Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Over Spilt Milk ❯ Chapter 3: Crying over Spilt Blood ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Over Spilt Milk

By Wolf O'Donnell

WARNING! May contain swearing, yaoi, gay sex, lemons, nuts and an assortment of adult situations that may not be suitable for minors or brain-dead bigots. Upon reading this you hereby agree that I cannot be held liable for any psychological or physical damage caused by the fact that I use British English spelling and the fact that this fanfic isn't totally canonical. Digimon is copyrighted by Bandai and Toei Animation Ltd. Wolf O'Donnell is copyrighted by Nintendo Ltd.

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Chapter 3: Crying over Spilt Blood
Ryo suddenly realised what he had done. 'Gone and ruined a perfect friendship, haven't you?' He was the one to pull away, not Henry. 'He's probably so shocked, he can't move,' thought Ryo, as he pulled himself away from Henry.
"I'm sorry," he apologised, as he scrambled up to his feet. "I'm so sorry." Tears were welling up in his eyes once more. He turned and ran away.
"Ryo, wait!" called out Henry, as he scrambled up after Ryo. He didn't go very far, as he tripped over Monodramon's tail and went crashing down on to the ground.

"Subject- Akiyama Ryo, approaching."
The bird-like ADR-02 units turned in mid-air, flying back towards the main mass of the D-Reaper. They had spotted the target. Now there was no need for them to be out there. They were needed elsewhere. The D-Reaper needed its spies in other locations.

Rapidmon flew above Henry, as the two of them ran as quickly as they could along the streets of the deserted city.
Henry felt foolish. He should have ignored that nagging voice in his head and gone and told Ryo about his true feelings for him. That would have stopped Ryo running out towards D-Reaper. 'Why didn't I tell him sooner?' he wondered. He had felt obliged to keep the moment quiet. Henry had been afraid that Ryo would think he was taking advantage of him. 'Now look at the mess you've caused,' thought Henry bitterly.
"Go higher up!" called out Henry, as he stopped in his tracks.
"Roger," replied Rapidmon, before flying higher up into the sky and looking all around.
"Can you see him?" shouted Henry.
"'Fraid not, Henry!" shouted back Rapidmon, as he flew back down. "Can't see him anywhere."
'Okay, Henry, think about this,' thought the blue-haired Tamer. 'Where would Ryo most likely have gone?' No. He couldn't think up of anything. Henry felt horrible inside. This was all his fault.
"Henry, don't kick yourself over this," said Rapidmon, upon noticing the expression on his Tamer's face. "It's not your fault. Who would have known that Ryo loved you?" He stopped talking. His ears picked up a sound. Rapidmon looked around him warily. "Look out!" cried Rapidmon, as he leapt at Henry and pushed him out of the way.
A plasma blast smashed straight into the concrete ground, throwing up rubble and dust into the air.
Rapidmon lifted his head and turned round, still shielding Henry's body with his own. He saw several ADR-04 units closing in on them.
"This just isn't a good day for us," sighed Rapidmon, as he leapt up to his feet. "It's time to take out the trash!" he cried, before flying up into the air and firing a few missiles towards the ADR units.
The ADR-04 units spiralled around the missiles, avoiding them. One got caught in the line of fire, however, and was annihilated. The rest turned back round and flew straight towards Rapidmon, their arms ablazing.
Henry took the time to swipe a card through his D-Arc model Digivice, in the hope it would do the trick. He saw the plasma blasts flying from the ADR-04 units and straight towards him. Pieces of armour appeared on Rapidmon's arms and he stood in front of Henry, protecting the boy from the blasts. He sighed with relief, quickly fumbling for another card.
From around the corner came an ADR-07 unit. It turned to face Rapidmon and Henry, its mouths opening and shutting like that of a goldfish. Something from within the ADR-07 unit seemed to activate and the thing extended its hands out towards the Digimon and Tamer.
Henry plucked out a card. 'Yes, that's the only way,' he realised, as he looked at it, a grim smile forming on his face.
"Get ready, Rapidmon!" he called out to his Digimon. "DigiModify- BioMerge activate!" He swiped a card through his D-Arc and braced himself.

"I don't deserve to live anymore," muttered Ryo, as he knelt in front of the wall of red chaos.
The ADR-W unit smiled at Ryo from the wall of chaos, as red and sinewy tentacles like muscle fibres from a human being, wrapped themselves around Ryo.
"Useless," whispered the ADR-W unit in Jeri's voice, the only voice that the D-Reaper could use. "Worthless. Waste of space." Its tentacles wrapped themselves around his fingers, around his neck and body. "You do not deserve to live anymore."
One of the tentacles began nuzzling its way across Ryo's skin, as if it were trying to penetrate the skin and enter the brown-haired Tamer's head. Other tentacles tried to follow suit, as if they were attempting to gain access to Ryo's mind.
"Why would anyone love a loser like me?" wondered Ryo out loud, as he knelt there in front of the D-Reaper, submitting himself to the program.
"Sors immanis et inanis," whispered the D-Reaper, a phrase it had picked up from some data it had absorbed in the Digital World. "Come, come, o come and fall to your knees. Give your life and die before me." The ADR-W smiled mockingly at Ryo, as one of the tentacles penetrated the skin and writhed its way underneath.
"Why?" murmured Ryo. "Why?"

* * * * *

Ryo ran through into the corridor to find it empty and charred. He looked around him at the destruction. The place smelt of death, even though the carcasses of the Digimon no longer existed inside the corridor, having disintergrated into tiny bits of data a long time ago.
"Exveemon!" exclaimed Ryo, as he ran through the corridor of the now ruined Resistance Base.
He collapsed beside the blue Champion-level Digimon. The Digimon was badly bruised and seemed to be bleeding badly. Just his luck. Tears formed in Ryo's eyes, as he knelt down beside Exveemon. He felt worthless.
"Exveemon, I'm so sorry," he apologised to the Digimon. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you."
"It's okay, Ryo," whispered Exveemon hoarsely, as he raised a hand and brushed it against the brown-haired Tamer's face. "It's okay. Do not cry. It's not your fault."
"No, it is!" protested Ryo angrily. "I should have been there for you, to protect you from the Digitopia Army, but I wasn't." He cried. "I'm worthless," he sobbed through tears. "Waste of space."
Exveemon wiped a tear from Ryo's eyes.
"Don't think that," he said quietly. "It is not your fault. It is Master Wolf's, for creating Digitopia, for creating the Digibots." He forced a smile on his face, even though he was too weak to smile. "It doesn't matter that I've died. What does matter is that I died fighting for what I believed in, fighting against Wolf's Army." He gently turned Ryo's head to face him. "Ryo, look me in the eyes," he told the boy, and he saw Ryo comply. "Promise me that you will continue to fight. Promise me that you will continue to resist Digitopia and Master Wolf."
"I will," nodded Ryo. "I promise that I'll make him pay for what he's done."
Exveemon opened his mouth in an attempt to say something else, but he had no more energy left. His body weakened and the digital data that made it up began to break up. Bits of digital data floated away from his body, as he began to waste away and disintergrate.
"No!" screamed Ryo, his voice echoing all around the ruined base.

* * * * *

MegaGargomon fired his missile barrage, destroying all the ADR units. He turned and faced the large, humanoid ADR-07 unit.
"Time for you to fall!" cried Henry and MegaGargromon simultaneously, as they punched the ADR-07 in the head, sending it toppling to the ground with a thud.
The ADR-07 unit crashed into the concrete floor and it was splattered across the floor like a bug flying into a moving car's windshield.
"Hey, I think I see Ryo ahead!" announced Henry, as he looked through MegaGargomon's eyes.

"Let go of Ryo now!" demanded Cyberdramon, as he stood there in front of the D-Reaper, looking at the ADR-W unit. "Let him go or else!" he threatened.
The ADR-W smiled, as it raised its claw like hands.
"Why should we do that?" asked the ADR-W in its usual feminine voice, a voice that belonged to Jeri Katou. "He belongs to us now," announced the ADR-W, "like Wolf's image, which we procured from the remains of Digitopia." The ADR-W unit's smile widened.
Ryo was entangled in red, fibrous tentacles. He was held in a crucifixion position underneath the rib cage that formed the ADR-W unit's main torso. His head was slumped forward, as if unconscious, and his face was covered in a blood red liquid that could have possibly come from the D-Reaper's ADR-W unit or from Ryo himself.
"I said, let him go!" roared Cyberdramon, as he leapt into the air and slashed at the tentacles with his claws.
The ADR-W pulled its clawed hand back and smacked Cyberdramon over the back of his head with it, sending the Ultimate Digimon crashing to the ground.
"Do you wish to fight against me and change the path of the future away from that of my ideals?" asked the ADR-W unit, as it placed its clawed hands on the wall of chaos that it was embedded in.
It pulled itself out of the main mass of D-Reaper and freed itself to reveal the rest of its body. It had wings like that of the Jeri clone, but they were red and seemed like raw, skinless flesh. It also had a spinal cord and from it, came out the mass of red tentacles that entangled Ryo. The tentacles spread out, to form a something like a cloak, that trailed across the floor.
"Come, come, o come and fall to your knees," called out the ADR-W. "Give your life and die before me."
"Screw you!" shouted Cyberdramon, as he clambered up to his feet. "Desolation Claw!" He fired several white blasts of energy up towards the head of the ADR-W, but the hideous Agent was too quick and moved out of the way. "Bastard!" he roared, as he flew up towards the ADR-W and slashed his claws at it, only to have his attack blocked.
The ADR-W raised its hands and its head glowed. Circles of light flew up from its head and landed around Cyberdramon, constricting his arms and falling down to the ground, bringing him crashing down with them.
"Glorious destruction!" announced the ADR-W. "Death eternal! Noble. Glorious. Die before us! Accept your destiny and be deleted!" The ADR-W lowered its claws and fired a stream of lasers down at Cyberdramon.
A metallic hand reached out and smashed into the ground in front of Cyberdramon, protecting the Ultimate Digimon from the attack. It belonged to MegaGargomon.
"You're not harming anymore people!" announced MegaGargomon and Henry simultaneously. "This time, you're going down! You're the one that's going to be deleted!" He lashed out with his hand and tried to grab the ADR-W unit, but it had flown out of MegaGargomon's reach, dragging Ryo with it.
"Worthless," spoke Ryo emotionlessly. "Do not deserve to live."
The ADR-W repeated Ryo's words mockingly before it pointed at the ground, and moved its finger in a straight line horizontally. The ground burst into flames in response, a trail of flames moving across in the same direction that the ADR-W's finger had moved.
MegaGargomon picked Cyberdramon up and lifted him away from the flames. He could feel the heat of the fires heating up his metallic legs.

* * * * *

"Ryo," said Cyberdramon, resting a hand on the brown-haired Tamer's shoulder.
Ryo merely shrugged the hand off, however. He was crying. He was still crying.
"Why did this have to happen?" asked Ryo, as he looked at the destruction. The village he had been protecting had been destroyed. "Why did they have to die?" he wondered out loud. "They were innocent. They never did anything wrong! They weren't evil, so why did they have to die? Why?"
Cyberdramon remained silent. He did not know what to say. What could you say to a person that had lost an entire village of friends that he had learnt to love as a family? There was no way to ease the pain of death. There was no way of easing the pain of such atrocities committed in the name of peace and justice.
"Wolf, you were once my friend," muttered Ryo, as he knelt there, tears soaking the ground. "You were once my friend, but now you have taken away all that I held dear." He looked up and to the north-west, where he could clearly see Digitopia Tower, a tower that stood for everything that was evil in the Digital World. "You will feel my pain, Wolf. I swear, that you will never forget the pain I feel!"

* * * * *

Henry felt angry at the ADR-W. He was angry at the D-Reaper. He was angry at everything it stood for. Though he was within a Mega-level, he felt helpless. It seemed as if there was nothing that he could do to save Ryo, to save the one that... To save the one he loved? 'Don't start that again,' Henry thought to himself, chiding himself. 'It was your inability to recognise the truth that got us in this mess in the first place.'
"MegaGargomon, let's do this!" he called out.
"Right, Henry," agreed his Digimon. "D-Reaper, you're going to release Ryo now and you're going to go down!"

To be continued...