Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Please… I need you ❯ Dawn's secret ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Warning: Dawn Kudo is my own character… don't use before you asked …

The next morning, In Odaiba high school:

Dawn entered the class and sat on her chair… Tai came near her.

Tai: Good morning.

But there's no answer.

Tai: Dawn… why didn't you answer my calls and my SMS?

Also there's no answer.

Tai: Come on Dawn… don't do this to me… I know you are angry.

Dawn: Ok… then leave me alone before your girl friend comes.

Tai: My what? Who are you talking about?

Dawn: Princess Mimi Tachikawa.

Tai: Mimi my girl friend?

He begins to laugh.

Dawn: Why are you laughing? I didn't say a joke.

Tai: I can't believe you thought that, she's not my girl friend. She can't be. Never.

Dawn happily: Really?

Tai stare at her in amazed.

Dawn note that: I… I… I forget something … I'll ask the help from Sora…

She went near Sora, and Tai still staring at her didn't believe that.

In the lunch break:

Tai and Dawn sat in a table alone, Mimi gets very angry she stands up to go to them, but Matt stopped her.

Matt: Don't do it… leave them alone.

Mimi: Don't you see him with her?

Sora: So what?

Mimi: He leaves us alone and sat with that girl.

Matt: That's Ok, she's his friend.

Mimi: No, it's not Ok. I'm going.

Matt pulled Mimi hared and let her sat.

Matt: I said leave them that mean leave them alone. Now shut up and eat your lunch.

Mimi gets angrier.

On Dawn and Tai's table:

Tai: So, you aren't angry a bout me any more?

Dawn: You know I can't.

Tai: Dawn… I want…

Dawn: What's the wrong Tai?

Tai: Ha… nothing… I just want to say I'm sorry about yesterday.

Dawn: Ow… that's Ok.

The two looked away from each other… then they looked at each other again.

The two: I want to say….

They stare at each other then smiled…

Dawn: Ok…you go first.

Tai: No… lady's first.

Dawn: Ok… Tai I__

Then the bill rang. And they went back to their class.

In the way to the class, Mimi came and walked between them and wrapped her hands around Tai's arm.

Mimi: Tai honey… why don't we have the dinner __

Tai: No, thank you, I've alots of work today… you too.

He pulled his arm and walked near Dawn, then the two went to the class, " Stupid guy." She said angry… then she looked at Sora and Matt " Why they don't looked at me? Is these girls more beautiful than me?" she entered the class angry

After the school:

Tai and Dawn were walking out side the school when Izzy ran to them.


The two looked at him, he stopped in front of them and breath hared.

Tai: What's the wrong Izzy?

Dawn: Breath out then talk.

Izzy: Tai… Tai… I found the chosen.

Tai shocked and Dawn didn't understand any thing.

Tai: Really?

Izzy: Yes… where's Matt and the others?

Tai: I don't know.

Izzy: Ok… call them while I'll go to bring Daivs and the other kids and Joe.

Tai: Yes… immediately…

Izzy: Ok… I'll meet you in our place ha?

Tai: Yes, don't be late.

Izzy: I won't… see ya…

Then he went away…

Tai looked at Dawn who didn't understand any thing.

Tai: Sorry Dawn… But I've to go now.

Dawn: Go? Where?

Tai: To take care about some thing. See ya bye.

He ran… Dawn looked at him sadly… " Tai…"

In the D.D.s special place:

Joe: Ok Izzy… where's he?

Izzy: Acutely she's a girl.

Mimi: I'll kill her.

Tai: And where's she now?

Izzy: Ok… the sign came from your place.

The all looked at Tai.

Mimi: A girl from Tai's place. Who's she?

Daivs: Maybe she's his girl friend?


Daivs: Ok…. Ok… don't yell I can hear you.

Izzy: Calm down guys… I mean she lives in the same building.

Tai: Say this from the begging.

Joe: And she still there?

Izzy: Yes, let's go to meet her.

Yoli: All of us?

Tai: Yes… that will be better.

Matt: Do you think she won't scare from us?

Tai: Well…

Joe: Listen if all of us go we can explain every thing in better way.

Sora: Ok, let's go.

In Tai's apartment building:

Izzy: I think the sign came from the 3rd floor in her apartment number is 105.

Tai: She's my neighbor then… I'm in 104 and she in 105 all these time and I didn't meet her for once.

Sora: Really?

Tai: Yes.

Joe: Ok… let's meet her and tell her every thing about the Digi-wold.

The all went to her apartment.

Matt: Ok, this is her apartment.

Joe rang the bill, after a second the girl opened the door. She was Tami.

Tami: Can I help you… all?

Joe smiled: We just want to talk to you.

Tami: Me? Do you know me?

Izzy: Some thing like that.

Tami: About?

Sora: If you let us in we can explain every thing to you.

Kari: Yes, we can't say any thing here.

Tami: Ok… come in.

The all entered then the door closed. They sat in the living room.

Tami: Drink some thing?

Joe: No, we just came to talk.

Tami: Go a head I'm listing.

Izzy: Ok… do you have a necklace… I mean important or special one?

Tami take out the necklace: You mean this?

The all looked at it… it looks like a crest.

Izzy: Yes.

Tami: What about it?

They explain every thing to hear about her crest and the Digi-world.

Tami looked at them in amazed…

Tami: You mean I'm one of you? The D.D.s?

Tai: Yes.

Tami: And this necklace is a crest?

Tai: Yes, it is.

Tami: And I have a… what you called it?

Daivs: Digimon.

Tami: Yes, this one.

Yoli: Yes, you have one of course.

Tami happily: Can I see it?

Ken: Yes… you can meet him in the Digi-world.

Tami: And how can I go there?

Ken: By the Digi-port.

Tami: What?

Izzy: You want to go now?

Tami: Of course.

Izzy: Yoli… open the port.

Yoli opened the port then the all went to the Digi-world.

In Kudo's house:

Dawn opened the door…

Dawn: I'm home.

"Welcome back sweetie" A female voice said. Then tall beautiful woman came out from one rooms of the big house.

"How was your day?" She asked Dawn.

Dawn: Fine, thank you mammy.

Mrs.Kudo: I don't see that in your face, did that girl bother you again?

Dawn: No not that mammy, but I feel some tired.

Mrs.Kudo: Are you sure sweetie?

Dawn: Yes, it was very long day to me.

Mrs.Kudo: Ok, come give mammy a huge.

Dawn hugged her mother, Mrs.Kudo kissed Dawn head.

The two bulled back.

Mrs.Kudo: Go wash your hands and have your lunch then you can get some rest.

Dawn: Ok… by the way mammy… did daddy traveled?

Mrs.Kudo: Yes, he did, but he will call you when he arrived.

Dawn: That's good I'll be waiting for him… Ok, excuse me I'll wash my hands.

Then she went up stairs while her mother was staring at her "I don't know what's going on with you since we came back? I think I have to talk to her." Her mother thought.

In the dinning room:

The two were eating the lunch when Mrs.Kudo start.

Mrs.Kudo: Sweetie can I ask you some thing?

Dawn looked at her then smiled.

Dawn: Of course mammy you can, you always can.

Mrs.Kudo: What's going on with you? You aren't like the past.

Dawn get a little nerves: What do you mean mammy?

Mrs.Kudo: I mean you are the one who wanted to came back here because that I think you have to be happy, but I don't see that. Why?

Dawn: I know that mammy, but really I'm fine… maybe you think I'm not because I'm tired from this long school days that I didn't use about them.

Mrs.Kudo: I'm your mother, you have to tell me every thing. And I'm always here for you.

Dawn smiled at her mother: I know that mammy, I promise you I'll tell you every thing bothering me.

Mrs.Kudo: I love you my baby.

Dawn: I love you too mammy.

After two hours:

The all D.D.s came back from the Digi-world.

Tami happily: That was great I want to go here more again.

Izzy: You can whenever you want, you have your D-vice now.

Tami: Yes.

Joe: Ok, we told you our special place that we use to meet in every day after the school, you'd better come.

Tami: Of course.

Joe: Ok, I think we have to go.

The all said bye to her.

Tai: I'm your neighbors __

Tami: I know that Tai Kamiya.

Tai smiled: That's good, what ever you want just come to me.

Tami: Ok, thank you.

Then he went out. Tami closed the door and smiled evilly.

Tami: Stupid kids, it's the time to know all your secrets.

Out side Tami's apartment:

" What a beautiful girl…" Tai thought.

The next morning:

Dawn was waiting for Tai in the side of the way like always to go together to school but he didn't come. "Where's he?" She thought worried about him, after a while she went alone to school. When she entered the class she saw Tai sitting with his friends, she gets very angry.

"What? He's here and I'm worried about him. Ok I will show you … wait… why I'm angry like that and he didn't seem to care at all? I also don't care about him… Ok Dawn relax…"

She went to her seat… Tai saw her.

Tai: Good morning Dawn… I'm sorry I didn't come to __

Dawn: That's Ok… don't think about it.

Tai: Aren't you angry?

Dawn smiled: At all.

In the lunch break:

The all went to have the lunch, Dawn staid in the class, Sora came.

Sora: Dawn… you are here and I'm searching about you.

Dawn smiled: Oh yes…

Sora: What are you doing?

Dawn: My homeworks

Sora: You can do them in the house.

Dawn: No, I'd like to do them now… also I'm not hungry.

Sora note that Dawn is sad, she sat next to her.

Sora: Is there's some thing wrong?

Dawn: Like what?

Sora: I don't know, but by looking to your face…

Dawn: I'm fine… really.

Sora: Are you sure? Is it Mimi again?

Dawn: No, I think Mimi stopped fighting with me these days.

Sora: I see that also. By the way how are you with Tai?

Dawn: Fine, but not like the past of course.

Sora: Why?

Dawn: I don't know.

Sora: Dawn… I'd like to ask you some thing. Can I?

Dawn smiled at her: Of course.

Sora: Do you __

Then the bill rang.

Sora: Ok… I'll talk to you later.

After the school:

Dawn went back quickly to her house, Sora note that she went back, she went to Tai.

Sora: Tai… where's Dawn?

Tai: I don't know… maybe she went back home.

Sora: Did you two fight?

Tai looked at her in amazed: Fight? Me and Dawn?

Sora: Yes.

Tai: No… we didn't… why? Did she tell you any thing?

Sora: No, but I was wondering, that's all.

Tai: We are fine don't worry… oh… by the way will we go to meet Tami today?

Sora: Yes… I think.

Tai pulled her: Ok… hurry.

After one month:

The all note that Tai likes Tami and she made her self likes him, Dawn was very sad because the person she came back for him doesn't care about her, he even stopped talking with her.

After the school, In Kudo's house:

Dawn was lying in her bed thinking, " I can't think any more I need some one to talk… yes… mammy"

She ran to her mother room. She knocked the door. Her mother looked at her and smiled.

Dawn: Mammy… can I come?

Mrs.Kudo: Of course sweetie.

Dawn entered her mother room and sat next to her mother.

Mrs.Kudo: I think you finally want to talk to your mammy… right?

Dawn: How did you know?

Mrs.Kudo smiled: The mother knows every thing about her children. Ok sweetie go a head, tell me what ever you want I'm listing.

Dawn told her mother every thing.

Mrs.Kudo smiled: You like him right?

Dawn blushed: Wha…? I…

Mrs.Kudo: Yes honey… this feeling is the jealousy… do you want me to tell you some thing?

Dawn: Yes.

Mrs.Kudo: Don't think about him, you like that will hurt your heart without any use, I'm sure he likes another girl, because that he won't care about you at all.

Dawn: But_

Mrs.Kudo: I know you'll tell me you can't… Ok, let me ask you some thing. Do you trust yourself?

Dawn: What?

Mrs.Kudo: You heared me…

Dawn: Of course I do.

Mrs.Kudo: Then you have to let yourself believe that you like him and care about him because he's just your childhood friend and he is your best friend….

Dawn: You mean I have to believe that this feeling just a friendship feeling?

Mrs.Kudo smiled: Yes…

Dawn: I think you are right mammy… thank you very much.

She hugged her mother, Mrs.Kudo kissed her daughter head.

Mrs.Kudo: You have to believe that you are great girl, and he stills your friend.

Dawn: Yes… I know that mammy… and I love you very much.

Mrs.Kudo: I love you too my great child.

In the night, In Tai's apartment:

Tai: Did you have fun Tami?

Tami: Yes… alots, you really great friends.

Daivs: I think Tami become great D.D.s… isn't she?

Tami smiled: And that's all because of you.

Joe: Ok, I think we need to go now.

Izzy: Yes… you are right.

The all say bye to Tai and Tami and went out from the apartment. Tai closed the door and went back to the living room where Tami was sitting, he sat next to her and smiled.

Tai: Tami… can I ask you some thing?

Tami: Aha.

Tai: Do you want to go out some where with me?

Tami looked at him happily: As a…

Tai: As a guy and a girl, I mean on a date.

Tami: Tai… do you like me?

Tai holds her hands: Yes… maybe more than like, you gave me different feeling.

Tami: Me too Tai, since the first time I saw you I liked you, I want to go with you.

Tai: Ok, what about tomorrow at... Emmm… 7 P.M.?

Tami: Of course.

Tai: That's great.

Tami: I think I have to go now.

Tai: But__

Tami: Without buts, tomorrow you will see me.

Tai: Ok, what ever you want.

Tami: Bye.

Tai: Bye.

Then she went out and closed the door behind her.

In Matt's car,

Sora note that Matt was thinking about something.

Sora: Matt… are you Ok?

Matt: Ha… yes, why shouldn't I be?

Sora: You look like thinking about something.

Matt: Ow yah, I'm thinking about Tai.

Sora: What about him?

Matt: Before one month he told me that he likes Dawn, maybe more than like… but now…

Sora: he really told you that?

Matt: Yes.

Sora: And he likes Tami now.

Matt: Sora… do you think that Dawn likes him?

Sora: Acutely I don't know… but I can tell that she likes him, she seems a little angry.

Matt: I don't know… I can't understand Tai any more.

Sora: Don't bother yourself honey, he soon will find him self.

Matt: I think you are right.

Sora: Ok, I'm home… bye… I love you.

Matt: I love you too.

She kissed him in his cheek then went out to her house.

The next day, At the school:

Dawn entered the class and said good morning then she sat on her seat, Tai saw her, he went near her.

Tai: Good morning best friend.

Dawn looked at him and smiled: Good morning bad friend.

Tai: Me? Why?

Dawn: Long time no calls or funny SMS I really missed them.

Tai smiled: I'm a little busy.

Dawn: About?

Tai blushed: Ha… it's just… you know…

Dawn smiled: We can say you are dating a girl?

Tai looked at her in amazed then he smiled: How did you know?

Dawn smiled: Because I know you… come on tell me…

Tai: Yes, some thing like that.

Dawn: Wow… you really grow up best friend.

Tai: What can I say.

The two laughed. Sora and Matt were staring at them.

Sora: I think they are fine.

Matt: I hope so.

Then the bill rang.

After the school, In the way to Kudo's house:

Dawn: So Tai, you don't want me to see her?

Tai: Who do you mean?

Dawn: Your girl friend.

Tai: Oh yes… sure…

Dawn: That's good… I hope you won't forget me.

Tai: What are you saying Dawn… you are me best friend and you know I can't.

Dawn: I hope so… Ok… this is my home… see ya… bye.

Tai: Bye.

Dawn entered her house. " Dawn…" Tai thought.

In the night:

Tai took Tami to have the dinner out side.

Tami: It was really great dinner Tai… thank you.

Tai looked at her and smiled: Don't say that… Ok where do you want to go also?

Tami: Anywhere but with you.

Tai: Ok… what about the midnight movie?

Tami: Great.

After two months:

Tami and Tai get closer than before the all note that and knew that the two fall in love with each other. They told her every secret that the D.D.s have and she reports it to the bad queen in the Digi-world.

In Tai's apartment:

Tai gave Tami a glass of water.

Tami: So whom do you want me to meet?

Tai: I want you to meet a really special friend.

Tami: And who's he?

Tai: She's a girl.

Tami get angry: A girl?

Tai: Calm down Tami… I told you she's just a friend…

Tami: Really?

Tai: Yes.

Tami: Ok… when we will meet her?

Tai: I told her to come. And sure she's in her way…

After half an hour:

The bill rang Tai opened it.

Dawn: Hi Tai.

Tai: Hi, come in.

Dawn entered the apartment.

Tai: Come… I want you to meet my girl friend.

Dawn: Your girl friend?

Tai: Yes…

The two went to the living room. Tami stand up.

Tai: Dawn… I want you to meet Tami… my girl friend. Tami this is Dawn my best friend.

Dawn smiled: Hi nice to meet you.

Tami stare at Dawn: Hi.... Nice to meet you too.

The three sat down.

Dawn: So Tai I finally saw your girl friend.

Tai: What do you think of my choice?

Dawn: Beautiful.

Tami: Thank you.

Dawn: I'm sure you'll take care about Tai.

Tami: I think he has to take care about me.

Dawn looked at Tai then looked at her.

Dawn: It's some thing you two have to do it.

Dawn looked at her watch…

Dawn: Ok Tai I'll go now.

Tai: Go? But you didn't stay.

Dawn: Maybe another time I promised Mimi to go with her shopping?

Tai shocked: Mimi?

Dawn: Yes.

Tai: But I thought you two were fighting?

Dawn: I didn't tell you we become good friends?

Tai: No… but that's good to hear.

Dawn stand up: Nice to meet you again Tami… have good time you two… bye.

Tai closed the door and sat next to Tami who was very angry.

Tai: What's the wrong Tami?

Tami: Truly Tai, I didn't like her?

Tai: Why not? She's nice girl.

Tami: Nice? Tai.

Tai: Come on you know how much I love you.

Tami smiled: Me too.

Tai: Ok, tell me why you hate her?

Tami: I don't know, but maybe when I use about her I'll like her.

Tai: I'm sure about that. Ok what about make special dinner for my special girl.

Tami smiled: That will be nice from you my best guy.

Tai: Ok wait for me.

Tami: Sure my love.

Tai kissed her in her cheek and went to the kitchen.

In the shopping mall:

Mimi: Look Dawn… don't you think this T-shirt suits me?

But Dawn didn't answer

Mimi: Dawn… hay Dawn…. DAWN

Dawn: What? What happened?

Mimi: Where are you?

Dawn: I'm here, why?

Mimi: Then why don't you answer me?

Dawn: Ha… I'm sorry… what did you say?

Mimi: I wanted to ask you about this T-shirt?

Dawn: It's beautiful…

Mimi: Dawn… are you Ok?

Dawn looked at her and smiled: Yes, why shouldn't I be?

Mimi: I don't know but you look like thinking about some thing?

Dawn: Mimi… do you know Tami?

Mimi: Tami?

Dawn: Yes.

Mimi: You mean Tai's girl friend?

Dawn: Aha… did you meet her?

Mimi: Of course… but do you want the truth?

Dawn: Yes.

Mimi: I don't like her.

Dawn: Why not… don't say because__

Mimi: Don't understand me wrong… I just don't like her not because she took the best guy in our team.

Dawn: Team? Which team?

Mimi: Ha… I… I mean… I mean my friends' team.

Dawn: And Tai one of them?

Mimi: Yes…

Dawn: And who also?

Mimi: Matt, Sora, Joe, Kari, and Daivs and__

Dawn: Izzy… is Izzy with you?

Mimi: Yes, But why do you want to know?

Dawn: Nothing important.

Mimi: Come on tell me.

Dawn: I just see him always talks to Tai and Matt, and I thought he's their friend. That's all.

Mimi: Aha…

Dawn: Ok… do you want to have some ice-mocha.

Mimi: Yes, I'd like to.

Then the two went to starbux café.

After two weeks:

It was the graduation party… Tai came with Tami and Matt with Sora, Mimi came with a boy named Jeff, and Dawn came with a guy named Scott and he's in Tai's soccer team.

While the all were dancing, Dawn and Scott came, Tai note that, he stare at her… she was wearing a short black dress with naked back with X sign came from the dress on it and beautiful heir style, " Wow… " Tai thought staring at Dawn… then Tami turned his face to face her…

Tami: I'm here.

Tai: I know.

Tami: Then who are you looking at?

Tai: Ha… no one.

Tami: I know… it's that Dawn. Get real Tai… she's with Scott now.

Tai: Scott?

Tami: You didn't know, Scott is her date for this night.

Tai: And how did you know about that and know Scott?

Tami: You tell me about him and just look at him with her.

Tai looked at the two, he gets very angry. " How could he…?" He thought angry.

After the dancing:

Tai went to Dawn and Scott's table. Dawn wasn't there

Tai: Hi.

Scott: Hi.

Tai: So you are dating Dawn.

Scott stares at him then begin to laugh.

Tai: Why you are laughing?

Scott: Dating? Dawn and me?

Tai: That what I see.

Scott: I wish we are…

Tai: What do you mean?

Scott: I asked her to go out many times but she refused that.

Tai: Why?

Scott: Ask her… but I think she's thinking about another guy.

Tai: Like who?

Scott: I don't know this either.

Tai: Ok… I'll go Tami is waiting for me…

Tai went back to his table and Dawn came…

Dawn: Sorry I'm late.

She sat down.

Scott: No that's Ok… Tai came here.

Dawn: Really? What does he want?

Scott: Just to say Hi.

Dawn: Aha…

After the dinner:

Tai came near Dawn.

Tai: Hi.

Dawn smiled: Hi.

Tai: You look great tonight.

Dawn: You too Tai, And your girlfriend.

Tai: But I don't think like you.

The two stare at each other eyes… then Tai spoke.

Tai: Can I __

Then Tami came; She wrapped her hands around Tai's arm.

Tami: Hi Dawn Kudo.

Dawn: Hi Tami.

Tami: Come one Tai… Excuse us.

She pulled Tai with her. " I don't know… but I feel bad feeling about her… I wish I know it but like she's going to hurt Tai" Dawn thought worried.

After the party, In Tai's apartment:

Tai was lying on his bed thinking about Dawn "Why can't I stop thinking about her… And I became happy when I knew that Scott didn't go out with her… Do I still like her… but I love Tami… she's my… my… my girl friend… I don't know… Tami or Dawn…" He was thinking until he fall in the sleep.

The next day:

Dawn went with Sora to the shopping mall, After the shopping they sat in the sntafa café,

Dawn: I get tired.

Sora: Me too.

Dawn: By the way Sora I'd like to ask you some thing.

Sora smiled: Of course, go ahead.

Dawn: It's about Tami.

Sora: You mean Tai's girlfriend?

Dawn: Yes.

Sora: What about her?

Dawn: I'll be honest with you Sora because you are my best friend…

Sora: What's the wrong Dawn? you begin to scare me.

Dawn: No, don't worry, but I have bad felling toward her. I can't point it.

Sora: Maybe it's just a feeling.

Dawn: I don't think so Sora, and acutely it's not the first time I had this feeling…

Sora: What do you think?

Dawn: I told you I don't know… I wish I know it, I just want Tai to be Ok that's all.

Sora smiled: Tai strong guy and grow up, he can take care about himself.

Dawn: You don't know him, some times he can't know what's bad or good for him. And what ever this feeling is I wish it's not true.

Sora: If it's bad I wish this too.

After one week:

Tami went to the Digi-world. She met with the bad queen and told every thing she knew from the D.D.s.

Tami: And that's all your highness.

Queen: Good for you Tami, you really did great job.

Tami: By the way your highness did you fined any thing about the chosen kid?

Queen: Yes…

Tami: Like what?

Queen: We know the chosen is a girl.

Tami: That's great.

Queen: Yes… and we know that she's new in the city, she just came this year.

Tami: Aha…

Queen: And she's in Tai's school… that's all…

Tami: I think I can help.

Queen: What do you mean?

Tami: I know a girl… she's new in this city and in Tai's school.

Queen: Really?

Tami: Yes, your highness… and from the first time I saw her I didn't like her, but I prefer to wait until I become sure…

Queen: Ok… bring her to me now…

Tami: But your __

Queen: Without buts, you didn't like her… that's it… I'm sure she's the chosen kid

Tami: Why are you sure like that?

Queen: Did you forget that when you born another girl porn in the same day, and this day also the rays shows, the dark one hit you, and just now I understand that there was another rays… the bright rays and I'm sure it hits her… because that you two hate each other and you have that strange feeling.

Tami: And what I have to do now?

Queen: Just tell me about this girl and her name and bring the stupid kids to the "Death desert" is that clear?

Tami smiled: Yes be sure…

Queen: Tomorrow I'll have the two worlds in my hands and the power of that girl…

The two begin to laugh.

In the next day, In Tami's apartment:

Joe: So Tami what's the important thing you need us all to know?

Tami: It's not here.

Joe: Then where?

Tami: In the Digi-world…

Izzy: About what?

Tami: When we go there you'll know.

Joe: Ok, what ever… let's go…

Then the all transport to the Digital world.

In the same time, In Kudo's house:

Dawn was reading a book when she felt some thing strange in her body… it hurts her hared, she holds her head by her hands and rolled from the pain, after a while she fall down…

In the Digi-world:

Matt: So… where's it?

Sora: I don't see any thing?

Yoli: Me too…

But Tami didn't answer them…

Tai: Tami… are you Ok?

Tami turned and looked at him, she smiled.

Tami: Yes, I'm fine…

Tai: Then what's this important thing you talked about?

Tami: Look behind you and you all will know.

The all looked behind them and shocked.

Daivs: What's that?

Ken: What all these Digimon for?

They looked at Tami waiting an answer from her… she smiled.

Tami: They are for you.

The all shocked.

Tai: Tami what are you talking about?

Tami: You'll know.

Then all the Digimon attack them and arrest them all then put them in a person.

Tai: Tami what are you doing?

Tami: As what you see.

Tai: I don't understand.

Tami: Ok… you'll understand after you meet the queen.

Tai: The queen?

Tami: Yes…

Then she laughed and walked away.


But there wasn't any answer.

In another place in the Digi-wold:

Dawn begins to open her eyes. Then she was awake after a while, she sat down and saw her self in big beautiful room… " Where am I?" She thought… she get up from the bed and walked to the window, she saw a beautiful view… there was alots of rainbows full of the sky, and alots of beautiful flowers… "What a beautiful view, but… where can I be? What is this place?" While Dawn was thinking the door opened without she notes.

"So you wake up?" A male said

Dawn turned and saw the man who talked to her.

Dawn: Who are you? And what do you want from me?

"I won't hurt you don't worry" He told her.

Dawn: Then who are you?

"My name is Tano… and I'm here to help you and protect you"

Dawn: Protect me from what?

Tano: From that bad queen or any one wants your power and your crest for the bad things.

Dawn: What do you mean?

Tano: I know you will fined what I'll tell you unbelievable… but you have to know it's the true and it's the truth of your self… the truth of the Dawn shine.

Dawn: You begin to scare me.

Tano: Don't worry… Ok… I'll tell you every thing. Before 17 years and exactly in 4th of Oct. of that year two girls had born and in the same days the Ray world emanated two kinds of rays… dark gray ryas… and silver bright rays. The dark rays hits one of the girls and the bright rays hit the other one… the two girls had from these rays some power it named the rays power… it's very powerful and no one knows about it any thing… until the dark queen Linda knows about the dark rays… when the two girls became two years old, she killed the parents of the girl who the dark rays hit her… and took her, this girl became very bad girl, Linda use her in her bad things…because that I had to protect the other girl because that I putted a crest around her neck to protect her from Linda, and this thing work but all these years let the power transform from her body to the crest… and just in this year Linda knows about her and her power, I sent an E-mail to Genni to let him warn the D.D.s and find that girl to protect her from Linda, but Linda put her plan and worked on it… because that I had to bring you her.

Dawn shocked: Me?

Tano: Yes… that girl is you…

Dawn was shocked, after a while of thinking, she took a necklace, it was around her neck.

Dawn: This necklace was around me since I born, when me or my parents want to take it off it turn by itself, then we let it without knowing what the use of it. And just now I understand that it's a crest… and I have some powers without knowing that.

Tano: Yes that's right… and it's your turn to help the Digi-world and destroy your enemy.

Dawn: My enemy?

Tano: Yes… I mean Tami.

Dawn shocked: Tami?

Tano: Yes.

Dawn: You mean Tai's…

Tano: I know it's big shock for you… but it's the true, Tami is the girl who the dark rays hit her and she also wants to destroy you… and one last thing she arrested your friends…

Dawn: Friends? Which friends?

Tano: The D.D.s…

Dawn: What? What that means?

Tano explain to her every thing about the Digital world, the D.D.s, the Digimon and about the time…

Dawn: Tai with them… Tai is one of the D.D.s? He didn't tell me about that…

Tano: It wasn't in his hands… it's the Digital world rules.

Dawn: Digital world rules… I think I get it. And now I have to do some thing to help him?

Tano: Yes… and this is your first job…

Dawn: You mean I have to do some thing else?

Tano: Yes… but I'll tell you what is it in it time.

Dawn: You won't help me?

Tano: No, you have to find every thing by your self… and always don't forget you have this strong crest "The Sacrifice crest" the most powerful crest. You have to protect it.

Dawn: I'll do my best.

Tano: I trust you Dawn shine.

In the Death desert:

All the D.D.s were sitting in the prison…

Mimi: It's too hot here.

Palamon: You are right… I can't stand it any more.

Daivs: We have to do some thing.

Yoli: Like what?

Daivs: Like getting out from her.

Yoli: Do you have any idea?

Daivs: Break this __

Yoli: Get real… just look to all these strong digimon around us.

Daivs: Our digimon strong and can fight them.

T.K: They can't… just look at them… they are without any power.

Daivs: Aw…

Matt and Sora note that Tai was sad…

Sora: Tai… are you Ok?

Tai looked at her and smiled: Yes… but I was thinking about Tami… why did she do that? Why did she lie to me?

Sora: I don't know… but you have to stop thinking about her now.

Tai: I can't… and I can't stop thinking if I really love her or not… and how I loved her. I wished I didn't fall in love with her… she's just a stopped bitch.

Matt: Look Tai what happened is happened and we can't change it now.

Tai: I know…

Sora: By the way Tai… about Tami… before a few days when I was with Dawn in the shopping mall she told me some thing about Tami.

Tai in concern: Like what?

Sora: That she had bad feeling toward Tami but she couldn't point it… she said that she's a fried that Tami will hurt you

Matt: And she was right.

Tai looked sad… "Dawn… Where are you? I really need you." He thought sadly.

After a while:

Tami came back…

Tami: Hi little kids.

The all looked at her in anger, Tai get up angry.

Tai: Tami I want you to explain every thing to me now.

Tami smiled: It doesn't need any explanation… I trick you… and really you were an easy victim…

She begins to laugh.

Tai: What do you mean?

Tami: I'm your enemy and I'm not the chosen kid…

The all shocked…

Izzy: You aren't the chosen?

Tami: No… I had to trick you and act that I'm the chosen… to let the queen Linda knows every thing about your secret and let us also search about the chosen and find him without any bother from you…

Izzy: No way… that means the chosen is in big danger…

Tami: Don't worry we will take good care about her…

Izzy: She's a girl?

Tami: Yes… now I think I have to go… see you soon…

Tai: Tami … wait…

Tami: What do you want?

Tai: Why did you lie to me and let me love you?

Tami: You can say its part of the plan…

Tai: You mean you all this time __

Tami: Yes Tai… I was tricking you… poor boy… you will have heart broken.

She begins to laugh… Then she went away.

Another place in the Digi-world:

Dawn was standing in a jungle…

Dawn: So I'm in the Digital world… but where I have to go now? I even don't have a map for this area…

She begin to walk in the big jungle…

In queen Linda castle:


Solder1: No, your highness we search every where but __


Solder2: But your __


Then Tami entered the room…

Tami: What's the wrong your highness?

Linda: They didn't find the girl.

Tami shocked: What? No way… I'm sure about her.

Linda: Then you have to bring her to me… or wait…

Tami: What?

Linda: You told me that she's Tai's best friend… right?

Tami: Yes.

Linda: Then ask him about her place…

Tami: Ok…

In the Death desert:

Kari: I can't stand it any more… it's too hot.

Yoli: You are right… we have to think about way to get out.

Cody: I don't think we can with this hot.

Daivs: Veemon... You still without any power?

Veemon: Yes… I feel too tired to do any thing… I'm sorry Daivs.

Daivs: That's Ok… you don't have to be sorry…

Then they saw Tami coming… she was angry.

Tami: Tai…

Tai: What do you want? To trick me again?

Tami: I want to ask you some thing and you better answer me.

Tai: What?

Tami: Where I can find your friend Dawn?

Tai shocked: Dawn? Why?

Tami: That's non-of your business.

Tai: Then shut up… I don't know.

Tami: I told you, you better answer me Tai.

Tai: No way… get lost… I know you'll hurt her.

Tami: Ok Tai… you will bring it to your sister…

She signs to one of the strong Digimon to take Kari.

Tai: I told you I don't know.

Tami: Don't lie to me Tai… you better tell me or I'll kill your little sister.

Tai: I'm not ling… truly I don't know.

Tami: LIRE.


Tami: Not before you tell me.


Tami get very angry she pulled her sword and sign for the big Digimon to bring Kari. She puts the sword on Kari's neck… but before she cold hurt her… silver lights came and break the sword to small parts. The all were shocked.

Tami: What was that?

Then another silver lights came and break the lock of the person. Tai ran to Kari and pulled her with him…


She shouts at the Digimon… but all the D.D.s could ran.

After a while of running:

All the D.D.s with their digimon arrived to a big jungle and hide in it.

Matt: Do you think we lost her?

Joe: Yes…I think so.

Izzy: No sign for her or her digimon. I think we far from them…

Sora: Look guys, it's a lake, I think we can catch some fish and spend the night near it.

Joe: You are right.

After eating:

Izzy: Tai… what do you think Tami wants from Dawn?

Tai: I was thinking about that… but I didn't find any answer… just I know that they hate each other…

Daivs: Maybe she wants to revenge.

Yoli: Revenge?

Daivs: Why not? Tai said that they hate each other.

Izzy: Guys do you think that Dawn is the chosen?

The all looked at him.

Mimi: I don't think so…

Izzy: It's just a guess…

Matt: And maybe it's true… Dawn very clever girl and I think that she's the only one who has the crest.

Sora: I agree with Matt. What about you Tai?

Tai: I don't know… Maybe… maybe not.

In the other side of the Digital-world:

Dawn was walking in the long jungle…

Dawn: What this? It's very huge like it won't end…

Then she heared a voice… she stopped and looked around her.

Dawn: Who's there?

But there wasn't any answer… Dawn gets very angry.

Dawn: I know that you are here… show your self.

But also there wasn't any answer

Dawn: I won't hurt you I promise…

Then she heared a vice from the tree behind her… she turned and notes that some thing moved very quickly to the other tree.

Dawn: Aha… there you are… come out I told you I won't hurt you.

" You promise you won't hurt me?" A sweet vice said… Dawn smiled…

Dawn: I told you I promise.

" Ok… I trust you," The vice said again.

Then slowly a little white Digimon came out… Dawn looked at him in amazed.

Dawn: Are you a Digimon?

Digimon: Yep… and my name is Musimon…

Dawn: Hi… nice to meet you. My name is Dawn.

The digimon opened it eyes…

Musimon: Dawn? You mean you are Dawn shine?

Dawn: Dawn shine?

Then she remembered that Tano called her this name.

Dawn: Yes… I'm Dawn shine…

Musimon: REALLY? WOW I was waiting for you for along time.

Dawn: Me? But why?

Musimon: Because you are the only one who could help us.

Dawn: In what?

Musimon: To bring back the rainbow stone.

Dawn: What's this?

Musimon: A very powerful stone… and the bad queen Linda took it and made it a dark stone…

Dawn: Queen Linda?

Musimon: Yes… she's very bad and evil… will you help us?

Dawn: Of course… but do you know where can I find her?

Musimon: Acutely no… but I know that Guilmon knows and I'm sure he's waiting for you.

Dawn: Guilmon? Who's he? And why he's waiting for me?

Musimon: You don't know?

Dawn: No…

Musimon: He's your Digimon… the most powerful Digimon in the whole Digital-world.

Dawn: My Digimon? Can I meet him?

Musimon: Yes of course… follow me…

Then Musimon flew…

Dawn: Musimon… wait…

Musimon: What?

Dawn: How can we walk in this dark?

Musimon: Don't worry… I have some lights power… now follow me.

In the morning:

All the D.D.s waked up and after having some thing to eat they begin to walk.

Agumon: Tai I feel like my power return.

Veemon: Me too

Izzy: I think all the Digimon power return.

Yoli: That's good…

Daivs: Then we can face that stupid girl and revenge.

Tai: I hope she didn't find Dawn… I'm really worried about her.

Kari: I'm sure she didn't find her… Dawn is not easy girl.

Sora: I'm with Kari in this… Dawn is clever girl and I'm sure she can handle it.

Tai: But this doesn't mean we don't have to help her.

Matt: That's right Tai… but what we meant that until we find her behind we aren't sure that Tami find her yet.

Tai: I hope so Matt.

Joe: I was thinking about Dawn yesterday.

Tai: What do you mean?

Joe: If she's the chosen… why Tami and that queen want her?

Izzy: Maybe because of the powerful crest.

Joe: Maybe there's another reason.

Cody: Like what?

Joe: Some thing we can't understand it yet… some thing bigger than what we expect it.

Cody: Maybe she has some power?

Izzy: Why not? But we aren't sure yet that she's the chosen.

Tai: I have a feeling that Dawn is the chosen… since we were a little kids I always thought that she has some thing let her very special girl… some thing I don't now… what ever is this feeling is… I hope she will be fine.

Kari: I remembered some thing happened before she traveled to U.S.A. but I can't remember what is…

Izzy: Like what?

Kari: I don't know… there where a silver light every where around us… then some thing happened I can't remember it…

Izzy: Come on Kari… try… maybe it's important…

Kari: I told you I can't… but when I remember it I will tell you.

Izzy: Ok.

Dawn and Musimon:

The two arrived to a cave.

Musimon: After this cave we will meet Guilmon.

Dawn: I hope that… I'm very tired from walking all the night.

Musimon: Come on…

The two entered the cave, and walked until they found a gate for out side. When they get out they found their selves in beautiful place… it also full of rainbows and beautiful little digimon every where…

Dawn: Wow… it's beautiful here.

Musimon: Come… the town is there.

They entered the little town… there are a humans…. Dawn was amazed.

Dawn: Hay Musimon are they humans?

Musimon: No… they are the ray peoples… they look like the humans but they are like the digimon… digital peoples.

Dawn: Aha…

" HAY MUSIMON… " A female vise called Musimon… Musimon looked at the girl who called… she looked like a police officer. She came near them.

Musimon: Hi Jennie…

Jennie: Hi…

Then she looked at Dawn…

Musimon: Ow… she's Dawn shine.

Jennie happily: Really? I can't believe it… you are Dawn shine?

Dawn smiled: Yes… I am.

Jennie: I'm glade to meet you… we really need you here.

Dawn: I know Musimon told me every thing… and I'll try my best to help you and get the rainbow stone back from that bad queen.

Jennie: Thank you.

Dawn: Don't thank me… it's my job to help you.

Jennie: Oh I forget… I'm Jennie the police officer of this little town.

Dawn: I note that from your clothes.

Jennie: You didn't meet Guilmon… right?

Dawn: Musimon said that he would take me to meet him.

Jennie: Ok… I know where we can find him… follow me.

In the town hospital:

The three entered the hospital… it was very quite one… they went to the reception…

Jennie: Joy… where are you?

Then a girl came from the room in front of them… she looked like a nurse.

Joy: Hi Jennie. What's up?

Jennie: You won't believe who's here?

Joy: Who?

Jennie: Dawn shine…

Joy: No way?

Jennie: Yes… she is…

She sign at Dawn who was smiling…

After they introduce each other they sat in the waiting room.

Dawn: So where's Guilmon.

Joy: He's here… do you want to meet him now?

Dawn: Of course.

Joy: Ok… come with me.

Joy took them to the hospital back yard… then they saw red big Digimon…

Joy: Guilmon…

Then the digimon looked at her… then he looked at Dawn, he came near her.

Guilmon: Are you Dawn shine?

Dawn: Yes… and you?

Guilmon happily: Finally we met… I was waiting for you all these years.

Dawn: You are…

Musimon: Yes… he's Guilmon… your digimon.

Dawn smiled: Hi Guilmon… I'm happy to meet you.

Guilmon: I hope we become good team.

Joy: I'm sure you will be.

Dawn: Then you will help me in my job?

Guilmon: Of course… I'm your digimon and I'll help you in every thing.

Dawn: That's great… but…

Jennie: What's the wrong?

Dawn blushed: Do you have some thing to eat… I'm very hungry.

The two girls smiled…

Joy: Of course…

After having some thing to eat:

The three girls with the two digimon sat in the hospital waiting room.

Guilmon: By the way Dawn… do you have the D-Arc?

Dawn: What is this?

Guilmon: You mean you don't have it? Didn't Tano give it to you?

Dawn: No… and he didn't say any thing about it.

Jennie: From where we can find it? There is just one and it soppiest to be with the crest holder.

Dawn: But I don't have and I didn't see it in my life.

Musimon: Calm down guys… I have it.

The all looked at him.

Dawn: You have it?

Musimon: Yes, since that queen took the dark D-Arc I keep the bright one with me and hide it in the ray ball.

Dawn: Can you bring it to me?

Musimon: Yes… it's here with me.

Then Musimon shows a ray ball. He took some thing from it and gave it to Dawn.

Musimon: Here… it's the D-Arc… and it's yours… you can use it with some cared and let Guilmon Digi-vovle to more powerful digimon, you understand me… right?

Dawn: Yes… Tano explained every thing to me about this.

Jennie: But there is some thing you have to know…

Dawn: Like what?

Jennie: The Warp Digi-vovle… non of us see it or know what happen in it… because that you have to be careful.

Dawn: I will…

Musimon: You know how to use it?

Dawn: No…

Then Musimon explained for her how to use it.

Dawn: I think I get it… thank you.

Joy: I have some cards here its simple programs but you can take it and use it.

She gave Dawn five cards…

Dawn: Thank you Joy.

Jennie: Here… I'm sure you will need this program.

She gave Dawn blue cared…

Dawn: This cared is different.

Jennie: Yes… because it's different…

Dawn: Thank you all.

Musimon: I'm sure you will find alots of cards or programs in your long trip.

Dawn: Thank you another time… Ok I think it's time for leaving.

Joy: Now?

Dawn sadly: Yes… I'm worried about my friend… that bad queen Linda arrest them… I have to help them.

Guilmon: And I'm with you.

Jennie: Ok… but be careful.

Dawn: I will.

Joy: I'll bring for you some food and water for the way.

In front of the town gate:

Dawn: Ok guys… thank you for every thing.

Joy: Be careful.

Dawn: I will thank you.

Jennie: Don't forget what I told you about the blue cared…

Dawn: Sure… Ok Guilmon… shall we go now?

Guilmon: Yep…

Dawn: Ok… bye see you soon.

The two girls: Bye.

Dawn and Guilmon started to walk… Musimon was worried about them…

The D.D.s:

The D.D.s was walking when Daivs D-3 begins to peep… he took it from his pocket…

Daivs: It looks like a sign…

Yoli: Maybe that Tami trick us again.

Izzy: I don't think so…

Yoli: Why not?

Izzy: This sign is different, like it's coming from different Digi-stuff… you know what I mean.

Joe: Then maybe there __

Then a hared earth quick let them fall down, after the earth quick stopped three big digimon attacked them…

Daivs: Veemon… now…

Then they heared a laughing… then Tami shows on one of the digimon.

Tami: Don't try, there's no use… you are out of the digit area.

The all were shocked…Izzy took a lock in the laptop.

Izzy: She's right… the digimon can't Digi-volve here.

Tami: Smart guy… Ok, the queen invites you all to your last party.

She sign for the digimon to arrest them…

Dawn and Guilmon:

The D-Arc begins to peep… Dawn took it from her pocket and looked at it.

Dawn: What's the wrong with it?

Guilmon: I think it gives a sign for your friends' place.

Dawn: Really?

Guilmon: Yes…

Dawn: Ok… let's follow this sign.

Guilmon: You can show 3-D map for this area…

Dawn: How?

Guilmon pressed in some button then a 3-D map showed…

Guilmon: This red circle is where your friends are…

Dawn: Then lets move.

In the dark castle:

The big digimon threw the D.D.s in big dark person…

Solder1: You stay here and be quit…

Then he went out and closed the door.

Daivs: Damit… can't we break this door?

Kari: I don't think so… it's heavy…

Izzy: The strange sign is here…

Mimi: And it's for what?

Izzy: I think for new Digi- stuff…

Tentamon: I heared an old story talking about two kind of rays… and two powerful Digi-stuff called…. Emmm… I can't remember it…

Gotamon: The D-Arc…

The all looked at Gotamon.

Kari: You know it Gotamon?

Gotamon: Yes… it's very powerful and it's use for the rays Digimon there is just two from it and two digimon too…

Izzy: And sure two Digital destined…

Gotamon: No…. They called the Tamers…

Sora: And what that means?

Gotamon: I don't know… they have some special way to use their D-Arc… I think with the cards or programs… or some thing like that.

Ken: And do you think that the real chosen is one of them?

Gotamon: Maybe… maybe not… I don't know more than this…

Izzy: What about you Tentamon?

Tentamon: Me too…

Dawn and Guilmon:

Dawn: So Guilmon… where this sign takes us?

Guilmon: I don't know, but I can say to the dark land.

Dawn: Dark land?

Guilmon: Yes, where the queen Linda lives.

Dawn: This is the queen who arrested my friends… right?

Guilmon: Yep…

Then the two arrived to dark jungle…

Dawn: Shall we enter?

Guilmon: I think so…

Dawn: But it's too dark and… scary…

Guilmon: I'm with you in this… but we have to if you want to save your friends.

"Tai… I wish you will be Ok" Dawn thought…

Then the two entered the dark jungle.

Back in the dark castle:

" TAAAAAAAMIIII…. TAMIIIII…." One of the soldiers shouted.


Soldir1: We found the chosen.

Tami stand up.

Tami: Really?

Soldirs1: Yes…

Tami: Ok bring her here…. NOW

Soldir1: Yes…

Dawn and Guilmon:

Dawn and Guilmon were walking when four big digimon appeared in their way…

Dawn: What are they?

Guilmon: Bad digimon… Dawn let's fight…

Dawn shocked…

Dawn: Fight?

Guilmon: Yes…

Dawn: I can't

Guilmon: WHAT?

Dawn: I don't know how to use it…

Guilmon: But Joy and Jennie told you how…

Dawn: I forget

The two looked at each other…

Dawn: I think the ran will be useful

Guilmon: Yes…

The digimon begin to attack, the two ran away… after a long way the dark castle showed in front of him…

Guilmon: Dawn look…

Dawn: I'm sure my friends there

Then another digimon appeared in front of them…

Dawn: They around us from everywhere…

Guilmon: Fireball…

The ball hits the digimon but it doesn't effect in him… the two shocked…

Dawn: What we have to do now?

Guilmon: I don't now…

Before the digimon's attack reach the two a sliver lights came from Dawn's crest and hits the attacks and let them return to the digimon and destroyed them…

Dawn: They had gone…

Guilmon: The crest protects us Dawn…

Then they felt like the ground begins to crack under them… they looked down and out of the blue they fall down…

The D.D.s note the ceiling begins to crack…

Guilmon: Fire defense…

The D.D.s saw a fire then red digimon fall on it…

Dawn was falling down… Then a silver light came from her crest…

The D.D.s saw the silver light also then saw Dawn fall on it, the all were shocked…

Tai: Dawn…

Guilmon jumped from the fire and ran to Dawn…

Guilmon: Dawn, are you Ok?

Dawn waked up… she puts her hand on her head…

Dawn: I think so… but I feel like my head will blow out…

Guilmon helped her to stand up…

Tai: Dawn…

Dawn and Guilmon looked at the D.D.s in the prison…

Dawn: Tai…

Dawn ran to them…

Tai: How did you come here?

Dawn: It's along story, Are you all Ok?

Matt: Yes…

Daivs: Can you get us out from here?

Dawn looked at Guilmon…

Guilmon: What?

Dawn: Can you get them out from there?

Guilmon: I can't without any program…

Dawn: With your __

Then two big digimon entered the room with Tami…

Tami: So… look who's here

Dawn: Leave my friends alone…

Tami: Is it important for you?

Dawn: Yes…

Tami: First let me take your power.

Dawn: Which power?

Tami: You know and I know… we are the rays' girls…

Dawn: Leave my friends, they don't have any thing with that…

Tami: Yes they have, they are the D.D.s and they always destroy our plans…

Dawn: Because they are bad…

Tami: Ok… time to fight… RENAMON.

Then a yellow digimon attack them…

Guilmon: Fireball…

But it missed…

Guilmon and Renamon begin to attack each other…

"Guilmon needs the programs…" She took one of the programs…

Tami: Renamon… use the diamond storm…

She runs the program card in the D-Arc…

Renamon attacked Guilmon hared…

Dawn: Guilmon… Ok… rays hands program…

Dawn ran the card in the D-Arc… All the D.D.s were shocked…

Guilmon attack Renamon and let her fall down…

Then two big digimon carried Dawn, she was shocked….

Dawn: Leave my arms… you are hurting me…

Guilmon saw them, then he attacked the two, Dawn fall down… Guilmon again attacked Renamon… Tami gets very angry…

Tami: Don't forget… you are in my castle and I can destroy you now…

Guilmon: Just try…

Dawn: We don't want any more fighting… I just want my friends' back…

Tami: Then give me the crest…

Dawn: What?


Bur before she could reach Dawn a light came from the crest every thing became in bright lights…

In some where in the Digi-world:

Tai waked up, he sat and looked around him and saw all the digimon and his friends are lying… he waked Agumon. Then the all waked up.

Guilmon: Dawn, are you Ok?

Dawn: Yes… I think so… but where are we?

Guilmon: I think in big ray library…

Then Izzy came to her…

Izzy: So Dawn… you are the chosen kid?

Dawn smiled: No… I'm the chosen girl…

Izzy smiled: You smart at me…

Dawn: No…

Izzy: I think this digimon is yours?

Dawn looked at Guilmon then she looked at Izzy.

Dawn: Yes… he's name is Guilmon…

Tentamon: Hi… I'm Tentamon…

Then the all introduce their selves to Guilmon and Dawn…

Joe: Then how did you come here?

Dawn told them every thing…

Tai: Then you and Tami are enemies?

Dawn: Yes… just now I understand why I felt bad about her that day.

Matt: And what about the Ray world… where is it?

Dawn: I don't know, Mr. Tano tell me a little about it… I only met the ray people…

Izzy: Then you are a tamer… right?

Dawn: Yes… that what Joy called me…

Izzy: Can I see your D-arc?

Dawn took the D- arc from her pocket and gave it to Izzy.

Izzy: Wow… it's really different from the D-vise and the D-3…

Joe: Is it 3D?

Dawn: Yes…

Then they took a look in the place… it looks like big library…

Daivs: There are lots of books…

Joe: It's big library…

They went and tool a look on the books… Tai came near Dawn…

Tai: Dawn… I think I own an apologize to you.

Dawn: Why?

Tai: Because I didn't tell you about the Digi-world…

Dawn smiled: No that's Ok… I understand…

Tai: What about our promise?

Dawn: In this things we have to do that…

Tai: You aren't angry with me then?

Dawn: How can the person be angry with his best friend… come on show me your smile…

Tai smiled…suddenly an earth quick let them fall down…

Yoli: What's going on here?

Kari: I don't know…

All the books begin to fall on them… then the shelves… one of them was going to fall on Dawn, but a silver lights came from her crest and broken it to small peace's, the all were shocked they remembered the silver light which came and destroyed Tami's sword when it finished… the all looked at Dawn…

Tai: It's the same lights, which destroyed Tami's sword…

Dawn: What do you mean?

They told her every thing…

Dawn: Aha… I remember that when I was walking in the jungle my necklaces I mean the crest begin to glow… until three rays came out from it, I didn't understand that time…

Kari: Thank you Dawn for saving my life…

Dawn: It's not me any way, it's the crest.

Kari: But it's your crest.