Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Can Change Everything ❯ Cold Night ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon or any of the characters on the show. However, I do own my made up ones.

Well this ends weird, but there is a sequel like right away... Just review and you'll get it. It's already finished, anyway, so the more reviews I get, the faster it'll be uploaded!


One Night Can Change Anything

"I'm freezing!" Mimi exclaimed, rubbing her hands together for warmth.
"Ha, I have gloves on," Mary said snobbishly, holding up her fingers.
"So do I. Too bad for you and Sora," Ashley said, just as snobbishly.
I looked at Mimi who looks at me. We think the exact same thing: these two are snobs. Mimi and I were supposed to go to the movies with our other two friends, Michelle and Sandy. They asked if they could bring their other friends along too. Mimi and I agreed. Then Sandy and Michelle canceled to go on a double date with their boyfriends. We didn't find that out until we met up with Ashley and Mary. We went with them to the movies anyway. They complained the entire time. First they complained about how this movie theater sucked because it was in the middle of no where. That is true, though. This theater is on the outside of town. The closest thing next to it is an old warehouse where people go for parties. The next thing they complained about was the food. Lastly, the movie itself wasn't good enough. Nothing was good enough for these two. Although they say they aren't having fun, I think they are because they are really, really hyper. I think they might be high…
"Uh Sora?"
I look at Mimi and ask, "Yeah?"
"I think I forgot my wallet. Want to come and get it with me?" Mimi asks quickly.
"Sure," I reply. I look at Ashley and Mary and say, "Just continue to the bus stop. We'll catch up."
"Where is it?" Mary asks.
"Just cross the street and go down the block that way," I reply, pointing across the street and then over towards my right.
"How annoying. Are you always this forgetful?" Ashley asks snobbishly to Mimi.
Mimi frowns and answers, "No."
"Probably is a loser," Mary mumbles to Ashley as they walk away.
"They'll get what they deserve one day," I say sighing, trying to make Mimi feel better. "This night is almost over. Come on, let's go get your purse."


"Whoa Matt, drive much?" Tai asks jokingly as I did a sharp turn around a corner.
"Well I am a better driver than you," I say smugly, looking back onto the road.
"I bought three things today," Tai says proudly.
"What is the big deal of that?" I ask, looking at him for the explanation.
"I bought these leather gloves," Tai answers, holding up his hands.
"Nice," I say sarcastically. "So what?"
Tai winks and says, "They go nice with this gun."
I look at Tai with wide eyes when he pulls out a small pistol from his inside pocket in his jacket. I ask, "Is it loaded?"
"Yeah," Tai replies, putting it away. "I also accidentally pulled the trigger so I am trying to be really careful."
"Your an idiot. You better not get me killed." I wasn't crazy about my clumsy best friend having a gun. "So, should I dare ask what else you bought?"
"You should because it is for our entertainment. I bought a nude magazine."
"Where did you get all this from? Don't you have to be eighteen to purchase porn and a gun?" I ask.
"Yeah, but I have a friend who did it all for me." Tai opens the magazine and I continue to drive, ignoring the ncomfortable feeling that Tai shouldn't be having this stuff.
"You can be one sick guy sometimes, Tai," I say, looking back to the road and pressing the gas pedal to go faster.
"I just want us to have fun at that party tonight," Tai says. "Hey Matt, look at this."
I look at the magazine, gawking at the beautiful nued girl on paper. I couldn't help it, I was a seventeen year old guy. The roads are a bit slippery from the recent rain, and since it is December, the roads are a bit icy. I finally stop when a thud happens. Everything is silent. The entire thing happened in slow motion, and yet, it happened all too fast.
"You hit someone," Tai whispers.
Reality comes back and I jump out of the car. Tai does too and we run over to the girl that is ahead a few feet from the impact. The other girl lays on the ground, but I didn't hit her because she is wide eyed. The other girl was definitely hit. Her body has a pool of blood around it, her body motionless.
"I killed someone," I whisper.
Tai bends over and checks for a pulse. I can see his hand trembling as he brings it away. He shakes his head at me.
"Mary! Mary!" the girl screams, running over to us. "Mary!"
I take a step back and walk into Tai. He helps me keep my balance.
"You killed my best friend! You killed Mary! You stupid asshole!" the girl screams, shoving my shoulders back.
"I'm sorry," I stutter.
"You're sorry! You mother fucker! I can't believe this! You stupid, immature boys! Are you drunk?"
"No!" I reply.
"You are so stupid!" the girl continues, pushing me back onto my car. "You killed her! You are so going to jail! My dad is a judge and when he hears about this, you'll be in there for the rest of your sorry life!"
"Would you shut up?" Tai demands, grabbing the girls arm. "It was an accident! It wasn't Matt's fault!"
The girl wrenches her arm free and screams, "It was too! You are going to jail too!"
Tai yells, "Shut up, bitch! I'm getting really sick of your threats! You weren't even walking across the street on a corner! You were jay-walking so late at night! It is your fault that your friend is dead!"
The girl slaps Tai on the cheek and then shoves his chest. The gun slips out of his pocket and bangs against the car, thus, shooting a bullet. The girl falls to the ground silently, blood pooling around her. The gun lays under her hand.
Tai turns around and vomits while I look away. He then pushes me towards the passenger side and walks towards the drivers seat.
"Get in, Matt! We have to get out of here!" Tai shouts as he gets inside and starts up my car.
I quickly get in and shut the door. Tai begins to back away, leaving the two dead girls on the street, surrounded by each other's blood. As we drive away, two other figures are in the distance.
"Mimi and Sora," Tai whispers.
"Those were those girls they were supposed to hang around with tonight. Mary and Ashley," I whisper as we drive away. The two girls are left behind with the other two dead ones, in the late, late night.
Tai spins the car around and we drive away, into the night. Tai pulls up to his house twenty minutes later.
"I'm going to grab all of the money I can find in the house, some food, and clothing. You go do the same," Tai mutters, climbing out.
I feel as if someone pushed the automatic button on me because I get out of the car unemotionally and go across the street, where Tai and I live in separate apartment buildings. I flee up the stairs and when I get to my room, I get some of my clothes together and some money. I also go into my dad's room and steal some of his money. I take a few bags of chips out of the cupboard along with some buns. I run out of my apartment, not even thinking of writing a note.
Tai is already in the car waiting for me. I pass him my keys and jump in the passenger side again. We begin to drive away.
"Where are we going?" I manage to ask.
"I have no clue," Tai replies, his voice flat.
"What about school?" I ask.
"What about school?" Tai asks, in the same voice.
Tai and I are in grade twelve this year. We planned to go to the same university together. Us, Sora, and Mimi planned it for next year. Mimi moved back to America just last year. Now, we all go to the same school. Or, at least we were.


That's just the prologue... isn't it sad? Just kidding... those snobby bitches deserved to die!! Damn them all!!! Who-hoo! Er, okay, I'm finished... um, the next chapter has I think the rest of the fic in it... Yeah, the rest of the fic is in the next chapter :) Rate and review this chapter, damn it! There will be Taito, Mimato, Taiora :)

The next chapter will be here in approximately one hour if I get 5 reviews... Review, damn it :P
I will love you forever and ever if you do...