Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ One Step Forward, Two Steps Back ❯ Chapter Four: Con gran indiferencia... ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Herme: Hey there! Want a disclaimer? Read the Nonsensual Dialogue then, cuz I ain't saying it all again!
Tommy: Evil.
Herme: …
Tommy: …
--Camera still rolling—
Herme: …
Tommy: Well!?!?! Aren't you gonna say something?
Herme: Huh? Oh—oh yeah! *Shuffles notes* I'd just like to throw one big shout out to weam01. THANK YOU!! Without you, I'd be really sad.
Tommy: That's it? You'd be really sad? They take the time to review and you'd be “really sad” if they didn't?
Herme: Yeah…yeah.
Tommy: Oh my…I knew it. This is why more people don't review: it's not me, it's you!
Herme: *plays with biscuits*
Tommy: *Sigh!* Please enjoy…
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Shout out to my good friend, Hammond, who was kind enough to get totally shitfaced, do stupid stuff, suffer a hangover…and then tell me all about it.
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Capítulo Cuatro: Con Gran Indiferencia…
“wish I could find a way to disappear
all these thoughts they make no sense…”
The first thing Ken did when he opened his eyes the next morning was shut them again.
**Dai must've left the curtains open again,** Ken thought.
Now conscious, however, the light was still bright. Even through his eyelids. Enough so that it was beginning to hurt his eyes and give him a headache. But this wasn't the last surprise Ken found.
Though he was certain he was awake, his entire body felt heavy, and it felt as if the blanket he was using were made of bricks. Not only did he feel smothered and have a headache, but his back was aching. He could feel the hard, semi-cold floor of Daisuke's room under his hands. Why was he sleeping on the floor anyways? He and Daisuke usually shared the bed, since Daisuke's parents had bought him a large, Western-style bed last year.
About five minutes after deciding he wanted to sit up, Ken was finally able to drudge up the strength to do it.
It was a mistake.
As soon as he had shoved his blanket off of him (What was that thing made of anyways?) and was in an upright position, the room began to spin and a wave of nausea hit him like a bullet.
“Oh gods!” Ken groaned weakly and he allowed (not that he really had much of a choice) himself to fall back against the floor. He continued to lay there until the nausea at least went away. The headache, it seemed, was there to stay.
**Okay,** Ken thought as he closed his eyes. **I won't be getting up today. Of all the days to catch a cold!**
He felt bad that he had gotten sick at Daisuke's house. It must have been the romp in the rain from yesterday. Well, Ken simply figured he'd just continue to sleep until Daisuke woke up. Maybe by that time he'd feel a little better. Not bothering to reopen his eyes, Ken began to grope around in search for his blanket. His hand found purchase on some form of fabric and he brought it towards him. The fabric, however, was very light and Ken opened his eyes to find a shirt in his hand.
Feeling frustrated, Ken closed his eyes and flung it to the side. That being done, he began to grope around again for his blanket. This time, his hand landed on a whole different kind of fabric all together.
This time, his hand landed on bare flesh.
Ken's eyes opened, and he looked to the side he had thrown the first “blanket” to. Now staring at the familiar red fabric, he recognized it as the flannel nightshirt that Daisuke had given him the night before.
…why wasn't he wearing it?
…and what was he touching exactly?
Slowly (because he didn't really want to), Ken turned his head back in the opposite direction. It took a lot of effort and he wasn't rewarded for it.
There, lying next to him, was Daisuke. The bare skin was Daisuke's belly. In horror, the muscles in Ken's hands twitched in sync with his eye, causing him to tickle at the firm skin beneath his fingers. Daisuke, in turn, giggled and rolled closer to him. Ken seized up as he felt Daisuke's well-toned arm slide around his naked torso. Daisuke pressed the length of himself up against Ken and threw a leg over him. Daisuke's hot breath tickled Ken's chest and Ken didn't even want to hazard a guess at what that was pressing into his thigh.
Ken's breath became shallow. His tension rose. His head was killing him. Daisuke was all over him and…wait…now he was gyrating all over him! What had they done!? He couldn't stand another minute of this.
“DAISUKE!!” Ken screamed. He sat up quickly, dislodging Daisuke from him and bringing back his disorientation in full swing.
He ignored it however and tried his best to get his bearings back. From beside him, he heard Daisuke groan.
“Be quiet, Ken, my head's killing me.”
**I'm about to kill you!** Ken thought rudely. “Daisuke,” he said instead, “wake up. We—”
Ken paused. His eyesight had returned, but he didn't like what he saw. Not only was he not wearing his nightshirt, he also wasn't wearing his pants! No pants meant…because they were still in the…
Ken shrieked and was about to cover himself up when he was further horrified to find that he was absolutely littered in…hickeys! Chest, stomach, arms, you name it. Jesus, even his thighs!
Reaching behind him, Ken grabbed his pajama top and pulled it over his head. He was never more grateful that Daisuke was so much bigger than he than he was at this very moment. Ken's head and his heart were pounding as he listened to the sounds of Daisuke sitting up beside him.
“I feel like shit,” he heard Daisuke say. If Daisuke even noticed that he was sitting in only his boxers, then he probably thought this was normal. If Ken had known that crusty boxers were not exactly normal, then he would have known that Daisuke was feeling something was out of the ordinary.
Ken took in the sight of Daisuke and realized that if he was littered in hickeys, then Daisuke was a fucking leopard. At the same time, it seemed, Daisuke also took in the sight of his own body and became very still. Daisuke continued to stare at his molested skin while Ken bore his eyes into the top of Daisuke's skull, waiting with bated breath.
**Holy hell,** Ken thought. **I couldn't have…I mean…I WOULDN'T have…but if I didn't, who did? The only person who could have done…that…is…**
**Whoa, you dog!** came the Little Voice in the back of Ken's head.
Suddenly then, Daisuke raised his eyes upwards to look at him. The half-smirk and the look in his Daisuke's eyes clearly echoed his Little Voice. When the look struck, Ken decided in his mind to die sometime soon while Little Voice laughed.
“Something happened last night, didn't it?” Daisuke said then.
Ken's jaw fell open. If Ken's brain hadn't frozen in shock, he might have screamed. As if turned out, he merely continued to stare. How laissez faire could you get about something like this!?
“Aw, damn it,” Daisuke groaned as he closed his eyes and massaged his temples. “I never want to see another alcoholic beverage in my life!”
“Daisuke,” Ken finally managed. “We…”
Daisuke looked at Ken. He realized that aside from the hangover threatening to tear his head apart, he felt just a bit euphoric. As if something deeper than the looming headache was currently residing in his mind. As if something oppressed had at long last been satisfied.
But if he…
Now, Daisuke may not be the brightest candle on God's Menorah most of the time, but he had at least some inkling to how intimate relations between two men might go. Hell, guys on the team teased each other about it all the time. So if he…wasn't feeling sore…in a special—uh, specific place…then, was Ken…?
He watched as Ken rose shakily to his feet. A blush settled gracefully across Daisuke's face as he stared at the soft pale thighs that seemed to glow under the hem of the overlarge shirt Ken was wearing. They seemed further enhanced by the deep red blotches his mouth left behind.
**Oh my gods…!** Daisuke thought as he realized just what that meant in reality. He just couldn't get his mind around the fact that his lips had been in those spots last night. Especially, that one…half-hidden by the hem of the shirt…
Daisuke couldn't help staring as Ken grabbed the pajama bottoms and pulled them on, covering up the slender legs. Only once the legs were put away did Daisuke remember he had been meaning to ask a question.
“Do you…um, are you sore?”
Ken paused. “From what?”
“Well, I mean…don't you…?”
The two stared at each other.
Somewhere a lawnmower started. There was a dog barking in the distance. Down on 125th Street, a man was swearing loudly as his favorite tie got stuck in the garbage disposal. Out near the oil check on Jupiter an alien sneezed. In their very own living room, one mind sent an idea and the mind opposite received it. A light bulb glowed.
“What do you mean `am I sore'?!?!” Ken shouted. The loud, sudden noise tore straight through both their headaches, but Ken persisted. “I'm in pain from drinking, I'm covered in…I woke up…last night…I think…what do you mean, `am I sore'?”
“Wait…” Daisuke said, confused. “What?”
Ken gave him a frustrated look and stormed from the room.
“Hey, wait, Ken!” Daisuke shouted and he leapt to his feet to follow.
Well, not quite. He got to his feet, fell back over, and then crawled after Ken. But Ken was already at the doorway. He grabbed his backpack, stuffed on his shoes, and left.
Daisuke allowed himself to slump back onto the floor at the bend in his hallway. He stared at the closed doorway.
At last, he spoke. “Okay…*that*…I didn't handle that very well…”
A pause.
“Hey. He stole my pajamas.”
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On Monday morning…well actually, beginning on Sunday night and lasting until Monday morning, Ken debated on whether he dared show up to school, and thus at one point or another end up having to show his face to Daisuke. He had been upset enough when he realized halfway home that he was walking around in public in an overlarge pajama set and school shoes. It wasn't until then that he noticed the looks he had been receiving since leaving Daisuke's house. When he had gotten home, he snuck past his parents and up into his room. There he discovered that the stares were not merely for his outfit, but also for the six or seven hickeys showing above the neckline of his shirt.
Stripping off his clothes in front of his mirror once more revealed the scattering of hickeys all over his front. Turning, he found dozens more on his back.
He had showered, but not because he felt dirty. And he wasn't disturbed because he felt dirty. In fact, perhaps even the opposite. Daisuke Motomiya had always held a special place in Ken's heart because, quite simply, Daisuke was Ken's first (human) friend.
Not only that, Daisuke had stuck by him when he was trying to make up for what he had done when he had acted as the Digimon Emperor. Even afterwards, Daisuke remained by his side, even when he didn't have to. Daisuke was, for all his goofiness, immensely popular. He played soccer like a star and all the girls had glanced at him at one point or another. Ken, being smarter and therefore belonging to a smaller group, had been certain that their two paths would turn away from each other.
And they did, but somehow Daisuke continued to find side passages that always brought them back together.
Put daringly, Ken loved Daisuke.
This, however…this changed everything, didn't it? It wasn't like they were still just friends, they had…well, they didn't have sex, Ken was at least certain of this, even if they had gotten a little…frisky…with each other. And that's what changes everything, right? Maybe. Maybe not.
Perhaps it was more of a matter that it *could've* changed everything. But that was a two way street. To Ken, things had definitely changed, but it was obvious that nothing had for Daisuke.
**“Something happened last night, didn't it?”** Daisuke had said.
Daisuke brushed it off like nothing. As if it were all just some big mistake, which by all means it was, Ken supposed. But did that mean they were to simply forget it? Just pretend nothing happened? It seemed this was what Daisuke wanted to do.
Then this, too, was what Ken would do.
However, Ken couldn't help but feel just a little bit hurt, and as he left his house for school, he also couldn't help but feel somewhat…just a little bit…disappointed.
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A/N: The chapter title “Con Gran Indiferencia” means “with great indifference,” just in case someone doesn't know. If I hadn't asked my mum, I also wouldn't have known. It's a line in the song “Cien Anos” by Selena. I hope to see you in the next chapter! Upcoming: Chapter Five: Cover Up.
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