Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Over Spilt Milk ❯ Chapter 4: Cruel Angel ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Over Spilt Milk

By Wolf O'Donnell

WARNING! May contain swearing, yaoi, gay sex, lemons, nuts and an assortment of adult situations that may not be suitable for minors or brain-dead bigots. Upon reading this you hereby agree that I cannot be held liable for any psychological or physical damage caused by the fact that I use British English spelling and the fact that this fanfic isn't totally canonical. Digimon is copyrighted by Bandai and Toei Animation Ltd. Wolf O'Donnell is copyrighted by Nintendo Ltd.

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Chapter 4: Cruel Angel
Ryo looked around him. He was in a large circular hall. Looking up, he saw that the ceiling was probably about two miles above him. Lowering his head, he saw that the floor was black and highly polished, such that he could see his reflection in it and other reflections as well.
In front of him was someone. He wore a black military uniform. The military uniform consisted of a black jacket, which was buttoned up on the left side, instead of down the middle, with a red collar with yellow edges that instead of being folded, covered the neck. White gloves covered his hands and he wore brown boots that went halfway up the shin. Golden tassels decorated the epaulettes on the shoulders of the jacket's uniform and a flowing white cape was attached to them.
"I see that you've finally arrived," chuckled the person in front of Ryo.
The black hair was an instant give away as was the voice. Ryo know who he was talking to.
"Wolf," growled Ryo angrily, as he saw the person in front of him turn around. "Wait, Cyberdramon, stay back!" shouted Ryo.
Wolf laughed.
"Yes, come at me, Cyberdramon!" chortled the black-haired enemy. "Come and fight me!" The enemy clapped his hands together four times, in a specific rhythm, and a gigantic pillar suddenly came flying down from the ceiling, pinning Cyberdramon underneath it.
"No!" screamed Ryo in horror, as he saw Cyberdramon struggling to keep the pillar from crushing him. "Wolf, why are you doing this?"
"I am bringing happiness to the Digimon," replied Wolf, "can't you see that?"
"Oh yeah," replied Ryo sarcastically. "Bringing happiness to the Digimon by deleting innocent virus-type Digimon. Digitopia, a utopian city for Digimon where peace is maintained with extreme justice." He sighed. "Just because a virus-type Digimon killed your partner, doesn't mean that all virus-types are evil. You can't go around selectively killing all virus-type Digimon. It's genocide! It's wrong and it's evil!"
"Such a bold and passionate speech," laughed Wolf mockingly. "Such passion is useless, however, if not backed up with the proper knowledge. How do you know they aren't evil? With their destruction I will bring happiness to this world."
Ryo couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"You've done nothing but bring misery to this world," Ryo told his former friend. "Your armies of Digibots have done nothing but break up families, destroy lives and burn countless villages to the ground! You think this is a utopia? This place is nothing more than a horrible joke."
Wolf laughed at Ryo.
"You are very amusing, Ryo," chuckled Wolf, as he closed his eyes and turned his head away from Ryo. "I assume then, that you do not share my ideals?"
"Your ideals are naive and hideous," replied Ryo angrily, as he thought of all the Digimon that Wolf had killed. "Only a madman would think that peace can be obtained by killing an ethnic group."
"You think that my ideals are insane?" asked Wolf curiously. "What about yours, then? The Digital World must have order if it is to survive." He smiled, as he turned to look at Ryo. "Once I purge the Digital World of all its disgusting virus-type Digimon, I shall move my army into the Real World and purge it of its human equivalent." He grabbed the golden hilt of his sword and drew it from his scabbard, holding it in front of him. "Do you object to my plans?" he asked Ryo. "Well, Ryo? Do you wish to fight against me and change the path of the future away from that of my ideals?"
Ryo shook his head.
"I do not wish to fight you," he replied, "but if it is the only way to stop you, then I must." He looked at Wolf, a sad expression on his face. "Wolf, please listen to me. You don't have to do all this. Forget about it all. I'm sure if you quit now, the Digimon will be able to forgive you."
"Yes, the fighting will end, but it will not end with my surrender," stated Wolf in a philosophical manner. "If I surrender, then I will, in a sense, ignore my own humanity. It is human to want to fight. Fighting is a human characteristic. All humans have the will to fight. Now answer my question. Will you fight for your ideals?"

* * * * *

"Your ideals are hideous!" retorted MegaGargomon, as he thrust his hand out towards the ADR-W unit. His fingers poked through the mass of tentacles and he grabbed Ryo, pulling him out and tearing him away from the D-Reaper.
The ADR-W unit laughed.
"Resistance is futile," stated the D-Reaper, as it aimed the ADR-W's hands towards MegaGargomon. "Now die for us!" It fired a powerful burst of plasma energy that struck MegaGargomon in the chest, felling the Mega-level Digimon.
Cyberdramon saw this and flew up quickly, catching Henry, Ryo and then Terriermon in his arms, before he landed back down on the ground.
"Ryo, Henry, Terriermon, are you all right?" he asked them.

* * * * *

Ryo rushed straight over to Monodramon, kneeling down beside the Digimon, the sword still in his hand.
"Monodramon, are you all right?" he asked, as he knelt down beside the Digimon. He got no reply and that was when he heard it. He heard Wolf laughing. That was the last straw. "You monster!" he screamed, as he got up to his feet. He rushed straight towards his former friend and current enemy. He swung his sword straight at Wolf's head, but the Master of Digitopia ducked underneath the blade. "I'll never forgive you, Wolf! I'll never forgive you for what you've done!" He swung again.
Wolf parried Ryo's blow, moving back gracefully, his cape trailing around him.
"Tell me, Ryo, why do you resist the coming of our grand future?" asked Wolf, curiously, as he swung his sword in an arc at Ryo, only for the brown-haired Tamer to block the blow. "Why do you insist on fighting against me, the Grand Master of this World?"
Ryo was getting angrier by the second.
"You're not this world's master," protested Ryo. "You're just a bastard with delusions of grandeur!" He parried another blow, stepping back and avoiding being cut apart by Wolf's blade. He swung his sword at his opponent, only for his blow to be blocked skilfully.

* * * * *

"Why did you save me?" Ryo asked Henry. "I don't deserve to live."
Henry held Ryo by the shoulders.
"Look at me, Ryo," he ordered. "Look at me!" He shook the brown-haired Tamer violently. When Ryo was looking directly at Henry's eyes, he said, "Life is a precious thing and you shouldn't waste it like that." He closed his eyes, lowering his head. "Ryo, I love you," he told the brown-haired Tamer. "I love you and I couldn't possibly stand to see you die."
"I don't need your pity," stated Ryo bitterly. "You needn't pretend that you have feelings for me, simply for my sake."
'What? How could Ryo think that?' wondered Henry. He was risking his life for Ryo and this is how...? No. Henry realised he had to keep it short and abrupt, as Cyberdramon couldn't possibly keep up the defence for long. He decided on one action.
The statement was simple and puncuated with the enfolding of Ryo within Henry's arms. Movements achingly slow, so as to not catch Ryo off guard, Henry captured the young Tamer's mouth in his own. It seemed like forever- an eternal battle; lips against lips, tongue against tongue, with warmth and flavour...
They pulled away. Henry looked into Ryo's eyes.
"What I've said and what I've done is what I meant," Henry told Ryo. "I love you and nothing will change that."
"Not even the fact that I'm a murderer?" asked Ryo, as he looked sideways.

* * * * *

Wolf stepped aside and flicked his wrist, sending the blade of his sword slicing past Ryo and cutting into the brown-haired Tamer's arm. He stepped back and held the blade of the sword in front of him, running a gloved finger against the reddened blade.
"So you see, even you bleed," stated Wolf mysteriously. He smiled. "Tell me, what will it take to get you to see the truth of my ideals? Your blood? Will I need to slit your throat and spill your blood upon the ground?"
Ryo was breathing heavily. He had suffered many wounds from his opponent. He was covered with large bruises and cuts. Luckily for him, the cuts were minor. He knew that Wolf was taunting him, however. Wolf was older and thus stronger than Ryo. He knew that Wolf was able to kill him in an instant. Ryo wanted to plead to Wolf, to tell him to step away from the brink of madness, but he knew that Wolf had already gone over.
Was there any way that he could be friends again with Wolf?
"No," said Ryo sternly. "I won't die. Not to you."

* * * * *

"A murderer?" asked Henry in surprise. He looked up at the ADR-W. It was unusually human. "I see," he stated. "Is that his face?"
"Yes," replied Ryo with a nod of his head.
Monodramon crashed into the ground beside Ryo. The D-Reaper had beaten the Digimon. It seemed as if it was all over for the two, as they knelt there on the ground in front of the cruel angel that was the ADR-W unit.
"Ryo, please don't think yourself as a murderer," pleaded Monodramon. He had heard the conversation. "You did what you had to do. Wolf had gone mad. He would have killed countless virus-type Digimon if he hadn't been stopped."
"The Digimon praised me as a Hero for defeating him," stated Ryo. "If only they knew the truth. Heroes don't kill people..."
"Yes, Wolf knew about us," stated the ADR-W unit. "He left his computers hidden underneath Digitopia, where we would find it. We know of your ordeal against Master Wolf." The ADR-W unit smiled. "Knowledge is power and it is ours to use, to overpower you, Great Hero of the Digimon."
"I'm no hero," protested Ryo sadly.
"Don't think that!" cried Monodramon. "If you hadn't stopped him, he would have led his army into the Real World."
Henry thought about it all. Perhaps it was Wolf that was responsible for making Zhuqiaomon hate humans. It made sense when he thought about it. Why else would Zhuqiaomon and the Devas have had such a powerful hatred for beings that they had never come into contact with?
"From what I've heard, you did a great service to both worlds," Henry told Ryo. "Don't think of yourself as a murderer. What you did was inevitable and had to be done." He hugged Ryo tightly to him, his head to the side of Ryo's head. "Besides, I will always love you, no matter what," he spoke into Ryo's ear. "Even if you have nightmares of your deed, I will be there to comfort you."
"You will?" asked Ryo.
"Yes," replied Henry. "Now, Monodramon needs you. We need you."
Ryo entangled himself from Henry and stood up, grabbing his device and a card. He looked up at the ADR-W unit sternly.
"No more," he told the D-Reaper. "You won't taunt me with Wolf's face anymore! It's time for you to be deleted!" He swiped his card through the D-Arc.
The ADR-W unit flew down towards Ryo, as he BioMerged with his Digimon.

* * * * *

Ryo parried the blow and then thrust his sword straight towards Wolf, whom side-stepped out of the way. He swung the sword in an arc towards his partner, whom blocked the attack. Another attack was parried. Blocked. Thrust avoided. Ryo then hacked his way towards Wolf, every swing of his sword blocked or parried away from Wolf's body.
"I'm counting on you to do the right thing, Ryo," chuckled Wolf, as he ducked down, sweeping his right leg out in an arc and knocking Ryo off his feet. He rose to his feet again and plunged his sword straight down towards Ryo's chest.
The brown-haired Tamer rolled out of the way and then swung his sword, at Wolf, only for his swing to be blocked. He swung again. His blow was parried. Ryo leapt to his feet and then leapt back from Wolf's sword, as it was thrust towards him.

* * * * *

The ADR-W unit was sent flying into the wall.
"You're going down!" roared Justimon and Ryo simultaneously, as they kicked out at the ADR-W unit again. They missed. Their arm turned into a plasma blade and they lashed out at the ADR-W unit, cutting off its right arm. "This time you're not getting away!" Justimon thrust his fist out and punched through the rib cage. His fingers wrapped around the heart of the ADR-W unit and he crushed it.
A hideous scream escaped the ADR-W's mouth, before it finally died and disintergrated.

* * * * *

Leaping out of the way, Ryo swung his sword horizontally towards Wolf, only for the black-haired Tamer to block the blow with his sword by placing it perpindicularly to Ryo's. They pushed back on the two swords in an attempt to push the blades away from themselves.
They leapt away from each other.
Wolf leapt towards Ryo, his sword drawn. The Tamer blocked Wolf's attack with his sword, the two blades clashing against each other, sparks flying from them as they collided. Wolf pushed back on Ryo's sword, pushing the blade closer to his neck.
"Now die for your beliefs," snarled Wolf.
Ryo whirled out of the way, his blade sliding free from Wolf's. He rushed forward, as Wolf rushed towards him. They swung their sword at each other and there was a terrible metallic clash, as the two blades smashed together. They swung again, and their blades connected. He thrust his blade point forward, knowing that Wolf would step out of the way. Ryo was too quick, however.
There was a hideous piercing sound and then the sound of a liquid splattering on the floor.
The expression on Wolf's face had not changed. It still held that mad, sardonic smile. His eyes were closed, as he clutched at his wound.
"So it seems that you have won this time, Ryo," chuckled Wolf, as he fell to his knees and then collapsed on to the floor.
Ryo stepped back, his hand shaking. He was in shock. The Master of Digitopia was dead. Wolf was dead.

* * * * *

Ryo smiled, as he stood there with Henry. The ADR-W was gone and he was now with his love. That was not the only reason for his smile, however. He had finally remembered WereGarurumon's final words. In a way, they were very comforting.
"Do not cry for me because I am about to die," WereGarurumon had said. "Be thankful and happy because I have lived."
For Ryo, it was finally over. He hugged Henry and leaned forward, kissing Henry on the lips. He knew his love would conquer all his fears and nightmares. Ryo knew that Wolf would not haunt him anymore.

To be continued...

P.S. The nuts and gay sex promised to you in the disclaimer will occur in the next chapter. Remember, if life gives you lemons... don't drool on the damn keyboard!