Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Over Spilt Milk ❯ Chapter 2: Nightmares and Dreamscapes ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Over Spilt Milk

By Wolf O'Donnell

WARNING! May contain swearing, yaoi, gay sex, lemons, nuts and an assortment of adult situations that may not be suitable for minors or brain-dead bigots. Upon reading this you hereby agree that I cannot be held liable for any psychological or physical damage caused by the fact that I use British English spelling and the fact that this fanfic isn't totally canonical. Digimon is copyrighted by Bandai and Toei Animation Ltd. Wolf O'Donnell is copyrighted by Nintendo Ltd.

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Chapter 2: Nightmares and Dreamscapes
Ryo looked at the number of cards he had. There were plenty, but he was not sure of a good strategy against the Digimon opponent they faced.
"Forget the cards," Wolf told him. "We've got two Digimon against one. There's no need to tilt the balance in our favour, if we already have the upper hand." He turned to face WereGarurumon. "Take that Arukenimon on from behind!" he ordered.
Wolf's Digimon partner nodded and rushed straight towards the arachnid Digimon. The WereGarurumon leapt over straight over the Arukenimon, drawing her attention away from Cyberdramon. He then rushed her, punching the Digimon in the stomach. He kicked out at her.
"Megadramon, come aid me!" called out the Arukenimon.
Cyberdramon saw the new Digimon heading straight towards them. He growled angrily. Cupping his hands he turned to face the Megadramon and fired several blasts of white energy at his new opponent. He did not relent, as the dark dragon Digimon swooped down at him. Cyberdramon could see that his blasts were having some effect, as they were bruising the dark dragon Digimon's body, but Megadramon was getting too close for comfort. He flew out of the way.
The Megadramon's claw missed and struck the white ground, causing the gears to shake violently.
"Hey, be more careful!" cried Arukenimon.
"Care won't help you," retorted WereGarurumon, as he rushed Arukenimon and swung his claws straight at her. He did it again and again, kicking and punching at her, sending her staggering backwards away from his flurry of attacks.
"Acid Mist!"
WereGarurumon did back-flipped away from Arukenimon's acidic attack. He then ran straight towards her, leaping up into the air and kicking at her head, sending her flying off her sticky feet and on to her backside.
"You're not going to harm the Digimon anymore, Arukenimon!" growled WereGarurumon.
"That's where you're wrong!" laughed Arukenimon. "Spider Thread!"
"Ryo, pass me your strength card!" called out Wolf.
Ryo delved into his pocket and plucked it out, flinging it through the air towards Wolf, whom caught it.
"You think that'll do the trick?" he asked.
"Sure it will," replied Wolf, as he swiped it through his Digivice. "DigiModify- Max Force activate!" He found that nothing happened. "What's going on?"
"You've got it the wrong way round," Ryo told Wolf quickly.
Wolf flipped it round and then swiped it through his Digivice again.
"So I have," muttered Wolf, as he saw WereGarurumon tear through the webbing that held him to the ground.
Arukenimon staggered back in fright.
"Take this!" roared WereGarurumon, as he flung a punch at the Demon Beast Digimon, punching a hole straight through her. She burst into bits of digital data, which WereGarurumon then absorbed like a sponge.
"Use this, Ryo!" Wolf handed a new card to the brown-haired Tamer.
Ryo looked at it. The Goliath card? He wondered what it would do. Well, only one way to find out. He swiped it through his D-Arc model Digivice in the hope that it would do something useful to aid Cyberdramon.
"Whoa, that's pretty neat!" he exclaimed, as he saw Cyberdramon grow in size. "Go, Cyberdramon!" he cheered.
Cyberdramon grabbed Megadramon and wrestled with the dark dragon Digimon. The two struggled against each other, their muscles straining against each other. With one final roar, Cyberdramon turned Megadramon over and slammed the Digimon into the ground. He flung a punch at his opponent's chest and then another, beating Megadramon into the snowy white ground and pushing the Megadramon deeper in.
Ryo ran quickly to a clock on the pedestal and placed a gloved finger underneath the moving arm, stopping it in its tracks. He held it in there, as Cyberdramon pushed the Megadramon deeper into the ground and below it. He raised his finger, forcing the hand back and then he heard a snap.
The gears around them began to rotate again. The hand of the clock jerked back and forth.

* * * * *

Yet Ryo heard a ticking sound. The clock was broken, surely? Why were his eyes closed? Ah. He realised it fully now. He had been dreaming of times when he had been with his friend, Wolf. Yes, they had done much together, until that time they came across...
Ryo sat up, resting his arms on his knees. He was in the same room he had woke up in a few moments ago, only to find Henry lying beside him. There was something about the room that seemed very familiar to him.
"I see you're awake now," stated a feminine voice at the doorway. It was Rika's grandmother. There was a smile on her face. "How are you feeling?" she asked, as she walked in.
"I'm feeling fine, thank you," he replied. Ryo looked to his side and found that Henry no longer lay there. He felt awkward. There was something he had to say, he knew it, but the awkwardness he was feeling erased all thoughts from his mind. "How did I get here?" he asked her.
"Rika and her friends brought you here," came the reply. "Would you like something?"
Ryo shook his head in reply to her question.
"No, thank you," he said, as he got up. "Could you please tell me where Mon... my Digimon is?" he asked her. "Is he okay? Where are Rika and the others?" His mind was a jumble. He couldn't think straight. Thoughts were jumbled up, merging into one another and causing so much chaos within his mind, he could barely tell which way was up and which was down.

Henry sat on the wooden step of Rika's house, looking out towards the red mass of the D-Reaper. He felt weird. He felt strange. He felt as if he sat there any longer, he would become a permanent fixture of the house. So he stood up and stretched his legs.
His mind was distracted from his surroundings. There were other things to think of and one of them was Ryo. Why was he in West Shinjuku, battling against the D-Reaper all by himself? He couldn't understand it. Surely, Ryo of all people wouldn't be so stupid as to go into battle alone? Battle. It seemed like they were soldiers fighting against an alien menace. He smiled at that thought.
Yet, he himself had been stupid enough to go into battle alone. He had been stupid enough to face the D-Reaper and fight it by himself.
Henry began to wonder about the face on that new ADR unit. It was so human, almost like the Jeri-clone's face. However, the rest of it was hideous, more horrible than anything else that the D-Reaper had conjured up. It had brought such horror to Ryo's face.
"Was that the face of someone he knew?" wondered Henry. "Could it be that D-Reaper has claimed its second human victim?"
If that was true and that person was Ryo's friend... Henry felt awful just at the thought of it. He decided that it would be best to go and comfort Ryo. That was the only decent thing a friend should do.
'Friend?' wondered Henry. 'Am I really his friend?' He began to think about how they had met and what words they had spoken. So few words. So few emotions. They had hardly conversed. Always silence. 'There's something about Ryo,' thought Henry, as he paced up and down in Rika's garden. 'I'd better go check up on him,' he thought.
"Oh, Rika!" he exclaimed, as he turned round.
The red-haired girl was looking at him with a frown on her face.
"Something wrong?" she asked him.
It was Henry's turn to frown. She was asking him whether something was wrong in that tone of voice? It was as if Rika was an entirely different person.
"No," he replied with a shake of his head. "I was just going to check up on Ryo."
Rika nodded silently.
"I see," she stated, as she glanced sideways. "Henry, Takato and me are going out to deal with D-Reaper. It's been advancing..."
Henry managed to suppress a smile. The way she spoke, it seemed as if they were in an army of sorts.
"You want me to stay behind, don't you?" he interrupted her. "Well, that's just fine by me. Terriermon's tired out anyway." Rika said something to him, but he wasn't listening. He heard, but he wasn't listening. His mind was concentrating on the enigma that was Akiyama Ryo. Henry just nodded as if he had acknowledged what Rika had said. "I think I'll go and check up on Ryo," he announced.

Ryo sat on the floor next to Monodramon, one leg bent, and the other lying straight on the floor. He was thinking, as he lay there, his hands in his lap and his gaze turned down. 'It is human nature to fight,' thought Ryo. That wasn't his thought and those weren't his words. They were Wolf's. He shivered at the thought of them.
"Why?" he wondered out loud.
Such a foolish question...

* * * * *

"Ryo, watch out!"
Wolf rushed towards the brown-haired Tamer and pushed the younger kid out of the way. The two of them fell to the floor, as the flock of bats flew through the air. He turned to look up, seeing the flock of bats eat their way through a tree trunk.
"Get up!" he cried hoarsely, as he saw the tree trunk fall towards them.
Cyberdramon rushed forward and punched at the tree, flinging it away from the two humans. He turned to look at Ryo.
"You all right?" he asked the two of them and got two silent nods in reply. The Ultimate level Digimon turned to face the evil Digimon in front of him. He roared, cupping his hands together and firing a blast of pure white light straight at his opponent.
Ryo couldn't do anything but watch. The evil Digimon had stolen his cards and he couldn't do anything to help.
"Cyberdramon, be careful!" he called out to his Digimon. 'Fat chance of that happening,' he realised bitterly.
Cyberdramon fired several pulses of white light straight towards the Darkness Wave, each burst of energy frying a bat. He roared out loudly, rushing the LadyDevimon. The Digimon swiped at her with his claws, but she dodged them skilfully. Out of blind rage, he lashed out at her more, but every time she skilfully side-stepped or leapt over Cyberdramon's attacks.
To Ryo, it seemed that LadyDevimon was the better fighter.
"Cyberdramon, listen to me!" he shouted out to his partner. "Listen to me! You've got to calm down!" He knew that Cyberdramon's rage was blinding and that his Digimon partner wasn't thinking anything through properly. "Cyberdramon!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.
The LadyDevimon's right arm turned into a spike and she thrust it at Cyberdramon. Her attack never reached Cyberdramon, however.
WereGarurumon fell down to his knees. He had taken the blow that was meant for Cyberdramon. There was a faint smile on his furry face, as he collapsed to the ground.
Cyberdramon watched WereGarurumon fall. He was outraged. He was furious. WereGarurumon was his friend... no, WereGarurumon was much closer than that. The most furious of hatred and rage burned within his heart. He roared out and struck LadyDevimon down. He tore at her with his claws, shredding her and then with one last blow, he crushed her head and absorbed her digital data.
The rage gone, Cyberdramon turned and knelt down beside WereGarurumon. He looked at the furry Ultimate level Digimon and inside, he wept.
"Don't die," he told WereGarurumon. "Don't die," he pleaded.
WereGarurumon looked up weakly at Cyberdramon and smiled weakly.
"I'm afraid I can't do that," he apologised. "All things die for nothing is forever. Don't be sad, though..."

* * * * *

A lone tear trailed down Ryo's cheek, as he thought of WereGarurumon's death. That was all he could remember. He remembered that WereGarurumon said something else, before he had asked Cyberdramon to absorb his data. Those words were vital, yet he could not remember them. So vital and so meaningful, that Wolf had repeated them once.
Had Wolf cried when WereGarurumon died? Now that he thought about it, he couldn't remember. 'I wouldn't imagine he did, but perhaps he was different then,' thought Ryo. He sighed miserably. 'Why can't I remember?'
"I thought I'd find you here."
Ryo looked up and saw an angelic face. 'How poetic of you, Ryo,' the brown-haired Tamer thought. He smiled, albeit faintly. Ryo remained silent. Why, after all, should there be any need for him to talk to Henry? It seemed as if they could communicate without words, even if they were not... Ryo stopped himself cold in mid-thought. He did not want to remind himself that Henry was not for him.
Henry walked straight up to Ryo and stopped, sliding down to sit beside Ryo. He looked at Monodramon, whom was sleeping with Terriermon on his scaly head. 'Those two look so...' he began to think, only to have his thoughts interrupted.
"Ryo?" he exclaimed in surprise, as Ryo's right arm came around Henry's neck and he buried his face into Henry's shoulder like if he did so, all of the things that were bothering him would go away. He heard crying. Ryo was crying.
The half-Chinese boy wanted to ask what was bothering Ryo, but he found that he couldn't. It was not right to ask him such things, when the boy was clearly so vulnerable. Henry placed a hand against the back of Ryo's head, nearly cradling the brown-haired Tamer against him.
"Shh," he whispered to Ryo. "Shh... relax... it's okay."
"I," began Ryo, but he choked off in sobs.
"Easy there, Ryo," murmured Henry quietly in a comforting tone of voice, "don't talk just yet." He found Ryo had moved closer to him, resting fully against him. How desperately Henry wanted to find out what was the matter with Ryo. He would have done anything to find out and make it all better. What could he do though with Ryo in such a sensitive state? 'Man, this must look strange,' he realised, when he thought about what someone would think if they entered the room to find them in their current position.
Henry pressed his cheek against Ryo's brown hair, as he held Ryo and Ryo held him. This was all he could do for the moment.
"It'll be all right," he told Ryo. "Just relax. I'm here now."
'Yes, you are,' thought Ryo, as the tears began to dry up. He looked up and felt Henry wipe the tears from his eyes with a finger. 'You were always able to comfort me in my times of sadness, even though you said nothing,' thought Ryo. 'Just your presence was enough.' He held Henry more tightly. 'And it still is.'
"Please don't leave me," he pleaded and that was when he decided to move in.
Lips touched against lips and neither moved from that position.

To be continued...