Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Time ❯ The Digital World ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Okay Disclaimer FUN FUN. Digimon doesn't Belong to me it belongs to Fox kids or something like that. Cuz if it did Taichi and Yamato would be kissing and making out with othe things involved every episode!!!!
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It had been a few days since the meeting. Matt was sitting in his room as always. His teacher had just left. Matt had asked his teacher what Tai was doing. But he said that Tai had been extremely busy. Matt hadn’t seen him since the meeting. He was worried that Tai was avoiding him. He had to endure Sora and his parents. Sora was always in his business. Wondering what he was doing and all that. He sighed. Looking out at the sky. ‘Tai why haven’t you come around. You promised.’ He had tried to visit his other friends but they were all to busy. Izzy was doing research as always, Mimi was busy with Sora preparing the wedding dress, Joe was preparing a medical safety bag of some sort, and Takeru was on a convoy for his father. He felt lonely. Then there was a knock at his door.

“Your Majesty” A guard poked his had through the crack. “You have a visitor.”

“I am on my way.” He replied with noticeable happiness in his voice. He literally ran down the hall and through the castle to get to the gate.

“Lower the gates this instance.” He yelled as he approached the gate

“Matt!” Tai yelled as he saw him.

“No need for small talk here. Come to my room.” Matt said as he literally dragged Tai trough the castle “Why haven’t you come to see me.” Matt asked with a touch of hurt in his voice.

“I have been real busy.” Tai said

“Oh do the workers keep you busy?” Matt asked

“No. I have been doing some personal business. Can I ask you a question Yamato.” Tai said. He had used his full name because he was serious.

“Yes you may Taichi.” Matt replied.

“Are we friends? I mean like real friends.” Tai asked. He knew it was a weird question but he needed an answer.

“Of course. I would say that you’re one of my best friends. If you weren’t then you wouldn’t be here in my room silly.”

“Good because the reason that I haven’t been here is because I was waiting for this to get done. The blacksmiths said that it was a weird request so he charged me extra in case he had to do it a couple times to get it just right.” Tai pulled out a necklace or rather two necklaces. “This is a best friends necklace. I keep one and you keep one. See they fit together just perfectly. Mine says Best and yours says Friends. I thought that it would be cool. You know that way we are never really far apart since I live in the village and you live in the castle.” He started blushing because in a way he just confessed his feelings for Yamato.

“Oh my god Tai. You didn’t have to do this.” Matt started to say. No one has ever given him a gift from their heart. He felt like crying. “Thank you so much Taichi.”

Before he knew it he was jumping at Tai and giving him in a hug. Tai was just speechless. Was Matt really giving him a hug? He felt so warm. He felt perfect right there against him. Matt looked up and their eyes met. They just stood there looking into each other’s eyes. They were getting lost in each other’s eyes. Their faces were getting closer and closer. Matt leaned in. Then there was a knock at the door

“Yamato its Sora. Can I come in?”

“Uh yeah come in.” He felt awkward. What had just happened? He couldn’t put his finger on it.

Sora came into the room and noticed Tai and Matt was beat read in the face. She just put it aside. “Well hello Tai. I didn’t know you were here. Nice to see you again.”

“Nice to see you also Sora.” Tai said he was still stunned by what had just almost happened. He felt like jumping up and down. He was just so happy. “I was just about to leave. There are some errands I have to run. Well I will be seeing you tomorrow Yamato.” Then he got up to leave.

“Wait I will take you home. It’s the least I can do since you walked all the way up here. I’m sorry Sora but could you wait until I get back to talk?” Matt said

“Yes of course. I just wanted to ask you about my wedding dress. But I guess I can wait until the wedding. You’re not supposed to see me until then anyway so never mind. See you tomorrow Tai.” She said then left the room.

Tai and Matt left the room being silent. Matt got a carriage and they got into it and headed to Tai’s home. Tai hated silence. He wondered what Matt was thinking. ‘Stupid Tai see where you got yourself. Matt is mad at you know. You never should have got him that necklace. You don’t even know if he feels the same way.’ Then Tai felt he had to break up the silence.

“Tai.” “Matt” They said at the same time. They started giggling.

“Sorry you go first.” Matt said

“Are you mad?” Tai asked

“Of course not. You gave me such a wonderful present. I could never be mad at you no matter what.” He said with a smile on his face.

“Good I thought you were. Listen.” Tai started to say

“Shh.” Matt said while he put his finger up to his lips “There is something I need to ask you Tai. Is there anything you want to ask me or tell me while we have a little privacy?” Matt asked

“Yeah actually there is something Matt.” Tai said. Before Matt could prepare himself for what Tai was about to say he blurted it out.

“I like you.” Tai said and then clamped his hands over his mouth. Matt was stunned by what Tai had just said. ‘He just told me that he liked me!’ Matt thought ‘Okay be calm’ he could feel his face getting hot.

Tai was scared Matt hadn’t said anything. Did he scare him? Is what Kari thought wrong? Had he just dug himself a grave and was waiting for Matt to throw him in it. His thoughts were racing everywhere. Then Matt broke the silence.

“Thank you.” Matt said that was the only thing he could think to say. Tai was confused ‘Did he just thank me?’

“Your welcome.” Tai replied “Do you like me?” He asked with nervousness in his voice.

Matt had to think about it. Well not really think about IT but think about what to say. “Yeah I guess you could say I do.” Mat said. Then he thought about what he just said. ‘You think! What the hell was that.’ “Well yeah I mean I do.”

‘He likes me!’ he started to do cartwheels in his head. ‘Yamato likes me, Yamato likes me.’ All he could do was replay that over and over in his head. Again it got silent and awkward. The carriage slowed to a stop signaling that they were at their stop. Matt was the first to speak.

“Thank you again for the necklace. I shall always wear it.” Matt said with a little blush.

“Your welcome. Mine too.” He replied. Happy that Matt liked his present.

“Oh and Taichi?” Matt said

“Yeah Yamato?” Tai replied

“Remember your promise.” Matt said

“Always and forever.” Tai replied. He then turned around with a big smile on his face and walked into his house. As soon as he closed the door he screamed “Yahoo!”

“What is all that ruckus for Tai?” Kari asked as she walked into the room looking like she had been startled by his scream.

“Guess what Hikari? He liked it and there is even more. He said he liked me! But there is a problem.” He started to say

“Yeah what is it.” Kari said her curiosity peaked

“He is the prince and he is getting married. We could never actually be together.” He said with sorrow in his voice.

“Remember what I say. Never say never.” With that she walked away being happy he had found someone that liked him back.

Tai was left with his thoughts of Matt, and Kari’s advice. He ran up to his room to think.


Matt was riding in the carriage on his way back to the castle when it really hit him. ‘He likes me.’ He couldn’t wait to tell Mimi. He didn’t care if she was busy or not he needed to tell someone. As soon as he arrived he ran to Mimi’s office. “Mimi I need to talk to you right now.” He said demandingly.

“Alright then. Come in.” She said. She had never seen Matt like this.

“It’s true.” Matt said

“What is?” Mimi said very confused

“He likes me. He told me and I told him. He even made me this necklace where I keep a half and he keeps the other half. Look!” showing her the necklace.

“Wow. I am so happy for you Matt. But what about Sora?”

“I never thought about that. But who cares I am just taking this by moments. But I gotta run I have to get ready for tomorrow!” Matt said then ran off to get things ready for the next day. He couldn’t wait to see Tai. And sure enough he came. He came the day after that and the day after. Everyday he said he would, he came. During those days they got closer and closer. They would laugh about things their younger siblings had done when they were little and other things. The day before they were planning on going to the digital world they were sitting in Matt’s room watching the Sunset.

“It really is beautiful isn’t it Tai?” Matt asked

“Yeah it sure is. Tomorrow is going to be a start of a fun journey. I wonder what’s going to be in this world. Maybe monsters or giants.” Tai started thinking of scary things but Matt wasn’t getting scared.

“You haven’t lived with my Father.” Matt said and they both laughed. “Plus as long as your there with me I’m not scared of anything, I know you’ll protect me.”

“Yeah I promise you that I will protect you from anything and everything that will hurt you Yamato.” Tai said from his heart.

“Forever and always?” Matt asked

“Forever and always Matt.” Tai answered. “Well I oughta be going home. I will see you tomorrow Matt.”

“Alright. See you tomorrow Taichi.” Matt said not wanting him to leave but stay there with him. When Tai was around he felt as if he could do anything. He wasn’t scared because he knew Tai wouldn’t let anything happen to him. It was the kind assurance he has wanted to feel ever since he discovered his feelings. As Tai left Matt turned to the window to look out at the moon. It was beautiful. The moonlight reflected off his necklace and he took it into his hand and prayed. ‘Thank you again Tai for making me feel wanted.’

The next day came fast and went by fast. Before Tai knew it everyone was at his house ready to leave. “Come on Tai! We don’t have all day you know.” Matt yelled through the house

“I’m coming!” Tai said running. “I had to get all the food Kari and I gathered but I couldn’t find it.”

“That’s because I have it dummy.” Kari said and everyone started laughing

“Yeah whatever. Let’s just get this over with, why don’t we. We gotta be home by dark anyway so let’s go.” Tai said chasing everyone out the door. "So Izzy, Where is this so called gate?”

“Off a path in the forest. This way.” Izzy said leading everybody in a certain direction. Nobody really did know which way they were going but Izzy seemed to know where they were. They started walking down a path into the forest. Izzy and Joe was first, followed by Tai and Matt, Sora and Mimi, and Kari and T.K. The deeper into the forest they got the darker it got. Then they came to a fork in the path.

“Which way do we go? Left or right Izzy?” Tai asked

“Neither. We go into the center through the forest.” Izzy said startling almost everyone.

“But that means that it is an uncharted area of the forest.” T.K. stated

“Precisely. That is why it has never been found. I found out about by reading a fictional book about it. Some of the things matched some of the disturbances so I figured out that it was a real place. Don’t ask me how. I am just going on gut feeling here.” Izzy said

“Well that’s nice.” Said Joe.

“Oh, be quiet worry rat.” Mimi said teasing Joe

“I’m not worrying. I am just being safe.”

“Whatever can we just get on with this?” asked Sora

“Sure. Izzy lead the way.” Matt said. Following and staying close to Tai for safety.

Ever since the path ended the trees kept getting in the way of where they were walking

“Are we almost there, Izzy?” Asked Kari

“Yes the gate is right about here.” Izzy said pointing to a disfigured spot in the trees. “Look at those trees. You see the way all the other trees look and look at those two.”

He was right between the trees was what looked like glass was between them.

“It looks weird,” Matt said approaching the trees. “There is a weird force here can’t you feel it guys?”

“Yeah I know what you are talking about.” Tai said stepping up beside Matt.

Izzy stepped up to the trees examining them. “I wonder how this works?”

“You brought us here and you don’t even know how this stupid thing works!” Sora said sounding like she was getting fed up with this. “You drag us out here on a hunch. Then we find it and you don’t know how It works! How rude.”

“Okay dear. Calm down.” Mimi said trying to calm her down. Matt was approaching it trying to get a real good look at it.

“Hey Matt. Matt?” Tai asked. Matt wasn’t responding.

“Guys!” Matt said turning around “Look. There is something coming out of it.”

And he was right. Everyone looked and sure enough there was something coming. It looked light a beam of light. The closer it got the more they could make of it. It was 8 separate beams of light and they were headed straight for them.

“Look out!” Tai yelled as they got to the point where they were about to hit. Then they hit. The beams of light stopped before every one of them and just started resonating. Then the lights got bright and disappeared. Leaving behind something levitating in front of them.

“What are these?” asked T.K. grabbing it. After he grabbed it stopped resonating.

“That. I have no clue what the answer is.” Izzy said grabbing the one in front of him. “I have never seen anything this strange before.”

They each grabbed the one that was levitating in front of them.

“They are some kind of devices,” Matt said.

“Maybe they are keys of some sort.” Joe said

“If I could get them apart then I could see what they are.” Izzy said trying to dismantle his. Then it shot out a beam of light. Then everyone else’s starting shooting out a beam of light.

“What’s happening?” Sora screamed.

“I think we just figured out how this gate works.” Mimi said.

Before they knew it a blinding light was surrounding them and they were being lifted off the ground and flung into the air. Then they started falling and falling. Before they knew it they had landed and hadn’t suffered a scratch.


Matt woke up and found himself not in the forest he was just in and alone. He started to get worried.

“Tai! T.K.! Izzy! Where are you guys?” Matt started yelling. He was starting to get scared. He was alone and he couldn’t find anyone. He started running. He didn’t know where he was going and he didn’t care. He kept running and running until he heard something. He heard the bush start moving like there was something in it.

“Hello? Is someone there?” Matt asked. Then all of a sudden something jumped out at him.

“You leave Matt alone!” Tai said running up with a stick and hitting the animal with it. It went flying back into the bushes.

“Tai. Oh my god. I was so scared I couldn’t find you or nobody else.” Matt said running up to Tai throwing his arms around him and starting to sob.

“It’s okay. You’re all right. I’m here.” Tai said holding Matt. “Come on soak up those tears. We need to go find everybody. Okay?”

“All right.” Matt said wiping his eyes. “What the hell was that? I didn’t get a chance to see what that was.”

“I don’t know. Come on.” Tai said taking Matt’s hand into his so he could keep Matt close to him. While they were walking through the unknown forest looking for anybody and anything.

“Um Tai?” Matt asked

“Yeah.” Tai replied

“Thank you.” Matt said

“For what?” Tai replied puzzled

“For keeping yet another promise to me.” Answered Matt

“Like I said. No problamo.” Tai said. They continued walking until they heard sobbing.

“Hello is someone there?” Tai asked

“Tai? Is that you?” The person asked back.

“Yeah who is it?”

“Oh thank god! I thought I was all alone.” Sora said walking out from behind the bushes “Matt you’re here too?”

“Yep. Tai found me awhile ago and we came looking for everybody.” Matt replied

“Look we shouldn’t stand here all day. We need to go find everybody else.” Tai started to say but T.K. and Kari interrupted them.

“Hey guys.” T.K. said while Kari ran up to greet her brother and T.K. his.

“I’m glad you guys are safe.” Matt said having a lot of weight being lifted off his chest.

“We couldn’t find Izzy, Joe or Mimi.” T.K. said

“Should we go look for them” Asked Sora

“Of course.” Kari said

After they all regrouped they all went looking for the rest. Soon after they found all three of them looking for them also.

“I am very sorry guys.” Izzy started to say. “I should have never dragged you guys out here.”

“No problamo” Tai replied “We are the ones who volunteered. So it’s our fault also.”

“Our fault!” Sora began screaming again “Let me tell you something Taichi. If I had known that this was going to happen I would have never came. This is insane. Look around! This doesn’t even look like the forest we were just in!”

“Be quiet!” Izzy said shutting her up. “I don’t think we are the only ones here.”

“Your right. Something jumped out and attacked me earlier. Luckily Tai jumped out and scared it off.” Matt said.

“Do you have any knowledge of where we are Izzy?” Joe asked.

“No. Not really. Remember I said that this is another dimension type thing. So we may be on Earth and we may not be. I have no clue. But I suggest that we find a place to camp or sit down because I am getting awfully tired of standing and walking everywhere.” Izzy stated

“I’m up for that.” Kari said. Everyone else nodded and they went on their way to find an open space to camp. Pretty soon they found one.

“How did you guys find us so fast?” T.K. asked Joe.

“Well Izzy found me and he said to follow him and he lead us straight to Mimi.” Replied Joe

“Then he led us straight to you guys. I was surprised it was like he knew exactly where you guys were.” Mimi said surprised

“How did you do it Izzy?” asked Sora

“Well when I first landed here I found that device that floated in front of us laying on the ground. So I picked it up and it had a blinking dot on the screen. I figured that it was broken or something. So I followed the blinking light and I found Joe. Then I just kept following the lights and I found you guys. It is a very weird device. I still would like to know what it is.” Izzy said sounding like a geek. Then Matt noticed that the fire was getting low.

“Well I am going to go get some firewood. See you guys in a bit.” Matt said standing up to leave.

“Wait. I’ll go with you. It’s not safe out there alone.” Tai said

“Thanks.” Then they both went out into the forest gathering sticks and what not. They were quiet. Tai was thinking about this strange new place when Matt broke his train of thoughts.

“I never really thought that I would be so much of a burden on you Tai.” Matt said as they approached a pond.

“What do you mean.” Tai asked sitting down the sticks he had gathered to sit down by the pond.

“I feel like I am a burden on you.” Matt started to say sitting down next to Tai. “You have just met me and you are protecting me and being the best friend that someone could have. You promised me that you would never let me be lonely if you had the time. You promised me that you would never let anything hurt me and here you are still sitting right beside me, keeping your promises. Thank you for being such a nice friend.” Matt moved closer to Tai feeling the warmth radiated off his body. “Even though I am the Crown Prince, you treat me as if I am an equal. You have no clue how I appreciate this feeling you give me. I can truly say that I really do like you Taichi.” Matt finished. He felt better telling Tai what was on his mind.

“Your welcome Yamato. If I have ever made you feel like a burden then I am sorry because you’re not. I enjoy being around you or I wouldn’t be here beside you.” Tai said moving even closer. “I like you too Matt, you know that already. I feel like I have known you my whole life. That is why I have no problem doing these things. Plus I enjoy them. It makes me feel needed. In a way this place also feels familiar. Like I have been here before at this very spot with you. It gives me this feeling of assurance that everything will be okay as long as you’re here with me Matt.”

“You do too?” Matt replied feeling needed also. “I also have that kind of feeling. Look at the moon or should I say moons. They are beautiful. But with you they are even more beautiful.” Matt looked into Tai’s eyes. Then he felt the shocks go through his body and the warmth in his chest came back. He leaned in close to Tai and put his head on his shoulder. Tai turned his head to face Matt’s. Matt lifted his head up and they stared into each other’s eyes. Tai leaned into Matt’s lips.

Before he knew it they were kissing. Their lips were pushing into each other’s. Matt didn’t pull back but rather forward wanting more of this new taste. Their tongues were exploring each other’s mouths when the device in there pockets starting making a strange noise. They broke their kiss to pull them out. They were resonating a strange dull light and beeping for a brief moment.

“We better go tell Izzy about this.” Tai said getting up.

“Yeah let’s head back.” Matt said taking Tai’s hand into his and walking back to the campsite.

On their way to the campsite they heard rustling in the bushes again.

“Listen Tai do you hear that? It’s just like before.” Matt said starting to get worried about what was making that noise.

“Don’t worry I’m here Matt.” Tai said standing in front of Matt blocking the way of anything that might jump out. He was prepared for something to jump out but he got a surprise when he heard a voice come from the bushes.

“Hello.” The creature said walking out of he bushes. “My name is Salamon. I am looking for a person named Hikari.”

“Huh. Tai is that thing talking?” Matt asked Tai

“Yeah I think it is and it is asking about Kari. What do you want with her?” Tai asked Salamon

“Hikari is my partner. We are destined to meet. Please take me to her.” Salamon stated

“Tai do you think it is wise to listen to this thing.” Matt asked

“All right I will take you to her but if you try to do one thing funny then I will hurt you. You got it?” Tai said with a serious look in his face.

“Yes. Thank you very much.” Replied Salamon

Tai took Matt’s hand and proceeded with caution all the way to the campsite. Once they arrived, Tai and Matt broke off and went to sit down.

“Hey Izzy some strange thing are happening. We were gathering wood when these little thingies started going off again. On our way back we found this little guy looking for Kari.” Tai said

“Something was looking for me?” Kari said standing up to look.

“Well that is not the only thing that has happened Tai.” Joe said

“Why don’t you tell them Izzy.” Mimi said

“While you were gone the same thing happened here.” Izzy started to say. “The devices started going off and then this appeared.” Pointing to Sora

“Sora appeared? Very funny Izzy.” Matt said. Scared that it had been another of these things.

“Not her. Me you silly.” said A little strange looking bird. “My name Biyomon and I am Sora’s partner.

“Ahh not another one!” Matt said yelling

“Kari?” Salamon said walking up to Kari. “Hi my name is Salamon and I am your partner.”

“Aw your cute! Tai look at it. Isn’t it cute?” Kari asked her big brother.

“Yeah sure.” Tai replied. He couldn’t think of anything else to say. He was so confused.

“But what are they?” Said T.K. But before any of them could comment something else did.

“They are Digimon.” Said a shadow. Everyone jumped at the voice and turned around to look where it had come from.

“Who and where are you?” Sora said. She was very scared. Then they saw the shadow like person come into view.

“My name is Gennai and welcome to the Digital World, Digidestined
The Plan

“Digi what?” T.K. said very confused. “What did you just call us?”

“The Digidestined. That is who you are.” Genai replied

“I don’t know who or what you’re talking about but you must have the wrong people.” Tai said

“If I am not mistaken you are. For you have the Digivices of yore, and you have a Digimon partner.”

“Digivice? You mean these things.” Izzy asked as he pulled out the device that had stopped resonating.

“Yes. They are called Digivices and they are given only to the Digidestined. They are for opening the gate between the worlds and for your Digimon partners.” Genai started to explain. “The prophecy says that when the digital world is in peril there will be eight Humans who will appear from behind the gate. They will journey with their Digimon partners to the unknown depths of the Digital World and unlock the secrets of how to destroy the darkness that has blanketed the Digital World.”

“Right. So let me get this straight.” Joe started. “You want us to find our partners called Digimon. In a world call the Digital World. Travel all over and save this world. You got to be kidding me.”

“Unfortunately yes.” Replied Genai

“But Matt and I have a wedding in a five days!” said Sora

“Unfortunately that is your problem.” Genai started to explain. “You are no longer in the Human World. So your Human World problems do not exist here. If you follow your heart in this world then you will save it. If you manage to save this world, for that is your destiny, then Fate will guide you from there, and it may also save your world also.”

“Huh? I’m confused.” Said Mimi

“There is no other way to explain it. If you do not get it then I am sorry.” Replied Genai

“Well you’re about a bunch a help.” Said Kari

“Can you tell me this? What is it that we have to do? Cause obviously we are not leaving anytime soon. Or at least until our '‘task’ is finished. Am I right?” Asked Matt.

“Yes you are Yamato. What I am about to explain is very important so listen carefully. My power is fading so I will not be able talk long.” Genai started to explain their goal. “A long time ago there was an open gate between the Digital World and the Human World. We lived freely together. Not scared of anything. The Digimon and Humans were friends. Then a Digimon began rising in power. Bent on destroying the Human World. He thought they were using the Digimon for their power. His name was Apocalypsmon. He destroyed most of the Digital World trying to find the Gate between the worlds. But my colleges and I had sent a message to the Human World telling them of our disaster and that we were going to close the gate. We closed the gate and hid the key in your Digivices. We had been working on a plan to destroy Apocalypsmon. But he found out and destroyed our lab. Your Digimon Partners and I were the only survivors.”

“What were you working on in this lab?” asked Izzy.

“We were going off of the prophecy of yore. So we made eight crests for eight children. We hooked up the Digivices to the Digimon and Crests. The Crests power with the corresponding Digivice results in an enormous amount of power. With all eight Crests and Digivices combined there is enough power to seal Apocalypsmon. You have your Digivices and Digimon. Now you must find your Crests and Seal him.”

“But where are these crests at?” asked T.K.

“There are hidden in all the points of the world. Your Digivices will lead you to them. When you find a crest you will have to go through a trial to unlock your potential. It is just to prove if you are worthy of it. Do not fret. Your Digimon and friends will be there to help. In the end this journey will help you find your true selves. I must go know. Until we meet again. Good Luck Digidestined.” With that speech in mind Genai disappeared in the dark like he was a ghost.

“Now he is a weird one.” Said Kari

“Well I am tired. I think a good nights sleep with help us think more.” Recommended Joe.

“I agree. Let’s sleep on it and go from there in the morning. Good night guys.” Said Tai as he laid down to go to sleep.

Everyone said his or her good nights to each other. Salamon laid up against Kari. While Biyomon laid up against Sora. When Tai knew everyone was asleep he crawled up next to Matt and put his arm around Matt. Matt nestled up against Tai and fell right asleep. That night Matt had a dream or rather a nightmare.

It started out as Tai and Matt were walking alone somewhere holding hands. Just talking to each other. Enjoying each other’s company, when all of a sudden his father appeared grabbing Matt and hauling him off somewhere. Matt was screaming for Tai and Tai was running towards them but couldn’t keep up. Then he was in the castle and was thrown down in front of Sora who was laughing at him. When he looked he was at his wedding. Tai wasn’t there to save him and he was scared, He started running but all the guards blocked his way. He could hear his father laughing and saying ‘You will never see Taichi again’. Then he was awoken by a scream.

He sat straight up and looked around for trouble. Mimi was screaming her head off. When he was fully awake he could tell why. There was a plant like Digimon standing over her.

“Please stop screaming. I told you I wouldn’t hurt you. My name is Palmon and I’m your partner. I came with my friends Agumon, Gabumon, Gomamon, Patamon, and Tentomon. They are all the Digidestined Digimon.” As soon as she said that it seemed as if a parade of Digimon came in.

“Hello Taichi, my name is Agumon.” “Hello Yamato, my name is Gabumon.” “Hello Koushiro, my name is Tentomon.” “Hello Joe, my name is Gomamon.” “Hello Takeru, my name is Patamon”

After all the introductions were made and everybody got over their initial shock they sat down to eat breakfast and make a plan.

“So what do you want to eat?” Asked Joe.

“Anything that is suited for breakfast I guess.” Replied Sora.

They ate their breakfast and started to make a plan.

“Genai said to use our Digivices.” Explained Izzy.

“Well how about we all take a look at them and see if we see anything.” Asked Matt.

So they all took a look at them. Tai noticed his had a little blinking dot on it.

“Mine has a little dot!” Stated Tai.

“So does mine!” Replied Matt.

“Then we should follow the dots.” Kari said,

So they went on their way. Into the vast world known as the Digital World.
Courage and Friendship

As they started walking Tai and Matt was ahead of the group talking.

“Matt we need to talk.” Tai said

“About what Tai?” Matt replied

“About last night.”

“Yeah what about it Tai?”

“Well I at least think that we should talk about what happened. Don’t you think that Matt?”

“Well it’s obvious don’t you think. We kissed. That is what happens when people like each other silly.” Replied Matt with a smile on his face.

“Yeah but you are getting married. To Sora you know the girl walking behind us!” He said as he glanced behind them to look at her. She was busy talking to Mimi.

“Yeah I know. Don’t remind me. I can’t just not marry her. I don’t want to, believe me I don’t, but I’m the Crown Prince. What else am I suppose to do Taichi?” Asked Matt. “It’s not as if I completely forgot about it you know. I can’t be King and not be married.”

“There is T.K. why can’t he become King?” Asked Tai.

“Because he is too young. He has to wait another year to become King. They want someone to rule now and I can’t just up and refuse. Can I at least have some time to think about it? Remember, while we are here the Human World problems don’t really matter.” Said Matt, reminding Tai about what Genai had said the earlier night.

“Yeah I remember I was just thinking about it you know. Just forget about it. Okay?” Asked Tai

“Okay” Replied Matt.

Tai turned around to see if Sora was looking. She wasn’t so Tai planted a kiss on Matt’s cheek. Matt turned a slight shade of pink.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to jump. You forgive me Taichi?”

“Always and Forever Yamato.” Replied Tai causing Matt to blush even more.

The more they walked the closer the dot got. Pretty soon their Digivices was beeping when they approached a temple which had two strange symbols carved on the front. When they were by the front doors. Matt’s and Tai’s Digivices shot out a beam of light causing two spirits to appear. One looked like I dinosaur on two legs with metal claws and a shield on his back with what looked like a sun symbol on it. The other spirit looked like a metal wolf with the other symbol on its back. The dinosaur spirit was the first to speak.

“Hello Digidestined. I am the Spirit of Courage.” The dinosaur said.

“And I am the Spirit of Friendship.” Said the wolf.

“We are the protectors of the this temple. Only those blessed with the power of Courage and Friendship may pass through these doors.” The Courage Spirit said.

“Will those who are blessed please step forward and enter the temple.” The Friendship Spirit said

At that moment, Tai and Matt looked at each other and nodded. They stepped forward and then beams of light shot from the Spirits. Opening up the doors.

“Don’t forget us!” Said Agumon and Gabumon as they ran to catch up with their partners.

“Good luck guys” Yelled Kari and T.K. as the temple doors closed behind Tai and Matt.

Tai and Matt grabbed each other’s hands for support, when all of a sudden they disappeared from each other.

Tai and Agumon landed in a strange place. Tai got up and looked around. He was just holding Matt. Where had he gone?

“Agumon have you seen Matt?”

“No Tai I haven’t should we look for him?”

“Of course I can’t let anything happen to him.” Tai said as he started running yelling his name.

He didn’t get very far when he spotted a shadow of some kind.

“Agumon over there. Come on follow me bud!” He said while trying to make the figure out. When he was close enough to make out what it was, he saw a huge monster hovering over Matt. When he saw this he ran over there and looked for something to pick up but there was nothing. ‘I guess I have to use my hands. I can’t let Matt get hurt!’ He ran up to the monster and was about to begin hitting him with his bare fists when Agumon started attacking him.

“Get off Matt this instance!” He said as he tried to tackle the monster.

“Agumon watch out!” Tai yelled as he saw that the monster was about to attack Agumon.

He started running towards them but he didn’t get there in time. The monster had knocked Agumon backed and was advancing on Matt.

“Are you okay Agumon?” Tai asked as he ran to aid his partner.

“Yeah but Matt’s in trouble.” Agumon said.

“Don’t worry about that. you rest.” As Tai said that he began running towards the monster.

“You take your hands off Yamato.” Tai demanded.

“What makes you think that you can defeat me boy?” The monster asked.

“It doesn’t matter If I can or not. As long as I am protecting something or someone, I will always have the will to fight.” Tai said.

With that the monster became the Spirit of Courage and Yamato disappeared.

“That is true Taichi.” Said the spirit.

“Huh? What’s going on? Where’s Matt?” Tai asked the spirit.

“It was an illusion to test you. I had to see if you were worthy of the Crest of Courage. I see that there is potential. Your have courage but in that courage you have stupidity. Tell me boy. What is courage?” Asked the spirit.

“Courage is when you are not scared to do anything.” Tai said

“Wrong. Courage is when you are scared, but when your scared you fight for something or someone. You can be scared. You just cannot be consumed by it.” The Spirit explained. “You must be stronger for others and yourself Taichi. My name is WarGreymon. You are worthy of my power. Use it well.” With that the spirit turned into a ball and went into Agumon.

“Wow. I feel stronger Tai. Hmm? What’s that?” Agumon asked when he noticed something floating down. Then they heard a voice speak. “This is the Crest of Courage”

“The Crest of Courage eh? Thank you WarGreymon. I will use this well.” Tai said. Then he found himself back at the doors of the temple. It looked like Matt was still in his trial.


Matt found himself in a crowd of strangers alone and scared.

“Gabumon! Where are you?” Matt yelled.

“Over here Matt.” He heard Gabumon yell but he couldn’t find him. Then he saw his horn and went running for it.

“Ah there you are. I was starting to get scared. Do you notice anybody that looks familiar Gabumon?”

“Nope. Sorry Matt, I don’t see anybody I know.” Said Gabumon, but then he noticed something flying through the sky coming right at them. “Matt look out there is something!”

Matt looked up and saw it. His first thought was trying to get the people out. He began running around letting people know, but no one believed him. Before he knew it that ‘thing’ had landed and was starting to attack people.

“Gabumon come on we have to help these people.” Yelled Matt. They ran up on the monster and Gabumon started attacking the monster. The monster was too strong for Gabumon, but the two of them would not give up. Matt saw Sora and Mimi running towards them.

“Mimi, Sora stay back. I’ve got this under control.” Matt yelled at them.

“But we came to help you!” Sora yelled

“I don’t care. I don’t want you to get hurt!” Before he could say anymore, everything disappeared. Him and Gabumon were standing there in nothingness. Then a familiar voice spoke.

“Yamato, Why did you refuse your friends help?” The voice became the spirit of the wolf.

“Because I didn’t want to be the reason they got hurt. I didn’t want them to get hurt. I would rather get hurt then them.” Replied Matt.

“That is foolish. If you have friends then why tackle obstacles by yourself. You only make it harder on yourself by isolating yourself. If a friend extends a hand, grab it. Don’t push it away. In the end you’re the one who gets hurt. My name is MetalGarurumon and I deem you worthy of my power.” With that Gabumon absorbed the spirit, and the Crest of Friendship floated in front of Matt.

“Thank you, MetalGarurumon.” Matt said. With that he was teleported back to where him and Tai started off. Tai was waiting there.


“Matt.” Tai yelled as they embraced each other.

“I was worried about you!” Matt said. They exchanged stories and when the final detail was disclosed the temple doors opened. Matt and Tai came out of the temple wearing their Crests. Agumon and Gabumon were not far behind.

“Yeah. It was nothing really.” Tai started to brag, but Matt cut him off.

“Yeah. We don’t feel like talking about it. Is there a place to camp nearby?” Asked Matt.

“Yeah, over here Yamato.” Sora said as she dragged Matt off to be with him.

“She doesn’t look happy.” Said Tai to Kari

“I think she is getting jealous.” Kari began telling him. “She was steamed. She was like ‘They are always off by themselves, and I am left behind. Then they get sucked up in some temple. Am I ever going to get time to spend with him by myself?’”

“Wow, sorry guys. I didn’t mean for it to get this far.” Tai said apologizing.

“It’s not your fault Tai.” Mimi said. “It can’t be helped you guys like each other.” Tai was stunned.

“What! I have no clue what you’re talking about Mimi.” Tai said trying to throw them off.

“You can’t fool us. You talk about Matt and Matt talks about you. Your lucky Sora hasn’t caught you yet.” T.K. said while starting to walk towards the campsite.

“Yeah. I saw that kiss earlier too.” Joe said, making Tai blush.

“Busted.” Izzy said with a smirk.

“Well, thank you for keeping it a secret. I don’t want things to get out of hand, you know?” Tai said.

“I actually do know, Tai. If our father were to find out, there is no telling what would happen. So lay low for awhile around Sora. For Matt’s sake.” T.K. said.

“Yeah, what Takeru said.” Kari said. Tai noticed them blush and look away.

When they reached the campsite, Sora was trying to woo Matt. Matt was obviously trying to get away, but not obvious enough. Tai felt like going over and rescuing Matt but that would have been obvious. The talk with everyone reminded him that Matt was still the Crown Prince. He wanted to just be able to take Matt away from everything so they could be together no worries, but life wasn’t easy. Never was never will be.

It was starting to get dark and Tai was tired of watching Matt be tortured. So he made an excuse to be able to leave and get out of sight from it.

“I’m gonna go fetch some firewood. I’ll be back guys.” Tai said standing up and leaving. He couldn’t sit there and watch Matt be tortured like that. It hurt him more than he let off. He was gathering sticks and what not when he heard someone behind him and before he knew it his eyes were covered and there was a whisper behind him, in his ear.

“Guess who?” The voice said.

“Um, Yamato?” Tai asked curiously.

“Of course silly!” Matt said uncovering is eyes and planting a kiss on Tai’s cheek.

“How about we find someplace more secluded, so we can have more privacy. I’m tired of all these distractions all the time.” Matt said dragging Tai along.

They walked awhile before Matt stopped and decided that he liked the spot. They sat there a long time, Matt in Tai’s arms. Things couldn’t get more perfect. They were enjoying each other’s company while watching the sky when Matt broke the silence.

“Tai? Can I tell you something?”

“Of course.” Replied Tai

“I just thought that I would tell you something that I have been thinking about for a while.”

“What is it Yamato?” Tai asked.

“I. Um. I love you Taichi.” Matt blurted out. Tai was stunned. ‘He said I love you!’

“I love you too Yamato.” Replied Tai. After they shared their confessions of love, they kissed.

“A month ago and I would have never been able to see myself in this position.” Matt started talking about how much his life had changed. Tai was listening, but he was just looking at Matt’s eyes.

“So beautiful.” Interrupted Tai.

“Excuse me?” Replied Matt with a smile.

“Your eyes. They are just so beautiful. I couldn’t help but say something.” Said Taichi as he started to blush.

They embraced in a hug. When they pulled apart their eyes met and Tai just tackled Matt in pure lust. He had had his eyes set on his prey for too long; it was time to pounce. Taichi was on top of Yamato slowly kissing his way down the nape of the other boy's neck, then under the jawbone. He enjoyed hearing Matt's little cries of pleasure.

"Tai." Matt whispered, then pulled Tai's face close to his own. He pushed up at Tai's lips, then licked them lightly. Tai cracked open his mouth and let his lover explore inside his steamy and moist territory with his slick tongue. They exchanged saliva while their tongues wrestled for dominance. Tai rubbed his hands up and down Matt's chest, having him make moaning sounds into Tai's mouth. He started to rub his body against the other young boy's; creating some badly needed friction. Tai let go of Matt's tongue and pushed his own in Matt's mouth.

The two boys swirled their tongues around in each other's mouths. Tai rubbed his hands up his lover's shirt and over the two erect pink nubs, making Matt cry out a muffled moan into his love's mouth.

The brunette pushed Matt up against a tree with a slight `thud' and slid his tongue into his mouth again. Matt pushed up against Tai's body, their body heat exchanging like a wild fire. They could feel each other's heartbeats growing faster and their breathing had become in sync with each other.

Tai broke the kiss, caressing his palms over Matt’s clothed chest, his hands slowly making their way down his body and reaching the entrance to Matt’s pants and unbuttoning them.

He then went back to Matt’s chest and forced his shirt off. Matt gasped as Tai kissed his collarbone, gliding his hands over Matt's erect nipples. Tai smooched his way down his love's chest, and then he lightly began to suck on Matt's right nipple. Matt let out a strangled cry as Tai encased the stiff nub in a cage of his hot breath, running his pink tongue up and down it.

"Oh Tai… please, don't stop." Matt cried out into the other boy's mouth while Tai slid his right hand slyly down into the blonde’s boxers, gently massaging his stiff manhood.
Matt and Tai both let out a stifled cry of pleasure. It rang through their mouths and around each other's tongues. Tai could feel his love's member jerking in his hand as a response from the wanted touching, hot precum dripping from the tip.

Tai broke away from the kiss and left a trail of wet kisses down his neckline, leaving Matt panting heavily. The brunette slowly slipped down until he was on his knees, face level with Matt’s crotch. Matt took deep ragged breaths and groaned loudly throughout the forest. He knew what was coming next.

Tai took the pants and boxers of his love's beautiful and youthful body and pushed them to the ground, gently kissing the tip of Matt’s ever growing erection. Tai groped his lover with one hand; the other probed its index finger in the tight ring of flesh.

"Aaaaugh!" Matt yelled as he toppled over Tai. Tai removed his hand from groping his lover to rubbing the small of his back. He added another finger to the probing job. His fingers slid in deeper, Matt’s muscles tightening over Tai’s intrusion.

"Mmm." Tai moaned while Matt panted overhead. He felt Matt’s face burning on his chest, the trickles of his sweat. Tai stroked his back lightly, as if to tickle him while adding a third finger into his love's anus. Matt sat on top of the three fingers and undid the other boy's pants and lowering them and his boxers, revealing Tai’s begging cock.

Tai hissed through his teeth as Matt played with his pulsating member gently. Tai dove his fingers deep into his lover; his middle finger rubbing over a certain sweet spot. "AAaah! Tai!"

Matt wasn't sure if he screamed out loud or not, he was too lost in ecstasy to concentrate on that. His mind became numb and foggy instantly. Tai got up and, on bended knees, slid himself inside Matt’s hole.

"AAAH!" Matt cried out loudly. He felt Tai grab his hips as he pumped himself inside Matt. Tiny beads of sweat broke out all over Tai’s forehead, sliding down his face in a racing fury. Matt panted heavily, his breath fast and hot while Tai constantly hit that spot deep inside of him that felt so good.

Matt cried out every time Tai plunged and hit that sweet spot. Tai would pull himself out completely, except for his head, and would thrust in him again.

Tai reached around his love's hip and grasped at Matt’s forgotten cock. He rubbed the head smoothly with his palm. Matt whimpered at this pleasure, feeling himself throb in Tai’s smooth and silky hand. Matt bit his lower lip, blood gushing out of the self-engorged line. He rocked in tune to his lover's thrusts and to the rubbing of Tai’s soft hand.

"Tai…. AAAUUUNGG!" Matt exploded his climax in his lover's hand, white fire escaping his slick and youthful body. Tai moaned as he felt the creamy liquid spill over his hands, and screamed out his own cry of triumph as he thrust one last time in Matt and fired his thick seed into his anus. He rode the wave of ecstasy for as long as he could before he collapsed on top of his lover.
Tai slid his limping member from the other boy and turned him around to meet his gaze. Tai kissed him deeply.

"Tai, that…. was…incredible," the blonde panted when Tai finally pulled away. Tai smiled and gently pecked his forehead.

"It's only because I love you," Tai whispered in the blonde’s ear. Matt hugged him.
"I love you too."

They laid there for a long time they didn’t move until they heard some one yelling for them.

“Matt. Hunny, it is getting late. You guys should be getting back to camp.” Sora yelled through the forest.

“We’re coming!” Matt yelled back.

“I think we better gather some firewood so it looks like we were doing something.” Suggested Tai.

As they walked back to the campsite they gathered as much wood as possible. When they arrived at the campsite, they started making up excuses.

“We got lost in the woods.” Said Matt.

“Yeah we marked our spot at a pond and then when we came back the mark had disappeared. Sorry for being late.” Explained Tai.

“Oh no problamo. You guys have been through a lot today so you guys needed the break. No sweat off our backs, right guys?” Izzy asked everyone.

“Yep.” Everyone one but Sora replied. She seemed awfully upset and she had a reason to. Her wedding was in two days and she still was not back in the Real World.

“Well I am going to bed.” Said Tai along with Matt they laid down and fell right asleep.

During the night Tai was feeling restless. Maybe Sora was going to try and kill him or something.. Then he heard something moving behind him. He turned to see what it was and about screamed. There they were. Kari and T.K., were in a full out make out session.

Tai rolled back over poking Matt awake. “Hey Matt look. Our siblings are going at it!”

“What? Are you serious?” Matt said half asleep. He perched himself up to see and sure enough there they were going at it. “I guess it runs in the family.” Matt said sarcastically.

“Yeah. In the family all right.” Replied Tai as he snuggled up close to Matt. He could feel his warmth. Knowing he was beside him sent him right back to sleep. They dreamed of dreams that were impossible to them. Eloping somewhere where they could never be found, and had no worries and could be themselves and live happily ever after. But that was to be seen.