have a good day Your Highness.” And with that he bowed and left.

Oh how he had hated the name his father and mother had gave him at birth, Yamato. Oh how he had wished for people to call him plain old Matt. Only few called him that, but only when his father was not around. The Genius Koushiro Izumi, The Doctor Joe Kido, The Designer Mimi, and his little brother Takeru who he called T.K., they too knew of his affection for men and they kept it well hid thank the heavens. His mind then shifted to the thought of the ball where he would choose his bride and if not then his father would choose for him. ‘I might as well go see my few friends before everything goes down. I need to make sure they will be there’.

“I am going to go talk to my friends if Father has a problem tell him that I just might not be able to make it to the ball.” He told his guard while he walked away.

“Hey Izzy whatcha doin?” Matt asked the scholar.

“Nothing researching this mysterious world called the Digi World. What is with this sense of casual talk Matt?” replied Izzy

“Giving it up really. This may be my last day to be able to do this. Just think I will be married in no less than a few months and I will be King Yamato Ishida. How dull is that. Why can’t I live the life I want to!” screamed Matt

“You know I cannot answer that. But maybe just maybe I have a plan. You may or may not like it I would rather explain when all of us are around. I think we should meet tomorrow night. After tonight is over I think would be the best time.”

“ I guess I can’t ask you what is on your mind then can I?”

“Nope for once I shall hold my tongue. You should go tell the others about or little rendezvous. And yes I will be there tonight so do not fret over such trivial matters for once. Just trust me.”

“Fine you got my trust I guess I shall be on my way. See you later Izzy.”

“Same to you Prince Yamato.” Replied Izzy

“What did I…. Ahh yes Goodbye Koushiro.” Said Matt as he left the room and noticed a guard waiting for him. “And what do you want with me?” he asked the guard

“Your Royal Queenship and Your Royal Kingship wishes to see you Prince Yamato.” Answered the guard

“Whatever. Take me to them.”

As he walked along the long corridor to his parent’s bedroom his thoughts began wondering about the ball. About all the beautiful women he was going to have to turn down and have his father choose. Maybe he would get lucky and get a nice Wife but His father will probably choose the wealthiest girl at the ball. Then he snapped back to reality when he reached his parents chambers.

“And what do I have the pleasure of being summoned by my Lord and Ladyship.”

“Hold your tongue Yamato.” His father began ranting at him.” You will not ruin today or there will be terrible consequences. Your mother and I have put much work into tonight you will not ruin it. Need I remind you that if you do not choose one, then I will choose for you? I will choose the most horrible ugliest person in the room for your punishment.”

“No you won’t and you know it. You want to choose anyway. So you know what, go right ahead and do it. Now if you will excuse me or I will excuse myself. I have some business to attend to.” He then stood up and left the room while his father started ranting again.

The guard just stood there and let Matt walk away. He began walking down another long corridor on his way to the Hospital Wing when he ran into his little brother Takeru.

“Hey T.K. whatcha doin” He said with a smirk on his face

“What’s with the smirk. I am doing nothing big brother.”

“Well Izzy said we should all meet tomorrow night so I thought I would tell you, other than that I am on my way to tell the others about the meeting and don’t ask what it is about cause I have no clue. Well I shall be off bye little brother.”

“O…K. Bye see you at the big party” he said with a little grin. He knew that would make his big brother mad. He loved making him mad. He just didn’t like being around when he is mad.

As Matt entered the wing he caught the smell of the place which reminded him how much he hated this place. “Hey Joe are you busy?”

“No Matt do you see any injured persons?”

“No just asking. Hey are you going to be at the Ball tonight?” Asked Matt

“Of course just in case you get sick with all those beautiful girls around. Not trying to rush you but is that the only reason you came. I have some new material I have to go over.” He said impatiently

“Uh yeah Izzy wants us all to meet up tomorrow night. Since that is all I will be on my way. See you tonight.” And with that he walked away. He had to go get ready for the ball. It would take hours to look exactly like he wanted to. But then again who cared. As he walked to his room he remembered that he had to go tell the front men His teachers sons name. What was it? He knew Yagami but he couldn’t quite remember his first name. Ah yes Taichi. Better have a servant do that for me.

As he walked into his room he yelled for his servant “Go tell the front man that there needs to be an extra guest added to the list. Tell him his name is Taichi Yagami. He is my personal guest and when he arrives have him escorted to me. Thank you. Now be on your way I would like to be alone. There will be no disturbances. Tell the guard he may stand outside but better not come into this room unless I scream or there will be hell to pay.”

“Yes your majesty” with that she walked away reminding him that Mimi would be here in an hour to fit him for his clothes tonight. He then walked behind her closing the door and making sure that she told the guard what he had said. After she had left he walked to the mirror looking at his reflection, he parted his hair trying to think of a way to put his hair for the ball. He just figured that since he really didn’t have to impress anybody he would just part his hair like he always did. Nothing special really. He then got lost in thought thinking about what horrible women his father could choose. When all of a sudden his thoughts were interrupted by a knock. ‘I thought I said no interruptions. They never listen.’

He swung the door open and said “What” very angrily.

“You will not use that tone with me young man.” His mother said walking into the room. “I thought that I would stop by before the night began to share some advice with you. Your Father loves you very much. More than you think he does. So before you go and get mad at him for the ball think about who and what you are. You are the Crown Prince. Takeru is too young when we have you around. Just remember that you have an obligation in life. And choosing a wife is one of them. I love you very much Yamato. But I will not have this country ruined because of your selfish rebellion.” With that she walked out of the room, and then Mimi came in closing the door.

“What was that all about Matt?” She asked as she walked over and set up her stand, Mimi loved gossip but she kept her mouth shut bout it though, which was good.

“About that damn ball tonight I wish this would just be over with already. Izzy wants us to meet tomorrow night so be there. Now what do you think I should wear tonight?”

Time shift Beginning of the Ball

“An now introducing the Crown Prince Yamato Ishida!”

He walked down the palace steps trying to look his best. Or what he thought was his best. He walked over to the table that was reserved for him and his friends plus one. He was still waiting for Taichi. He didn’t know what he looked like so he told the guards to escort him to him when he arrived. He saw his father talking to various Lords and Kings. Probably about which one would pay the most. He sighed a heavy sigh thinking ‘Why did I have to be born a prince!” but then he noticed something or rather someone.

He saw roughed up Brown hair that looked unmanageable but the person had tried to manage it anyway. He then saw the person’s face. He was beautiful. He had tan like skin with chocolatey eyes that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He had never seen someone this beautiful before and he was walking right to him. Before he knew it he was standing there in front of him.

“Your Majesty. This is Taichi Yagami. He bowed then left leaving the boy looking scared nervous and lost. “Hi my name is Taichi Yagami. Thank you again for letting me attend such a marvelous ball your majesty.”

“ Please call me Matt but only if no one important is around. Here have a seat. These are my good friends. The good doctor Joe Kido, The smart scholar Koushiro Izumi (please call me Izzy), my stylist Mimi, and my little brother Prince Takeru (No need for formalities. The name is T.K.).” After all the introductions were made they sat down and dinner was served. And then conversation started. “So Taichi…” started Matt

“Please call me Tai.”

“Ok Tai. What do you do?”

“Well right now I help build around the village but I want to be a trader or something on that line.” Replied Tai.

“A trader you say. Well that is something this country needs.” Matt said with a smile.

“Well personally I think that this country’s traders ask for too much money. I plan for my business to target the poor so they can get their products for less.” Tai explained. While Tai began explaining himself and what his goals were he couldn’t help but get drawn in by Matt’s Cerulean blue eyes. They were so beautiful. His skin a Very light tone but just perfect enough to reflect the light right off his face and eyes. His body was build just perfect too. Sleek skinny. He hadn’t noticed he had stopped speaking and started staring until Izzy snapped him back into reality.

“And?” he said with a puzzled look on his face.

“Oh yeah I forgot what I was going to say. Sorry I have other things on my mind.” He said. He really didn’t lie though He did have something on his mind, the beautiful Prince Yamato. Just when he was going to complement Matt on the way he looked, a guard interrupted him.

“Prince Yamato. Your Father requests your presence.” He said then walked away

“Well I guess this is the time we all have been waiting for.” He said sarcastically. He then walked over to his father. He didn’t want to leave the presence of Tai but he wouldn’t let anybody know that. “Hello Father have you chosen yet?”

“Yes Princess Sora Takenouchi. I told her father that you would gladly accept her hand in marriage.” He said with a slight grin on his face

“Well whatever let’s get this thing done and over with why don’t we.” Matt replied

“Yamato don’t do this. But yes I guess we should get done with this. After this is announced you will have to eat with all of us and with your new fiancee. So go say goodbye to your ‘friends’” His father demanded. He then turned around to prepare for the announcement

Matt then turned around and went back to tell everybody that he had to stay with his father for the rest of the night. “Hey guys, he picked someone so I have to go be a puppet again real quick. I have a suggestion about the meeting tomorrow. Why don’t we meet at Tai’s place in the village?”

“What? What are you talking about?” Tai said surprised “I could never invite you to such a lowly village house!”

“Oh believe me anywhere is better then this castle. After the ball is over wait for me I shall escort you home so I know where you live if that is all right with you that is.” Matt said he heard Mimi giggle but he ignored it.

“Uh yeah no problem. I shall wait for you Matt. “Tai said that and then thought that he had always wanted to say that to him or that maybe he had already said that. Weird like a past life déjà vu. He just shook it off and then turned around and started to feel awkward with all of Matt’s friends without Matt.

Matt then went back to his father and waited for the announcement. After the announcement it died down and soon after the party ended. When the party was over he found out that his fiancee was moving in the next day. ‘Oh joy’ he thought now there was going to be another nuisance in the castle to annoy him. But maybe she wouldn’t be annoying like the rest of them. After everything was over he found Tai and ordered a Carriage to take him home. They both jumped in and was silent until Tai broke the silence

“Thank you again for letting me come tonight I really enjoyed even though I didn’t get to really meet anybody I did make a lot of friends thanks to you. I really didn’t think that I would get to meet you or that you would be just a normal person like the rest of us. I thought you might be stuck up like everyone always says about your father.” Then he realized what he had said. He had just insulted the Prince’s Father the King. Now Matt will hate him but all Matt did was laugh.

“You got that right I can’t stand the way my Father and Mother is. I would give anything and everything just to be a normal person. I hate being a prince. I mean you will have to work for the rest of your life to stay alive. When I have everything given to me on hands and feet. It gets old after awhile. People probably think that I am the same way too and it pains me to have people think like that when they haven’t met me. My Father is the same way no matter what. Me on the other hand, I am honest with myself and others.” Matt said. He really liked talking to Tai. He felt like he has knew him his whole life. “I know that this is going to sound weird but I feel like I have met you before. Are you sure that we have never met?”

“I am positive. Though I also feel the same way” Tai replied

The rest of the way was silent. They just gave each other glances that neither noticed. Matt was watching Tai. He saw how the moonlight reflected on his chocolate eyes. He started to feel warmth in his chest. He has never felt something like this before. Then the carriage stopped and the door opened. “The Yagami residence” the driver said. He didn’t want Tai to leave for some reason.

“I guess this is it. I will see you tomorrow then.” Tai said. He didn’t want to leave the presence of Matt he liked being around him. But he would see him the next day so it wasn’t that bad. “Should I bow when I leave?” he said sarcastically

“No A handshake would be fine in my world.” Then they shook hands and a shock went through his body like electricity. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up again. “Well then see you tomorrow then. Have a good sleep and say hi to your Father for me.”

“You bet. See you tomorrow.” Tai said. He then went to his house taking one last look back at Matt. And with a sigh he opened his door and went into his house and went to his bedroom changed into his pajamas and went to sleep. He hoped tomorrow would come fast. And before he knew he was asleep.

On the way back to the castle Matt thought about what him and Mimi talked about before he left with Tai.

“He is a cutie ain’t he.” Mimi said with a smile

“WHAT! Why would you ask me that for?” Mat said with a surprise

“I saw the way you guys were looking at each other. After you left the table all he would talk about was you. He obviously likes you and you him. You can’t hide from me Yamato. I am not as dumb as I look”

“Well that is to be seen now isn’t it.” She hit him on his head and then left saying ‘‘you know I’m right’’. He kept replaying it over and over in his head beginning to understand what all that warmth was and the shock. But he couldn’t see Tai feeling the same way. Plus we had just met so who could say anything yet. I guess we will just have to wait until the next night to say anymore. As soon as he arrived at the castle he went straight to bed.