Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ One Step Forward, Two Steps Back ❯ Chapter Three: Angel & Devil As One ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Herme: Hey there! Want a disclaimer? Read the Nonsensual Dialogue then, cuz I ain't saying it all again!
Tommy: Evil.
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**warning: Sprite Scene Up Ahead (meaning Limey-Lemony goodness)!**
LOL Shout out to Angel, thanks for the “Sprite.”
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Capítulo Tres: Angel & Devil As One
“Actions speak louder than words.”
—American Proverb
“You go.”
“No, you.”
“I'll just use the bathtub in my sister's—”
“But it'll get dirty, Daisuke. I don't think your sister would like it if—”
“Ken, I am way too cold to wait for you to finish, and I'm a nice enough host to let my guest go first in the best bathroom we have, so you just take the shower and I'm gonna go to my sister's.”
“Look, either you let me go to my sister's tub or I'm going in the shower with you. Which do you want?”
Daisuke startled. “Huh?”
“Go into your sister's tub, then,” Ken continued, “but if she tries to kill you don't look to me for help.”
“Aw, I thought you wanted to shower with me!”
Daisuke got a sock in the face for his efforts. Literally. “Well, while you're at it,” he told Ken, “give me the rest of your dirty clothes and I'll throw them in the washer with mine.”
“You know how to wash clothes?” Ken asked incredulously, taking off his other sock.
“You don't have to act *that* surprised!” Daisuke said irritably. “Now hurry up and get out of those clothes before I change my mind!”
“What am I going to wear after my shower?” Ken asked as he peeled his wet, muddy clothes from his body.
“I'll bring you back a pair of my pajamas.”
“Do you have flannel?”
“Um…” Daisuke said, stalling for time.
“Actually, I don't know what I have, since my pajamas consists of my boxers, and sometimes an undershirt…but I'm sure I can find some pajama bottoms!” he added hastily as Ken glared at him.
“You'd better, because there's no way in hell that I am going to wear a pair of your boxers.”
“What? They're clean?”
“I said no!”
“Geez,” Daisuke grumbled as he turned away. “It's not like I was gonna force you down and make you wear them or anything, Mr. Commando.”
Ken flushed bright red but didn't bother to reply as he stepped under the hot spray of the shower. Gods, the water felt good as it licked hot paths over his chilled and hardened skin. Running his hands through his hair, he heard Daisuke return.
“I found some regular pajamas,” he heard him say. “Flannel, too. I'm gonna leave them here.”
“Thanks.” Ken lathered up the soap in his hands and began to spread it over his body. He loved thick white cream that the bar created as he ran it over his skin, breaking up the mud that had crusted on him like a suit of armor. After being in under all that clammy mud for so long, Ken was glad to feel naked, clean skin again.
Just by the door, Daisuke paused. Turning around, he looked at Ken's silhouette in the shower curtain. Daisuke opened his mouth…
“If you get out before me, go ahead and help yourself to whatever's in the kitchen, and watch some TV, `kay?”
Then Daisuke turned and left, closing the door behind him.
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Not too long afterwards, Ken and Daisuke were enjoying pizza, soda, a whole array junk food, and The Grudge. No, perhaps clarification is need: Daisuke was enjoying pizza, soda, a whole array junk food, and The Grudge. Ken meanwhile was not enjoying The Grudge, and it so affected him that he wasn't exactly enjoying the pizza, soda, or the whole array junk food very much at all. Ken was quite sure that from now on he was going to demand the history going back at least fifty years of each and every current and future house he ever enters/lives in.
To his horror (no pun intended), he let out a small shriek when that woman's face appeared (quite without warning) in the bus window. Of course, this was laughed at by Daisuke. His situation was further incensed when he accidentally brushed Daisuke's hand in the popcorn bowl and freaked out.
**Hey, it couldn't been a disembodied hand!** Ken thought defensively. **`Cause, you know, that stuff happens in real life.**
Ken tried to avoid further scares by carefully inspecting his pizza every time his Scare Sensors tingled, however he couldn't quite keep himself from glancing up every now and again. It was his downfall. Damn his curiosity.
“OH MY GOD!” he shouted as he watched the most disgusting display of “Woman In Bag Goes Down Stairs.”
To his side, Daisuke chuckled. “What's wrong? You don't like scary movies?”
“You know I don't,” Ken said, blocking the image from his eyes and desperately trying to erase it from his memory. “Why couldn't we have watched something else?”
“Like what? Bambi?”
Ken glared at Daisuke's fake innocent face. “We could have watched Blazing Saddles or something!”
“Aw, poor little thing!” Daisuke said in a condescending voice. “Don't worry, I won't let the boogeyman get you!”
Ken grabbed a pillow and gave Daisuke a wallop. Daisuke stopped looking at him condescendingly and they stared at each other blankly for all of three seconds before Daisuke grabbed another pillow. They began to attack each other wildly, popcorn and laughter flying through the air.
Ken grabbed the wrist that Daisuke was using to hold the pillow and held it far above them so that Daisuke couldn't hit him. Daisuke moved his other hand up to grab the pillow, but Ken trapped it under his own pillow. A scuffle ensued and Ken used his body weight to pin Daisuke to the ground. Daisuke tried valiantly to take back the upper hand, but he had been successfully detained. Again.
Ken and Daisuke stared at each other.
“Give?” Ken asked.
Daisuke stayed silent. Surely there was a way to save this…right? Think. Think!
No brain-blasts for him. “Give,” Daisuke muttered at long last.
Ken smiled. “Let's play Napoleon,” he suggested from his perch atop of Daisuke.
“Eh?” Daisuke asked.
“Don't you have a deck of cards?”
“Well, yeah, but…we only have two people.”
Ken shrugged. “Even so, we can just play for fun, right?”
“Sure,” Daisuke said, then his face took on a sly look. “Or we could make it a bit more interesting.”
“More interesting?” Ken asked skeptically.
“Yeah, spice it up a little,” Daisuke replied, shaking his hips a little to emphasize.
Ken raised an eyebrow at the display and moved off of Daisuke to sit back down on the floor. “How?”
“I'll be right back.”
Ken waited where he was as Daisuke ran from the room. A few moments passed and Ken could hear the sounds of Daisuke shuffling around somewhere. No doubt trying to locate a pack of cards that probably had dust on them from nonuse. Then Daisuke was back.
“Tada: Seishu!”
“Sake?” Ken repeated as he took the bottles Daisuke had brandished from him. “Where in the world did you get sake from?”
“Don't worry `bout it,” Daisuke said as he wiped the remaining dust from the card box he had pulled from his pocket. He glanced to the side, however, as a random flashback began.
“Hey, Taichi…Taichi!” Daisuke said as he stood over Taichi.
“Huh, wuzzit?” Taichi replied drunkenly from his heap on the floor. It was a another typical end to the parties Taichi and Yamato threw at will. Usually after a band gig of Yamato's.
“Can I have this leftover sake?”
Now, Daisuke couldn't be *100%* certain, but the sound that Taichi uttered sounded enough like a “yes.”
**Thank you, Taichi, oh thank you!** Daisuke thought in mock prayer as soon as his flashback ended.
“So d'ya wanna play?” Daisuke continued hastily.

”How's the sake going to make it more interesting?” Ken asked, sniffing the sweet scent of the sake.
“Easy, anytime you lose a bid, you take a drink.”
“So we're just getting drunk, then? I dunno—”
“No, we're not just getting drunk,” Daisuke said, exasperatedly. “It's a game on top of a game. My sister plays it all the time. When you lose a bid, you take a drink and then admit one thing about yourself. It can be anything, even something small, like liking a flower or something. We just keep going until we can't go no more.”
“I dunno—”
Daisuke didn't say or do anything but smile down at Ken. Ken considered his options.
Right Shoulder Angel: ~~Ken, you don't particularly care for the taste of alcohol, nor do you like the sensation of being drunk. Plus there are always the nasty aftereffects that the morning will bring on. ~~
Left Shoulder Devil: ~~On the other hand, Ken…it's not like anyone will see you in your pathetic state, other than Daisuke, who'll probably be in the same boat as you, or worse, and it does seem more interesting than just playing normally with only the two of you.~~
Right and Left: ~~Even more than those reasons, though, is the knowledge that *anything* is better than continuing you guy's scary movie run.~~
“Alright,” Ken said as Angel and Devil shook hands. “Let's play.”
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“Sei jakku.”
“Damn. Okay...” One shot downed. “I actually enjoyed The Phantom of the Opera.”
Disbelief. “No way.”
“Yeah? You wanna make something of it?”
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“Sei Jakku.”
A dance. “I win!”
“What? No way! The Joker is the second highest card, it beats our sei-jack and ura-jack!”
“Yeah, sure and the 3 of spades is the Joker Hunter. We didn't set that up.”
“Then why's the joker in here?”
Toss of the Joker card. “Oops. Just take your loss.”
“Fine.” Another shot. “I…uh…”—in a quiet voice—“I cried when Kaoru died in Evangelion.”
“You did?”
“*YOU* did?”
“Hey, shut up!”
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“…I losshhht, man.”
Ken watched as Daisuke tossed back another shot of sake in seeming slow motion. What number they were on or how long they've been playing was way beyond him at this point. He paid attention to Daisuke again when the other boy began talking.
“I think yer really kyoot, yanno? With'at hair an' all. I mean, `s'kinda weird an' all, but…like it.”
Ken's flushed face gazed stupidly at Daisuke as he was speaking. The slurring of his voice not helping Ken's hazy mind, he took a long time to understand just what the hell Daisuke was talking about. When he did, his face flushed even rosier than before.
“Oh yeah?” he replied, trying to focus back in on the cards in his hands. “Hey, thanks. You…I mean, when I look at you…no, wait. You're…I…” Ken paused and Daisuke continued to stare at him. “Hn. Not bad yourself.”
Daisuke grinned and went back to his cards, singing some kind of weird song. Ken couldn't remember what he was trying to do. He couldn't even remember why he was holding these cards in the first place. Swaying a bit, Ken tightened his grip on the cards in his hands but accidentally lost the last card. The Queen of Hearts fell gently to the ground beside him.
“Ooh,” Daisuke slurred. “The `yoromeki.' Shhhit, I'm beat. Good play.”
Ken tried to remember how to talk so as to tell Daisuke he hadn't played the “Enchantress” card at all, but nothin' doin'. He merely watched as Daisuke downed another cupful. When Daisuke finished the cup he caught sight of Ken staring at him.
“Wuzamatter? Wan'summore?” Daisuke grinned and he sloppily began drinking more straight from the bottle.
So, Ken did the only logical thing he could (or couldn't, as the case most likely was) think of. Leaning forward, Ken caught Daisuke's chin and pressed his mouth against the other boy's. Daisuke froze just before they toppled over.
Ken only knew that he had to taste the sake, had to taste Daisuke, and that both tastes could conveniently be found in the same place. When he moved, his unbalanced constitution didn't stop properly and he ended up sprawled over Daisuke.
Licking at Daisuke's lips, he physically asked for entrance inside. As soon as Daisuke's lips parted, Ken dipped his tongue inside for a taste. He set about sucking what little sake Daisuke hadn't drank yet into his own mouth, eagerly running his tongue around on anything he could reach. He was further spurred by Daisuke's arms around his waist pulling him closer and the joining of his playmate's tongue in his exploration.
“It's so sweet,” Ken said suddenly, pulling away. “Never guess there was koji mold in it.”
“Wuduhell`re talkin' `bout?”
“Dunno,” Ken mumbled before Daisuke sat up, pulling Ken properly onto his lap.
Once there, all further conversation halted. All further brainwaves focused only on one sole purpose. All further inhibition was thrown to the dogs. Ken's hands buried themselves in Daisuke's hair as the two met for another kiss, this second more passionate than even their first. He moaned into the kiss as he felt Daisuke's hands move under his night shirt and over the bare flesh of his back.
Of their own accord, Ken's hips began to shift over Daisuke's lap. Daisuke's hand trailed down his back and underneath the top hem of his pajama bottoms, grabbing and massaging his ass, urging him to keep moving. Something hard pressed against him as he moved over Daisuke, his own hardness pressed against the wonderful friction of the front of Daisuke's flimsy t-shirt. Even through the maddening barrier of his own clothing and Daisuke's shirt, Ken could feel the enticing hardness of Daisuke's stomach, creating the most pleasurable sensations through Ken.
Breaking the kiss, Ken leaned his head back and gave a strangled cry as the pleasure built up inside of him. He felt Daisuke's lips attach to his chest, whereupon he began to suckle Ken's nipple even through the fabric of the nightshirt. Not long after this, Ken felt Daisuke pull up his shirt and Ken helped by ripping it away over his head. Daisuke's own shirt was not long to follow and Ken groaned to feel the bare skin of his chest touch that of Daisuke's. Then Daisuke's hand went down the front of his pants to grab at his arousal.
Ken's passion spiked through the roof and he leaned back towards Daisuke…
Sounds…someone was making sounds. Someone was crying out.
The taste of sake and sweat. Something sweet. Something soft. Sticky.
Pleasure. Something was happening.
*Something* was happening.
Red flashes of bare flesh, someone's tongue somewhere. Something pleasurable.
Then Ken was waking up.
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A/N: *Sweatdrop* Hope I don't get kicked off for this…but I shouldn't, I've read similar or worse! In any case, I hate scary movies myself, and hardly watched The Grudge (`cause my hands were over my eyes), so just writing about it in my story gave me the creeps! Napoleon Info can be found at:
I didn't actually take the time to learn the game properly, but from what I gleaned it may be complicated.
Tommy: She's just an idiot at card games, don't worry.
Me: No, it really did look tough! But it said it's much more fun to play with lots of people than just two, but oh well! I went through five different card games before I found Napoleon! Also, the information about the sake was found here: http://www.sake-world.com/index.html . I found it quite entertaining actually, especially when they described the taste of one particular brand as having a “friend-for-life pervasive” taste. Ha ha ha… When I first plotted their getting drunk, I told myself, “NOT with beer, show some class, for Christ's sake.” But in the end, I went with sake, the Japanese “beer” according to the website I was at. Ah, well…please join us for Chapter Four: Con Gran Indiferencia…
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