Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Please… I need you ❯ Tai... I came back ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It was very beautiful morning in Odaiba City; Tai went to the school like his usual and met Matt in the way.

Tai: Hi dude.

Matt: Hi. I see you waked up quickly this morning.

Tai: Don't think that what I want to, but my dad is in the city.

Matt: He came to your apartment?

Tai: No, but you know my mother, she wants me to be with her, and she doesn't believe that I grow up, because that I spent the night in my family house and my dad bother me like always " come on wake up Tai, you'll late from the school".

Matt: You are lucky to have a family care about you, not like me, I mean they don't care if I'm in lonely apartment.

Tai: I'm sorry, I __

Matt: No, don't be sorry, Ok, let's hurry or we'll late.

In Odaiba High School:

The two boys entered the classroom and sat down on their chairs, Sora and Mimi came.

Sora: Hi guys.

Tai: Hi Sora.

Mimi sat next to Matt: Hi hands.

Matt: Hi. How are you now?

Mimi: Fine, better than yesterday. Thank you for calling me.

Matt: No that's Ok.

Tai: What about me? I called you too.

Mimi smiled: I knew that captain, thank you too.

Tai: You are welcome.

Sora: Hay, did you heared that Dawn Kudo will join our school today?

Tai jumped from his seat.

Tai: WHAT? You mean…

Sora: Yes, I mean Dawn Kudo

Tai: Do you mean that girl with brown hair and light brown eyes!

Sora: Yes, Dawn your friend is coming back, You have to be happy

Matt: You mean that girl who was with us in the elementary school?

Sora: Yes, and in the 6th grade she went to USA. Do you remember now?

Matt: I think so.

"Dawn. Yes, how can I forget this girl, she was my best friend I didn't stop thinking about her for once and finally she's coming back after this long time" Tai thought

Matt: She was very beautiful.

Mimi: What? Do you mean she's more beautiful than me?

Matt: You are beautiful, don't worry.

Mimi: I thought.

Then the bill rang and all the students get back to their seats.

The teacher entered the class.

Teacher: Good morning every one, how are you this morning?

Hegy: Sick.

Teacher: You always sick Hegy in the morning.

Tai: I think he's dealing with morning sickness.

The all begin to laugh

Teacher: Ok people calm down now.

Then there was a knock on the door, it was the headmaster.

Teacher: Welcome sir, come in

The headmaster smiled: No, I came to bring Mss. Kudo with me.

Teacher: Dawn Kudo?

H.M: Yes,

Tai was very happy "It's the time, finally I'll see you" He thought.

Then the H.M let the girl enter the classroom; she stands up next to the teacher.

The all stare at her. "She is, she's really grow up and become more beautiful" Tai thought.

H.M: Ok, take good care about her.

Teacher: Yes, sir.

Then the H.M went away.

Teacher: You can introduce your self.

Dawn: Hi, my name is Dawn Kudo, I removed from USA.

Dawn was staring at Tai while he was staring at her "Tai… I came back, and I wish you still remember me" She thought

Teacher: You can sit next to Matt Ishaida, over there.

He signs at Matt who was smiling. "I know this boy" Dawn thought. She sat next to him.

Matt: Hi.

She looked at him: Hi.

Matt: Do you remember me?

Dawn: I think so icy blue eyes.

Matt: I think you really remember me.

Dawn: I don't forget my old friends.

The two smiled then the listen continues.

At the lunch break:

Dawn sat in a table alone; Tai saw her and came near her.

Tai: Hi.

Dawn looked at him and smiled: Taichi Kamiya.

Tai smiled: I afraid you forget me Dawn Kudo.

Dawn: You know I can't.

Tai smiled: Can I have a sit?

Dawn: Of course.

Tai sat on the chair in front of her.

Tai: Long time no see, do I have to yell at you or maybe kill you for leaving me all this time?

Dawn laughed: Maybe kill me will be better for you.

Tai: Do you think I'll do that?

Dawn: I don't think so.

The two laughed, then Tai stare at her.

Tai: You really grow up.

Dawn: You too Taichi.

Tai: You still calling me that name, call me Tai, we are friends.

Dawn: You know I love the name Dawnchi because that I still calling you Taichi. The whole school used to call us this name because we were great couple.

Tai: You still remembered this nickname too?

Dawn: I don't forget any thing about you, and do you still remember me?

Tai: How can I forget my best friend and the only person who understand me in every thing. But why did you come back any way?

Dawn blushed: I came back because I couldn't continue there or maybe because I missed you.

Tai: Really?

Dawn blushed more: Yes.

Tai: And I missed you too, I missed you so much, do you know something?

Dawn: Like what?

Tai: You become very beautiful, more than before.

Dawn blushed: Thank you, you too

Tai winked to her: But not like you beauty?

Dawn blushed redder.

Tai: By the way do you have a company in the way to your home?

Dawn: No.

Tai: And do you accept my company?

Dawn: Of course I accept it.

Tai: Then I'll meet you after the school.

Dawn: Ok. I'll be waiting for you.

After the school:

Tai and Dawn go together to Dawn's house, Matt and all the gang meet in their special place, and they note that Tai wasn't with them.

Joe: By the way where's Tai?

Mimi angry: He's busy with that stupid Dawn. He even didn't say any thing about my new cloths… stupid Tai.

Matt: He was with her from the morning, now and after.

Joe: Dawn? Who's Dawn?

Mimi: New student.

Joe: I heared this name before, but where?

Cody: Me too.

Ken: So I do.

Yoli: This name so familiar to me.

Sora: She was with us in the elementary school until 6th grade then she went to USA.

Joe: Yes, I remembered her, she and Tai was so close, right?

Sora: Yes, she's his best friend.

Kari: Really? Dawn get back.

Matt: Yes.

Kari: I'm sure Tai's very happy now.

Sora: You can say, he's all over the moon.

Mimi: But not that means he goes with her to her house and ignore a beautiful girl like me, he didn't ask for once to go with him. Stupid boy.

Yoli: Is she the famous Dawn Kudo?

Joe: Yes.

Cody: The richest girl in the world? She's here?

Ken: I know her, and I know her father. He's very clever special in programming.

Izzy: Yes, I studied some listens in his class when I went to USA in the summer.

Daivs: And what about her with Tai?

Joe: Tai and Dawn were so close for each other since the childhood, he tells her every thing and every secret he has, and she knows him very well maybe more than us, you can say that she's the only one who understand him. They know each other very well.

Kari: My brother get very sad when she left and went to USA before 6 years, she even didn't tell him, and when she called him after few months from there she said that she couldn't see him before she leave because she didn't want to have a hared good bye.

Ken: And why she went to USA?

Sora: Her father wanted her to join Harvard school there.

Ken: I heared about this school it's really good one.

Sora: Yah.

Daivs: Like that they were close?

T.K: Yes.

Matt: But I think they will be closer more than before.

Mimi: What exactly do you mean Mr. Ishaida?

Matt: I mean it won't be a friendship for a long time, it will be some thing bigger.

Mimi: You mean he will love her? And the two will have a relationship?

Matt: Yes __

Mimi: Nooooooo

Matt: This is the truth, why are you angry?

Izzy: She's angry because one boy from the gang won't care about her any more.

Matt: Aha. What a girl.

In the way to Kudo's house:

Dawn was laughing.

Dawn: Don't say you did that.

Tai: Really, I did it.

Dawn: You didn't change Taichi Kamiya.

Tai: You too Dawn Kudo.

He stands in front of her and stare at her eyes.

Tai: These beautiful eyes didn't change too.

Dawn: Tai…

Tai: Why didn't you call me since that first and last call? I missed you so much.

Dawn: Because I didn't want to have hared time away from you.

Tai: But you let me had it.

Dawn: I'm sorry.

Tai: Don't be sorry, we are together again… forever.

The two lend to kiss each other, but before their lips touched they heared some one was coming in the same way, the two pulled back and blushed.

When the man went in his way, Dawn looked at Tai.

Dawn: I think I have to go.

Tai: That's bad, Ok I'll call you.

Dawn: I'll be waiting for your call hands. And thank you for raiding me home.

She kissed him on his cheek.

Tai: You're welcome beauty.

But before he leaves Dawn stopped him.

Dawn: Tai…

Tai: Yes, is there's some thing wrong?

Dawn: No, but I wondered about your sister… Hikari… that's her name… right?

Tai: Yes, why?

Dawn: How is she now?

Tai: Fine, but why do you ask?

Dawn: I used to play with her when I was a kid… remember… when the three of us go to the park and play games.

Tai: Yes, it was great time.

Dawn: Ok, say hi to her for me, don't forget that.

Tai: I will don't worry.

Dawn: Ok, bye.

Tai: Bye.

In D.D.s special place:

Tai entered the little house, the all were there.

Tai: Hi every one.

Sora: Hi, how is Dawn?

Tai: Dawn didn't change since the last time I saw her.

Sora: Did you have fun?

Mimi: I'm sure you had great time.

Tai: Yes, by the way Kari she told me to say Hi to you for her.

Kati happily: She still remembers me?

Tai: Yes.

Izzy: Hay guys, this is a SMS from Genni. It just arrived.

The all came and looked at the computer screen.

Izzy begin to read:

Hi D.D.s, how are you? I hope you all are fine, I'll tell you direct about the topic,

We found today that a strange power came from your city, and we think it's from a crest, I know this is strange for you all, but I'll tell you about a little secret we hide it from you all, you all know that there's just 9 crest and 9 tags but the real thing there's 10 crest and 10 tags, and I know you will ask why we didn't tell you about that crest and the tag, because we didn't know any thing about it either, all what we know that this crest is very powerful and you can say the most powerful crest, and the holder of it just arrived to your city and he doesn't know any thing about the Digi-world and sure he's in big danger, your job is to find him as soon as you can and bring him to my place, I know I can trust you.

Good luck.



The all looked at each other in amazed.

Matt: New crest …

Tai: With new tag…

Izzy: That means new Digi Distend…

Joe: And we have to find him in this big city.

Izzy: Yes, and we know that he just came to our city.

Sora: Maybe he's just a tourist.

Joe: No, I don't think so.

Sora: Why not?

Joe: It's school time in all the world, I think he moved here.

Izzy: I agree with Joe.

Daivs: And what are we going to do now?

Yoli: It's simple, we will search about him?

Daivs: Right … but how we will start?

Yoli: …

Izzy: Ok, I think we have to search about the new people here…

Joe: That's not easy, also we don't know if he a boy or a girl, old or young.

Mimi: Let me guess… a young handsome boy.

The all looked at her.

Mimi: What?

Tai: Nothing, but you are really clever Mss. Tachikawa.

Mimi: Thanx I know that.

Joe: Maybe she's right.

Sora: Maybe not… maybe she's a girl, We don't know yet.

Matt: Sora's right.

Ken: Ok, if he one of us, then I'm sure he has a D-vise or a D-3.

Izzy: Ken's right, we can follow the sign it will give and in that's way we solve the problem.

Joe: Ok guys, let's move.

After three hours:

The all came back to their place,

Mimi: I'm tired, I can't walk any more.

Yoli: Me too.

Izzy: We didn't find any sign.

Tai: And I don't think we will find it any way.

Joe looked at his watch.

Joe: I think I have to go now, I've an exam tomorrow. Call me if you find any thing.

Izzy: Ok, I will.

Joe went out from the little house.

Daivs: I'm hungry.

Cody: Me too.

Tai: Ok, I think we all are hungry, let's go to have something to eat then continue.

The all agree with Tai. They went to McDonalds then they continue but without any use.

In the next day, At Odaiba high school:

Dawn entered the class, Tai smiled and sign for her to come, she smiled back and went to him, Mimi note that, she gets very angry " I hate this girl, I hate her" She thought

Dawn: Good morning every one.

Tai, Matt and Sora: Good morning.

Mimi didn't answer her.

Tai: Dawn I think you know Sora and Matt…. Right?

Dawn smiled: Of course. They were my friends too.

Tai: Ok, this is __

Mimi: Princess Mimi Tachikawa.

Dawn: Nice to meet you pink princess.

Mimi: What do you mean?

Dawn: By looking at your look who won't say that.

Mimi: Aha, you know that the pink is very beautiful color and it suits me.

Dawn: I see that.

Mimi: What about you? What's your favorite color?

Dawn: The blue.

Mimi: Nice, but not nicer than the pink.

Dawn: That what you see.

Mimi: And all the girls see it.

Dawn: But not me.

Mimi: Why? Aren't you a girl?

Dawn: Yes, but I don't like the pink.

Sora: Ok, calm down girls, we don't want the whole class to look at us.

Then the two girls stopped and the class begin

After one week:

The whole week, when Mimi and Dawn face they begin to fight and always Mimi start it.

After the school,

Dawn was going out from the school when Tai who was playing some soccer game with his friends saw her, he stopped her.

Tai: Dawn … Dawn … stop.

Dawn looked at him.

Tai: Where are you going?

Dawn: Home.

Tai: Why are you looking sad?

Dawn: I'm not.

Tai: Yes, you are, I know that you are sad from your eyes.

Dawn: I told you I'm not sad.

This time her voice sound like she's going to cry.

Tai: What's the wrong Dawn? Why you want to cry.

Dawn: Nothing …

Tai: Come on, you have to tell me.

Dawn: I … I…

She begins to cry.

Tai: Dawn … Ok… stop crying and look at me, come on, look at me Dawn.

He holds her face up that he can see her.

Tai: Ok, relax… take a breath.

Dawn finally stopped crying.

Tai: Can you tell me what happened?

Dawn: Nothing.

Tai: And what these tears for?

Dawn didn't answer.

Tai: Am I your friend?

Dawn: You know that you are my best friend Tai, without I say it.

Tai: Then I'm sure you remember that we tell a promise for each other in the past.

Dawn: Which promise?

Tai: That we will tell each other every thing… right?

Dawn: Yes, I remembered.

Tai: Then, come on tell me.

Dawn: Ok… It's about that Mimi.

Tai: What about her?

Dawn: I don't know why she's always fight with me, and because her, the all teacher think that I'm the cues of all the problems and I hate to be in this situation.

Tai: I know that, Mimi always like that, Ok, what about going some where to have the lunch and we can talk about this.

Dawn: I __

Mimi came. She pulled Tai's hands from Dawn's face.

Tai: What's up with you?

Mimi: Nothing, but we are in the school.

Tai: But there's no one here, and we didn't do any thing.

Mimi: Yes, You did, by the way Joe and Izzy are waiting for us.

Tai: Ok, tell them I'll come after the __

Mimi: No, you are going with me, we have important job to do it.

She pulled Tai with her.

Tai: Stop it Mimi.

He pulled his arm from her and turn to see that Dawn is gone. " No, she had gone, that was my chance to tell her my feeling" He thought sadly. Mimi holds him from his arm.

Mimi: Come one.

Then she pulled him with her.

In the D.D.s special place:

Tai: Can you tell me what all that for?

Mimi: We have a job to do.

Tai: From when you begin to care?

Mimi: From now.

Matt: What happened between you?

Tai: She __

Mimi: Nothing but __

Izzy shout, the all looked at him.

Izzy: Guys… there's a sign, in the center of the city.

The all looked at the computer screen.

Yoli: Right, it's in the center. But where exactly?

Sora: I think in the West Mall.

Izzy: I'll see in the map… Ok… I think Sora's right.

Tai: Ok guys let's move to the West Mall.

In the city center, In front of the West Mall:

Daivs: The sign begin to be stronger.

Izzy: It came from the D-vise and the D-3.

Cody: It comes from inside the mall.

Tai: Ok, let's go.

They entered the mall and begin to search.

After half an hour:

The all met in starbux café…

Matt: There's no use, the sign is here but where?

Sora: Calm down Matt, I'm sure we'll find him.

Matt: I hope so Sora.

Mimi: If she's a girl I'll kill her to let me tired.

Cody: The sign… it's disappeared.

Tai: What?

Daivs: Cody's right.

Tai: No… What we are going to do now?

Izzy: I don't have any idea, I feel like my mind stop thinking.

Joe: Me too.

The same time, In the Digi-world:

" So, you also knew about the new powerful crest, stupid kids, I won't let you find it before me, I'll destroy you all by my self" A female voice said, she was looking at the D.D.s from big ray screen in dark room, then the door opened and another woman came.

" Did you call me your highness?" The woman said

"Yes, Tami… Tell me about the new crest" The queen said.

Tami: All what I know about it that it's the most powerful crest and it has the rays power which can open the gate to the Ray world, and from there you can central the Digi-world.

Queen: I see it will help us, but do you know who is the holder?

Tami: Sorry, no…no body know it yet.

Queen: Why not?

Tami: I heared that there's special protector for the holder and the crest.

Queen: You mean like that stupid Genni?

Tami: Yes and he gave the crest for it holder since his birth.

Queen: What the special with the chosen kid any way?

Tami: I don't know exactly, but I think that chosen has some rays in his body that let him holds that powerful crest.

The queen looked at the ray screen then she gets very angry.

Queen: I don't think we can do any thing and these stupid kids around us. I'll kill them all.

Tami: Can I say some thing your highness?

Queen: Go a head.

Tami: Why don't we choose any one from us to be the chosen, by this way we can know all their secrets and every thing we want to know, and by this time another team from us begin to search about the chosen kid, then when we finish from them we kill them.

Queen: Great idea, you are great Tami… Ok, I'll choose you to be the chosen, and the other leave it to me.

Tami: Yes your highness, when I have to start?

Queen: From now, your crest will be some thing I hate it… "The Honestly" Crest and you have the D-vise with your digimon soulmon. Your name will be Tami Kaito and you'll join the " X-ford school" and you have your little apartment in the same building of Tai's apartment.

Tami: Tami Kaito… get it.

Queen: Go and play with them and don't forget to tell me the good news.

Tami: I won't.

Back to the real world:

Yoli: Now what?

Izzy: I'm thinking.

Mimi: I'm going home.

Sora: But it still soon.

Mimi: I know, but I'm very tired and I need a shower.

Joe: I think all of us need that, let's go home and continue tomorrow.

The all agree and went back to their homes.

In the way home:

Matt note that Tai was moody

Matt: Tai are you Ok?

Tai: Yes, I'm fine, but why do you ask?

Matt: Thinking about some one?

Tai blushed: Like who?

Matt: Dawn for example

Tai blushed more: Why do you think that?

Matt: Just a thought… nothing else. But some times I think you really care about her.

Tai: Of course, she's my best friend

Matt: I didn't mean like this.

Tai: Then what?

Matt: Tai… do you like her?

Tai shocked, he stopped in his place staring at Matt, Matt looked at him.

Matt: What?

Tai: What are you saying?

Matt: The truth.

Tai: No… it's __

Matt: Why do you run away from that… if you didn't tell her, she will belong to another guy.

Tai: Another guys… NO WAY… SHE'S MY DAWN.

Matt: See I told you, you like her.

Tai didn't say any thing…

Matt: What's the wrong Tai?

Tai: I don't know Matt… but I think you are right, maybe I like Dawn… maybe more than like, but I can't tell her that.

Matt: Why not?

Tai: I don't know. Like there's some thing between us.

Matt: It's nothing, just look at Sora and me __

Tai: You two are different.

Matt: No, you just ask her to go out with you then tell her.

Tai: I don't know… any way thank you… I've to go now… bye.

Matt: Ok… bye.