Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Poinsettia: 'Twas the Night Before... ❯ 'Twas the Night Before... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Note: This story takes place in 02 during the Christmas episode. This is a really short story that goes nowhere. AND NO, THERE IS NO ANTI-COUPLING IN THIS STORY! NO OFFICIAL ONES EITHER! This is just how one Digimon feels for another. I will be using a mismatch of Japanese and English character names and other related words. As usual: Really goofy dialogue, poor vocabulary, poor spelling, poor grammar, poor verb tense, bad clichés, and all that.

Important Note: The following story was inspired by many of my favorite authors. If there is any resemblance to any anyone else's work, I apologize. As usual, my work pales in comparison to the other great work done by much better authors. This is my first attempt at a Digimon Romance! And it is NOT very good. This story is very disjointed and I would probably not continue it.

This story takes place during the Holiday Season of 02. Gabumon's POV.

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. I had a few poinsettia plants once…

Poinsettia: 'Twas the Night Before…

by Mimi, Myself, & Iz.

Mea culpa
Kyrie eleison

Prends moi
Je suis a toi
Mea culpa

Je veux aller au bout de me fantasmes
Je sais que c'est interdit
Je suis folle. Je m'abandonne

Mea culpa
Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison

Je suis la et ailleurs
Je n'ai plus rien
Je deviens folle
Je m'abandonne

Je ne dors plus
Je te desire
Prends moi
Je suis a toi

Je suis la et ailleurs
Je veux tout
Quand tu veux
Comme tu veux

Mea culpa
Kyrie eleison

Take me
I'm yours
I'm guilty

I want to go to the end of my fantasies
I know it is forbidden
I am crazy. I am letting myself go

I'm guilty
Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy

I am here and somewhere else
I have nothing more
I am becoming crazy
I am letting myself go

I can't sleep anymore
I desire you
Take me
I'm yours

I am here and somewhere else
I want everything,
When you want,
As you like

I'm guilty
Lord have mercy

Mea culpa…

Excerpts from the song Mea Culpa
Written by Curly M.C.

From the album MCMXC a.D.
by Enigma


Digital World
Cursor Valley, Iomega Continent

A Data Digital Monster… Gabumon

'The Digital World has been rid of all Dark Spires. I no longer felt the unnatural alien force that kept me from digivolving.'

'No more Digimon Kaiser… The Lackeys were gone…'

'Black WarGreymon is gone forever…'

'The Digital World is once again free.'

My closest friends felt the pure sense of relief! Agumon, Piyomon, Gomamon, Palmon, Tentomon, and myself made our way to the highest hill overlooking Cursor Valley. The view was breathtaking. The scenery was brighter and clearer than it ever was. It was full of life. No longer do the Dark Spires taint the Digital World of its evil. The threat to our world was over. I guess the new Chosen Children and Digimon have proven themselves to inherit our Human partners' Crests.

None of us said anything. We just enjoyed the view. We were told via Garudamon courier that the new DigiDestined needed us to rendezvous here. It was no trouble getting here. We were actually working close by at the Cursor Primary Village as Honorary Watchers for the week. With our jobs over, we now waited for Hikari, Takeru, Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, and Ken and their respected Digimon to arrive.

We did not have to wait long…


We heard a familiar voice. It was Daisuke, the new leader of DigiDestined! The New Chosen Ones came running to us and their Digimon followed. We all ran up to greet them. Immediately V-mon gave Agumon and myself a big hug. Naturally he possesses the Elemental of both Courage and Friendship. Wormmon joined our little group in celebrating as well. Ever since they jogressed into Paildramon, V-mon and Wormmon have been very close. I should know, I jogressed with Agumon in the past. However, ever since the elder Chosen Children had to give up the rest of the power of their Crests, we no longer could digivolve to Ultimate or Mega. It was hopeless for us to jogress again to Omegamon. Despite our continuous friendship, I still felt Agumon and I slowly drifting apart.

'I don't know Agumon like I have before-'

"Hello, Ladies…" Hawkmon greeted Palmon and Piyomon. He bowed in his usual mannerisms as Palmon and Piyomon giggled.

"Hey, Arma… WAZZUUP!!"




Af ter hearing some rather strange exchange of words, I managed to glance at the others. Hawkmon gave his usual gentlemen like bow to Palmon and Piyomon. Palmon and Piyomon could not stand all the formality and just wildly embraced Hawkmon with him yelping like a Poromon. Gomamon gave Armadimon a high five while Tentomon did some sort of air dance or something. I was not sure what Gomamon and Armadimon were saying to each other. It sounded like they were puking!

"You guys, that's so old," I heard Palmon say.

"Yeah, like over five years!" Piyomon added.

"Sounds like you fellows have laryngitis," speculated Hawkmon to Gomamon and Armadimon. However, he let out another yelp as he was once again pelted with hugs from Piyomon and Palmon. I felt strange watching the Digimon of Purity being hugged by the Chosen Digimon of Love and the Digimental Digimon of Love and Purity. I then shook it off.

'It's nothing…'

Later we all gave the others a hug as well. I of course gave Takeru and Patamon a warm greeting. The same exchange with Agumon as he hugged both Hikari and Gatomon.

"Merry Christmas, you guys!" Hikari beamed happily.

"Christmas? Already," Agumon asked.

"Yes, Agumon. And that is the reason we wanted to meet with all of you," replied Hikari.

Miyako continued, "Since the Dark Spires are gone, you can come with us to the real world to reunite with your Digimon partners. It will be a surprise gift for them!"

"Sort of a family reunion party," Takeru said.

"It would be a great early Christmas gift to see happen!" Iori added.

"Yes, we can all go back to Tokyo together!" Hikari said.

My friends were overjoyed. This was great! Not to long ago, only the new Chosen Digimon could travel to the Human World freely. Still, there was that loss of energy to maintain a Rookie level or above. This was because of the Dark Spire Menace. No uncorrupted Digimon could escape the Dark Corrupted Digital World. Since the new Chosen Digimon were born protected in DigiEgg Format and also have been enhanced via Armor Digimentals, they had some immunity and could travel between Worlds. As fate would have it, Patamon and Gatomon were blessed with their own Digimental of Evolution. Unfortunately for us other Chosen before them, we could not freely travel to and from the Digital World. Now that has changed! The Digital World was free!

However, the joyfulness was broke by a tearful voice.

"But what about me?"

It was Palmon. Every one of us Digimon could not help feel sorry for her. We knew why she was sad even with the news of us able to travel permanently into the Human World. Mimi lived far from where Yamato and the others lived. Only Mimi knows the exact Digital Portal Position located in our World on her own Digivice, the coordinates from her home to ours. And Mimi was not here with us also. Her visitations to the Digital World were rare, mainly because of her parents' over protectiveness of her. And each occasion was a battle against the Dark Towers.

"Palmon…" Gomamon said in concern.

Palmon clasped her leaf-like paws together to her chin and looked down. The freshwater tears started to flow down her green eyes…

"Mimi lives in America…" She started to cry.

It always pains me when she was like this. Ever since the defeat of Apocalymon and reformation of the Digital World, Palmon has been so lonely and kept to herself. Her connection to Mimi was inseparable. I mean all of us were connected to our Human friends in such a strong way. It sometimes hurts us when we had to deal with the fact we might not see them again. Add insult to injury, we could never reach Ultimate digivolution either. We all try to hide it of course, especially with us "boy" Digimon as Agumon puts it. However, Palmon never felt any shame to express her deepest emotions. It was not like her to hide things. Well, not in words but she sure expresses it clearly by other means. But when Palmon was sad, we sort of shared that sadness with her. I guessed she misses her Human Partner the most than the rest of us realized.


Yamato told me that… or perhaps he has shown me that also. The tears he shed for the near loss of his brother. Emotions of sadness were never a sign of weakness but a show of strength as how we deal with them. Yamato almost gave in to believe his emotions were a weakness. It almost cost him his life in that Tunnel of Darkness. Somehow I got to him. I urged him to find that strength within himself. Not to believe that Taichi was being more of a brother to Takeru than he was. Yamato's love for Takeru could never be matched or challenged by anyone. He should never stop giving up caring for the ones he loved.

I guess being with our Human partners has made us unique from other Digimon. We were unique to begin with! Our bond has given us some sort of symbiosis. Human emotions become ours. Our fears, anger, joys, sadness, and love were shared. Still, we were our own being. I was surprised of my words that fateful day. With my lack of experience with Human emotions, I still managed to help my Human friend. I would always there be to comfort him. He truly earned that Crest of Friendship. And to this day, I still don't understand all of it yet. I don't know how I managed to. Maybe I would find those hidden meanings someday. Something I knew I had to search for myself.

I turned back to Palmon. She was still crying. I wanted to be the one for her to be comforted. I am not sure what I should do. Would it help to give her… a hug? I mean I have seen Humans do it. Yamato does it for me when I am sad. But us Digimon never hugged each other… but not for the reason of comforting each other. Well, maybe Agumon got a bit close to me long ago. But that does not count! This was different. I mean this was Palmon!

'Should I?'

I finally made up my mind to give her a little hug for comfort. However, as I was about to walk up to Palmon, I noticed Agumon was there with his arms around Palmon! I watched as Agumon gave her a hug! What happened next somehow sparked something within me. Palmon accepted his embrace! She returned his hug! They were both hugging each other! A strange sense of emotions rushed throughout my body. Was it sadness? Anger? Or was it something Yamato called jealousy?

'Jealous? Me jealous of Agumon with Palmon? What is happening to me?'

"Don't worry Palmon. We will find away for you to reunite with Mimi," Agumon said to Palmon, "somehow."

I just stood there like a piece of Numemon shit. But this odd feeling bubbling inside me… Strange, I remembered I felt this way before… when Palmon with Agumon infiltrated VamDemon's Castle located on top of Escher Hill within the Dark Area. I could have volunteered for the job. Palmon was necessary to go because of her vines was to be used as a way for us to scale the walls. Another volunteer was needed as a necessary backup and Agumon beat me to it. I did not care if he was the Digimon of the Chosen Leader of Courage. I should have been the one to be with Palmon!

'Punk Agumon and Reggae Palmon.'

I always had to fall under Agumon's shadow. Now I knew how Yamato must have felt about Taichi. I shouldn't dwell much on the past though. Still Agumon was right. The last portal Mimi used was at the high water dam at the YukimiBotamon Primary Village. She also used one to travel with Michael near the Packard Pond Restaurant owned by that demented Digitamamon. Only by using those exact portals could we get the correct coordinates of the last person that used them, which was Mimi. It would be the sure way for Palmon to go to Mimi's home in New York. Unfortunately right now, those portals were destroyed during Black WarGreymon's rampage.

Now everything looked bleak for Palmon. Having to travel via human transportation from Japan to the east sector of the United States would cost plenty. I don't think stuffing her in express mail wou-

"Thank you for your concern, Agumon."

Palmon's voice awoke me from my thoughts. Agumon and Palmon were still in each other's arms! I was about to force myself to look away from Palmon and Agumon. All of a sudden, Gatomon, that poor excuse for a Champion, walked up and gave Palmon a comforting hug too! Agumon stood aside and let the two female Digimon embrace each other. Still I just stood there acting like a stinking pile of Numemon shit. The unsettling rage within me grew…

Finally I started to get my mind straight.

'Ack! Why am I acting this way? I shouldn't be mean to Gatomon. I mean she is her close digi-friend too. And me being jealous of Agumon! Now Gatomon? Damn it! What is wrong with me?'

I continued to watch Gatomon with Palmon. Being careful with her claw gloves, Gatomon gently brushed a few freshwater tears from Palmon's face. Gatomon then rested her forehead against Palmon. Palmon blinked a few times before meeting Gatomon's eyes so close to hers. Gatomon said in a gentle voice, "Don't be sad, my friend."

All of a sudden, Gatomon gently placed her claw gloves on Palmon's shoulders and replied happily, "We do have a way, Palmon! You are going to see Mimi! Right now! This day!"

"I-I am?" Palmon managed to say between sniffles.

Hikari stepped up to them and said, "With all the Spires gone, the Digital Ports to our Home World are more accessible."

"Yes, Palmon! Izzy gave us the coordinates he picked up when Mimi traveled from America with Michael. He feed it to our D-Terminals. Think of it like an absolute first-class fully functional address book," Miyako added.

"Yeah! New York, New York!" cheered Daisuke.

A rush of joy washed over Palmon. "You mean I can go see Mimi… at her home… right now?" she asked with joy.

"Yes! We will take you back using any of the I/O devices near the Woodlands around here. By using the coordinates feed from the D-Terminal, our D-3's would open a direct portal somewhere in America where Mimi used in the past!" Hikari replied.

Palmon held her paws over her blushing cheeks. Her eyes were again brimming with freshwater tears. But now these were tears of joy. "O-oh… I'm so glad!" she gasped in glee. The cute smile she had on her face was so priceless…

'Wait. Cute?'

I shouldn't think of such things of my friend. I mean she is my friend! I already socked a few Numemon for… flirting with her in the past digi-years. And that Chuumon and Sukamon, what a bunch of jerks!

Palmon then gasped, "OH! I remembered! Mimi said she used her computer in her bedroom to activate the Digital Port! The one right next to her bed… That is where the Digital Port will open to!"

"Huh?" Miyako said.

"Her bedroom?" muttered Daisuke.

Takeru lifted his hat a little to better scratch his head beneath. Finally he said, "Okay… I was wondering how she got here."

Iori spoke, "Strange. Izzy just gave us the coordinates to download…"

"Yeah, I was wondering why Izzy did not even mentioned exactly where the port opened," Miyako speculated.

Hikari added, "He did look a bit red when we demanded the coordinates."

"And when we do open the portal here, we can see the other side!" Miyako cried.

"Oh dear…" Hikari sighed.

Everyone seemed effected by this information about a Digital Portal to Mimi's home. Well, only the Humans. The rest of us Digimon had no clue what was troubling them. I have seen the portals work. What was the big deal? If Koushiro has the exact coordinates then good!

Finally Daisuke said, "Do you think Izzy was…"

"DON'T SAY IT!" cried Miyako. Miyako looked at everyone staring at her. She ignored us and just confronted Daisuke again. "Izzy's not like that!" she said, a little softer now.

"Remembered when he borrowed your D-3, Miyako? What was he doing with it?" Takeru asked.

"He said he wanted to see how they work!" Miyako replied.

"Yeah… Spying on Mimi would be a good test…" Takeru said in a smirk.

Hikari gasped. "Takeru!"

Daisuke then placed his hand on his chin and looked like he was in deep thought. He then said, "Did he say he wanted to experiment using a D-3 to open one Digital Port of one computer to another computer in another part of the globe."

"Would you just leave it, Daisuke! I said IZZY'S NOT LIKE THAT!"

"Thank goodness my computer is in the study now," Takeru said.


"Huh?" Takeru replied.

"I think I have to face the monitor somewhere else," Iori muttered.

"HE IS NOT LIKE THAT EITHER!" Miyako yelled.

"Miyako, I think you are over reacting," said Hikari.

Miyako just clenched her head and let out a growl to the Digital Heavens…






Ken, being quiet the whole time, just closed his eyes and sighed in irritation.

The rest of us Digimon just looked at each other and shared in a simultaneous shrug, even Wormmon


Cursor Valley Woodlands
6 Increments Later…

After several increments of walking, we finally came across an I/O device that would be used as a Digital Portal. The I/O device resembled the devices used in the Human World. They were called televisions, monitors, or screens and so forth. However, the devices here served a different function instead of just viewing images. Right now, only snowy static was seen on the display.

Ken spoke, "Judging by current time zones from the Digital World, to Japan, to New York in the United States… it should be 11:56 PM at night there."

"Mimi's sleeping for sure," Hikari said.

"What better way to surprise her with a morning holiday present when she wakes up!" added Miyako.

"Okay, we're set!" Iori said.

"Allow me to do the honors." Hikari held up her D-3 to the I/O device…


Her D-3 started to charge. The display of the I/O device began to glow. The image started to flicker until slowly the snowy image turned into a clear picture. It was a picture of what appeared to be a close up view of some sort of wall. Some sort of wooded board filled the lower half of the screen.

"Looks like part of a bed," Daisuke said.

Hikari nodded. "Hopefully we got it right and that is Mimi's… bedroom we're seeing now."

Daisuke peered at the image again. "Aw man! It's too dark! Where was the computer located around the bed again, Pal-"

"DAISUKE!" the rest cried.

Ken finally spoke up, "Be patient people, the portal will stabilize itself in a bit. The image would have a wider and clearer view."

I decided to look at the display. I found it no surprise that Palmon joined me by my side. She wanted to be sure also. Soon enough, the image started to fall back to have a wider view of the room. The picture was still dark and I could not distinguish anything yet. However, I could see something. Moonlight casting shadows. I peered even more at the static screen. The screen did a light enhancement surge for a brief instant and I got a good glimpse of something in the background.

'Wait! What was that?'

I thought I saw something that looked like…

A female Humanoid form… but beautiful like a flower… Leaf-like wings… A pinkish flower blooming dress… A light crown of a pink rose adorned with green flowing vines… Underneath, silver hair… Pale flesh… Dark eyes… A pleasant smile… A cuffed wrist, a bouquet of leaves and flowers… A gentle hand reaching outward… A hand I wanted to hold…

"Lillymon?" I said to no one in particular.

"Yes?" I heard Palmon ask me.

I did not answer her. I was so affixed of the image of Lillymon. How long I have forgotten Lillymon. So beautiful, kind, very youthful, and very strong-

My thoughts were interrupted…

"Hey, it's Lillymon!" Takeru said in shock.

Miyako then said. "What? How can that be? Palmon is right over here. And the Crest power to digivolve to Ultimate no longer-"

Miyako's questions were interrupted when Palmon turned to the rest of them and said, "You guys are silly! That is a painting of me as Lillymon!"

"Oh," everyone finally replied, including me.

"Mimi painted it herself after the time the DigiDestined had to sacrifice their inner Crests to save our World," Palmon added. "She wanted to show it too me the last time she visited, but I couldn't pass over at that time to have a good look at it."

"Oh wow! I did not know she was an artist too," Miyako said. For some strange reason she was blushing and had this weird look in her eyes.

Palmon nodded. "You betcha! She also teaches some calligraphy of your language to her classmates who want to learn!"

"Cool!" Hikari said.

"Maybe Mimi can paint a picture of meeeee…" Miyako said dreamily as she cupped her face with her hands. I was not sure what was up with her.

I noticed that the rest of our Human friends just stared at Miyako and sweat dropped. I looked at my Digimon friends. Again we just shrugged. Wormmon too.

Miyako finally awoke from her daydream. She looked around at the others staring at her. Miyako then blushed in a bright red. Finally she calmed down and innocently looked at her two hands tapping each other with just the index fingers touching. She whistled a few notes as well. Everyone else just shook his or her heads.

Finally Ken tried to break up the awkward silence. "Well, I guess that confirms it. That is Mimi's bedroom."

"I can't see Mimi though."

It was Daisuke again…

"The image is too high to see the rest of the bed and Mi- OUCH!" Daisuke let out a yelp as Hikari gave him a little whack on the head.

"Daisuke…" Hikari silently groaned to him.

Daisuke then did the same thing Miyako did earlier. He looked innocently at his two hands tapping each other with just the index fingers touching. However he did not whistle. He looked at Hikari and blushed. "I'm sorry, Hikari."

Hikari just shook her head in disbelief.

I decided to ignore them and focus my attention to Palmon. However, was not beside me anymore. She had walked over to Piyomon to chat about something. Disappointed, I turned back to the image of Mimi's bedroom on the I/O device. That painting of Lillymon was so cute…


I shook my head again. I stared at the painting again. 'Lillymon… the Ultimate form of Palmon…'

I missed the Ultimate forms. Being a Mega as Metal Garurumon was wonderful, but Lillymon could not reach Mega. Maybe she could have. But as Metal Garurumon I was no longer bipedal like Lillymon. As an Ultimate like Were Garurumon, I was bipedal and pretty close to Human height. Just the right height for Lillymon and I to-

"Up you go, Palmon!"


I was startled by a muffled cry from Palmon. I turned I found Hikari and Miyako stuffing Palmon into a large sack!

'What in Jiji's name are they doing with her?'

Finally after struggling in the sack for a few increments, Palmon poked her head out from the large sack. Her face was in confusion. "Hey! What's this?" she asked our Human friends.

Miyako gave her a smile and replied, "Just a Santa present sack! We want to make it a bit more fun!"

"San what?" Palmon asked.

"Sandwich?" Agumon questioned.

"No… Santa," replied Hikari.

"What's a sand ta?" asked Gomamon.

Tentomon gasped. "Say ten? You mean Sata-?"

I was about to join his speculation. A Legendary Digimon… just stories actually. No Digimon in our World thought it could exist! I thought it was meant to put fear into those who would follow the path of corruption. Its name was… Sata-

"NO!" our Human friends cried.

Palmon then said, "It doesn't feel like this sack is made from satin… more like smelly canvas and… HMMMPPPP!!!" Palmon's objections were cut short as Hikari and Miyako closed the straps of the sack above her. Palmon's muffled cries were only heard.

"Almost midnight!" Miyako said.

"Time to go!" Hikari said as she held out her D-3 again. Immediately the display of the I/O port started to glow again. A strange beam of bright energy seemed to reach out and surround the sack with Palmon in it.

Miyako had her hands cupped in front of her mouth as she yelled to Palmon, "SAY HELLO, MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO MIMI FOR ME!"

"Um, bye I guess," the muffled voice of Palmon could be heard from within the large sack. "Byeeee…"

A chorus of farewells was given from Humans and Digimon alike…




I did not say anything…

I watched as the sack was sucked into the I/O device… and was gone.

Palmon was on her way…

Everyone still said goodbye and I was silent. I figured I was too overcome with emotion to speak. What was it? Was it sadness? For some stupid reason, I just waved goodbye knowing full well that she could not see me within that sack in the first place. How stupid of me! I watched as the picture of what was supposed to be Mimi's bedroom fade into a static snow. I had a sinking feeling that that was the last time I would see Palmon again… and I never had the chance to say goodbye to her!

'Why was I feeling like this?'

I felt myself walking in a trance closer to the I/O device. I peered at the static display. My eyes started to water with saltwater tears but I fought them back. Finally I found my voice…

"Goodbye… Palmon," I whispered to the screen. Only the soft sound of white noise answered me back.


I was startled by Hikari's voice. I turned away from the screen to face her.

"Would you mind moving away from the portal, please? We have to reconfigure the portal for all of us now to leave for Tokyo!"

"Can't keep Yamato waiting!" Takeru added.

"Oh… All right…" I muttered sadly.


Tokyo, Japan
Nerima Shopping Center, Backstage Shell
16 Hours Later…

I sat patiently hiding in a stuffy amplifier case… I could not see anything, but I could hear what was happening around me. I could have stayed in Yamato's home, but it would only add to my loneliness. Being stuck in this cramped case with Yamato was better. It was better than sulking alone in an empty apartment. Just wallowing in my sadness of missing Palmon. Even the joy of being able to see Yamato again was short lived. Nothing could compare to what I feel now with Palmon being gone.

Yamato and his friends were practicing for a big concert performance here tonight. I continued to listen as Yamato strummed his guitar… the loud strikes of drums and cymbals… the sound of another guitar… a keyboard… a lower bass sounding guitar…

My ears started to ache…

'Ugh! I wished Yamato stuck with his Blues Harp.'

"It's five," I heard one of his friends say.

Suddenly everything was quiet. Faintly I heard his fellow band members put their instruments down and began to walk away from Yamato and myself. I heard the door far off in the backstage room being opened.

"Be back in two hours!" I heard Yamato finally yell out to them.

"Right Yamato! See ya!"

"A bit of Christmas shopping to get to."

"Me too. Later, dude!"

"Fine," Yamato replied. "Adieu."



"Um, whatever you said, Yamato. Bye."

The sounds of footsteps were gone and the backstage door slammed shut. Good, his friends were gone. I was expecting Yamato to invite me out. He didn't. He continued to practice on his guitar. Without a word, I got myself out of the case to be at his side. He never did once look at me. He kept on playing. I gave him some space and respected his silence. I have gotten used to this in the past so I did not mind him being cold to me. Yet I could not ignore the feeling that something was troubling him. Maybe we too share some nagging thoughts on our minds-


I sudden knock on the door at the far left of the backstage startled me. Someone was at the door! That was fast! It could be his friends returning for something! I had to hide again! I thought Yamato would give me some time to hide but…

"Come in," he said, as he stopped strumming his guitar.

I was very disappointed in Yamato. Didn't he care anymore? I turned frantically and rushed back to where the hiding case was. I was struggling to get the case back open until an empty soda can that was carelessly discarded on top of it fell on my head. I cursed myself as I tried again to get myself in the case. At least I was sure I was out of sight for the time being until I heard a familiar voice behind me…

"Hello, Yamato…"

I heard another voice giggling. "And hello to you too, Gabumon."

It was Sora! I turned around and saw Sora and Piyomon at the doorway. Their hands were behind their backs. A strange odor started to reach my nose but I ignored it. Sora and Piyomon walked towards us and the stage door slammed shut. I guess Yamato knew they were coming. No wonder he did not even cared that I was in the open-

"Hi, Sora, Piyomon. I did not expect you here till seven," Yamato said as he put his guitar aside and walked up to great Sora and Piyomon.

I looked at Yamato in disbelief. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. He was under enough stress about this concert performance as it is to worry about my well being. I decided to join them…

"Hello to you Sora… Piyomon," I replied in a smile. The odor was stronger now. It was a pleasant odor… My mind clicked as I realized it was the delicious aroma of food! Baked sweet goods to be exact! I wondered where it was coming from.

As to answer my thoughts, Sora and Piyomon revealed what was behind their backs. Each of them had a nice gift-wrapped box in their hands. Both were decorated with blue shiny cellophane paper with tiny yellow lightning bolt patterns. A gold ribbon and bow was tied around it. I could see the separation for the lid on the top of the box. I noticed that Piyomon's present was bigger than Sora's.

"What's this? Christmas is not until another week!" Yamato finally said.

Sora smiled, "Just an early gift. It can be opened now if you wish."

I couldn't help but ask because my mouth was watering, "Is that baked goodies I smell?"

"Uh huh," Sora nodded to me. She removed the lid from her box to reveal its contents. In it was a clear plastic container stuffed full of large cookies!

I gazed upon the contents as I inhaled the aroma again. "Mmmm… Chocolate chips…"

"Yes, your favorite, Gabumon!" Piyomon said.

I saw Yamato step forward. He had this strange trance like grin on his face as his eyes were fixed on the cookie box in Sora's hands. I could see his mouth was watering. "Well, I guess. I haven't baked in awhile myself…"

Yamato was about to grab a cookie until Sora quickly closed the lid. She immediately held the box from Yamato's grasp. She smiled nervously and said, "Errr, Sorry Yamato. These cookies are mainly for Gabumon."

Yamato's face faulted as he sighed in defeat. "Oh."

"For me?" I finally replied.

Sora kneeled down to face me. She carefully placed the box of cookies beside me. Sora gave me a concerned look and smiled warmly. "Yes. Piyomon mentioned to me that you were sad all day. Very unlike you… So we thought this would cheer you up!"

'They noticed?'

"Er… Yeah," I finally muttered. I remembered my manners and said, "Thank you for the gift, Sora."

"You are welcomed, Gabumon," Sora replied.

I accepted her gift. Still, I was bit disturbed that someone else noticed my troubles and tried to comfort me. At least they do not know that it was about Palmon. Yamato looked at me, giving me that knowing look without even saying anything. I guess he too noticed my bad mood ever since we reunited not too long ago. I mean I was happy to see Yamato again and to have the freedom to travel between both worlds. But my feelings for Palmon were what made me sad and I was too afraid to tell anyone.

"You want to talk about it, Gabumon?" Yamato asked in a concerned voice.

Finally I met his gaze and replied, "No… um sorry, Yamato. That's okay."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

I gave a nervous nod. I was starting to sweat! If I could sweat that is. I felt like I was lying to him! Lying to my best Human friend! I did not like doing this! I just needed time! It was still uncomfortable for me-

"Um, Sora?"

Piyomon's voice interrupted my nagging thoughts. I silently thanked her that she did!

Sora cried, "Oh, I forgot! Piyomon has a special gift for you."

"For me?" asked Yamato.

Piyomon giggled and said, "No, for Gabumon, of course!"

"Of course," Yamato replied flatly.

I turned to face Piyomon as she held her gift out to me. "Another gift for me?" I asked.

Piyomon nodded as she smiled.

"Um, thank you," I said as I was about to accept her gift. I decided it was another box of cookies. However, a different odor emitted from the box…

Instead of giving me the gift, Piyomon turned to Sora and asked, "Sora? Can I give my gift to Gabumon in private? I think it is best to be opened now before Christmas also."

"Oh. Sure, Piyomon. Show us later what it is… okay?" Sora said.

Piyomon nodded. "Sure thing, Sora."

Sora looked across the room. "If you want privacy, I think that is another room over there. It looks like a sound booth. Use that."

"Alrighty. Perfect!" exclaimed Piyomon as she flashed me a smile.

Sora clasped her hands together and said, "In the meantime, Yamato and I have some things to discuss."

"We do?" Yamato asked in bewilderment.

"Yes, we do!" Sora said slowly, articulating each word.

"Okay…" Yamato replied.

Piyomon grabbed my right paw with her left as she carried whatever was in that box in her right. "Come, Gabumon. Let's go!"

I was too confused to object. I just let her take me away to the other room. As we left, I faintly heard Sora say to Yamato…

"Yamato, we have to settle this thing about you and Tai-"


Sound Room…

It all seemed very strange but I followed her any way. We entered the small room with various electronic instruments and such scattered about. I was amazed how quiet it got all of a sudden. It was a big difference even though Sora and Yamato were the only ones outside. The air conditioning noise outside was louder than I thought. Still inside here the air was cool and well circulated. Piyomon let go of my paw and placed the odd smelling box on the ground. She turned and closed the room door just half way. She then turned to me with a smile.

I looked at her with nervousness…

'Hmmm… Sora does not know what Piyomon brought me as a gift. I wonder what it is. Why does it have a different… yet pleasant odor to it?'

"Okay, we can talk," she said.

I found myself feeling ashamed as I finally realized something. "Um, Piyomon. If I knew you were coming… I mean if I knew you were planning to bring me a gift, I would have brought-"

Piyomon just smiled at me. "Oh silly! That's okay. I actually brought this especially for you! I think you need this now more than ever."


Piyomon nodded as she picked up the box and held it to me. "Please accept this gift, Gabumon."

I hesitantly accepted her gift. It was light in weight. The odor from it reached my nose. To my astonishment, it was very nice smelling and pleasant.

"Open it, Gabumon," Piyomon urged me.

I held the decorated lid and opened the box. A brush of a sweet smelling fragrance filled the air. I looked inside the box and found…

'A flower in a pot…'

The flower or flowers were very beautiful… The dominant red petals flowed nicely like a crown. There were little yellow flower clusters within them. The rich green leaves surrounding them were so perfect. Everything about this plant was beautiful. The entire plant was placed in a green plastic pot with black soil. Thin red and green colored metal foil was wrapped around the pot.

I inhaled the fragrance again… That familiar scent…

'I've seen flowers like these in the Digital World! But not as perfect as these! How did Piyomon manage to bring a Digital World object here? Are they from the Digital World?'

As if she could read my thoughts, Piyomon said, "This is from this World."


"This flower is much more different and very beautiful than the usual species in the Digital World. The bright red flowers are actually colored bracts or modified leaves," Piyomon added.

Beautiful… Still, there was only one other flower I realized that I would ever find beautiful. A sweet fragrance… Beautiful skin… Lovely eyes… Lovely voice…

Piyomon continued, "That was what Sora's Mother told me about this plant. She was the one that helped me prepare it when I first saw it."

"I see…" I wasn't really interested in what she was saying. I was thinking how much this plant reminded me of Palmon.

"These are special. Normally, they are native to Mexico. Over a hundred varieties exist around the world. However, these are from a variety cultivated in a United Sector called Hawaii. Ms. Takenouchi said Mimi's family gave her some cuttings and seeds long ago when Mimi's family was in Hawaii once."

The name Mimi awoke me from my daydream. Finally I said, "I remember…" I noticed that Piyomon was close in front of me. Only the flower was between us. Piyomon seemed amused as she continued…

"It is commonly called a Poinsettia."

"Poinsettia…" I mouthed in a trance.

"It was named after an ambassador of the United Sectors of America to Mexico. His name was Joel Roberts Poinsett. He was the first to introduce this flower to the United Sectors."

"You mean States," I corrected.

Piyomon just shrugged, "Whatever. Any ways, the botanical name is Euphorbia pulcherrima which means 'very beautiful!'"

I felt myself smile and blush. I did not care if Piyomon saw that. "I agree…"

"Sora's Mother also told me of a legend in Mexico about the Poinsettia. It was about a poor Mexican girl who had no gift to present the Christ Child during the Eve of Christmas Services. With no gift to give she was sad. However, an Angel appeared and consoled her that even the most humble of gifts would be accepted in His eyes. Never the less, it would be a gift that is given in love."

I listened intently as Piyomon continued with the story…

"With that, she fashioned a bouquet of common weeds she found on the roadside. Other children made fun of her gift. She fought her tears and embarrassment but was determined as she made her way to the village chapel. She knew it was what she believed must be done. She entered the chapel and knelt to lay the bouquet near the altar of the Virgin and Child and…" She stopped all of a sudden. "Do you know what happened next?" she asked.

"No what?" I replied. I couldn't stand being left hanging in suspense of an intriguing story.

She smiled and continued, "The bouquet of once common roadside weeds started to bloom into brilliant red flowers! The onlookers around the girl and her gift had witnessed a miracle of Christmas. From that day on, these bright red flowers has been known to bloom every year during the Christmas season. They are also known as the Flores de Noche Buena…"


"Flowers of the Holy Night."

I was so astounded by the story. It was so sweet. "That was a beautiful story," I said to her. I then looked at the flower in my hands. "And this… This is a wonderful gift, Piyomon. Thank you." I placed the potted flower to the side and gave Piyomon a hug.

"You are so welcomed, my friend." She accepted my embrace and whispered, "Merry Christmas, Gabumon."

I felt it awkward. I was never used to this holiday the Humans put so much joy in, but I returned her words. "Merry Christmas, Piyomon."

We released our embrace. I gently picked up the flower… Poinsettia… and held it close. I felt myself turning red. I couldn't help it. Luckily I wore a furry cowl. No one could see all of my face. I hope Piyomon did not notice how many times I was blushing. It just that the Poinsettia reminded me so much of… her…


I noticed that Piyomon was staring at me…

"W-what?" I asked her.

"You're turning red… again!" she teased. She let out a giggle.

I stiffened. "Ridiculous."

"You think I wouldn't notice?" she replied. Suddenly Piyomon closed her eyes and clasped her paws together. She started to rock in rhythm and she… sang!

"GaBuMoN's bLuShInG… GaBuMoN's bLuShInG…"

"SHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I hissed.

I felt so mortified. I looked at Piyomon. She had that stupid smirk even with that beak of hers!

'Who does she think she is? My feelings for her is different compared to Palmon. Is she trying to-'

"I think I know why," she said in a cocky tone.

"No you don't," I said. I was getting angry.

She folded her arms across her body and retorted, "I do. But you have to come clean."

I couldn't stand it. I put the pot down and turned away from her.

'How could Piyomon know what I am going through?'

Finally I muttered, "You wouldn't understand if I told you."

I felt her feathery paw gently touch my shoulder. I shuddered at her touch. I wanted to just leave… but I couldn't. I just stood there and let Piyomon mess with my mind.

"Try me," she said in her gentle voice that broke down all of my emotional barriers.

I finally gave in. I had to tell someone sooner or later. I wished it were not my fellow Digimon. This was embarrassing! With every ounce of courage I had, I swallowed my pride and turned to face her again. "This my sound silly but…" I picked up the Poinsettia pot and continued, "This flower reminds me so much of…"

"Palmon? I know. That was why I brought it to you," she replied with a bright smile.

I stood there in shock. She knew? I found myself stuttering. "H-how did you know?"

"I was behind you the whole time back in the Digital World. I saw the way you watched Palmon about leave to be with Mimi…"


She gave a snort. "You think no one would notice?"


Piyomon then walked closer to me. She gently placed both of her paws on my shoulders. She leaned closer and spoke in a soft voice…

"You have feelings for her, don't you?"


Piyomon suddenly backed away. She closed her eyes and smiled. With her paws clasped together, she started to rock in rhythm…

'No, don't…'

"GaBuMoN's iN Lo-oVe… GaBuMoN's iN Lo-oVe…"

"SHHHHHHH!!!!" I hissed. Now I really felt mortified!

"ALL RIGHT! YOU GOT ME! YES I DO!" I practically screamed. I quickly calmed down before Yamato and Sora might have a chance to hear us.

"So you LOVE her?"

That word! I realized I made a grave mistake. I sighed. It was no use hiding it now. I just smiled and said, "More than you realize."

"I can imagine. I am sorry for you. It must be hard knowing that she would be spending a lot of time with Mimi in another country," Piyomon spoke in sympathy.

I inhaled. I just wanted to vent all of my frustrations in the open now. "Why did I have to discover these feelings for her now! Right when she left! And I was so dumb not to say anything about it! Not even say goodbye to her! Now I may never see her again!" I almost felt like crying… I realized my emotions got the best of me.

"I'm sorry." I felt Piyomon holding me in a warm embrace.

'A hug in comfort… a hug for me…' I realized.

"Just let it out, Gabumon."

All of my pent up emotions from earlier this day were finally set free…

"Even if she doesn't return my feelings, I wouldn't care. If she ends up hating me or fearing me, I wouldn't care. If she loves someone else, I wouldn't care. I will always want her to be happy. I will still be there for her. I would be happy if we could share our lives together. Even though I was too scared to show it or tell her. Not like it mattered now!" I cried.

"It's okay. Everything would work out somehow. Palmon is not gone forever."

I do not know how long we were like this or how long I was crying my eyes out. I started to feel better as that weight burying my heart and soul was lifted, but not all of it. I still missed Palmon.

I finally let out my last sob, even thought I would rather cry on forever.

Piyomon released me and she asked, "Feeling a little better?"

I sniffed rather loudly but managed to reply. "Yeah."

"Come on, let's go," she said as walked over to the door and opened it wide. She stood there and waited for me to follow.

I looked back at Sora and Yamato through the glass window. They were still in deep discussion. I was not sure what they were talking about. We were in the soundproof booth. I cursed my ears for not being effective. Still I wondered as I gazed at my Human partner and Sora. This was the first time I have seen Yamato and Sora being so social together.

'Could they be in… love?'

I thought Taichi would be with Sora. It was all too strange. I wouldn't know much any ways. Yamato has never once shared anything about anything since. I thought I should ask about Sora. I know I shouldn't pry but…

"You are wondering about Sora and Yamato?" Piyomon suddenly asked.

Again she surprised me. I hope she isn't actually reading my mind. Finally I answered, "Yeah."

She left the open door and walked over to join me. "Well, Humans can be so unpredictable," she stated.

I nodded in agreement, "I know."

Piyomon just shrugged. "That shouldn't concern you about Palmon, though."

"Oh?" I asked.

She placed her palms to her to waist. "Of course not! Just because our Human Partners might fall in love with each other, that doesn't mean we Digimon have to fall in love with their Digimon partners!"

I guess she was hinting about one possible future between Piyomon and myself. If it did turned out that Sora and Yamato love each other, I know Piyomon and I would still have our hearts set on another Digimon being either Chosen or not. I had to agree on that. Not that I am implying that Piyomon was not attractive. She is a very beautiful Digimon both inside and out. Whomever Piyomon would fall in love with would be one lucky Digimon. In my case it is Palmon I feel deeply for! And I DO feel like a lucky Digimon!

Only Humans would make sense of what I, and maybe others, was going through. It must have been our contact with them for so long that these things started to emerge. This was so alien to us. To make matters worse, the Chosen Digimon were not like other Digimon. Other Digimon are supposed to be compatible only with their own form, evolution, and attributes. But that was not the case for us. Now here I am having deep emotions for one of the Chosen Digimon. It was love. Palmon may be a different Digimon type and attribute, but I don't care! It doesn't matter at! I really love Palmon with all my heart!

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I barely heard Piyomon say something…

"…to think after you jogressed, I thought Agumon would be the one you lov-"

Her mentioning about Agumon got my attention. "Um, what?" I asked.

"Oh nothing," she replied innocently.

"You said something about Agumon."

Piyomon somehow was smiling nervously. She scratched her head with one of her paws and stuttered nervously. "Oh yeah… As a matter of fact, we ran into Taichi and Agumon on the way in here."

"You did?" I asked in surprised.


Her nervous reply made suspect what I had suspected long ago. Piyomon really liked Agumon! Maybe even loved him! Well, since she played her mind game with me, I could play too!

"Do you like Agumon?" I questioned.

She blushed to an even brighter pink!

'I knew it!'

She realized that I was now in charge of the interrogation. Well, fair is fair. Finally she nodded, "Yes, I do… A LOT!"

I smiled.

All of a sudden her face turned sad. "But…" she started.

I knew I shouldn't say anymore, but I couldn't help but help her out as she had helped me. I slowly and carefully added, "But he… likes flowers too."

Piyomon nodded. She did her best not to cry.

"Piyomon?" I asked in concern.

"I used to be half flower as Pyocomon," she said in a lifeless tone.

I knew I was going in the wrong direction. I walked up to her and embraced her. "Oh… I'm sorry, Piyomon. I didn't mean to make you feel sad."

"No it's okay," she said a bit cheerfully as she patted my back. She released herself from our embrace and said, "I still love Agumon, but…"

"But what?" I asked.

Piyomon turned to the Poinsettia pot near me. She tenderly started stroking one of the red petals. "Well, there is another strange complication I cannot comprehend. Even though I was chosen as the Digimon of Love, I still have much to learn about it."

"What is it?"

Piyomon just sighed, "I feel what Sora used to feel… or still feels… about Mimi."

I was not sure what she was trying to say. All my mind could think of was… "You mean… jealousy?"

Suddenly she bolted erect. "WHAT?" she cried.

I was taken aback by her outburst. I thought it was nothing so I added, "What I mean is that are you jealous… of Palmon… because Agumon likes-"

Now this set her off!


I stood there in shock. And I thought I had mood swings!

"You two okay in there?"

It was Sora! They must have heard with the door partly opened.

Piyomon just turned to yell out the door. "UM, YES SORA… NO PROBLEM!"

"Okay," Sora replied.

Piyomon then turned to me. Thankfully she was no longer angry. She looked down with a sad expression. "I'm sorry, Gabumon. I did not mean to go off on you like that."

I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry! I just unfairly generalized your feelings to what I was feeling."

"I understand." She looked up and gave me a reassuring smile.

I clenched my eyes as I began to retell that feeling of jealousy not too long ago. "It's just that I felt jealously of Agumon when he… comforted Palmon just a while ago back in the Digital World. He's been doing it a lot. Right in my face! It didn't affect me before, but now… It bothers me!"

Piyomon nodded. "Yes, I did notice that back there. But, I think you are overacting, though. Agumon was just doing his best to comfort Palmon. I would have done the same."

"I know. To think I even got jealous of Gatomon hugging Palmon. I just stood back and watch it all happen while being overcome by jealousy. It was really stupid of me. Agumon and Gatomon are my friends. I shouldn't feel any differently about them. I let my imagination get the better of me."

"You got jealous of Gatomon too?" she asked in bewilderment.

I hung my head in shame. "Yeah. Silly isn't?"

Piyomon just shrugged. "Perhaps not. Maybe its nothing."

I thought about it more. "I'm not sure. My friendship with Agumon has gotten… I don't know. After we jogressed into Omegamon years ago, things have been different between us. It was like we were still friends… but now we are silently drifting apart. But I realized it was only I that was forming this gap between us."

"I never realized you felt this way, Gabumon."

I let out a sigh. "Well, I thought that was what you meant about Palmon getting Agumon attention. You know… being jealous."

"Well, perhaps I am jealous. But in a different way."

"What do you mean?" I asked, astonished that she admitted feeling jealous of Palmon having got the attentions of Agumon. However, she said in a different way?

Piyomon continued, "What I mean is that… I noticed about this jealousy. A strange emotion I am starting to feel too. Maybe I am feeling what you were feeling before."

"Go on," I urged.

"But not at Palmon," she finally said.

I looked at her in question. "Huh?"

"I am jealous of… him."

Okay, I was taken aback this time. "Huh? What? Who?" I stammered.

Piyomon shrugged and replied, "Agumon."

"AGUMON?" I blinked.

She inhaled and continued. "Gomamon… Betamon… Koushiro's Roach… V-mon…" she trailed off. Piyomon suddenly locked gazes with me and said, "Maybe even you perhaps."

I looked at her strangely.

'What in Jiji's name is she talking about?'

Piyomon turned away from me and walked toward the door. I stood there in total confusion as I watched her exit. She was avoiding this discussion? I grabbed the Poinsettia pot and placed it in the gift-wrapped box. I exited the room and managed to catch up to her. I was just behind her when I faintly heard Piyomon whisper to herself…

"I love the flower too."


A shrill voice echoed in the hallway right where Piyomon and I were. The suddenness of the voice nearly made me shit on the spot! Piyomon looked at me in horror as we both made a dash around the corner before whomever this person was spots us!

"Jun?!" Yamato said.

'Oh no!'

It was this Motomiya, Jun. This female Human was Daisuke annoying big Sister! She kept bugging Yamato because of his fame as a rock star. Yamato always hated when she was around. Constantly stalking him for a date or something. He said she was a terror. Well, all of that was what Yamato has told me about her. I haven't actually known much about Jun personally to make my own judgements. Still, whatever Yamato said about her was sure to be true. Right?

I was still amazed that all of the new Chosen have still kept their destiny of being DigiDestined secret from their families. I was confused of this. If she was surely a Sister to a DigiDestined, it should be safe for her to know about the destiny that has befallen her young sibling-

I pushed my thoughts aside as Jun was coming closer! I listened in horror as she approached! From what I could distinguish from the echoing sounds, there was someone else with Jun!

"PLUSHIE ALERT!" I heard Piyomon hiss at me.

"WHAT?" I hissed back.



"BAKA! ACT LIKE A TOY DOLL OR SOMETHING! JUST DON'T MOVE!" Piyomon hissed. Suddenly, Piyomon sat on the floor and looked like she passed out. Her hands were lazily draped on her sides. Her head was rested on the wall. Her eyes were focused on nothing…

I quickly followed suit. In no time at all, I became… a toy.

I heard some words exchanged but I could not hear what they were saying. I was too stressed out! The blood in my veins was still racing and it effected my hearing. It took awhile for the blood flow to slow its pace… Finally I could hear normally. Still, my eyes were staring off into space. I could not see Jun and the other Human talking to Sora and Yamato. All I do know was that Piyomon and I was sprawled right between Jun with her companion and Yamato with Sora!

All I could hear was the one named Jun say…

"Oh, I see! You're his girlfriend right?"

'Oh oh!' From what Yamato told me about Daisuke's sister, I would expect some freaky outburst. Yamato said she always bugged him for any chance to be with him. Jun must have realized some sort of bond between Sora and Yamato. Even though it was probably nothing like that, I was sure Jun would be mad. I wonder if Jun's reaction would be of jealousy! Being a stuffed animal or not, I will not allow Jun to harm Yamato or Sora! I knew Piyomon would not allow that too. Still, all I could do was just wait.

Instead of expecting the worse, all I heard Jun say was…

"You are one lucky girl, Ms Takenouchi!"

"I am?" came Sora's reply.

"My Brother tells a lot of good things about you!"

I did not expect that…

"Um, thanks… ummm… Ms. Motomiya," Sora said. I could sense she was just as surprised as I was. I wonder how Yamato was taking all of this.

"Please. Its Jun."

"Thank you… Jun," Sora stuttered in response.

"Well, Yama-chan! Gotta go and continue shopping!"

"Okay… Jun."

"See you at the concert! Got my pompoms and festival shirt ready!"

"Pompoms?" I heard Yamato say.

"Well, I can't really compete with these nice plush toys there, but here…"

I couldn't see what was happening, but Yamato just said, "Errr… Thank you, Jun."


'Ouch! My ears were ringing again.'

"Pleasure meeting you too, Sora!"

"Likewise… Merry Christmas to you too, Jun!" Sora said.

Yamato added, "Y-yeah… and a err… Happy New… Year?"

I heard Jun giggle. Jun and whoever her companion turned and left the room and closed the door behind them.

All was quiet…

"WHAT THE -UCK HAPPENED JUST NOW?" I heard Yamato cried.

"You tell me! I was sure I had to protect you from her," Sora said in confusion.

"She still acted like the same Number One Fan… but she also accepted you as my girlfriend!"

"Me? Your girlfriend? Now that's a laugh," Sora snorted.

"Is it?"


"Like her hair is hiding a lobotomy she had recently."

"Oh stop! She's really a nice girl! Not the wild love sick tornado you said she was!"

"Yeah, like those pompoms don't change things!"

"Hey, she's your biggest fan!"

Yamato gave out a laugh, "I think that goes beyond the word fan." Yamato then said quietly, "I wonder who was that other girl?"

Sora was quiet for a moment as if in deep thought. Finally she spoke, "I don't know for sure. She was quiet the whole time. She looked like one of Miyako's sisters. I may be mistaken. I never met them personally, nor the brother. I don't even know their names."

"Hmmm… The way they held hands…" Yamato was trying to say.

"Nuff about them! We have to turn our plush toys back into Digimon."

'Doh!' I thought.

I felt like a fool as I realized I was still acting like a lifeless doll even after Jun and her companion left. I finally straightened myself up. Piyomon did the same. She was giggling. I guess she was used to this plushie alert. I just sighed. I stretched a bit. Finally, I noticed something was near my feet. I looked down and noticed it was another one of those decorated boxes. However, on the top of the box this time was a small fancy white label…

It read…


For: Yama-chan

Your Number One Fan

Do not open
'til Christmas!


Nerima Shopping Center, Backstage Shell
3 Increments Later…

I decided to follow Sora and Piyomon, as they were about to leave out into the back lot. I was carrying the gift Piyomon's had given me, which I kept in the gift-wrapped box for the time being. Yamato was holding onto the cookie box and the gift box Jun gave.

Sora looked around the backstage lot a bit. Seeing that no one was around she said, "Okay. Coast is clear!"

Everyone stepped out into the chilly air. Yamato inhaled the cool air and exhaled. He looked at his watch and said, "Well, the concert starts at seven."

"We'll be here, Yamato."

"Thanks," Yamato replied.

Sora then looked at me with the gift in my paws. A smiled washed on her face and then she turned to address Piyomon. "So, what was your present to Gabumon, Piyomon?" she asked.

"The Poinsettia!" Piyomon happily replied.

I lifted the lid from the box to let Sora and Yamato see the Poinsettia within. "Here it is."

A strange expression washed on Sora's face I wasn't expecting. She placed one of her hands on her chin as if in deep thought. She seemed to stay like for awhile that until a smile finally formed on her lips. She gave out a slight chuckle and said, "Oh. I see… That is a wonderful gift!"

"Yes, and I like it very much," I replied as I gave Piyomon a smile.

"Wow! That is the nice gift, buddy!" Yamato praised.

I turned and smiled at Yamato. I then asked, "You will help me take care of it, will you Yamato?"

Yamato's face faulted as he let out a snort. "Are you kidding me, Gabumon? Whatever household plant I touch would wither up and die in no time. At least it doesn't effect my salad recipes." He sighed, "I have no green thumb."

I looked at him confused. "Um… what?"

His expression suddenly changed. He bent down so that his face was near mine. Yamato then said, "Can I have your cookies instead?"

"YAMATO!" cried everyone else to Yamato except I. I just shook my head.

"Sorriee…" he said with a shrug.

"I'll help you, Gabumon," Piyomon offered.

I smiled as I accepted her offer. "Thank you, Piyomon."


5 Increments Later…

After we said our good-byes to Sora and Piyomon, Yamato and I decided to spend the rest of the day inside. This time he allowed me more freedom in the open if his band friends return. He said I was excellent in become a plush toy in a blink of an eye. He joked that it was my secret digivolution stage.

I picked up the box with the Poinsettia in it. I placed the lid underneath the box as a support. As I was about to follow Yamato into the backstage door, I felt and smelled something or someone familiar. Following my senses, I turned and saw Agumon far off in the corner of the building. Another scent reached my nose as I noticed Taichi was close by with him. However, he was not seen. He was probably around the corner as I saw his recognizable shadow on the ground being cast by the setting sun.

I was about to greet him when I noticed something about Agumon that sent chills down my spine. The way he was just staring at me from where he was standing… It was eerie. He made no move. He was completely motionless. There was no expression I could read on his face. He just stared at me. His emerald eyes bore through my being…




"Agum on?"

I couldn't stand this staring game anymore. I wanted to go to him to see what was wrong. I put the Poinsettia box down and was about to walk over to Agumon. No sooner had I taken one step closer to him, he turned away quickly and disappeared around the corner. I noticed the two shadows slowly walked away.

I was now alone out here…

I felt sudden rush of guilt… shame… sadness…

A solitary tear ran down my face…

"Oh, Agumon… What has happened to us, Agumon?"

I didn't have to look…

I actually felt the tear fell on one of the Poinsettia's red leaves…

To be continued…