Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ One Crest, Two Crests, Old Crests, New Crests? ❯ The Name Game ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
She's back! And she's not your garden variety digimon either! She's Upgrade #7, a rare digital being with the ability to increase the attributes of its predetermined target!
But who is this target? Who will become the chosen bearer of Strength?
And *what* are we going to do about that godawful name...?

A.S.D.A, except for Genki Kawaii, Heymon, and the soon-to-be-named female Gomamon, which are my creations!

One Crest, Two Crest, Old Crest, New Crest?
by Nefertanya dragongurl Ahhotep

~If I'm smart
then I'll run away
But I'm not
So I guess I'll stay
Heaven forbid
I'd take my chance with a beautiful stranger~
~Madonna, Beautiful Stranger

"Deal!" Joe laughed between tears as hugged the little sea lion tighter.

The little upgrade smiled-she knew neither could stay mad for long. She prayed that her future partner would be half as caring and kind as Joe.

"Do you want to come with us, then?"

She started, and looked up to the wild-haired brunette with the playboy grin. Yes. Yes, she did. She nodded vigorously, eliciting a few chuckles from the older teens.

"I think she just might like that!" Tai grinned. "But how are we going to help her find her partner if she can't talk to us?"

"I'd suggest sign language, but I don't think those flippers would work very well...Perhaps if we modified it a bit..." Izzy pondered as he flipped open his PINEapple.

Gomamons are a very curious sort, and even though only mirroring the form, the upgrade was no exception. So she earnestly tugged at his pant leg, pointing at the device when she caught his attention.

"You want to see this? Is that it?"

He sat down and allowed her to perch on one knee. She mimicked his prior movements, tapping out strings of indecipherable letters and numbers.

"Hmm....perhaps we could communicate by typing!"

"One problem with that." Agumon replied with a slightly guilty tone. "None of us digimon know how to write in your language."

"Or read it very well, either." Gabumon added sheepishly.

"Well, we'll just have to teach you then!" Mimi shouted brightly. "I always wanted to know what it'd be like to be a teacher!"

The digimon all looked warily at each other, but wisely refrained from commenting.

"Save the lessons for later." Tai said, suppressing a giggle. First the poor thing needs a name. I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't like it if everyone kept calling me 'Hey, you'."

"Well, Gomamon's right. We can't call them both the same thing or everything would get confusing, especially in a battle."

"So what do you suggest, Matt?"

"well, I don't know....How about..." the blonde pondered deeply while the others chimed in.

"How 'bout Sealmon?"

"But she's not a seal. She has ears."

"We could call her Sue."

"What?! That's so stupid!"

"I *like* Sue! It's my aunt's name!"

"Tentomon, you have an aunt?!"

"Well, he *is* an insect..."

"Not ant-aunt! Oy..."



"Selkie." Matt repeated. "They're supposed to be these magical sea-creatures like mermaids, but instead of being half-human, half-fish, they are humans that can turn into seals."

"Oh yeah, I remember a legend about them." Sora piped up. "There was a fisherman who happened upon a beach where the Selkie people left their furs while they slept. He stole the skin of one female, who he was in love with, and hid it so she would stay and marry him. On day she found her missing pelt and left behind her husband and children to rejoin her family."

"Stole her fur to make her stay? What a horrible thing to do, don't you agree?" Gabumon asked Palmon, who had a, ahem, thoughtful look in her eyes.

"Huh? Wha-? Oh, oh yeah, terrible." she nodded gravely, her cheeks turning the same color as the flower on her head.

"So, Beautiful, do you like it?" Joe asked, stroking the little female's magenta mane. Her face screwed up in deep thought. Slowly, a touch hesitantly, she began to nod. "Great. Selkie it is then."

A thought suddenly popped into Gomamon's brain. "Hey guys! We forgot to ask Gennai about that Merlin guy!"

Izzy smacked his head. "D'oh! That's right! <sigh>. Well, I don't think he's going to project himself back here again anytime soon, so let's start walking."

Hope u like the name! Hey, it's better than her working name(GoGo!)

On to Chapter 4: Old Crest, New Crest!